Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Visions of the Heart ❯ School Daze ( Chapter 14 )
Unmei: Ah, the Christmas spirit is going to her head already....
WSJ: *Bounces over and puts a Santa hat on Unmei*
Unmei: ^^;
Chiot: *Hiding under the desk*
WSJ: *Hauls him out and sticks felt reindeer antlers onto his head*
Chiot: >.<
Unmei: ^^; WSJ does not own YGO. Roll fic!
Visions of the Heart
Chapter 14: School Daze
"Dawn. For an optimist, it's the start of a new day. For a pessimist? Same thing."
~(Batman; Brian Azzarello, Batman # 621)
The weekend passed in the way that weekends do. Saturday was spent hanging out at the Game Shop. Even Ryou stopped by for a bit with Bakura playing guide-dog.
Things were pretty much back to normal at the Kaiba Corp labs as well. Mokuba had assumed control of the company, and with Seto whispering advice, quite literally, into his ear the whole time he did fine.
Sunday everyone pretty much hung out with their respective families, although Yami and Yugi dropped in on the Bakuras late that afternoon and were rather plesently surprised (and very amused) to find Bakura trying to cook dinner for himself and his hikari, while Ryou sat at the kitchen table giving him directions and trying not to laugh.
But, to the sadness of all, Monday morning came. Bakura, who for the moment was sleeping in the guest bedroom, was awakened to an alarm coming from Ryou's room. Blearily he stumbled down the hall and saw his hikari sitting up in bed, waiting for him.
"Wha'?" Bakura asked. "Ryou, it's six AM!"
"I know." Ryou said. "Yugi's going to come by at seven to walk me to school. I just need help getting dressed, is all."
"You're going back to school already?" Bakura asked, yawning hugely. He still wasn't quite used to the whole 'sleepy-ness' thing yet.
Ryou looked surprised. "Yes, of course! I've never missed more then three days of school in my entire life!"
Now that surprised Bakura. "Never? I mean, sometimes I left you... in..."
"Pretty bad shape?" Ryou finished. Bakura nodded, and he smiled. "Oh, I always stuck it out somehow."
"Hmph..." Bakura muttered as he headed for Ryou's closet to find his school uniform, but his eyes were shining. "Maybe you aren't such a weakling, Ry."
Ryou grinned widely, rejoicing in this new friendship with his darker half. "Why, thank you!"
Bakura just rolled his eyes.
Forty-five minutes later the doorbell rang, and Bakura opened it to see a cheerful Yugi and (surprisingly) Yami, both in their school uniforms and ready to go. "Yami?"
"Yes, aibou and Grandpa both think I should go to school and learn about modern things." Yami rolled his eyes to show his opinion of that. "I'm supposedly Yugi's older brother, and I'm one grade above him. You should consider it too Bakura, seeing as you're now a mortal and all."
Bakura remembered just in time that he was supposed to be evil. His time spent with Ryou was beginning to make him go soft, he thought disapprovingly to himself. "Stop reminding me Pharoah! And I do not need to learn about what these pathetic humans know."
Ryou walked up behind them, one hand against the wall for balance and the other holding his backpack. "I'm ready to go." he said in his usual quiet, dejected manner. He and Bakura had agreed that especially after the two Motos had walked in on them cooking dinner Sunday night, they should try and act as 'normal' as possible. Ie, Ryou being meek and subjective, and Bakura being harsh. At least on the outside.
Bakura glared at their backs as they walked away, and then shut the the door, turning to lean against it. He then sighed and allowed a small smile to appear on his face. "Ack Ryou, look what you're making me do..."
However, if he had known what the day would bring, he would have never let Ryou go...
"Ryou," Yugi asked as he guided his friend down the street, a little concerned for his silence. "Are you ok?"
"Yes Yugi, what makes you ask?" Ryou asked, blinking in surprise.
He shrugged, although Ryou couldn't possibly know he was. "Oh, you just seemed really quiet, that's all."
Ryou shook his head and offered Yugi and his yami a small smile. "I'm ok. Really,"
Yugi shrugged again. "If you say so..."
Needless to say, everyone at school was surprised to find Ryou Bakura blind. Even students who had never previously noticed the shy, white-haired boy gave him words of sympathy in the halls.
The story that Yugi, Yami and the others were circulating was that Ryou had been sick for a long time with a similar disease as what Serenity Wheeler had had, and that was why his dad was always away from home, trying to earn enough money for his son's operation. However, he hadn't made it in time, and now Ryou was completely blind. Ryou had approved the story before hand, and in fact, he and Bakura had come up with it. Usually he didn't like lying, but in this case he really couldn't tell the truth either.
The students and a majority of the teachers accepted this answer, a fact for which Ryou was extremely glad.
Ryou had either Yugi, Joey, Tristan or Tea in most of his classes, so he was able to get around pretty well. At lunch, instead of sitting by himself with a book like he usually did, Yugi managed to convince him to sit with them. Ryou couldn't help but grin. He'd always considered Yugi and company his friends, but usually they excluded him, either because of his evil spirit or just because they forgot. It was wonderful to get to sit with them for once, and actually because they'd invited him.
Joey spent most of lunch griping about how Seto wasn't around to tease anymore, until Tristan laughingly asked him if he actually missed the teen. That shut Joey up fast. The bell for lunch rang and they all left, still laughing at the blond teen.
Amazingly, the day went by fast. The bell rang for the end of school a lot sooner then Ryou expected. He made his way to his locker by feel, and found Yugi and Yami waiting there for him.
"Hi Ryou," the shorter of the two said. "Do you need us to walk you home? We'll have to hurry, because Grandpa wants Yami and I to help unload some new merchendice when we get back to the shop."
"That's ok," Ryou said. "I don't have any homework because, well, how'm I supposed to do it? So I don't have anything to carry. If you guys need to go, I'll be fine. I can find my way home by myself."
"Are you sure?" Yami asked. "Tristan and Joey have soccer practice, and Tea had to leave already to go to ballet. Will you be ok?"
Ryou gave both of them slightly annoyed looks. "Of course! I'll be fine. Better hurry, or Grandpa will take away your decks for being late."
"He wouldn't dare!" Yami said, but nevertheless, both of them soon departed.
The school was mostly deserted now as Ryou made his way outside, except for the soccer practice going on in the field off to the left of the school. Ryou gulped slightly as he began to make his way across the couryard. He hoped he hadn't made a big mistake...
WSJ: Yay loff! Another chapter cranked out! But ack, so short.... @_@
Chiot: *Sitting and sulking, a red lightbulb over his nose*
WSJ: *Giggles* Reviews, minna!
Chapter 14: Poor Ryou... I guess getting home on your own wasn't as easy as you thought... And what's this? Bakura? Crying? Singing?!? Good grief, what is this world coming too... As the action gets better and the chapters get longer, the end of the fic draws ever nearer....
(Chiot: That's it! No more watching Lord of the Rings alone at three AM!
WSJ: Awww... Chio-kun....
Chiot: *snaps* And don't call me Chio-kun!)
God bless minna-san!