Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ The Toy Box ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Angelic Mouse Girl: Aten's a typical 2 year old…BTW…don't hate me after this chappie.

Evil MJ: You are sooooooooo gonna hate me……after this chappie.

Mystical Dragon: I didn't get it, but I got you here on affnet.

Shadow of Light: Me and my wife came up with the ideas driving down the road. We should drive more often.

Lady Elfskye: Daddy dearest is soo gonna pay for touching Seto's puppy.

Gralnak: *SQUISH*

Pharaoh Yami's Princess: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But, count the next chappie as a birthday present…this one is too angsty for a b-day chappie.

IYYashi: My wife hates it when I call her cute….* looks at wife over shoulder*

Dragondreamer: I did more than blow things up in the past two days…it's amazing I can still stand…no, people, I did not slip on the ice……that's on tonight's agenda.

sliderkta: Many bad things will happen to Joey's dad…



The Toy box

The man threw the broken lamp aside looking at the unconscious form of his son on the floor. He picked up the teen and carried him carefully up the stairs leaving a spotted trail of blood on the carpet. The father laid his son on his bed. He grabbed a cool towel and placed it on boy's forehead.

"Now, son, we can't have you bleeding yet, can we?"

The man ran his fingertips over the boy's bare chest admiring the body. His son had a great body…then again, he always did…even as a young child. The man leaned down to his son's face feeling the shallow breath of the boy. His son…so young….so handsome….just the way he liked him. He reached up and stroked Joey's face lightly making Joey moan a little in response.

"I missed your moans, Joseph. Such a turn on." He leaned down and kissed the nape of his son's neck tasting the sweet flesh of his youth. Joey turned his head to the side as the flesh was licked and sucked tenderly, his eyes still closed. A moan escaped him again as his arms slowly lifted.

"Moan for me, Joey….so sexy when you moan for your daddy."

The father traced Joey's jaw with his tongue finally burying it in Joey's ear.

Joey tilted his head backwards, moaning and whispering "Master….."

The man's lip curled in a smile. "That's my boy."

The boy's body warmed beneath his fingers. His breathing became quick and his body began writhing.

"I've missed your hands on me, master. It's been too long," Joey whimpered, still unaware of the perpetrator.

"You've grown into such a beautiful young man…one who can fulfill my every desire. You are all I want, Joseph."

The man's hands glided over the wet chest and his son's silky smooth stomach. The boy was so thin…and was so vulnerable…just the way he liked his son: too weak to defend himself ….too afraid to move and unable to fight. The man kissed Joey's mouth as his hands squeezed Joey's hips roughly.

"I want you, master…I've missed you."

The man's hands moved to the left taking the boy's manhood in his hands.

"That's it, master. If this is a dream, don't wake me. Feels so good."

"That's my boy. I am your master, boy. I will always be your Master."

Joey thrust up into the hand surrounding him.

"That's it, Joseph….fuck yeah…..so fucking hot…seeing you like this….."

Joey fisted the sheets tightly, his fingers turning white.

"You've gotten better with age, son….my boy….so fucking sexy when you are doing this."

Joey thrust harder uncontrollably. "Master…missed you…I never want to leave you again. Don't let me leave you."

The man smirked and leaned over to Joey's childhood toy chest beside the bed. He pulled out a rope from the chest painted with happy clowns, balloons, and circus animals.

"I can make certain of that, my sexy little bitch."

The man pulled Joeys arm up on one of the bedpost. Soon, the other arm was also tethered to the bed tightly, gnawing at the creamy skin. Joey arched his back as he felt his pants being slipped off past his knees. "Remember this game, Joey?"

The man laid on top of Joey and kissed his son on the lips.

"Take me, master. Take me hard. I want to feel you deep inside me."

The man smirked. "That's my boy. Open wide for a big surprise."

Joey opened his legs wide and tilted his head back waiting for the prize from his "master." The man pressed himself into the young form below him filling the boy with his eager arousal. Joey's face contorted in pain.

"Open your eyes, boy."

Joey spread his legs further moaning "Seto…..master….yes." He opened his eyes and screamed in terror of the sight of the older man above him arching into him and groaning with a deepfelt satisfaction.

"I've always wanted to look into your eyes when I took you. I wanted to see the fear in your eyes….your beautiful eyes." All the memories of his childhood flooded into his mind…memories….memories he tried to forget.


"Go get a toy from your toybox and daddy will play with you, Joseph."

"My boy is such a sexy little boy."

"Come here and make daddy feel good."

"That's daddy's good little whore."

"Don't tell anyone about this Joseph…Remember: Daddy is the only one who loves you."

"If anyone heard about this, you would be alone and they would take daddy away. You don't want that, do you?"

"I love my little boy…..so sweet."

*********End Flashback*******

Joey pulled at the familiar bonds that held him. Joey's dad took his son's chin in his hand.

"Look at me, Joey. I want to look into your eyes as you come for me."

Joey let out a scream as the door downstairs was busted down. Joey let out another cry.

"You always like it rough, Joey. Why are you crying?"

"Stop! Please! Seto! Seto! Find me! I don't want to live like this again!"

The bed banged against the wall and the bedsprings screeched with each thrust from the older man. Heavy footfalls stamped up the stairs as the man pounded harder.

