Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ The Bachelor Party ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

ssjgoddesschico: I'll have to figure out a Yami and Yugi fic just for you, babe. Hmm…

Mystical Dragon: I thought it would be different

Elizabeth marie Rose: Long Time No see, babe! I know…*hugs Aten*

Joey's Gal: Marik will be funny and Bakura's reaction is priceless…so is Seto's.

Cynical Spirit Valea: No, Seto is going to officiate. I think Marik would rather have his Rod cut off than have Yami officiate it..

Bwuebewwy Sugar Pincess: Name change, huh? Well, Aria is the feminine version of Bakura…poor Bakura.

The Bachelor Party

Aten sat on Hayden's bed with his toy Millennium Rod and his toy monkey. Hayden looked at the monkey with curiosity. Aria was content to sit with Mokuba in the corner and play. Aria periodically looked over at her brother and the other "kid" and growled low in her throat.

"I can't believe Unkie Seto wen and bought a new kid…Hmmph….dat new kid is talking to my brudder!"

Mokuba looked at Aria. "There's no reason to think that my brother doesn't love you anymore, Aria. I was the only kid here until Hayden came along, but, you have to give Hayden a chance."

"Why? He's gonna take all my M's! If he takes my red M's, I will not be happy!"

"Don't be jealous, Aria. We all love you still."

Aria folded her arms defiantly and the bottom lip poked out. "If you wove me, you no keep dat kid awound!"

Mokuba sighed and looked at the other two chibis by the bed. Aten pet the monkey and hugged it tightly. The purple and brown eyed boy looked into the curious blue-green pools of the other child.

"You wike my money? It's bin my fwiend since I was a tiny baby! And dat was a wong time ago…you poby not bornded yet! Tee? You pill de wittle sing and it bans the sinals togedder. I show!"

Aten pulled the string and the monkey banged its cymbals together. "YEAH! GO MONEY! Dat's my faffite toy!"

Hayden slowly cracked a smile and stood off of the carpet. "Can I do it?"

Aten handed the toy to Hayden. "Pull de sing."

Hayden pulled the string and the monkey banged its cymbals together again. Aten bounced up and down on the bed clapping his hands. With a quiet squeal he brought the monkey into a tight chibi hug.

Hayden smiled and lowered his head a little. "How come you can read those pictures on that paper?"

"Oh..my daddy is Egishin. So is my mommy who really isn't my mommy. Mommy Mawik came fwom Egg-jipt. My daddy is tishing me to wead Egishin."

"It was funny to see two men marry. My aunt married another woman, though."

Aten's face lit up with a smile. "I love my daddies and my mommies! My daddy teaches me Egishin and my udder daddy pays wif me. My Mommy and my Mommy Mawik pway wif us and put us in the bat and feed us good shuff. My mommy ticks me in bed at night and tings me a wowwabye."

Aten looked around the room and sighed. "I wonner where my mommy and daddy are."

Hayden looked over to Mokuba and Aria. "Mr. Kaiba said something about a party he was planning for your dad since yesterday."

"Did you sweep good wass night?"

"No..I was up a few times with bad dreams."

"When I haff a scawy dweam wiff my mommy's daddy, I wun into my daddy's woom. He hugs me and wubs my hair and tays, `It's ok, Aten. Daddy's here and no one is gunna hurt my wittle baby boy.' My daddy is the bestest most popuwar daddy ewer! Dere was sumfin else dat my mommy ted today. I no cam memmer wat it was." Aten scratched his hair. "Oh yeah, my mommy ted dat me and Awia were saying owernight wif you!"

"You're staying here?"

"My daddy told me it was a sweep-ower, Aten," Aria said.

Aten turned back to Hayden. "Yeah. Well, if you wan to, I can wend you my wittle toy money for de night in case you sweep bad. My money no mind. He may get bore wif me anyway."

Hayden looked up at Aten with large eyes filled with tears. "Really? Sleep with your monkey?"

Aten nodded. "I can cuddle nest to my sisser."

Hayden took the toy hesitantly. "Really, really?"

"Yes, you can sweep wif my money. Now, money, you be good for Aiden."

"I never slept with a stuffed animal in a long time. I used to have this bear that my mommy dressed up as a racecar driver. It was really neat, but……I….don't have it anymore."

Aten cuddled into the monkey. "If I ewer woss my money, I would cwy and cwy and cwy and cwy and cwy. I wove my money!"

"I miss my toys."

"You can bowwow my money. Den you can sweep in a nice confy bed with a money who woves you as mush as me!"

