Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Trust Me ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Ryou's POV

Marik and I walked into the study. Marik sat on the couch by the fireplace. His purple eyes remained fixed on the glowing fire. Their red reflections illuminating in Marik's eyes. His eyebrow twitched….Marik was upset, and like the stubborn yami that he is, he won't talk about it unless I do some coaxing.

I sat beside him and took his hand tightly. "Aten's looking very well considering everything that's happened."

Marik nodded and gripped my hand. "Seto does take good care of our son."

I sighed as I turned to the fire. "I hope Aten doesn't get sick from Malik."

Marik hung his head low and rubbed his forehead. "I never saw Malik so ill. Something startled me awake this morning and I knew something wasn't right with him."

My eyes widened. "You? Afraid? What scared you? Nothing ever scares you."

Marik closed his eyes. "This did…this did scare me."

"What was it?"

Marik jumped off the couch and walked to the mantle by the fireplace. He rested one arm on the black marble mantle, the other arm gripped the Millennium Rod. The item glowed in the light of the fire. "Fear, embaressment, humiliation……and…pleasure."

"From Malik? Marik, what happened? Is this why Malik is sick?"

"Joey was…" Marik's nose squinted in disgust. "Having sex with my tenshi. That bastard of a father was holding a pair of scissors to Malik's throat."

I stepped closer to Marik. "It's not Malik's fault nor is it Joey's, Marik."

Marik's curled his fingers into a fist. "I do not blame my tenshi. But that bastard is the reason Malik is ill. I wanted to go back to the house to get my revenge after Malik was safe in the alley. Well, that alley wasn't safe, per se. I've seen whorehouses which are more safe and I've been in ones which were much more clean."

I raised an eyebrow. "You? At a whorehouse?"

"After I lost my wife, I couldn't bear being without women. While Bakura and I were sleeping and pillaging together, I frequented the local brothels. He had to come for me a couple times when I was too drunk to walk."

I looked down. "So it was comfort you needed. That's why you went, Marik." I took Marik's hand.

"I threw myself on any woman in those brothels hoping that I could be consoled..to forget about my dead wife..forget about my dead baby. Sex with hundreds of women couldn't equal the passion I had with my wife. That's all it was really….it was just sex…not love. I only felt this kind of passion with Malik, Bakura….and even, you, Ryou."

My breathing stopped. "You love me? The only time me and you ever really made love was when you…made me pregnant with Aten. When all four of us are together, you rarely took me if any time at all."

Marik stepped towards me and ran his fingers through my hair. "When you were a woman, a lot went on in my head. I thought that I had my wife back."
"But, I love Bakura. I am his husband."

"As I want Malik to be someday, when he is ready. When I saw you as a woman, I tried to resist my urges, Ryou. You know how I always took Malik?"

How could I forget? It was just when Bakura would take me. I nodded and blinked.

"Well, I wanted…I hoped you would have loved me the way that my wife did. Part of me wanted to take you away from Bakura and make you my own…the same way I made Malik my own…willingly or not."

"But Marik, I slept with Bakura before. I must have already been pregnant with Aria when I slept with you. I couldn't have raised Aria away from her father. That would not have been fair to her."

"No it wouldn't have been fair to her. A child should have always have its parents nearby. I'm just grateful moneybags is willing to take care of the Aten."

His hand moved to my shoulder gripping it lightly. "Aten looked like he gained a little weight, Ryou. Though he is still dangerously underweight."

I leaned against the mantle. "Aria's definitely gained some weight. Seto's always fed her a steady diet of M&M's."

Marik stepped closer to me. "I missed you, Ryou. I really have. I was afraid of losing you."


Marik brought his lips close to mine. "Why shouldn't I be? You are the mother of my child. Without you, I wouldn't have had Aten. Besides, I couldn't bear losing you. Without you, our home wouldn't be complete. We couldn't be a family without you or Bakura."

I looked up into the blazing fire of Marik's eyes. Slowly, he leaned down and kissed me, stroking my face lightly.

Normal POV

Marik gently cupped Ryou's face in his hands. Ryou closed his eyes allowing the other yami to explore inside his wet cavern. The yami's soft tongue caressed the inside, feeling every ridge of Ryou's palate. Ryou inched closer to the yami pressing himself against the other's body. Marik's soft hands moved over Ryou's shoulders to grip lightly onto Ryou's back and held him close to his quivering, quickly heating body.

Ryou tilted his head back, allowing the yami dominance over the kiss. He needed Marik. As both of them explored the other with wandering hands, it was as if they were learning about each other for the first time. Ryou looked over Marik…at his frizzy blonde hair, his strong neck, his strong arms, his skinny belly, and his jeans leaving little to the imagination.

Marik dropped the Millennium Rod and it rolled across the Oriental carpet. His hands

scurried under Ryou's shirt and felt the mortal skin below his fingers. It was warm and inviting. Ryou broke the kiss to turn his attention to Marik's neck. He licked at it and began to lightly suck on the warm flesh surrounding the simulated pulse. The yami's hands ran his fingertips up Ryou's ribcage and stopped at the tightening buds on Ryou's chest.

Marik grabbed the bottom of Ryou's shirt and pulled it over his head. Marik dropped the shirt on the carpet and kneeled before Ryou. The yami's tongue lapped at it and licked. Ryou gasped as the yami took it into his mouth, sucking on it vigorously. Ryou took Marik's shirt and pulled it off of him. The hikari ran his fingernails across Marik's back leaving a trail of red in his wake.

