Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Come With Me ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry about the lateness in updating. We had a bad hurricane that left us without hot food, hot water, electricity all week.

slider kta: My email is on my profile. It's the one I use the most often…chibiryou1025@hotmail.com

Anglic mouse girl: Seto and Joey are taking over my story. I've had to pull them back a bit.

Caterfree10: It's a secret what Seto will find. I not telling…*zips lip*

Gralnak: A loving review…thanks…hehehehe…love ya, babe..Oh..By the way…*SQUISH!*

Lady Elfskye: Things are coming together slowly here, but coming together nonetheless.

Shadow of Light: I know how it feels to have bad months. I'm here if you need me.

Ryou's mistress: I know..the Egypt part happens next...it's about time.

IYyashi: Well, everyone will want to kill Steven again…though I'm not saying why yet.

Dragondreamer: I can see Aria getting jealous simply because she's Aria.

ssjgoddesschico: aww…*squishes ssjgoddesschico*

Come with Me

The intruder crept across the floor, eyes focused on the goal on the wall. The only sound in the room was the low snoring of the boy in the bed. A crooked mischievious smile crossed the intruder's features as the prey slept unaware of the intrusion. The intruder dragged her silent accomplice across the floor without protest.

Aria stopped at the head of the bed. Unkie Puppy still slept. Perfect. Aria skipped to the wall and looked up at the safe buried in the wall and out of reach. She held up her accomplice directing his attention towards to the wall safe.

"See, Mr. Bunny? Dat's where Unkie Seto mooed the toys! Aria scratched her white hair. "How can I get up dere?" Aria looked at the chair nearby.

The chibi girl put down her pink bunny plushie. "You keep a wook out, Mr. Bunny. If Unkie Seto comes, wet me know."

Aria ran to the chair and pushed it grunting and growling. Slowly, the chair moved across the floor, scraping the tile. Aria stopped and removed the Dark Magician doll from her dress pocket. "Dark Mishin, keep Unkie Puppy asweep."

Aria watched as Joey turned on his back bringing his hand over his head and whimpering.

Aria smirked. "Aww….Unkie Puppy is dweaming! I wonner if he's dweaming about pwaying wit da toys!"

The chibi continued to scratch the tile with the chair until the chair was beneath the safe in the wall. She climbed up on the safe and looked at the lock. She smiled at the lock.

"Daddy gonna be so pwoud of me when he fines I pick dis wock!" Aria inspected the lock and her eyes opened wide. "Now DIS is a wock! Not wike dat sissy wock on Unkie Puppy's old box with da toys!"

Joey turned his head to the side. "Don't do it……don't do it…please."

Aria pouted. "But, I wanna pway wit my sword, Unkie Puppy!"

Aria put her hands on the safe and a spotlight shone on the chibi thief. Aria shielded her eyes.

"Aria Kanika Itemri! What are you doing?" Seto's voice growled over speakers hidden in the room.

Aria looked around. "Unkie Seto? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way now, Aria," Seto's growl almost sounded like a threat.

Aria giggled. "Den I better get my sword out qwickwy, huh?" Aria took out a tiny penknife and picked the lock. The door snapped open and she squealed with joy. She jumped up and down waking Joey in the process.

"I did it! I did it all by mysewf!"

Seto, Ryou, and Bakura burst into the room startling Joey. Seto closed the safe and locked it. He put Aria on the ground and moved the chair away, internally screaming at the scratch marks she made on his expensive tile.

"Aria, were you trying to break into my safe again?"

Aria crossed her arms and she shook her head with the same mischievious smile on her face. "No, Unkie Seto."

"Aria, you're lying again." Seto took Aria's penknife. "What are you doing with this?"

"Daddy gave it to me as a pwesant," Aria said smiling.

Seto glared at Bakura. "Why?"

"She has to learn my trade sooner or later. Proud of you, chibi yami." Bakura hugged his daughter. "But, I must teach you how not to get caught."

Ryou kneeled to Aria. "I know you want to play with the toys, Aria, but they do not belong to you," Ryou said calmly gripping her shoulder lightly.