Hayden folded his arms and hid his face from Aten's view.

"Aiden? Aiden? Are you cwying?"

"My sister used to give me her toys to sleep with. I haven't slept with a toy for such a long time! Thank you, Aten."

Aten reached over and rubbed the red locks of hair. "S'ok, Aiden. Don't cwy."

Aten wrapped his arms around Hayden, but the boy didn't shudder. "Maybe I can come tee my money bifore I go to beddies?"

"You bet!" Hayden said excitedly.


Seto grabbed a teaspoon and took the medicine to calm his stomach down. Joey knocked on the door and entered.

"Seto, you ok?"

"No," he whimpered holding his stomach. "I can't believe that I did this. What's worse is that I did this for Marik. He better appreciate what I'm doing for him!"

Seto's nose wrinkled at the Pepto Bismol running down his throat to settle his stomach.

"Come on, Seto. This is something Marik would love! What makes you think he won't like her?"

Seto rinsed off the spoon. "Erotic female dancers are something I know nothing about. Just the thought of a woman stripping for me….." Seto's mind was filled with the thoughts of a woman removing her bra to reveal soft, tender breasts and slender thighs. Seto downed an extra teaspoon of stomach medicine. "I don't think I can watch the stripper."

Joey sat on the toiletseat. "Haven't you any admiration for the female body?"

"You do because you are an artist. I just….can't stand to see a woman take her clothes off for me!"

"It's so bad you have to take stomach medicine for it?"

"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel queasy."

Joey stood up and rubbed his lover's back. "I'll sit next to you and hold your hand, Seto. I know you don't like women stripping, but, I'll be there to hold your hand. What was the name of the dancer you got?"

Seto shrugged. "I dunno. Like I said, I know little about female dancers. So, I just told the service to send over its best dancer who does the cheapest work. I think her name is `Princess Erotica' or some kind of jibberish like that."

Joey wiped the drool off the corner of his chin. With a name like that, he will have to remember her body so he could paint it later. Every now and then, Joey enjoyed painting pictures of the female form as much as the male. "I'm sure Marik will love her."

"I hope so. I made certain the service dressed her like a girl from a harem. I hired her to do the "Dance of the Seven Veils" for Marik. He better appreciate it. I tell you, Joey, that if he wasn't Aten's father, I wouldn't dream of doing this!"

"What? Hosting a bachelor party?"

"No…having a woman strip under my roof and on my dining room table. I'm never going to be able to eat on that table again."


Marik and Bakura tucked the chibis into bed. Seto tucked Hayden into his bed, knowing that after the party when he would check in on him, that Hayden would be on his carpet. Joey and Seto bid him sweet dreams and they went to check on the dancing girl who was in full attire. She wore sheer veils which covered her thin body. Her face was covered except for her blue eyes. Her hair was shielded by a more coarse veil. Joey looked at her walk into the room in which she was to wait until she had to enter the dining room. He admired her pale skin and her fluid movements. Seto……needed another teaspoon of stomach medicine and a good, stiff drink.

Bakura blindfolded Marik and brought him into the dining room. When he removed the blindfold, Marik saw everyone there….even that pharaoh showed up, much to his own surprise.

"What are YOU doing here, pharaoh?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

Marik folded his arms. "Hmm…standing there…doing nothing. That's usual for you, isn't it, Pharaoh Yami?"

Yugi tugged on Yami's coat. "Now, Yami, we're here to enjoy ourselves. You promised you'd be good tonight."

Yami sighed and moved to the other side of the room where Seto was sitting on the couch.

"You look like hell, Kaiba!"

Kaiba held his stomach. "I'm just getting ready for the entertainment."

"What kind of entertainment?"

"I got a stripper for Marik."

Yami narrowed his eyes. "Why did you do that? He's marrying Malik. He's gay!"

"He's not gay, Yami. Remember he was married in Egypt to a girl? Anyway, I'm doing this for him."

Ryou and Joey were in the corner talking about Joey's painting and Joey joked about Seto's "stripper-induced" nausea. Ryou shrugged and smiled.

"Well, I may not be too crazy about the idea, but I know Marik will love Seto for it."

"Well, it may give me an idea for another painting. You never know, you know?"

Ryou nodded. "True. Bakura, did you get the chibis to bed?"

Bakura hugged Ryou. "Yeah, Aten let Hayden borrow his monkey for tonight."

"Aten is such a sweetie, Bakura."