Marik looked up at the hikari. He remained on his knees in front of the boy. Purple and brown eyes met and looked deeply into the other. Marik's eyes were large and sparkling. Ryou's eyes glowed brightly. Marik closed his eyes and kissed Ryou's chest and moved down to the rim of his jeans.

The yami stood up and his hands moved to unbutton the offending garment blocking his access to Ryou. Ryou's hand also moved to the yami's jeans.

Marik's hand dove into the depths of Ryou's pants searching for contact with the most intimate part of the hikari. When he found it, Ryou gulped in a sharp breath of air.

The hikari's hand crawled beneath the denim of Marik's jeans and the yami gave a growl of approval. Marik's hand gripped onto Ryou making the hikari give a pitiful moan. The boy's legs were becoming more unstable as the yami continued to massage and gather Ryou into his palm. Marik began to thrust into the hikari's hand and he let out a groan.

Marik removed his hand from Ryou's pants and picked him up. Marik carried Ryou to the rug in front of the fireplace.

Marik brought Ryou into a slow kiss and tugged at Ryou's jeans pulling them off leg by leg. Ryou sat up and pulled off Marik's jeans.

Ryou laid down on his back and Marik kissed Ryou's sweet lips. Both boys panted as they once again grabbed onto each other and massaged. Both whimpered, thrusting into the other's grip. They both whimpered and pleaded for deeper contact. Marik's kisses moved to Ryou's neck where his pulse reverberated with every beat of his mortal heart. The hikari turned his head to the side allowing Marik access to the vein. Marik thrusted harder into the hand below him more desperately.

Tears came out of Marik's eyes as his hips plunged himself deeper into the hand. "Ryou…….gods…don't stop…"

Marik kissed down Ryou until he came to Ryou's manhood. Marik turned around so Ryou could take him into his mouth. Ryou slowly took the yami's twitching flesh into his mouth. Marik did the same for Ryou. The yami quivered as Ryou deep-throated him.

"Ryou……gods….." Marik whimpered as Ryou clamped down around him.

Marik repeated the same treatment on Ryou, teasing and tasting the flesh. Ryou clamped down further, creating a vacuum around him. Marik felt himself being drained, of being sucked of all vital energy. The yami thrust his hips down as his mouth clamped around the hikari.

The vibrations of Ryou's moans made Marik whimper around Ryou. Marik moved faster and lifted his head with tears running down his face.

"Ryou, so good…..GODS!" Marik propped himself up on his hands and drove himself into Ryou one last time. The yami's muscles tensed and his back arched forward. Ryou brought Marik in all the way and a burst of sugary-salty passion was spilled into Ryou.

Marik collapsed onto Ryou panting and heaving. A sudden after-shock wracked Marik's body and he just lay heaving.

Ryou was still on his back heaving, his body reacting to the warm breath coming from Marik's gaping mouth.

Marik crawled off Ryou and licked him clean of his passion inside and out. His hand still worked Ryou below.

"Ryou….I want to take you. Please, can I?"

Ryou nodded and whimpered as the pressure built up inside of him. Marik gave one finger to Ryou to suck on as he kissed Ryou's neck gently down to his chest. The yami kissed his way down to Ryou's scar on his belly. Marik removed his finger and prepared Ryou gently as possible.

When he was done, he brought his lips to Ryou's ear. "Trust me." Ryou forced himself to relax as he felt Marik press slowly inside, stretching his muscles to accommodate his body. When he was fully immersed, Marik licked Ryou's earlobe. "That's all, baby. Just relax…..trust me."

Ryou nodded. "I do trust you, Marik."

Marik slowly moved within Ryou. Ryou gasped as his body expanded and contracted with every movement of the yami. A sweat drop fell from Marik's face as he began to crash his body against Ryou. Marik's hand came up to Ryou's face. "Ryou, You are so beautiful," Marik said as he stroked Ryou's face gently.

Ryou whimpered and arched his back, his white hair spread out across the Oriental carpet below them. Marik kissed Ryou's chest again and reached between them to pump Ryou again.

Ryou thrust up vigorously making Marik intentionally hit his internal bundle of nerves. Marik jabbed that repeatedly making Ryou moan and scream. He brought himself up more and placed Ryou's leg over his shoulder. Ryou's body tightened in extreme pleasure. Both boys soon became covered in sweat and glistened in the firelight. The hikari brought his hand to wrap around himself and pump himself.

"Ryou…gods..yes…..do it…."

Ryou pumped himself as Marik jabbed him repeatedly. The hikari soon quivered and trembled with his impending release. It wasn't long before Ryou tensed, leaned forward, and released. Marik leaned over again and buried his head in Ryou's chest.

"Come for me, Marik…..please…that's it."

Marik dug his teeth unintentionally into Ryou's chest. A loud piercing shriek came from his as he filled Ryou once again with his seed.

"Love you, Ryou," Marik said after he climaxed. Suddenly, Marik fell limp on Ryou asleep. Ryou smiled and wrapped his arm around Marik. "Love you, too…Yami Marik."

Ryou fell asleep with Marik wrapped in his arm, evidence of their activity spotted the Oriental carpet.

Alerted by a piercing cry, Seto ran into the room. With a growl of defeat he shut the door again after surveying the evidence. "I just had that dry cleaned! DAMMIT!"

Next Chappie: Thursday probably…or Friday, maybe even sooner. I just got my ferret today and he's in need of a little extra attention. I will update as soon as I can. Love you guys!