Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Foster Care ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

WOW! So many reviews! Thank you, guys! What can I say? MY FANS RULE!

*hands Ryou and Malik plushies to every reviewer * PLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!

Anglic Mouse Girl: Well, at least they are at Seto's place.

Chibistwawbewwy: If you ever need a shoulder, I'm here. Feel free to email me.

Mystical Dragon : *Hands over bomb shelter stocked with Malik plushies*

Gralnak: You should know me by now..well, this chappie is a little sad, but the next chappie has ANZU BASHING!

Cyn: Joey's going to have to sneak over. But we will get some Seto x Joey…I also will do a Yami x Yugi.

Ryousmistress: You're right. Well, it's lucky Ryou has Seto.

Lady Elfsyke: Well, I hope you like my stories. I worked hard on all of them, but I love The Fall of Icarus better. I don't know why. I just love the title.

Falling Leaves: * Hands over Rocks*

Dragondreamer: Well, I guess we'll make up for that night for me on the couch, won't we?????????????

Ssjgoddesschico: Mmorg is not working for anyone, so I hear. So, it's good I have this affnet.

happy yaoi lover: Yami dragon's girl?? I LOVE IT! We had a nice ceremony at home on Thursday night. It was really great.

Lupusdragon: You're right…Poor Malik.

Foster Care

Ryou opened the door and saw Mrs. Flannery standing there with two policemen. he held his breath afraid that the police had pinned Steven's death on Bakura. Ryou's heart stopped as he gripped the door handle tightly. his left hand ran to his chest where the Millenium Ring dangled.

"Ryou, can I come in?"

"Why?" Ryou's voice cracked.

"We have to talk."

Malik came to the door holding Aten in his arms. "Can I help you?"

"Malik Ishtar?"

Malik nodded. "I am Malik Ishtar."

"I have to talk to you, too."

This wasn't the first time police came to his door. Marik and Bakura sometimes ran out late at night and would return before sunrise. Normally they would return with presents for their hikaris, usually stolen jewelry or other items. However, the fact that Ryou and Malik looked like their yamis didn't help matters much. Ryou and Malik had to divert suspicion from the police several times.

Ryou thought it was odd for Mrs. Flannery to be there with the police. He welcomed them in nervously and Aria ran behind Ryou's legs. Aten wrapped his arms around Malik's neck.

"Ryou, are Marik and Bakura here?"

"I sent them to the video store and to get vitamins for Aten and Aria.He needs them for his heart..oh….Aten, did you take your medication, baby?"

"Yes, mommy. Mom got it for me."

"Good boy. Anyway, Mrs, Flannery, why are you here?"

Flannery heaved a sighed looked at Malik holding the thin boy. The little girl behind Ryou's legs clutched her doll. "Ryou, I am here on official business. The City of Domino has ordered me to take Aria and Aten into my custody."

Ryou's jaw dropped and he shook his head. "No. No…you can't take Aria and Aten away from me! Why would you do such a thing?"

Aria wrapped her arms around Ryou's leg and pressing her body against her mother's leg.

"Ryou, Isis is your guardian and her absence has displeased my superiors. My superiors also believe it is unwise to have these children in the hands of unsupervised minors."

"But, our yamis take care of us!"

"But they cannot prove that they are old enough to care for you."

Ryou took Aria into his arms. "But, my babies are well cared for."

Flannery stood up from her chair. "Ryou, you tried to kill yourself."

"No! I was trying to get rid of my other yami!"

"Ryou, you have been through enough trauma with your father."

Ryou shook his head. "No, I don't want to hear about my father!" Ryou buried his face into Aria's hair. "My father…..was a maniac…he was…he….turned me into nothing more than his love slave…a whore. He ruined everything for me!"

"Ryou. My superiors cannot allow me to keep Aten and Aria with you in your current mental state. You are not completely cured."

Ryou shook intensely. "You're can't take these kids away because I am not cured! I am cured!"

"Ryou, we are doing this to help your children."

Ryou blinked his tear-filled eye. "So, you want to cure me by taking away my children who are my life? You can't cure me by taking away the most precious people in my life."

Malik clutched onto Aten and stepped in front of Ryou. "We love these kids! You can't take them away from us!"

"We are here to take you away, too, Malik."

"ME??! Why?" Malik's panic-stricken gaze shifted between the policemen. "You can't take me away."

Flannery slowly approached Malik. "Isis isn't here to care for you, Malik. We placed Ryou in Isis' custody because you begged her and me to let Ryou live with you. Now she is derelict in her duties and has left you unsupervised."

Ryou nuzzled his face into Aria again. "You can't take my baby girl and baby boy away. I can't live without them."

"You must give them to us, Ryou."

/Bakura! Come home!/

\\ Which movie do you want? Die Hard or something more….stimulating?\\

/ Yami! Child Services is here! They're taking me away from Isis! And they're taking the kids away from me!"

\\ Marik's in the more stimulating section of the store. I'll be right home. \\

Malik struggled with the cop and barely reached the Millenium Rod. The other cop grabbed his wrist with the Rod.

"It's a family heirloom! I need to take it!" It was his only link to Marik.

The cop took Aten under the arms, but Malik refused to let go. "I need my money! My toy Millim Rod!" Malik grabbed the toys Aten wanted and grabbed his medication.

Flannery took Ryou's arm gently. "Ryou?"

Ryou shook under her grip. "Don't take my little girl away."

