Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ The Land of Spinx and Pee-mids ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Crazykins: I'm glad you like this story. It's taken some kind of turns on me, but that's writing for ya.

Sailor Optimal Optimus: I can't believe Aria does anything. I'm waiting for her to do something not mischievous.

Stwawbewwy: I know it's hard to break up, but you know, don't think of it as a setback. Think of this as an opportunity to go meet new people.

Mystical Dragon: *Malik hugs plushie*

ssjgoddesschico: *Hugs*

The Land of Spinx and Pee-mids

Aria and Aten watched the ground as the plane flew over the Egyptian landmarks. Aten's eyes lit up as he pointed to the ground.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wook!"

Ryou walked over to the window where Aten pointed. "What is it?"

"Look, mommy! It's a spinx!" Aten squealed excitedly.

"It's not a spinx, Aten! It's a stinks!"

Aten shook his head. "My daddy says it's a spinx!"

Aria put her hands on her hips. "It's a stinks!"



Seto came over. "It's a sphinx, you two."

"Dat's what I said, Unkie Seto! I said stinks!"

"Awia, it's a spinx wike Unkie Seto ted!"

Aria didn't hear her brother. She had already run to the other side of the plane and was already jumping up and down. Seto began to wonder if Aria wasn't always on a natural sugar high. She hadn't had M&M's for hours and she was still acting as if she had eaten a whole bag.

"Unkie Seto! Wook! It's a pee-mid!"

"It's a pyramid, Aria."

"Pee-ra-mid? I like pee-mids! I wanna go into a pee-mid!"

Aten ran over to Aria and looked down. The little boy shook his head and turned to his sister seriously. "I no tink Paro Ramses would wike you boddering his sweeping pwace."

Ryou and Seto looked at each other. How could Aten know whose pyramid it was? Ryou knew Marik was teaching Aten about the language, but was he also teaching him the locations of the kings' tombs?

"Paro Thothmes no wike it if we bodder him edder. He get cwanky."

Seto pulled Ryou away from ear shot of the chibis. "How does he know about that?"

"I know Marik is teaching Aten how to speak Egyptian, but I'm not sure what else he is teaching him."

Aten's eyes lit up as he looked at the desert. When they landed, Seto carried Aria off the plane. Ryou carried Aten down the steps as the car arrived.

"Here's the car you asked for, Mr. Kaiba," the driver said opening the door.

Seto sat Aria on his lap. Aten sat on Ryou's lap looking around.

"Take us to the Museum of Egyptian History and Antiquities," Ryou said. "That's where Isis said she would be."

The car drove through the crowded streets of Cairo. Aria swung her legs as she leaned back on Seto. Aten held onto the bottom of the window watching the people in the bazaar haggle over goods.

Aten pointed to a large statue in front of a mosque. "Mine!"

"No, Aten, that is not yours," Ryou said calmly.

"But it is mine! I made dat and I wan it!"

Ryou had to hold Aten on his lap. "Aten, sit still, baby boy."

Aria looked up at the pharaoh's palace and gave a shriek. She rolled off Seto's lap and buried her face in Seto's hip, hiding her face in the crevice of the seat.

"Aria? Feeling carsick?"

"Aten! Paro's pawace!"

Aten turned around quickly and looked at the palace. Aten whimpered and turned around to face his mother. He buried his face in his mother's chest.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wanna weave! No top here! Peas??? Paro hurt me!"

"The pharaoh is not going to hurt you, Aten."

"Yes he is!"

"They have kings, now, Aten. No more pharaohs," Seto said picking Aria off of the seat and rocking the sobbing, whimpering, little girl. Seto looked up at the driver. "Can't you get us away from here already?"

"Traffic is heavy, Mr. Kaiba."

Aria gripped for Ryou. Ryou took her in his arms. "Shh….it's ok, baby girl. No tears."

Aten began to shiver. "I wan my daddy…."

Ryou could feel Aten's heart beat abnormally from fear. "It's a good thing he took his heart medicine," Ryou said rocking the chibis in his arms.

When they passed the pharaoh's palace, they slowly settled. Both of them continued to cling onto their mother until they reached the nearby museum.

Ryou held the chibis' hands as they walked up the steps to the museum. Aria and Aten opened their mouths wide at the sight of the towering building. They walked in and they went to the desk.

