Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Ancient Scriptures ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Before the chappie, I wanted to give out plushies to all my reviewers who think I'm gonna kill Aten and Aria off. I won't do this, guys. I need these kids and gosh darn it, Aten is so freaking cute! *hands out Aten and Aria plushies to reviewers*

Caution: grabbing the Aria plushies and taking them home will result in a constant absence of M&M's from your home. So if you love M&M's, your Aria plushies may eat them up. Also, grabbing Aria plushies will also result in your sex toys being used as swords, cowboy ropes, and handcuff games.Aten plushies may need constant re-stitching due to constantly being glomped!

I would love to thank my wife Dragondreamer Yami Dragon for giving me cruel, wicked, and all-around kick-ass ideas for the sequel. You guys will not be disappointed.

Ryou's Mistress: *cuddles* don't worry….I won't kill Aten before his time. I promise.

IYYASHI: I'm not going to kill the chibis. Not even I know what is going to happen to them, but I don't want to get rid of them. Don't worry.

BuffyM: Thank you!

Yami Kitsune: I will not kill the chibis. Don't worry!

Gralnak: MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I got you! Only I know what's gonna happen…and my wife….hehehehe….

Lady Elfskye: Yeah, Seto's feeling really bad about this, but the fathers are not going to take this lightly, especially Marik.

Stwawbewwy cotton candy: Sequel's aplenty. Yup, there will be a sequel.

Crazykins: It's good that you're enjoying reading again. Sad that MMorg has better stories than the library, but hey, *shrugs* as long as you enjoy reading something, right? Mystical Dragon: *Aten hugs the plushies and crawls into Shiela's lap*

Angelic Mouse Girl: Isis will straighten things out next chappie and Seto's there for leverage.

Dragondreamer: *runs into the bathroom crying like a little girl* You didn't review me…………*sniff*

Ancient Scriptures

Seto's POV

I ate my breakfast and did some office work. When I was done, I walked the hall looking into the rooms. I wanted to make sure that Bakura and Marik could be free to talk to me without interruption. What I had to tell them both could not be interrupted by anything or anybody, especially Aria and Aten. I had to make sure they were both occupied.

Ryou was sitting with Malik and Aria on Malik's bed. Aria was running around the room with her arms spread-eagle.

"Mommy, wook! I'm a pain! I'm a pain! I'm fwying so high! You look tiny wike an ant, mommy!" Aria said squealing as she "flew" around the room.

I wish I could be that kid. I would have a natural sugar high and I wouldn't need coffee at all. All I would need as a daily regiment is M&M's…the plain kind.

Malik looked like he had the headache of a lifetime and here the chibi was running around screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Aria, Mommy Malik doesn't feel well. Can you keep it down a little?"

Aria just lowered her voice, but she continued to run around the room "soaring" like an airplane. That's my little girl….so full of energy.

I went to my room thinking that Joey was still asleep. Nope. I walked inside and Joey and Aten were side-by-side painting. Joey was coloring the roses red which surrounded me on the canvas. They were a beautiful blood red. Joey had such talent….it's a shame his father made him give it up. Beside him, Aten was painting Yami's crypt dark colors. Aten bit his lip as he used tiny brushstrokes to create shadows. HIM! Creating shadows at two, almost three, years of age! What kid can paint like that?

I looked at Aten's palate. Not only did he mix colors together to make new ones, he mixed colors to create distance effects!

Mental note to self: Invest in paints and an easel for Aten's birthday.

There didn't seem to be a reason to invest in "How-to Paint" books for Aten.

I wrapped my arms around Joey's waist as I admired his painting. "Looks good, puppy."

"I want to make this just perfect for you, Seto. I want to add to it, though, and I know exactly what I want on there."

"What do you want to put on there? Don't tell me you're thinking of drawing my…"

"No, not that…maybe a separate painting. One where we can put in our bathroom or something. No. I want to put something else on there, but I'm not going to tell you what it is."

"A surprise? Tell me."

"It wouldn't be a surprise then, would it, Seto?"

"True." Seto pulled on Joey's arm. "Come over here."

Aten continued to paint as Seto sat Joey on the bed.

"Joey, did you talk to the lawyer?"

Joey nodded with a smile. "Yup. I wanted to talk to you about that. I found the perfect little boy for us, Seto. His name is Hayden and he is five years old. He was taken away from his uncle who was abusive. His parents died two years ago in a house fire. His parents and his twin sister were killed. They put him in foster home after foster home. He's a quiet kid and doesn't say much."

"What about the other kids at the orphanage?"

"He seems to be fine around other kids. It's just adults he doesn't trust."