"Well, so is his mother." Bakura kissed Ryou's cheek eliciting a sigh of contentment.

Seto stood up and walked out of the room. "Ok, let's get this over with." Seto returned to the room quickly. "Ok. Marik, sit at the head of the table. Puppy sits next to me. Bakura, sit on Marik's left, Malik, you can sit to Marik's right. Yami and Yugi, sit next to me and Joey. Come in and do your…..thing."

A woman came out of the door into the dining room. She was decorated in sheer veils which barely covered the most private parts of her body.

Seto sat beside Joey and grabbed his hand tightly. The dancer used a chair to get onto the table. Marik's eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped twenty feet at the look of this dancer.

Her legs were skinny, yet her delicate muscles protruded from the skin. Her round, exposed belly was flat and looked like that of a fertility goddess. Her fingers were delicate and her fragrance was one of Egyptian Musk. Her blue eyes were piercing and vibrant. They were full of life and vitality. She removed one veil which covered her right leg. Malik looked over at his stunned yami and wiped a river of drool that was pouring off of his chin.
Ryou was holding Bakura's hand, his attention directed towards the dancer. Ryou couldn't help also wiping off a smaller trail of drool from his yami's face.

"Do you like her, yami?" Ryou asked.

Bakura shook his head. "No, but I am thinking about dressing you up like that and having you dance like that for me."

Ryou smiled and rested his head on Bakura's shoulder.

Joey looked over at Seto getting paler with each veil falling from her silken body. The dancer stood in front of Marik removing the rest of the veil from her legs. Marik went stiff and his mouth gaped at the beauty of her body.

The dancer stood in front of Yami and removed a veil from her hair. More veils hid her hair, though, as she dropped the veil on the pharaoh. Yugi smiled up at her as she turned to him and wiggled her butt.

She went to Bakura and leaned down to him, giving Seto a good look at something he had only seen in his nightmares. The dancer lightly glided her fingertips over her belly in front of Bakura and the yami nearly passed out right there.

Ryou fanned Bakura as he leaned back in the chair.

The dancer turned around to Seto and unclasped the material concealing her breasts. Everyone would swear that Seto had a lump in his throat right before she exposed her breasts, firm and pointy.

Seto gripped Joey's hand tightly.

"It's ok, Seto….think of something else. Think of me naked if that will make you feel better."

Seto gave a sigh of relief just before the dancer began to shake her breasts in front of him. Seto's fist came up to his mouth as he swallowed hard. The dancer moved to Yugi and a quiet whimper escaped Marik.

The entire table looked towards Marik, whose hand had "mysteriously" disappeared under the table.

Bakura leaned over to Marik with a smirk. "Umm, Ishtar, do you need help with that?"

Marik shook his head and began to shift in his chair. "Gods….Itemri," Marik whispered. "She looks just like Amunet did….smoooth skin……gorgeous eyes…….even her breasts look like Amunet's." Marik looked at the dancer's sculpted butt and he gave a groan closing his eyes.

The dancer's veil over her face and hair was the only garments shielding her from view. The dancer moved to Seto and began to untie the veil concealing her face. The dancer ripped off the veil and it was………………


Upon seeing Anzu's face, Seto leaned over the side of the chair and vomited everything he ever ate in his lifetime.

Everyone jumped back and away from the table.

Marik stood up quickly shielding his obvious erection which was free from his pants. He let out a wail of pain as he collapsed on the floor. "I CAN'T BELIEVE ANZU MADE ME HORNY!!!"

Yami covered his eyes screaming in agony. "MY EYES….THEY BURN!"

Bakura shrieked and disappeared into the Millennium Ring. Ryou held his head gritting his teeth in pain.

/Bakura! Stop beating your head against the walls of your soulroom! That hurts!/

//I'm trying to knock myself into a sweet, unconscious oblivion!//

Joey was busy patting Seto's back as he continued to wretch violently.

Yugi scurried under the table. "SOMEONE BURN MY RETINAS! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF RA!"

Seto looked up at Anzu smiling down at him.


Seto leaned over the side of the chair throwing up more violently at the sight of the brunette girl naked.


Seto covered his mouth and ran into the adjoining bathroom. Joey chased after him.


Marik curled up into a fetal position as Malik rubbed his hair. "Malik, Anzu gave me an erection…….and it won't go down!!!!" A long, lingering sob came from Marik's throat.

Seto came out of the bathroom and Joey led him to the couch. He put a wet cloth over Seto's forehead.

Seto gave a long sigh and moan. "If I wasn't completely gay before, I sure am now."