"But I only wanted to pway wit da sword! Maybe Unkie Puppy can pway wit me!"

Seto looked at Joey, his eyes focused on the chibi with a look of horror. "Ok, everyone out of here! Now!"

Aria grabbed her Dark Magician doll and her plushie. Bakura took his baby girl under his arm and carried her out. Seto sat beside Joey and hugged him.

"Aria wants to play with the toys? Seto, don't let her see them! I don't want her subjected to those things…she's so young and innocent."

Seto looked at the safe. "We'll just have to put a combination lock on there when I get back. I can't believe she actually got up there!"

Joey hugged Seto tightly.

"Let's go eat breakfast, puppy."

*************************************************************** ****

Malik brought the blanket over his shoulders. He slowly sipped his soup as Aten drew pictures beside him. Marik watched as Aten drew a pyramid surrounded by a heart. Inside the heart was also a red area that Aten called "sand."

"Why is the sand red, Aten? Sand is brown."

Aten looked up with his large chibi eyes. "Well, the sand hot in daytime. See? I dwew a happy sun wooking down on pee-mid. Da color of hot is wed, so I made the sand wed."

Aten picked up the pink crayon and darkened the heart around the drawing.

"Who is that picture for?"

"Dis for Unkie Seto for wooking affer us."

Aten looked up and squealed happily when he saw his mother enter. Ryou walked up to Aten and hugged him.

"Mommy! Mommy! I dwew a pisher for Unkie Seto! Pwetty?"

Ryou looked at the picture. "It's very pretty, Aten."

Aten showed it to Seto proudly. "See, Unkie Seto? I dwew a hard on it!"

Seto and Joey's eyes grew wide and they exchanged a chuckle. "Aten, what did you draw on it?"

"A hard on! I dwew a hard on it!"

Everyone in the room blushed various colors of red. Aten pointed to the heart.

"It's a hard on paper, Unkie Seto, and it's all for you!"

"Oh! A heart on it!" Seto said still blushing.

Seto took the picture and looked at it. "Great job, Aten! You draw really well!" Seto regained his compsure. His servant brought him a coffee as Aten turned to him raising his chocolate milk.

"Dis cawfee till is good, Unkie Seto."

Ryou put down his hot tea. "Seto, are you giving my son coffee?"

"It's just chocolate milk, Ryou."

Malik coughed and Ryou gripped his hand.

"Malik, are you ok?"

The boy gave a yawn and fell asleep on Marik's shoulder.

Ryou sipped his hot tea again. "Bakura, we can't leave Malik alone. We have to stay here."

Seto put down his paper. "Malik is not staying here. He's going to my summerhome. If Child Services finds Malik here, they will take him to another foster family. My mansion is the best place for him."

Marik nodded. "I don't want my hikari in danger. I would just as much rather that you came with us."

"I'm not sure if I can. I'll have to call my foster parents."

Seto put his paper down. "Aten, Aria, after breakfast, I want you to get the bags you packed yesterday."

"Ok! Yeah! Binis twip wit Unkie Seto!" Aria cheered jumping up and down in her chair.

Bakura and Ryou turned to Seto. "Business trip?" they asked in unison.

"Ryou, Bakura, I want to take Aria and Aten with me to Egypt."

Bakura put down his cup of coffee. "Why?"

"Malik and Marik are staying in my summer home. Puppy will be too busy to watch over them. I don't need Yami to lose Aria again. So, no one else is available. And Tristan is having some problems with Serenity, so the last thing he needs is Aria getting into mischief."

"I no get into missif, Unkie Seto," Aria said folding her arms.

Seto leaned into her. "What were you doing ten minutes ago, Aria?"

An innocent smile crossed her features. "Nutting."

"I don't know, Seto. Can you handle them both?"

Seto shrugged.
"Aten will not be a problem. Give him some crayons and a paper and he's happy. Aria..," the chibi looked up at Seto with large, brown eyes. She bat her eyelashes and smiled. "Aria, well…as long as I have an infinite supply of M&M's and she's happy."