Flannery shook her head as the cop stood behind her. "Don't make me order Mr. Garrison to arrest you for interfering , Ryou. Don't make this harder than it already is."

Ryou closed his eyes and three tears fell onto Aria's hair. "Do you promise me that she will be cared for?"

"She will have the best care, Ryou. Promise."

"Who is going to take care of her?"

"I cannot tell you that. I promise you she will have the best that money can buy."

The cop took Aria in his arms and she pointed to her bunny plushie. "I wan my bunny pwushie!"

Ryou handed her the plushie and she cuddled it closely to her.

"Where's my Dark Mishin and my Man Ear Bug?"

Ryou grabbed the toys from her playpen and his medicine Ryou handed the toys to her and her face scrunched up. She rubbed her eyes as the cop carried her out. Then, she and Aten let out a loud wail.

Ryou chased after the cops. "Wait! I have to kiss them!" He caught up to the police and kissed them on the forehead. "Mommy and Daddy love you both, sweethearts."

The cop brought Malik out of the house holding onto his arm gently. Flannery yelled to the officer holding the kids. "Put them in my car and I will take them to their new foster father. You two take Malik and Ryou home. You know where they go."

The police nodded and put them in the back seat of the car.

/ Yami! They're taking us away!"

\\ We're on our way, Ryou.\\

Malik's POV

I watched Flannery's car holding the chibis pull away. Ryou and I put our arms around each other in a comforting hug. Ryou sniffed and I tried to keep my feelings to myself. They were taking me away from my sister? She's all I have besides Marik.


\\ We're coming! \\

/We're gone from the house! They're driving us to my new home! /

\\ Where are you going? \\

/I dunno! They took Aten away. /

Suddenly, I felt a pain shoot through my head. Ryou looked up at me.

"What's wrong?"

I was silent for a minute. I felt a wave of…sadness. If I didn't know my yami better, I would say he was kneeling on the sidewalk sobbing his heart out. That's what it felt like.

"My yami….is crying," I said shocked. Did I just say what I thought I said? My yami never cried.

The car drove quite a distance away to a row of homes and stopped. This was on the other side of town, far from his sister's home. The police opened the door and they took me out of the car. The brought me up to a door. The cops knocked on the door and a man opened the door.

"Mr. Wheeler, here is Malik Ishtar, your new foster child."


"OH, great! Just give me one second."

Joey's dad disappeared. I turned to Ryou who clawed at the window. His screams unheard. When Joey's dad appeared again, he brought me in and the police entered, too.

"Have you found my boy Joey yet?"

"No, sir."

"Well, now I have another kid to replace my poor Joey. I miss him so."

The police saluted Joey's dad and left.


Ryou's POV

Malik disappeared. The cops returned to the car.

"You know we know where Joey Wheeler is."

"Kaiba gives us our hush money every month, so hush."

The cops pulled away. Kaiba. He could help me! He can throw his money around like confetti! Maybe he can bribe them into returning Aria and Aten to me.

The car stopped thirty minutes later. I knew the neighborhood. They brought me to a single home with a nice lawn, well cared for. The flowers outside bloomed and my new "parents" were waiting outside.

They quickly hugged me and kissed me. They let me inside and I immediately cried that I wanted to call Seto.

The phone rang and Kaiba answered it. [Hello.]

"Seto…*sniff* ….they *sob* took my children away….."





I couldn't believe it! Seto had the chibis! I let out a wail and my new mother wrapped her arms around me holding me tightly. My children were safe…..they were safe…….

That's all I wanted for them…was to be somewhere safe.

[Mommy? Where are you?]

If only I could answer Aria. "I'm not sure, baby."

[Is Mom Malik with you, mommy?]

"NO. They put him somewhere else. Baby, let me talk to Kaiba for a minute."

[Kaiba here. Ryou, where are you?]

"I don't know, Seto. Where's Joey?"

[I had to put him with Yami and Yugi for a while. Child Services told me he had to leave for the chibis to stay here.]

I breathed out heavily. Joey had to leave because of Aria and Aten? But…Seto loved Joey.

"Kaiba…promise me you will take care of Aten and Aria. Please….."

[I always take good care of them, Ryou. I told Services I wanted them when I heard they were being put up for adoption.]

"They just took them away from me," I cried. "Spend some time with Aten and Aria. I know they are upset.

[Well, they stopped crying since you spoke to them.]

"Tell them I love them, Seto. Please take care of them."

"You can come over later to see them."

"I'll have to see. I have to go, Seto." I needed some time alone to get Bakura into the Ring.

[Mommy?] Aria and Aten's voice came on the phone. [We love you, mommy!]

"Be good, babies. Be good for Unkie Seto."

[We will.]

The phone was hung up and I sat on the couch. My new "dad" took me to my room upstairs.

"We heard about your case, Ryou. We're sorry all this had to happen to you. We'll try to make your stay here comfortable."

The only thing that would make me feel better is Bakura by my side.

"We'll try to keep you calm. Our daughter should be home soon. She's out during the day and we bring her inside for dinner."


"Well, we call her that, but we try to pretend she's not."

From downstairs we heard a blood curdling scream from my new "mom". "OH MY GOD, SHE MADE IT INSIDE THE HOUSE!"

We heard footsteps run up the stairs. The door flew open and there stood…..

Updates: Updates on Wednesday. Who ran into the house???? Grab your mallets, people…A CERTAIN CHARACTER BASHING AHEAD….you know who it is. Hint: She thinks crabs are like friendship.