Joey kissed Seto's forehead. "Just take a deep breath, master."

Yami grabbed a hot poker from the fireplace. "SOMEONE BURN OUT MY EYES! THEY'VE BEEN PERMANENTLY TAINTED!"

Anzu ran over to Yami and wrapped her sickening arms around him. She squeezed him tightly. "Yami! When Seto and I get married, can you be the dancer??"

Yami grabbed Yugi by the waist and picked him up. Yami ran screaming from the room in horror carrying Yugi under his arms.

Ryou saw Marik on the floor shaking and ran over to him. Ryou bent over Marik and kissed him. "It's ok, Marik."

"NO IT'S NOT! ANZU DID THIS TO ME!" Marik screamed removing his hand from the front of his pants.

Ryou rubbed Marik's arm as the other hikari rubbed Marik's hair. "We should go."

Ryou and Malik reached to help Marik up and the yami disappeared. Malik reached for the Millennium Rod and gripped his head. /OUCH! YAMI! KNOCK IT OFF!/

//What do you think I'm doing, Malik? If I don't get rid of this now…..I can't believe Anzu did this to me!//

/What exactly are you thinking about while you are trying to get rid of it?/

//I'm thinking of you, Malik. That will make this much…………more……………R 30;//

Malik gripped onto Ryou tightly pressing his hip against Ryou. Malik threw his head back and rubbed against Ryou.


"He's…thinking of me……Ryou..He has to get rid of……." Malik stopped and gave a whimper. His breathing stopped for a minute.

"What happened?"

Malik continued to hold onto Ryou panting. "He was thinking of me while he was….umm….trying to get rid of any evidence that Anzu "excited" him."

"None of us knew it was her, though."

Malik nodded. "Marik will sleep it off. He'll be ok in his soulroom for tonight."


Malik squinted. "He's raving and ranting again. Nothing new with him. He's normal."

Malik and Ryou went to Seto and Joey on the couch. "We're going to head off to bed."

"Marik better appreciate what I did for him. I can't believe I had to see a woman naked….not just any woman……ANZU! I SAW ANZU NAKED!"


Seto clutched his stomach in agony as both Malik and Ryou gripped their heads tightly. Both of the yamis were in their separate soulroom banging their heads against the walls.

Bakura gripped the stone walls of his soulroom banging his head against the wall screaming, //OSIRIS, TAKE ME NOW!//

Marik laid on the feather bed in his soulroom with a pillow over his face shrieking, //IF I WASN'T DEAD, I'D SMOTHER MYSELF NOW!//

Malik and Ryou hobbled out of the room grasping their heads with Malik grumbling, "I guess we're not going to get much sleep tonight, Ryou."

Ryou squinted and seethed through his teeth. "I guess not….OW! Bakura, knock it off!"


Ryou sighed, "I think you're right, Malik. Unfortunately."

Seto continued to grasp his stomach as Anzu jumped around the room naked.

"OO!! We're finally alone, Kaiba-waiba! My pookie!" Anzu threw herself on Seto as Joey tried to wrestle her off. My pookie-poo! My snookie-wookie- woo-woo Seto!"

Seto arched his back in severe pain and cried out. Joey couldn't reach the phone from the couch, so he had to abandon his lover on the couch with the sex-crazed, brainless moron.

Seto opened his eyes wide as he saw Joey run away. "JOEY! NOOOOOO!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!"

Anzu brought Seto into a bone-crunching hug. "Now we can have our baby! Yeah!"


Joey contacted security and soon they came to carry Anzu out of the room. Joey returned to his lover shivering.

"Seto, are you ok?"

Seto heaved and panted. "As soon as we can……I want this dining room table cut up into tiny pieces, taken out of here, and burned! I need to buy a new table now…..Damn it all to hell."

Joey stroked Seto's hair gently. "It's ok, my dragon. Just relax."

"How can I after seeing that?"

Seto continued to shiver as the images of a naked, shaking Anzu replayed in his head. Joey helped Seto to his bed to help sleep off the trauma.


Hayden's eyes opened with a snap. The dream of his uncle punching him in the face had come back. He tried to shrug it off as just another dream. That dream was no different from the dream about his uncle touching him, or the dream about his uncle charging money for others to "use" him for their sick, twisted fantasies.

Hayden collected the toy monkey in his arms and squeezed it tightly.

`If I leave the room, my new fathers would be angry….they might even hit me.' Hayden paused. `But, Aten said that both of my new fathers were very nice. They haven't done anything to me yet. Maybe if I go see what they are doing, I can go back to sleep. I'll know where they are.'