"I see. You met him?"

Joey nodded. "Yeah, I met him. He sounds like I did at his age…quiet….reserved."

Seto hugged Joey. "I want to meet him, too. If he's what you want, we can sign the papers."

"He's so much like I was at his age. I was quiet. Shy. But, I want to do this for him. He needs to know that someone cares. I don't think anyone but us is qualified to take care of this kid. I've been through what he went through."

I bit my lip. Aten went through what Joey did, too. I couldn't upset Joey in front of Aten. I had to wait until Joey was alone to talk to him about Aten.

"Ok, Puppy. I'll be back later. I have to talk to Bakura and Marik."

"Bye, I love you, Unkie Seto!" Aten screamed to me as I left.

As I walked to find Bakura and Marik, Isis joined me in the hallway. I had to bring her with me to talk to the yamis. They would have more of a chance of believing Isis rather than myself. I didn't hold a Millennium item, but Isis had that necklace. That gave her credibility.

Marik and Bakura were in my library. Bakura was rubbing Marik's back. Marik winced almost as if his back was sore. Well, he was worried about Malik's health. Marik's face bore some semblance of relief as Bakura rubbed it. Isis followed close behind me. I knew the fathers would have questions that needed answers.

Marik's Millennium Rod rested on my priceless, antique coffee table. First Marik and Ryou have sex on my ancient Oriental carpet, now his Rod was sitting on my coffee table!

Oops. Didn't mean to say it that way, but, Oh well.

When Isis stood in front of the yami, Marik jumped up and wrapped his arms around Isis. He rocked her and I saw his eyes squinting tears of joy out of him. "Thank you for coming, Isis! Thank you."

Isis returned the hug hesitantly. "Hello, Marik."

Marik grinned and held Isis at arms' length. Why did I have a bad feeling about what Marik was going to say to her?

"You know, Isis, Bakura gave me a really good rub-down. But there's other parts that need to be rubbed, too, if you know what I mean?" Marik winked as Isis gave a groan.

"Can't you go two seconds without trying to get me in bed with you?"

"Hey, I may be dead, but THAT part of me isn't!" Marik said grinding against her.

Bakura shook his head and groaned. "Marik, that is your light's sister! What's the matter with you?"

Marik walked up to Bakura and grabbed the Millennium Rod off of the coffee table. He poked Bakura in the chest with the Rod. "Hey, Malik's been sick for three days and I haven't had any, so knock it off, Itemri!"

Why me? That's all I need….a horny, sexually-frustrated, bisexual yami, who is probably getting aroused just by holding the Millennium Rod in his hands, and who is so desperate for sex that he could just as well go into a private room and come out five hours later completely and physically exhausted, Rod in his hand. Perfect. Just perfect.

As long as he doesn't destroy my china cabinet, he can go nuts with the Rod….

Oh, Ra, I shouldn't have said that either.


I sat on my brown leather high-backed chair by the fireplace and crossed my legs. "If you can suppress your libido, Marik, we have something very important to discuss."

Marik rolled his eyes and turned to me. "Look, moneybags, I'm sorry if I ruined your carpet! I'm sure you can get that stain out of it."

"I'm not talking about you and Ryou having sex on my priceless carpet." Isis' eyes rolled and she bit her lip. She gave a look to me saying, `That's so typical of Marik.' "I'm talking about Aten and Aria."

"What about them?" Bakura asked. Marik sat down beside Bakura.

Isis stood up and sat on the chair directly across from me. She crossed her legs letting her tanned legs show. I tried to suppress my desire to gag, even though Isis is a pretty woman, but Marik was drooling in rivers. I just hope that's all he's getting on my clean couch.

Of course, Marik likes women much much more than I do, too, so it's only natural he'd drool the Nile on my couch. I just hope I have to clean up only drool stains this time.

"I found a carving in the pharaoh's tomb which concerns your son, Marik, and your daughter, Bakura. Aria and Aten were alive during your lifetimes in ancient Egypt."

"How do you know they are our kids?"

I leaned forward and crossed my arms. "I saw this carving with my own eyes, Marik. It is Aria and Aten."

"They once battled against the pharaoh for world domination."

Bakura crossed his arms and crossed his legs. His head went up in pride and a smile on his lips revealed his sharp fangs. "That's my girl!"

Marik also crossed his arms and legs with beaming pride. Both fathers were surrounded by a smug air of pride and a feeling of personal accomplishment. "That's my boy!"

"You misunderstand," Isis said growing serious. "Aria and Aten battled against the pharaoh and the High Priest Set. They lost the duel and were killed."

Marik and Bakura's eyes narrowed. "What?" they asked in unison.

