Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Meanie Wady Gets No M's! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lady ELfskye: hehehe…Bakura's my boy! Flannery's just doing her job, but she really dropped the ball on the whole Malik issue.

Ryou's Misstress: Glad to see you're back online! I know Joey went through a lot, but Seto's back with him now….*hugs Joey plushies and offers them as a welcome back gift*

Evil MJ: I know sometime in the future it will come out as to what happened to Joey's dad. In the meantime, *hands naked bloodthirty Bakura plushies*.

Dragondreamer: Joey's torture is over now……*hands Chibi Joey to Yami Dragon and Chibi Tristan to Dragondreamer* ….It's up to you if you wanna share your Chibi Joey with MJ…..but, I gave her naked Bakura plushies to go along with her bloodlust…*who's got daddy's bloodlust?????*

Gralnak: I know the last couple of chappies were hard, but Joey will be fine from here on.

IYYASHI: I try to get better as I go. OF course, almost 20 years of writing helped me do that, too.

hato chiisai: If you meant Malik / Ryou, sure...but Malik has to get over the bug first.

Joey's Gal: Yeah, I know, I tortured Joey a little….but He's getting better..promise. I did enough to him…*hands Joey plushies*

Meanie Wady Gets No M's!

Seto entered the room where Marik was watching Zira give Malik some cough medicine. Aten was rubbing Malik's chest with his head buried in Malik's shoulder. Aria was still seated quietly at Malik's feet.

"How is Malik?"

Zira closed his bag. "He has the flu. He needs bed rest and these pills," Zira said handing Seto a handful of pill bottles.

"How soon can he be moved?"

"Where are you moving him?"

Seto took Aria in his arms looking down at the boy. "Anywhere but here. He can't stay here. Neither can Joey."

"But both of them need someone to look over them."

"I know that, but they will be cared for."

Aten kissed Malik's shoulder and sighed. Seto stepped beside Marik who blocked his way to Aten and Malik.

"Aten has to come with me, Marik."

Marik's eyes narrowed and he gripped the Millenium Rod tightly. "Why? This better be good, moneybags."
"Child Services is here to talk to Aria and Aten."

Seto grabbed Marik's shirt as the yami tried to sprint from the room.

"Let me go, moneybags!"

"If Child Services knows Malik is here, they'll take him away. You don't want to separate Aten and Malik again, do you? Besides, who knows what kind of family he will get next time."

Malik opened his eye and wrapped his arm around Aten. "My little boy……"

Marik looked down and picked up Aten gently. The father hugged his son and kissed him. "Be good, son." Marik put him on the ground.

Aten stood on the floor looking up at his daddy. Aten wrapped his arm around his father's leg tightly. "No weave daddy!"

"I won't leave you, Aten. Go with Unkie Seto. He will bring you right back."

Aten turned to see at Marik leaning over Malik sniffling and whimpering.

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Seto kneeled in front of Aria and Aten. Inside the room, Flannery from Child Services was waiting. He knew the children were excited after meeting their lost mom and daddy Marik. But, if Malik was to remain safe, the children would not be able to talk about either of them. Seto could see Flannery bringing back her goons from Child Services and dragging the feverish Malik out of his warm bed and placing him in another second-rate home.

He took one hand from both of it and squeezed it desperately, but not hard enough to hurt them. "This is important..Do not tell the lady inside that Daddy Marik and Mommy Malik are here."
"Why not?" Aten asked with large eyes.

"Because if she found out, they would both have to leave you again. She will make them leave you."

"Why would she do dat?" Aten asked brushing back his white and blonde hair.

"Because that is her job."

Aria's eyes narrowed and her fists clenched. "She will not take my mom and daddy Mawik away if it's the wast ting I do!"

"Aria, be good. Tell her that you miss your mommy and daddy. She may return you to your mommy and daddy, but you must be on your best behavior. Aria, that means no drawing blood this time."

Aria stuck her lip out in a pout. "Awwwww…..why not?"

"The last time you said you would be on your best behavior, you bit my personal accountant."

"But he was giwing you a wowsy intwest wate, you taid so yoursewf!"

"Aria, please behave this time and do not mention your sword or the toys you found, ok? I'll give you more M&M's if you're good."

"I want M's! I want M's! I want M's!"

"Only if you are good."

Seto opened the door and the chibis entered slowly, one clinging to each of Seto's legs. Flannery sat on a high-backed chair by the fireplace. Seto put the chibis on the couch and sat between them to minimize horseplay.

Flannery looked at Aten cuddling up to Seto's hip. "You must be…Aten Bakari. Hi, cutie!"

Aten shrunk back gripping onto Seto's arm.

Flannery turned to Aria, looking at her through her narrowed eyes. "You must be Aria Kanika. Hi, cut--."

"Don't call me cute, meanie wady! I not cute!"