"We need to speak to Isis Ishtar," Seto said to the man.

"Is she expecting you, sir?"

A scowl crossed Seto's already cold features. "Don't `sir' me! I am Seto Kaiba, CEO of KaibaCorporation, and I demand to see Isis Ishtar immediately if not sooner!"

The man started to quiver and he picked up a phone.

Aten looked over at a display case with an artifact. "Mommy! Wook dis!"

Aten pulled Ryou over to the display case. It looked almost like Marik's Millennium Rod, but instead of an Eye, there was a red jewel. Around the top of the object, spiky points on top of the object make it look like a sun. Ryou looked below the object which read on a gold plate: The Scepter of Ra. Date of Origin: Unknown. This object was prized by the pharaohs of Egypt from the First Dynasty. It was used in religious ceremonies which were supposed to summon the Sun God to Earth.

"What is it, Aten?"

"Dat mine! It's my Wod! I found it! I wan it back!"

Seto walked over to them. "Isis will be down in one minute." He looked at the artifact and quivered at the familiarity. He felt as if he had seen this before….felt it. But where? When?

"Aten, that thing was created long before you were born. How could it be yours?"

"Don't you memer it, Unkie Seto?"

Seto shook his head. "Ok, Aten," the CEO said taking Aria away from the artifact.

When Isis came down the stairs, Ryou picked up Aten and held him in his arms.

"Ryou? Seto? What are you both doing here?"

"Isis," Ryou pleaded, cuddling Aten close to his chest, "You have to come home with Seto and I! They separated me from the kids and put me in a foster home! They said they have been trying to contact you!"

Isis' eyes widened. "If you were separated from the kids, why do you both have them?"

"I brought them into my home. I am their legal guardian right now. And as for the chibis, well, let's just say I didn't want to see Aria or Aten crying because they missed their mommy."

Isis looked around. "Where is my brother?"

"They placed Malik in foster care but, lucky for him, he wasn't there for long. He's at my summer home, but he has a bad fever right now. He's very sick right now and I think he needs his sister by his side."

The woman nodded. "I want to hear more about what has happened since I left. I didn't expect your arrival so soon. My necklace told me you were coming, but I didn't anticipate a problem with my duties upstairs. I have a serious matter to attend to, and I regret it may take longer than expected. Across the street I have a place where you can stay. I should be home by seven. We'll talk and be able to have dinner then."

Ryou shook his head. "That's when the babies have to go to bed."

"Then we'll have to spend the night, Ryou."

Ryou sighed and hugged Aten tightly. He knew that Aria would want to sleep with Unkie Seto. Ryou felt solace in the fact that he could hold Aten while he slept. Aten always slept with Marik and Malik before the chibis moved into their own room.

Aria pulled on Ryou's jeans. "I wanna see the mooseum!"

Aten jumped down from Ryou's arms and hugged Isis' leg. She caressed the chibi's soft hair that resembled her brother's and removed a key from around her neck.

"I live in Room 215."

"Auntie Isis, can we wook awound the mooseum?"

Isis nodded. "As long as you behave."

Bright smiles grew as they grabbed each of Seto's hands. Each chibi pulled on Seto excitedly.

"Come on, Unkie Seto, I wanna see the mommies!"

"Dat's mummies, Awia!"

Isis turned to Ryou. "They grew since I saw them last. And Aten looks much better compared to when I saw him last."

"It's not easy taking care of him, Isis. He still has all of his heart problems. But he wanted so much to come see Egypt, how could we say no?"

Isis closed her eyes. "True. I could never say no to my little brother either. I just hope Malik can hold on until I can come see him. I will meet you at my apartment later, Ryou. I must return to the archives."

Ryou watched Isis leave and ran after Kaiba.


They arrived at the Mummy Wing of the museum. Seto told Aten that after Aria saw the `mommies,' as she continued to refer to them, then Aten could see the rest of the museum. Aten grabbed Ryou's hand and held onto it as they passed corpse after corpse sealed behind plexi-glass. Ryou and Aten stopped to look at a mummy while Aria stopped and looked at one mummy with short hair holding a gourd. Her eyes narrowed and once again the Sennen Eye appeared on her forehead. She features grew dark and her lip curled in disdain. Seto watched her body twitch almost convulsively as he took her into his arms. Tiny tears welled up in her face.