Aria nodded her head. "Yup! As wong as I have ifinite ply of M's, I is happy."

Ryou bit his lip and looked down. The kids were in good hands. This was Seto Kaiba he was talking to. Seto always took care of the kids. But, what if something happened during the trip? Ryou knew he could not protect them if they were so far away. He had no legal recourse…Seto was the legal guardian.

Marik put down his coffee. "Are you going to bring any bodyguards with you?"

Seto narrowed his eyes. "I'm taking care of Aten and Aria and you say that to me?"

"I'd have thought that taking care of these two would give you a sense of humor,"Marik said snickering.

Seto ignored the Egyptian yami. "I will bring security with me, Ryou."

"We be good for Unkie Seto, mommy," Aten said putting down his chocolate milk.

"I aways good," Aria said smiling happily.

Ryou called his foster parents. When they asked him to give information on where he'd be, Ryou gave him the address. When he was done he returned to the table and Aria jumped off her chair. Ryou hugged his daughter. "Be good, Aria."

"I will, mommy! I will make you pwoud of me!"

Ryou released Aria and Bakura tackled his squealing daughter to the floor. She writhed and dug her sharp nails into Bakura. Soon, father and daughter were snarling and wrestling on the floor.

Aten climbed off the chair and Ryou took him in his arms gently. "You be good for Unkie Seto."

"I pwomise to be good, mommy."

"That's my boy. Marik, can you help him with his bags?"

Marik put down his coffee and grabbed Aten gently from Ryou's arms. The little boy wrapped his arms around his father's neck and smiled.

Marik turned around before leaving. "Oh, moneybags, if you find a necklace with a blue stone and a gold falcon in the middle, can you get it for me?"


Marik and Bakura exchanged glances.

"Are you obsessed with that necklace? You know, if you had thrown that necklace from your horse, you wouldn't have died. They chased us because of that stupid necklace!"

Marik rolled his eyes. "You know, moneybags, we were always taught you could take everything you had with you to the afterlife.What a bitch it is to learn you can't take it with you!"

"I'll get your necklace for you, Daddy Mawik," Aria said pinning Bakura's arm to the floor growling at it. Bakura whipped his arm away and grabbed her ankles.

"Time to get your bags, Aria," Bakura said dragging his squealing girl by the ankles out of the room.

Ryou watched Marik leave carrying Aten quietly out of the room. He sat down still worrying about the kids. Seto's bodyguards loved the kids, too, and would protect them from anything.

Ryou let out a sigh and looked at Seto with large, chibi eyes. "Take care of my babies, Seto."

"I will, Ryou, we'll get Aten's mediciation before we leave," Seto stood up and hugged Ryou.

"Thank you, Seto."

"No problem. Hey, I feel like they're my kids, too. I love them. You relax and let me take care of everything."

Malik put his hand on Ryou's shoulder. "Thank you, Ryou."

Ryou hugged Malik, knowing that the kids would be cared for by Seto's side.

When the kids were done getting their bags, Seto sent the group downstairs to catch the limo. Joey and Seto stood by the elevator holding each other. Joey's fingers clutched onto Seto tightly, as if he was afraid to let him go.

"It's ok, Joey. I will only be gone for a day or so. I should be back tomorrow." Seto looked into the brown crystalline pools looking at him. "I don't want you to worry, puppy. I promise I won't be gone long."

Joey sniffled. "It's so hard to see you go. I just got you back and now you have to leave me."

Seto kissed Joey's forehead. "I don't want to, baby. But, I have to get the kids back to Ryou. The only way I can do it is to bring Isis back. Do you want to have Aten go home with Ryou? Aten deserves to have his mother. Those kids deserve to be with their parents."

Joey rubbed his tears off on Seto's shirt. "But, part of me doesn't want them to leave. I know they deserve to have their parents, but…Aten's the boy I never was. He doesn't have to live with what I had to live with. He's the happy child I never was…the boy I didn't have a chance to become…all because I was my father's little whore."