Flannery looked at the chibi girl sitting beside Seto with crossed arms and legs and with a pout on her face.

Flannery opened her briefcase and brought out a file folder. "So, kids, I'm just here to ask you a few questions. This won't take long."

"I have a qwession, meanie wady! How come you taked me away from my mommy and daddy?"

Flannery held her breath as the chibi watched her closely. "I did it to make sure you have the best care possible. I know you are upset but--."

"Uptet? I'm angwier dan the time I went into Unkie Seto's desk and he had no M's for me and he taid he hid dem fwom me! Dat's how angwy I am! Dat's weawwy weawwy weawwy weawwy weawwy angwy! No one hids my M's fwom me!"

"This won't take long, Aria, I promise."

Aria snorted angrily in response. Seto noticed her spiky hair becoming more pointed and pronounced with every passing second.

"How do you kids like it here?"

Aten looked up at her with large chibi brown and purple eyes. His eyes looked glassy as if he were ready to begin crying. "I miss my mommy and daddy. Me and my mommy are tad cause we no can tee eash udder. That mase me tad."

Flannery looked at Aten's thin frame and his bony legs and wrists. She had no idea how this child walked. The child seemed to have no muscles. "Aten, are you eating? He looks thin, Kaiba."

Aten huddled closer to Kaiba becoming conscious of the way Flannery was eyeing him from head to toe. "I eat. My mommy tolded me I was sinny since I was bornded."

Seto wrapped his arm around the boy. "He eats when he can. His stomach is very sensitive and can only digest certain foods. His heart medication also makes it extremely hard to put weight on him. Didn't you do your research before separating them from their parents?"

"I did review their file, Mr. Kaiba."

"I know more about these kids than you do, Mrs. Flannery. I take care of these two often. I know when Aten needs his medication. I know what he can and cannot eat. I know everything about emergency care for Aten in case his heart should suddenly stop beating. Most people don't know what to do for a child with medical problems like Aten. If Aten suddenly stopped breathing right now, Mrs. Flannery, would you know what to do for him? What would you do to save his life?" Flannery sat still looking at the chibi with large, different colored orbs. "You can't care for a child with special needs like Aten without training. Very few people in Domino are able to care for a child like Aten medically, physically, but most importantly, emotionally."

Aria leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. "I woved my mommy and daddy My mommy and daddy miss me mush! And you tooked us away from dem! You are a vewy meanie wady!"

"I'm trying to help you, Aria," Flannery said, having gone pale from Seto's speech.

"If you wanna hewp me, take me back to my mommy and daddy!"

"Did your parents take good care of you?" Flannery asked Aria.

"Their parents were taking very good care of them until you came to screw all that up," Seto retorted unable to contain himself.

"Mr. Kaiba, I am addressing the children here."

Aria jumped up beside Seto and growled. "You no talk to my Unkie Seto wike dat! He demans wespects!"

"Aria, respect is earned, not demanded."

"Tays you, meanie wady!" Aria said standing with her hands on her hips.

"Aria, I told you to behave."

Aria jumped down from the couch. "I wan my mommy and daddy back!"

Seto picked up Aria and put her back on the couch. From his pocket, he took a small bag of M&M's again. Aria sat down growling with the M&M's in her hand gripping them possessively. Her brown eyes leered at the woman in the chair as if she were a mortal enemy ready to take the prized candy from her.

"Did your mommy and daddy ever spank you?"

Aten looked up at her again. "We have two mommies and two daddies."

"But, Aten, all four are boys. How can boys be mommies if mommies are women? Do you have any women who live with you?"

Aten shook his head with Seto beside him. "Mommy bornded us and Mommy Mawik and Mommy cwean us, hug us, pway wit us, wead to us. When we hurt owselfes, Mommy Mawik and Mommy hug us."

"But, who is your mommy?"

Seto raised an eyebrow. "Ryou is their mother."

"Ryou could not have given birth to them, Mr. Kaiba."

"I tolt you not to tawk to Unkie Seto wike dat!" Aria said standing up again. Seto put his arms around her and held her close. "My Unkie Seto is da wishest man in da whole wide world because he has wots and wots and wots of M's! If you were a nice wady, he would give you some M's, too! But you are a meanie wady taking me and my brutter way from our pawents, so no M's for you!"

Seto kissed her forehead and held her tightly. "Aria, that's enough."

"Who is their biological father, Mr. Kaiba?"

"Daddy Bakuwa is my daddy," Aria said smiling folding her arms. "Tee? I have pikey hair wike him. And it's pwetty! And I got daddy's bwood--."

"Aria…what Aria was trying to say is that she has her father's blood type. Right, Aria?"

Seto looked down at the little girl. Aria covered her mouth with her hand and nodded.

"Oh, yeah…that's what I was going to tay….we have the same bwood type."