"Aria? Is anything wrong, sweetie?" Seto asked, trying to calm her down. "Ryou! Come here!"

The Sennen Eye disappeared as Ryou ran over with Aten. "What is it, Kaiba?"

"I saw it again!"

"Saw what?"

Seto looked at the forehead and saw the Eye gone. Aria gripped onto Seto tightly as the tears were evident in her eyes. Ryou took Aria away from Seto and cuddled her against his chest.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" Ryou looked at the mummy which had sparked Aria's fury. It's gourd was the focus of Aria's sight.


"Dis man was mean, mean, mean! I no know how I know him, but, he was a meanie!"

Ryou rubbed Aria's back trying to rock her to make her feel better. Ryou kissed her forehead and walked away from the corpse. Aten looked at the mummy indifferently, as if he didn't recognize the man.

Aten came to a mummy and stopped. "Unkie Seto, can you pick me up?"

Seto picked up Aten and the two year old boy looked down at the corpse. The corpse had bracelets on its wrist and was covered in tiny flowers. It's long hair was spread over it's chest. Aten put his hand on the glass and stroked it lovingly. "Mommy……."

Ryou and Seto shook their heads as they looked at the mummy. "Ryou, how can she be your mommy?"

"Mommy……..torry, mommy…." Aten put his head against Seto's shoulder. "I no mean to hurt daddy….."

Ryou clutched Aria closely with one arm as he stroked Aten's hair with the other. Aria looked to the next corpse and she squealed.

The corpse was clutching a sword and its shield was beside it. It was dressed as if the person had been a military officer.

Aria reached over for Aten. "Aten, wook!"

Aten looked over at the next corpse above his "mother." Aten's eyes grew wide and he began to tremble. Seto could feel Aten's heart racing as sweat formed on the child's forehead.

"Aten, are you ok?"

The child's eyes widened in fear as his grip tightened on Seto.


"ANIBIS!" Aria squealed.

Ryou and Seto rushed over to the mummy and looked at it. Seto could see the sweat forming on Ryou's forehead. His breathing became as erratic as Aten's. "Is that…..Anubis? It has to be! That's what Aten used to call him!"

"This is him?" Seto looked with narrowed eyes at the body of the spirit who targeted Aria and Aten to be his servants. Seto was well aware of what Yami had to do to both of the chibis to remove Anubis' and Cinetti's influence….Mind Crush. Anubis had hurt Aria and Aten. For that alone, Seto wanted nothing more than to break the glass and tear the mummy to dust. Seto stroked the white and blond haired boy until they were a good distance from the corpse.

Aten wanted to go to the Weapons Wing. Seto was able to rock Aten to calm him. Aten looked at the arrows. His eyes lit up when he saw a set of arrows with red string on the end.

"My a-ow! My a-ow!"

"Arrow? Aten, that arrow is very old."

"Hol me cwozer!"

Seto put Aten closer to the glass. Aten's eyes scanned the writing on the arrow. "Yup! Dat's mine awight! See? It has my name!"

Ryou and Seto walked away when Aten pointed to a quiver and a bow. The quiver was decorated with hieroglyphics.

"Hey! Dat's mine, too!" Aten looked at the bow and he frowned. "I no wike dis. Dis is bad."

"It's just a bow, Aten. How can it be bad?"

"Dis bow….hurt my daddy. I no wan see it."

Seto and Ryou walked away clutching both of the chibis. They arrived at a trident staff which made Aria jump in Ryou's arms.

"My taffy!" Aria said reaching for it.

Ryou shook his head. "That staff? Aria, it's centuries older than you are!"

"But it is, mommy! It is!"

Ryou and Seto wanted to take the chibis to the Jewelry Wing, but both of them were beginning to fall asleep.


Seto and Ryou stayed in the apartment with the chibis. As the chibis slept, Ryou and Seto sat out in the living room discussing the museum.

"I never saw Aria react to something so violently," Ryou said shaking his head. "I never saw her that angry."

Seto lifted his head. "I have once before. Mrs. Flannery came to talk to the kids about you and Bakura. Aria was angry that she separated her from you and Bakura and she threw a tantrum."

"She's more the type to get all upset rather than her brother. But, still, what was Flannery asking them?"

Seto rolled his eyes. "It almost sounded as if she had already thought that you and Bakura were abusive towards her."