"Aria and Aten were cruel killers who turned the sand below them red with their bloody footprints. They possessed the power to summon powerful monsters, one of which was the Nightmare Dragon."

Marik's eyes narrowed. "Never heard of it."

"If that card exists, it has not been recovered. That was your daughter's card, Bakura."

"My daughter's card wouldn't be called that. She crawls into bed with Ryou and I whenever she has a nightmare."

"The Nightmare Dragon has the ability to do more damage than Kaiba's Blue Eyes White Dragon. It was rumored that Aria had the power to keep the monster in our world and out of the Shadow Realm. It was said that she was able to ride the Nightmare Dragon wherever she went and that she destroyed many lives with it."

Bakura shook his head. "My little girl is not like that now. Why worry?"

"It is said that the boy and girl would be resurrected and were destined to repeat their reign of terror in their next life…which is now, Bakura."

Bakura narrowed his eyes. "My daughter is not a killer, moneybags! My daughter would not do that!"

Marik growled and tightened the grip on the Rod. "My son is not and will never be a vicious killer, Isis! As my hikari's sister, you know how much Malik loves Aten! I will not hear such foolishness as this!"

"Marik, you more than anyone should know about the ancient scriptures and what they have to teach us. Why do you doubt me?"

Marik stood up shaking, a noise that was between a growl and a sob escaped his throat. "You will not utter such nonsense, Isis! Those scriptures are nothing for than a child's bedtime story. When my hikari lived in that tomb, those scriptures were his bedtime stories. But, I will not sit here and listen to you defame my son!"

Isis shook her head. "I do not like this news either, Marik, but it is written and the time will come to pass. Aria and Aten will once again become a plague on this world and they will pay for their deeds through their blood."

Marik quickly revealed the hidden dagger of the Millennium Rod and ran over to Isis. The point of the dagger was poised below her chin. Marik's purple eyes were flooded with tears. "I…cannot lose my child again. I already lost a child once before with Amunet. I cannot see the blood of my infant shed once more…or the blood of my child."

Isis looked at the teary eyes. Aten meant everything to Marik. "It is prophecy, Marik. The prophecy has stated that the pharaoh will resurrect. The prophecy has stated that powerful spirits inhabited the Millennium Items. The prophecy has stated that the world was in danger in the past and will be in the future. The carvings do not lie, Marik."

Marik dropped to his knees and covered his face with his arms, his hands still holding the Millennium Rod. A sob came out of him and Bakura stood up angrily.

"My daughter is not a killer, Isis! I refuse to believe that is true!"

"Bakura, you, too, doubt the power of the prophecy?"

"I doubt anything which tells me that my daughter is going to grow up and become a vicious killer. I doubt it even more when it tells me that my child, my baby….wait….my baby with Ryou ….is going to be killed!"

I would have to think that they would believe the scriptures. I sure as hell didn't believe it until Isis showed me. But, in their current emotional state, I highly doubt it would be a good idea to show the fathers directly what would happen to their children.

If I thought I had a hard time dealing with this, Marik was hit harder.

Marik fell forward on his hands crying. "When I saw my baby dead in the desert sand….I felt empty. I had nothing else to live for. Pain in my heart…I couldn't move…My child….my flesh and blood…..was dead."

Isis looked down. "Marik, the dead baby in the desert was not your baby. Your baby was taken from Amunet before she died and was raised by the Egyptian army. Your son was the soldier who fired the arrow which fatally wounded you."

Marik's chest stopped. He sniffled and looked up at Isis. "Are you certain of this?"

Isis nodded. "My Millennium Necklace has shown me much."

Marik gripped her dress and tugged on it. "Please tell me that it can be changed."

Isis looked away from him. "I do not know."

"Then why can't your necklace tell me? I'm pleading for my son's life here!"

"The future may be altered….it may not be. My necklace will just show me their future according to the ancient scriptures…it will not tell me if their future can be altered."

Bakura's hands clenched into a fist. "What am I supposed to tell Ryou?"

"Ryou already knows, Bakura," I told him. "Ryou is very upset about it."

Bakura shook his head and paced around the room. "I can't see my little girl die! Ryou and I almost lost her when Yami Mind Crushed her! She…..is the family I never had. She is the family that Ryou and I never had. We love her! We can't see her perish in front of us. Ryou would be devastated."

"It's not easy for anyone, Bakura," I said trying to diffuse the second yami. "All of us love Aria and Aten, but--."

Bakura stood up furious. "Who is going to kill her, Isis? The pharaoh? OUR Pharaoh?"

Isis shook her head. "It cannot be said who destroys Aria. The carving has eroded. It is either Pharaoh Yami or…Seto Kaiba himself."