Flannery raised her eyebrow and turned to Aten. "Is Bakura your father, too, Aten?"

"No…My daddy is Daddy Mawik. I have my daddy's bwond hair and my mommy's white hair. My one is eye is wike my mommy and de utter wike my daddy."

"Marik is Aten's father and Bakura is Aria's father."

Flannery removed her glasses. "Mr. Kaiba, do you really expect me to believe that these two children were born from a male and were fathered by two separate males?"

"A DNA test will back that up, Mrs. Flannery."

Flannery rolled her eyes and Aria growled louder. "Anyway, did your mommies or daddies ever spank you? Hit you?"

Aten narrowed his eyes. "We aw good kids, Ms. Fanny! Aw mommies and daddies no hit us or pank us!"

Seto looked down at Aten surprised with his sudden outburst.

"Our mommies and daddies not hit us, meanie wady! Dey wove us wewwy mush!"

Flannery wrote something in her file and looked up at the chibis again. "Did you ever see your mommies and daddies hug or kiss in front of you?"

Seto folded his arms. "That is a pointless question! There's no reason to ask that, Mrs. Flannery. What Marik, Malik, Ryou, and Bakura do behind closed doors is their business!"

"I want to make certain that these kids are not subjected to any type of abuse."

"Has it ever occurred to you that just because they are gay does not mean that they are not allowed to show their feelings towards each other."

"I want to know to what extent they show their feelings for each other in front of the kids."

Seto chuckled. "Do you actually think that they have orgies in front of the kids? You know, just because they are gay, you are turning their personal lives into your business. If they were a male and female couple, you would not have a problem."

"No, my problem is that there are two minors unsupervised. And these kids need supervision."

Seto stood up. "I don't think that is your problem at all. Aria and Aten have been taken care of by their parents."

"I will not return them to their parents until we contact Isis Ishtar, Ryou's legal guardian."

"Isis should have given you her contact information."

Flannery sifted through the file. "We do not have her information."

Aria jumped off the couch. "Give me back to my mommy and daddy right now!" Aria lunged at Flannery, but Seto picked her up just in time.

Aria kicked and clawed in Seto's grasp trying to get to the woman in the chair.

"I wonder where Aria learned to do that, Mr. Kaiba," Flannery said writing down in her file folder.

Seto turned Aria around and he saw a Sennen Eye glow on her forehead. Seto blinked and it was gone. He shook his head thinking it must have been the sunlight reflecting off of something metal in the room.

Aten stood up and jumped off of the couch. He walked over to Flannery calmly. He lifted up the necklace so she could see the tiny ring dangling from a silver necklace.

"You tee dis wing? Dis is my mommy and Daddy Bakuwa's wenning wing. Dis is all I have weft of my mommy," crystalline tears pooled behind his eyes. "Dis is all I have weft of my mommy and it is all tanks to you…meanie wady." Aten ran sobbing from the room as Aria growled and snarled in Seto's grasp.

"I did my job separating them from their parents, Mr. Kaiba. Nothing more."

Seto walked up to her with the snarling, seething, chibi in his arms. "You didn't do your job, Mrs. Flannery."

"How so?"

"Follow me."

Outside the door, Seto handed Aria to Connell. "Take her to her playroom. Aria, look at me."

Aria stopped snarling as she looked up at Seto with large brown eyes. "Yes, Unkie Seto?"

"Go play in your playroom. I need you and your brother to play very quietly, ok? This meanie lady and I will be in the next room over and we have to talk. Ok?"

Aria nodded and turned back to Flannery. "You big and mean!"

Connell took Aria back to Marik and Malik. Aria ran up to Marik. "Dat wady was mean!"

Aten snuggled into Malik again, cuddling into the sleeping boy's shoulder.


Seto's POV

I opened the door to the bedroom where my lover lay sleeping. Flannery thinks she did her job by making Joey leave me and by making Malik stay with a child molestor? Well, I was ready to give her the fright of her life. Nothing would put her on her boss' "shit list" more quickly than knowing that a kid for whom she was responsible suddenly disappeared. I kept the curtains drawn so the room was dim enough for my lover to sleep.

"Why are we here, Kaiba?"

"You need to see something."

Flannery saw the bed and raised an eyebrow. "Seto Kaiba, are you coming onto me? If you are thinking of sleeping with me to get the kids back to their parents, it won't work."

Mentally, I shuddered. Offering to sleep with her was like offering to sleep with Anzu. Just the thought of that makes me ill to my stomach.

I raised an eyebrow. "You think a lot of yourself, do you?" I walked towards the curtains and opened it up enough for her to see Joey in the bed.

"What's the meaning of this? Why is he here? I thought I told you he couldn't stay here with you."

"I did send him away to live with my friends Yami and Yugi. But, Joey heard that you placed him with his father."

"How did he hear? That information is kept strictly confidential!"