"Come for me, dammit! NOW!"

The door burst open and Seto Kaiba ran into the room. Supressing the urge to vomit, he saw his lover under his father shaking and screaming out his release.

Seto ran to the older man and grabbed his thinning hair. He threw the father on the floor and placed his foot on the man's neck. Two of Seto's bodyguards ran into the room finding Joey bound and bleeding and covered in his own fluids. Seto's other foot stood on the father's left wrist. When the father tried to grab Seto with his free hand, Seto caught it.

"Untie Joey," the CEO growled to his guards looking at the father gasping for breath. He looked over at Joey, still spread on the bed.

His eyes floated over to the open toybox beside the bed. The toy chest looked innocent enough….clowns, balloons, and circus animals. Inside, he found toys that looked anything but innocent…rope, blindfolds, whips, handcuffs, massage oil, towels, and a dildo, and a leather cock ring. This toy chest must have been Joey's. Joey never told him about this! He knew his father beat him, but didn't know anything about THIS! Outside, Joey was innocent. But these toys pointed to a tortured soul inside Joey…a little boy subjected to whips, ropes, and massage oil.

Seto pulled visciously on the man's arm making him scream. "You son of a bitch! What right do you have calling yourself a father?"

The man growled. "What's the matter….Seto Kaiba? What makes you think we can't share the same fuck toy?"

Seto narrowed his eyes and his lip curled in a sneer. He pulled roughly on the arm and kicked the joint of the father's arm dislocating it. Seto pulled on the wrist again breaking it. Seto turned to the guards.

"Get him some clean clothes from the limo. Quickly."

Seto released the man's arm and turned his right leg digging the man's left wrist into the floor. The squishing and separating of tissue could be heard as the man's bones cracked and tore apart. The man screamed in pain as every minute movement caused him agony.

Seto left the father and rushed to the toy box and grabbed the towels still covered in dry fluids. The father either never did laundry or never cleaned the towels after intercourse with his son. Seto looked at the green towel with a "J.W" sewed into it. A tiny giraffe was stitched into the fabric. The CEO cringed and looked at the form of the father. Seto gave him a kick in the spine. Another crack was heard.

"You sick bastard! I'm going to have to teach you a lesson myself!" Seto gagged the father with a ball gag from Joey's toy box and bound the father's hands and feet.

The CEO cringed as he held the stained and tattered rag. He sat beside his lover on the bed, concern plain on his face. His men ran up the stairs with clean clothes.

"I will clothe my puppy. Please show Mr. Wheeler to the chair."

The men picked up the father by his shattered joints and placed him in the chair. The man groaned in pain.

"Joel, I'm getting quite annoyed with his cries of pain." The guard punched the father across the jaw sending blood out of the man's ball-gagged mouth.

Seto looked into Joey's eyes."Joey…..it's me. Look at me."

Seto wiped Joey's release off of his body.

Joey looked up at his lover. "I don't want to be his fuck toy. That's all I ever was…..take me home, Seto…..master……………please."

Kaiba wiped off the last drop of Joey's covered chest and brought him into his arms. "My poor little puppy…your master will bring you home."

Seto put Joey's shirt on him, but Joey couldn't put on his jeans without screaming and crying for mercy.

Seto took the cover sheet off of the bed that was not covered in Joey's blood. He wrapped it around Joey's hips and helped the whimpering, shaking boy to his feet. Looking outside Seto was grateful that the rain had finally stopped and the outside was dark enough to hide Joey's escape from the house.

Seto wrapped his arms around Joey and looked at the toy box again. Leash, collar, dildo, handcuffs, whip, rope, blindfolds, oil….all of the toys he and Joey used in his toy box in KaibaCorp.

Joey lost his balance knocking the bed into the toy box. A folder fell down under the bed.

"Get whatever fell behind the bed, Joel."

The guard crawled under the bed and grabbed the yellow folder. Colored in blue crayon was: "Joey Wheeler Age 7."

Seto opened the folder and saw a bunch of drawings made by Joey as a child. Joey arched his back and fell on his side whimpering.

Seto handed the file back to the guard and walked over to the father. Seto grabbed his hair and pulled back roughly.

"You are going to regret the day you crossed Seto Kaiba. When my guards are done with you, you are going to regret that you have ever been born." Seto punched the man in the ribs and eyed the scissors on the desk.

He looked up at Joel and back to the scissors. Seto returned to Joey and picked him up under the arms and legs. Joey weakly opened his eyes.

"Seto….you came for me."

Seto walked over to the father and spat on him in contempt. He turned to Joel and eyed the scissors a final time.

"Joel, if it dangles and if it is connected to his body, cut it off. After you separate Mr. Wheeler's prized possession from the rest of his body, break every bone. And make sure he will never speak again."

The guards smiled and cracked their knuckles. "With pleasure, Master Kaiba."

"Be sure you bring that folder with you, too. And when we get back to KaibaCorp, I want a full report on what you did."

Seto carried Joey out of the room kissing his lover's forehead once.

I apologize for doing this to Joey. My wife is also ready to kill me.*eyes snarling Yami Dragon* The next chappie will be the reunion between Marik and the kids. *hugs Chibi Marik*

Updates: Friday or Saturday.