"We never hit those kids!"

"Well, Aria was pissed beyond belief when suddenly, I saw an eye glowing on her forehead."

"An eye?"

"You know Yami's Eye that appears on his forehead? Well, Aria has the same. A Sennen Eye was glowing on her forehead. I thought I was just seeing things, but today, I saw it again when Aria was looking at that mummy with the gourd."

"Are you sure about this?"

Seto crossed his arms. "I'm always serious when it comes to Aria. I wouldn't joke about something so serious, especially when it involves Aria."

Ryou scratched his hair. "I don't know what this means, Seto. I will have to talk it over with Yami and the others when we get back to Domino. Would those be the only times you seen it?"

Seto nodded. "I've only seen it when Aria is beyond rage. I haven't noticed it on Aten yet."

"You may not. Aten doesn't get angry like Aria. I can't see him ever getting angry. He's such a happy boy."

"He is, but we had better keep an eye on both of them while we are here just in case."

Ryou gave a heavy sigh and Seto raised his eyes to look Ryou in the eye.

"Ryou? What's wrong?"

Ryou bit his lip and looked down. "I miss my yami. Bakura has never left my side except for when my father threw the Ring in the woods. I missed him more then because I didn't know where my father took the Ring. But now, I miss him just as much."

"You can take either Aria or Aten with you to cuddle tonight, Ryou."

"I miss my yami, Seto. Before I had Bakura, I was used to being alone. Now, I no longer have to feel alone. He is always with me through the link, but I have grown accustomed to him being around me physically. I miss his arms around me…I miss his hair falling around my shoulders with mine. I miss his kiss. Tonight, the bed will feel lonely, even though I will be able to cuddle my kids. Is it wrong of me to crave my husband over my own kids?"

Seto moved closer to Ryou on the couch. "No, Ryou. I miss Joey. It's not wrong to want to cuddle Bakura."

"I just can't stand being separated from him! I miss him, Seto. Gods, I miss him."

Seto put his arm around Ryou's shoulders.

"I was separated from my kids, Seto! I can't be with them because a small majority of people think I am an unfit parent because of my age. I clothe my kids, cuddle them, bathe them, kiss them all the time. I mean, Aten's medication costs me a bundle. We cannot afford Aten's medication at all. Marik has to work to afford it! How can they say I am an unfit parent? My little boy is sick and can die without his medication, and I go without clothes and food so my little boy's heart can continue beating! How can they say I'm a bad…parent?"

Seto put both arms around Ryou.

"I just want to be a family again, Seto. That's all I want. I want to raise my children the best way I know how. I don't want to be like my father…" Ryou cringed and clung tightly onto Seto. His body began to shiver despite the heat. "I don't want to be like my father. My children don't deserve a parent like that in their lives. My father tried to kill me, Seto. He tried to…he….Seto, my father did to me what Joey's father did to him. Malik told me what happened. I want to be a good mother to Aten and Aria. I just miss Bakura so bad."

"I know. It's hard for me to leave Joey after what that asshole of a father did to him, but I had to do this for Aria and Aten."

Ryou looked up at Seto. "That's why you did this? Knowing Joey needed you more than anything now more than ever?"

"I told you, Ryou. I would do anything for those kids. I want to see them back with you and the others. you are all good parents. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Most people would give up, especially on Aten because of his health problems."

"I don't want to give up on him. He's my son."

"I don't want to give up on either of them. I love them as if they were my own, Ryou."

Ryou nuzzled his head close to Seto and let out a sigh of relief.

"You feel better, Ryou?"

"Just hold me, Seto. I just want to be held. I need it now."

Seto closed his eyes pretending he was in bed holding Joey. He could almost feel the soft, blond hair of his lover fall gracefully around his shoulders. He could almost feel the soft breath of his lover on his skin.

Ryou closed his eyes thinking of his yami. The strong arms wrapped around him tight enough to make him feel secure, but not tight enough to cause panic or harm. The breath from above him warmed his hair.

Seto held onto Ryou, needing the embrace just as much as his friend. Ryou leaned against Seto with a smile growing on his face.

Before Ryou fell asleep, a smile crossed his features and he kissed Seto's arm draped across him.

"I love you, Bakura," Ryou whispered before falling asleep on his friend.

Updates: Wednesday or Thursday