Bakura growled and lunged at me! Marik turned and grabbed Bakura before he could get to me. Bakura's sharp nails clawed at Marik trying to get to me. His body tensed and he squirmed trying to free himself from Marik's grasp.


I stood up and clenched my fists. "I wouldn't hurt Aria, Bakura! I love her to death! Why would I want to harm her?"

Bakura stopped and he struggled with Marik. "It has to be that Ra-forskaen Pharaoh! He wants to kill Aria in the future! Has to be him! As if he hasn't done enough to me already!"

Marik pushed him back and Bakura staggered. "Seto wouldn't hurt Aria, Bakura. Look at how he treats her!"

Bakura growled at me and crossed his arms. He walked to the window and glared at the traffic below. For a minute there, I could swear he looked like me when I looked down at the city wondering which small business to buy out next. "That pharaoh will always continue to take away from me all that I hold dear. He is the reason I died in the palace dungeon. He knew Anubis was cruel. He knew EVERYTHING and it didn't stop him. Anubis strangled me in my own cell and the pharaoh thought it would be fitting for me to spend an eternity in the item which I stole from his father's tomb…This god-damned Millennium Ring! I wish I never stole it in the first place! I should have died just a normal death….then I would not have been sealed in this piece of ancient junk and had to feel this type of pain again."

"Again? You lost a kid, too?" Marik asked sympathetically.

"No…but knowing that I have to see my child die, is more painful than taking my last mortal breath. If I had just died, I wouldn't have to feel this pain again. It hurts, Ishtar."

Marik wrapped his arms around Bakura. "I know, Itemri. It hurts. If you died a normal death, you wouldn't have Ryou. You wouldn't know the joys of fathering Aria."

Bakura sighed. "I know…."

The two yamis stood silently for a moment holding onto each other.

"Now I have to see that pharaoh try to kill my baby girl…..I don't think I can do that, Ishtar."

"I don't want to see my son's blood spilled. I love Aten……my son…"

"It is possible that the future might be changed, Marik. It may or may not work."

"To save my son's life, Isis, I would do anything. We have to try."

Isis stood up. "I must go now. I must speak to my brother." Isis stood up and left.

I turned towards them. This news was bad enough and I wasn't sure how the father was going to take the other piece of news I had for him. "Marik, there is something else I must discuss with you. This concerns Aten, Bakura, but if you wish to stay here, you can."

Bakura brought Marik over to the couch. This wasn't going to be easy as I looked at the two yamis cuddled up together. Part of me wishes Isis was here to grab Marik in case he decided to lunge for me this time.

"Have you noticed Aten acting strangely during baths by any chance? Restless when you hold him?"

Marik looked at Bakura. "I haven't spent much time with him seeing as Malik is ill and I do not want him getting sick. His heart and his immune system won't take illnesses too well. I know that before this entire mess started, he was having a little bit of trouble being held by anyone but me. He was more quiet than usual. I know that his abduction by Steven stressed his system. Little medication and little food would do that to a sick kid like him."

"Aten told me something that I think you should know, as Aten's parents."

Marik groaned. "Moneybags, stop talking like a Ra-damned businessman and tell me what is wrong with my son."

I knew this wasn't going to be pretty, but it had to be done…for Aten. "I was bathing Aten in Isis' apartment when he told me that Steven touched him."

Marik's eyes grew red. There's only one word for this situation: Shit.


"Aten told me that Steven gave him a bad touch while he was in the tub."

"Are you saying that sick bastard molested Aten?!" Bakura said growling. "After all that Ryou did to protect him, it failed?!"

Marik tightened his grip on the Rod and he growled. "No…..This can't be happening! That bastard! That slimy, greasy, son-of-a-bitch prick asshole put his hand on my son?"

Yup….shit. Double shit and triple shit. Marik was pissed beyond belief. But I couldn't blame him.

Bakura stood right up and I braced myself to be tackled off my chair and beaten, but, I couldn't show Bakura I was afraid. Hmph….you'll never see me afraid of anything.

"Did Aten say how Steven touched him?"

"No. All he said when I was getting ready to wash him where he needed, I told him that I wasn't going to hurt him. He said I was allowed to wash you like that and he said that Ryou's daddy said the same to him. I never saw that kid run away from having a bath."

"Aten loves his baths!" Marik said giving an irritated sigh. First I find that my son is going to have to die and now I find out that he's been sexually assaulted? MY TWO YEAR OLD! My son! Moneybags, aren't you full of any positive news?"

I sat and thought. "Your son missed you, Marik. He missed you very much."