Seto tipped Joey's face up. "Aten will never be exposed to that."

Joey nodded. "I don't want him to be."

"Besides, love, I will be back as soon as I possibly can. Listen, puppy…you are no one's toy anymore. And you will no longer be used just to satisfy someone else's selfish desires. I promised our first night together that I would protect you from any harm. And I promise to keep good to my word."

Joey smiled and hugged Seto. "I love you, Seto."

"Me, too, pups. If you need me, you have my cell number."

Joey brought Seto into a fierce, desperate kiss. Seto brought Joey against the wall, gently pressing his tongue behind Joey's barrier. Joey's hands roamed up Seto's shirt to caress his chest. Seto's heart beat fiercely as the kiss. Joey leaned his head back and breathed heavily.

Seto smiled and kissed Joey's ear. "Love you, pups." Joey watched Seto enter the elevator. The elevator doors closed and Joey rubbed his eyes.


Aria sat on Bakura's lap in the limo. Aten curled up in Ryou's arms cuddling his toy monkey watching the people in the other cars.

Seto handed Aria the cell phone. "Tell Heidegger to get our plane to my summer home."

[Yes, Master Kaiba.]

"Dis is Awia, Hieney-ger."

A small snicker came from the cell. [Yes, Princess Aria.]

"Unkie Seto wans his pain at de sumner home. We go to Egg-jipt."

[Yes, Princess Aria.]

"Tanks, Hieney-ger. Awia out."

Aria handed the cell back to Seto.

Bakura turned to Seto. "Princess Aria? Isn't that a little extreme?"

"That was the servants' idea to call her princess. It's none of my doing."

"The serwants wove me!"

Aten sighed and looked up at his mother. "Mommy, can you come, too?"

Ryou bit his lip as a piece of his heart felt as if it tore in half. "I can't, baby. I have to stay here with Malik."

"But I weawwy wan you to come wit us, mommy." Aten grabbed Ryou's shirt tightly as his weak arms could hold him. "Peas, mommy? I miss you and when you cul me and wock me." Aten kissed Ryou on the neck and nuzzled him. "Peas? Petty peas? I no wan you to weave me no more."

Ryou bit his lip at his son's pleas.

Bakura sighed. "Ryou, why don't you go with Aten and Aria. I can stay with Malik and Marik."

"But, yami, what if..?"

"I can take care of it, baby. It's no problem pretending to be you if I have to. Really."


Bakura nodded. "Help Seto keep an eye on Aria and Aten."

Ryou turned to Malik. "Malik?"

Malik shook his head and cuddled into his yami.

When they arrived at the summer home, they put Malik in bed and made the kids some lunch. Bakura pulled Ryou aside before he left. Bakura stroked Ryou's cheek softly.

"Are you going to be ok without me, yami?"

"Yeah, Ryou, we'll be fine. When you come back, Malik will be good as new."

Ryou removed the Millennium Ring and put it around Bakura's neck. "Take good care of it, yami."

Bakura managed to feign a smile despite the fact he knew he would miss his husband. "I have no choice, Ryou. If this Ring is destroyed, so am I. Besides, I live here."

Ryou wrapped his arm around his yami. "I love you, yami. I will miss you."

"Watch over our daughter."

Ryou nodded and hugged Bakura. "I love you, yami."

"Goodbye, love. Aishiteru."

Bakura placed one hand behind Ryou's head and the other to his lover's back. Bakura slowly closed his eyes pressing his lips to his hikari's. Ryou's tongue pushed through the fleshy barrier of Bakura's lips. Both boys curled around each other as they enjoyed their last moment of intimacy before they parted. Ryou slowly pulled back and stroked his yami's cheek. "Goodbye, Bakura."

Ryou squinted his eyes as he walked away from his yami. This was only the second time Ryou would be parted from his yami. As far as Ryou was concerned, it was two times too many. It hurt as if it was the first time they parted. Both were grateful the separation would not be for long.

Updates: I will update Saturday or Sunday.