Hayden crept to the door and shivered.

[Don't you leave this room, boy, or you'll pay another hefty price like the last time!] his uncle called to him from his memories.

Hayden took a deep breath and crept into the hallway. Seto always left the light on for the security patrol. He clutched the toy tightly. Where did his fathers sleep?

The chibi heard snoring come down the hall, so he crept along the wall, periodically checking behind him.

He saw one room door that was open. Aten was sleeping curled up in his sleep sucking his thumb. The chibi crept up to the Egyptian boy and watched his eyes flutter. A small tear caressed Aten's cheek. "No….bad Mommy's Daddy…….bad touch."

Hayden's blue-green eyes lit up in shock. Aten went through the same thing he did! A hand reached up and took Aten's hand.

Another arm draped over Aten's side…it was Aria. She was also asleep. He couldn't stay there with Aten…Aria was nearby.

Hayden scurried out of the room afraid to wake up the sleeping girl. He heard the snoring coming from a door that was cracked open. He opened it slowly to see his two fathers asleep in the huge bed.

Their bed was much bigger than his own! The bed had a huge canopy where sheer material draped over the sleeping boys. Hayden took a deep breath and slowly crept to the bed. His blond father's snoring was loud enough to wake the dead while his brunet father breathed deeply.

Hayden's eyes squinted as he tried to push his uncle's voice from his mind.

He had a nightmare and he felt lie he needed the hand of an adult near him…even if the adult chose to violate him.

The chibi climbed on the bed and crawled between Joey and Seto. Hayden watched as the brunet began to stroke the toy monkey's fur. Seto didn't open his eyes.

"Aten, did you have a bad dream again? Don't worry, baby. I'm here, Aten. Just cuddle into me."

Seto's hand rose to Hayden's hair and rubbed the boy's scalp lightly. Hayden squinted his eyes waiting for the vicious pull on the hair to keep him pinned to the bed…then he would have to submit to his new father's lustful needs. But…it never happened. The brunet just laid there stroking his back and his hair gently. Seto's touch was almost as if he was holding a porcelain doll….the touch was soft and delicate.

Seto pulled Hayden close to him. "Cuddle up to me, Aten. Come to Unkie Seto."

Seto's hand brushed Hayden's back lightly.

[Cuddle up to me, boy. You know you want to.]

Hayden's eyes lifted up to see the shadows lurking on the white walls of the bedroom.

[You dare defy me by saying `No'?! You're hopeless, boy! Completely hopeless! I don't know why I keep you around! OH…wait…that's right…there IS only one reason why I keep you around! Get on the floor with the rats, boy! The ground is the only bed you deserve!]

Hayden crawled out of the bed shaking and curled up on the carpet beside Seto's side of the bed. He curled up into a fetal position like Aten and sucked his thumb until he fell asleep.

Joey turned around in his sleep and began to whimper. "Take that, dad!" Joey punched Seto awake and fell back asleep before he even knew he did it.

Seto grumbled awake and turned around only to hear breathing below him. He opened is eyes and looked down at the five year old curled up on the carpet beside the bed. Hayden was cuddling with Aten's monkey. The child shivered in his sleep as Seto leaned over the bed to grab the spare blanket. He crawled out of bed and put a pillow and a blanket over the sleeping chibi.

The closed eyes squinted as tears came down his face in buckets. Hayden's one opened fist clenched tightly. Seto took note to have the child's nails cut he next day. He gently pried Hayden's hand open to prevent the child from hurting himself. The child continued to shiver in his sleep.

Seto sat beside the bed and brought Hayden onto his lap. He wrapped the sleeping child in the blanket and rocked him gently until the nightmare ended.

After sitting beside the bed rocking Hayden for four hours, Hayden's nightmares finally subsided. He stopped quivering and his crying had ceased. Seto was so tired he could not move. He buried his face into red hair and closed his eyes falling asleep as he cradled

Hayden in his arms.

Updates: Sunday!

Update on wife: Well, Melissa is doing a lot better, guys. Life is almost kinda back to semi-normal! Love you guys!

Sequel: Ok, guys. I have the sequel officially planned in my sick, twisted little brain. TIPPIE! Lemons are still in there and the rating will definitely be NC17. The chibis start pre-school and an oldie-but-goodie baddie comes back. Actually, two goodie baddies! TIPPIE! I'll tell you more when I get to the chappie to set off the sequel.