"That is positive?"

"He loves his father, Marik. And right now he needs you. He needs patience and a lot of reassurance."

Bakura turned to Marik. "What will we tell Ryou?"

Marik gripped the Rod tightly and began to pace the room. "We won't."

Bakura gripped Marik's arm. "I can't keep this from Ryou. He's my husband and his mother. This is important. I never kept secrets from Ryou and I don't want to begin now."

Marik turned to look Bakura straight in the eyes. "If we tell Ryou, it would crush him. It would put Ryou back into his state of depression. We don't need to subject Ryou to that."

"But as Aten's mother, he has a right to know."

"If we tell Ryou, he will go back into that depression. You know what he was like when we brought him home from the hospital. He did nothing but cry and shake holding Aten. Ryou gave himself to Tim, Jessica, and even his own father, so Aten would not be subjected to their lust. If Ryou finds out that Steven hurt Aten anyway, he will be devastated. Right now, Ryou does not need to hear this news."

Marik growled. "Do you think I needed to hear it, Itemri? I just found out my son is going to die! Now I have to hear this? Kaiba, you suck at timing these things."

"I had to tell you the truth about Aten because you are his father and I owe it to Aten to tell you. You can help him like I'm helping Joey."

Marik bit his lip and looked down at the ground. I could tell he wanted to begin bawling, but knowing Marik, he'll run off to another room to have his cry alone. Marik hated showing emotions in front of people, just like I do. I was always taught never to show emotions in front of people; that emotions were wrong, even the good emotions were to be hidden from view and suppressed.

"I have to see my child," Marik said flatly leaving the room calmly.


Marik's POV

I walked down the hallway, my thoughts going miles a minute. My son….touched…."enjoyed" by that despicable miser of a man. My son…..tainted before his time.

Steven thinks he got away with it. Well, I have news for him. I know Isis plans for us to go back home today. I have to get Malik in bed when we get home. Even though he is almost eating normally, I do not want him to relapse. He is to go home and right to bed. Tonight, we will put the kids to bed and I will go out alone. I will dig Steven up from the cold ground, carve curses into him damning his soul to a place of neverending torment..the Shadow Realm. I will show Steven that he doesn't dare put a hand on my baby boy!

After the cops did an autopsy on Steven, whatever the coroner had left, they buried with Ryou's mother. That son of a bitch was going to pay for what he did to my son. I only wish I could resurrect him and have him feel the pain of what I planned to do to him. If he thought mummification while he was alive was painful, he was about to experience something more terrifying tonight.

I heard Aten's giggle come from Seto's bedroom. I walked in and saw Aten playing horsie with Joey. Aten's white hair was flying all over the place as Joey was on his hands and knees carrying Aten on his back.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wanna wide Puppy?"

I snickered mentally. I had something much better to ride than Joey….I had Malik.

"No thank you, son. Aten, come here, baby."

I kneeled and Aten struggled to jump off Joey's back. He ran to me as fast as his little legs could carry him. Aten arrived in front of me, his brown and purple eyes sparkling. His hands were held behind his back and he lifted his eyes to look at my own. I tried to block the images of Steven with my son out of my head.

My son stood before me, looking up with his sparkling eyes….the right one looking like Ryou's brown eyes. So beautiful. The purple one glistened….looking like my eyes. My son. My little boy. My baby boy.

Baby boy…..all mine.

How could Steven shatter such innocence?

"Here I am, daddy!"

I opened my arms to him. "Aten, Please give daddy a hug."

Aten walked towards me and he wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could. His skinny, bony arms pressed against me and I almost broke down completely. I couldn't let my son see I was upset. I brought him into my arms and stood up. His bony jaw rubbed up against mine. My baby boy's heart beat rapidly and unsteadily against me. His playtime with Unkie Puppy may have exerted him, but if he was tired, he didn't show it.

His tiny hands gripped onto my shirt and he turned his head. My baby boy kissed my neck, and breathed out a warm breath that grazed my skin. Then he whispered something that almost broke me into tears. He whispered in my ear, "I love you, daddy."

Ok….I know that last part was sad and cute. *Hugs chibi Aten*

POLL: I want to know, out of morbid curiosity, who do you guys think was the best baddie from my fics? You can have two favorites. I want to know because I'm really curious. Who was the best baddie in my fics so far? Steven, Tim, Tom, Jessica, or Anubis? Just curious….

Sequel: OK! I have much more of the sequel planned out thanks to my wife. I must say she is full of kick-ass suggestions! Anyway, Two baddies come back that were in other stories of mine. You may have guessed one already since I mentioned one in this chappie.

Updates: Sunday or Monday