Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Out Of Place ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Joey's Gal: Well, I know I said that Steven wouldn't return, but Ryou isn't his target. I didn't plan on him returning. But, he does.

Cynical Spirit: No, the monsters didn't realize he was lying.

Bwuebewwy sugar princess: *hands Ryou plushies* there we go.

Mystical Dragon: *Chibis eat snack* Aria: Is it M's??? Aten:……No, Awia..no more M's…

Out of Place

Hayden jumped out of the limo when Seto opened the door. Salty air hit his senses and the crash of waves hit his ears. Mokuba darted for the beach wearing his red swim trunks.

When Seto said they were going to the beach, Hayden cocked his head. `What is the beach?' Since Mokuba became all excited, he knew it couldn't be all too scary. As long as he stayed with Joey and Mokuba, he knew nothing could scare him.

Hayden looked up at Joey wearing his green speedo. "Where are we, sir?"

"The beach, Hayden! Aten should be here soon with his parents, so until they show up, we can enjoy ourselves."

Hayden shifted uncomfortably as he looked at the wide beach and the wide ocean. "It's awfully big…."

Joey kneeled down to the trembling chibi. "This was Seto's idea, son. We're going to show you a good time today."

Hayden walked close to Joey as Seto and Mokuba set up the beach blanket.

Seto covered himself in suntan lotion and asked Joey to cover his back."

Joey slid his lotioned hands all over Seto's muscled back. Thankfully Mokuba was showing Hayden the ocean so Joey slipped his hand down the back of Seto's trunks.

"Umm….puppy…no sun is going to reach there…not with the kids around, anyway."

"I know. I just thought you wouldn't mind."

"Any excuse, huh?" Seto smiled as Joey lotioned him up. He stopped when Mokuba dn Hayden returned.

"Hayden's a little nervous, Seto."

Hayden's eyes shifted nervously around the empty beach. "What if my uncle finds me?"

"Your uncle wouldn't dare come near me with you here," Seto said confidently. "If he did come near me, I would personally rip his heart out and show it to him before he dies."

"But I don't know where he is. He just left me."

Joey sat up and leaned into Hayden. "What do you mean, son?"

Hayden inched towards Mokuba and wrapped his arms around him. "I escaped from my uncle when he left the house. He hadn't fed me for four days and I was so hungry. So, I kicked out part of the door of the closet and broke out. I crawled out the doggie door and went to the first adult I saw."

Seto looked between Mokuba and Hayden. "How could you tell days went by from inside a closet?"

"The sunlight on the floor told me when it was day and my uncle had me out at night to work for him and for whoever bought me for that night. Then it was back in the closet until the next night when I was needed. I rarely slept in my own bed."

Seto growled wishing that he could grab that bastard and tear him to shreds. "We won't let anyone hurt you like hat again, son. We promise."

Joey took Hayden's hand. "No one will hurt you anymore, son. I know you are afraid,, but your family will protect you."

"Aiden! Aiden!" a voice screamed from the other end of the beach.

Aten, dressed in purple swim trunks, carried his red bucket and yellow shovel. Aria was running to Seto with inflatable arm tubes around her arms and dressed in a pink bikini.

Ryou, Bakura, Malik, and Marik approached Seto and Joey carrying blankets and a cooler of snacks and sandwiches. Marik had a skimpy speedo on which, much to Seto's relief, concealed Marik completely. Seto made a mental note not to let Aria around Marik should he lose his speedo or should it shift.

Seto looked on Malik and Marik's wrist. Both of them had a new tattoo on their wrist.

"What's that new tattoo, Malik?" Seto asked as he took the Egyptian's wrist.

"Marik and I had our vows tattooed on our wrist a couple days ago. We wanted to do something special to celebrate our wedding."

The yami put his arm around his hikari. "Now we both have our vows tattooed on us so we never forget them. This reminds me of Malik."

"And this reminds me of Marik," the hikari said kissing his yami's tattoo.

Aten smiled as his arms wrapped around Hayden. "Aiden miss you."

Hayden still tensed up a little as the white-haired boy embraced him.

Aria ran to Seto and hugged him around his neck. "Unkie Seto, swim wif me! Come on,

Unkie Seto! Swim wif Awia!" Aria pulled on Seto, her spiky hair flying.

Aten looked up at Hayden with large, chibi eyes. "Aiden, can you hewp me make a sam cackle?"

Joey raised an eyebrow at Aten. He noticed Ate speaking strangely lately. Hayden shifted uncomfortably.

"Peas? I wan make sam cackle wif a moe."

Joey leaned forward to Aten. "Do you mean a sand castle with a mote?"

Aten nodded excitedly. "Unkie Puppy, can you hewp us make a sand cackle wif a moe?"

Joey shrugged. "Come help us, Hayden. It's fun to build a sandcastle."

Hayden followed sheepishly. "Ok….." Hayden continued to look around the beach warily.

Ryou laid down on his back watching Aria run away from the approaching waves squealing happily and then chasing them back to the ocean, growling fiercely at them. She saw Seto chase after her and she kicked water up at him playfully.