"Ryou watched the cops take Malik to his father. Joey went to stay with Malik."

"That doesn't explain why he is here."

I went to the bathroom and dragged out the bloody sheet covered in crimson with patches of yellow where either Joey's release or his father's release stained the white sheet. Flannery went white when she saw it. "What is that?"

"When I heard that you placed Joey with his father, I went over there to get Joey out. I walked into the room….Joey's own father was raping him. This is the bed sheet to prove it."

The file folder dropped and slapped on the ground and Joey tensed in his sleep. "Daddy, not the whip! Please!"

"He was…..raped by his own father?"

"And you not only endangered Joey's life, but Malik's as well."

Flannery picked up her file folder. "I have to remove Malik from there immediately!"

I folded my arms. "You won't find him."

Joey turned on his back and tilted his head back. "No, father…….daddy….please."

I went to Joey and brought him into my arms. He squint his eyes and relaxed in my embrace. My poor little puppy.

"What do you mean I won't find him? He's there. He has to be."

"When I found Joey, I couldn't find Malik anywhere in the home."

"I will have to talk to Mr. Wheeler myself then."

I almost tried not to tell her the truth: I had Mr. Wheeler eliminated for touching my puppy. Nobody hurts my puppy and gets away with it.

"You do that, Mrs. Flannery."

"Malik was no where?"

I shook my head. Time to convince her that Malik was in bad shape. "Nope. I found a pair of pants that belonged to Malik. They were covered in blood. But, I couldn't find Malik anywhere. He could be anywhere in the city."

"Oh no…what am I going to tell my superiors?"

"He could be on the streets."

"I could lose my job!" Flannery said gripping her file tightly.

"He could be targeted by street gangs or worse……they could find his body floating in Domino River or he could end up in Domino Park. Remember that jogger they found recently in Domino Park? If the same people get a hold on Malik, they'll only be able to identify him by his dental records."

"If anything happens to Malik, my boss will have my job!"

I gave her my best glare. "If he doesn't, I will, Mrs. Flannery. Malik was my friend. And I swear that if anything happens to him, I will have your job personally."

She turned white. I chuckled internally knowing I gave her a shake. "My puppy is staying here with me. Joey is not leaving me. Joey and I want to adopt, but if you think I am doing it through Child Services, you are crazy. I'm amazed your department is still open. All it will take is a phone call from me and everyone in Child Services will be looking for new jobs…all because you claimed you did your research."

Flannery shifted on her feet clearly looking uncomfortable. "Do what you want, Mr. Kaiba."

I narrowed my eyes and curled my lip. "Don't tempt me, woman. I am not one to be trifled with or taken lightly." I held my puppy close. "Because of you, Joey suffered and believe me, you are lucky I am not on the phone right now reporting you and your lousy work ethic. If my friend Malik is discovered dead, you will be out of the office so quickly, your head will spin."

Flannery straightened her skirt and brought out an invoice and photo out of her folder. "Well, Mr. Kaiba, if you intend on having my job, my replacement will need a new desk."

" A new desk?"

"Your friend Bakura destroyed my desk with what he claimed was his birth certificate. Here is an invoice for the replacement of the desk."

I looked at the price and at the desk smashed to pieces! "What was his birth certificate?"

"That large brown stone on my remains of my desk. He said to bill you for the replacement."

The desk was flattened! Flannery walked out the door. I'm quite surprised my threats didn't shake her. I wonder why. Hmph…she doesn't know whom she is dealing with. I kissed my puppy on the forehead and left the room.

I went to see Malik and if he was improving. Aten was curled up in Malik's arms whimpering. Poor kid. I know it's because Flannery brought up Ryou and Bakura. Poor little chibi misses his mother. I really feel for Aten. Aten's always been close to Ryou and it has always been hard for Aten to be without him. Aria's always been happy as long as she knows I'm here and that I have a inexhaustible supply of M&M's.

Aria stood by Marik hugging him. When I approached the bed, she released Marik and walked over to me. She hugged me tightly.

"Sowwy I didn't be a good giwl for you, Unkie Seto. I twied."

I kissed the little girl on her cheek. "It's ok, Aria. Aten?"

Aten turned to me, his eyes red and sore. "Unkie Seto?"

I motioned for him to come to me. He left Malik hesitantly and crawled over to me on the bed. "I was a good boy, was I?"

I hugged the chibis. I had to have Ryou come tonight to see the kids and see Malik. If Malik could see Ryou, maybe he would improve. I thought about Bakura and looked at the invoice in my hand. I couldn't tell Aria that I wanted nothing more than to wring the neck of her father. It occurred to me that it was a good thing Bakura was already dead…..because I would have to kill him for billing me for the replacement of a desk that HE broke.

Updates: Wednesday or Thursday

Next Chappie: Ryou and Malik are reunited at last.