"I'll get you, Aria!" Seto screamed chasing after her. The chibi ran away squealing at the top of her lungs.

Joey, Hayden, and Aten sat in the sand. Joey looked at Aten closely as he filled his bucket with sand.

"Hayden doesn't know how to make a sandcastle, Aten. Tell him how to do it," Joey said readying his ears to listen to Aten's language.

Ok, Aiden. To make a sam cackle, you need tand and a biscit and tum wadder. You put tand in and pat it wike dis." Aten pat down the sand in the bucket. Nest, you tun de biscit uptide-don wike dis. Den pull up de biscit and…. " Aten pulled up the bucket and the sand crumbled. Aten sighed and scratched his head. "What I do wong, Unkie Puppy?"

Joey took he bucket. "You have to put the sand in the bucket, pat the sand down, put the bucket on the sand and pat the sides of the bucket again."

Aten shrugged. "Otay. You tie, Aiden."

Hayden's eyes opened wide as he heard, "You tie Hayden" in his head. He backed away slowly holding his left wrist.

"Aiden? You otay?"

"You wanna tie, Aiden?"

Joey pat Aten on the knee. "Give Hayden a few moments, Aten."

Aten could see the fear in the red-haired chibi's eyes. "Did I tay sumfin wong, Aiden?"

"Hayden," Joey said calmly. "Aten only meant to say if you wanted to try making a sand castle. He didn't mean to say anything to scare you."

Hayden ran behind Joey and hid.

"Aiden? I towwy. I no mean to fwaid you."

Hayden peeked his head out from behind Joey and returned to his place beside Aten slowly. "Sorry, Aten. I didn't mean to do that."

"I unner-tand, Aiden. I towwy. Unkie Puppy, can you ass him if he wants to do a sam cackle?"

It's `Can you asK him,' Aten."

"I ted dat, Unkie Puppy," Aten said handing the bucket to Hayden. "Make a sam cackle, Aiden."

Hayden followed Joey's instructions and made a sandcastle. Aten squealed happily at the sand castle. "Now it needs a moe," he said happily. "Aiden, can you get some wadder fom de okin?"

Hayden looked at the bucket confused. Joey turned to him and told him to fill the bucket up with water from the ocean. Hayden ran to the water when he saw a crab walk along the edge of the water. He put the bucket down and poked at the crustacean.

"What's this?"

The crab had a string attached to it. On closer inspection….it wasn't a string, but a leash.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF RA AND ALL THINGS HOLY! NO!" Hayden jumped as he heard Marik scream in physical pain. Standing above him was a brunette girl with a pink vest, a yellow shirt, and a blue skirt.

"Aww! IT'S A CHIBI!"

Hayden's eyes went wide and he dropped the bucket and ran for Seto. Anzu chased Hayden dragging the crab behind her on the leash.. Hayden ran behind Seto's legs and shook,

Anzu looked down at Hayden with a large, brainless smile. "Seto, is that your chibi?!"

Seto's hand moved to his stomach,, remembering the sickening scene of seeing Anzu naked as the fated day she was born. "Yes."

"Is that chibi mine?! Wait a minute! I remember kissing you when I danced for you! YEAH| I HAD A CHIBI AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT! THAT WAS SOOOOOO FRIENDLY OF ME TO HAVE YOUR BABY! I WANT ANOTHER! HI, LITTLE CHIBI! I'M YOUR MOMMY!"

Hayden darted for Joey and ran into Joey's arms shaking. "Get her away from me!"

Anzu looked up and saw Bakura and Marik setting up a volleyball net. Marik put the Millennium Rod on his and Malik's blanket and carried the volleyball.

Aria and Seto left the ocean since Seto wanted to lay down to get a suntan. Aria ran to Aten.

"Aten, wanna buwy me in the sand?" Aria said holding Aten's bucket that Hayden dropped.

"No, Aiden fergot to det de wadder for de moe. Can you go det tum wadder?"

Aria pouted and threw the bucket down angrily. "Why don't you wanna pway wif me anymore? We used to pway all day and now all you wanna do is pway wif dat kid!"

Aten grabbed the bucket. "I jus nee a moe for my sam cackle."

Aria pouted and lifted her foot. "GET YOUR OWN WATER!" Aria kicked down the sand castle, the sand flying in Hayden and Aten's eyes.

Ryou and Malik heard Aten and Hayden's piercing cries. Aten grabbed his eyes and shrieking painfully. Marik turned around and dropped the volleyball hearing his son in pain. Joey held Hayden close and wiped the sand from his face.

"Daddy, it hurts!" Hayden cried as Joey tried to remove some of the sand from Hayden's eyes.

Malik reached down and picked up the squealing Aten. Tears filled Aten's eyes. "Awia dot tand in my eye!"

Seto and Malik ran over. "What happened?"

Aten wrapped his arms around Malik. "Awia boked my sam cackle! I jus nee a moe!"

Ryou turned to Seto, "I am so sorry, Seto."

Bakura ran over and picked Aria up into his arms. "What have I told you about treating Hayden and Aten like this?"

Aria growled at Bakura. "I don't tare!"

Ryou stood in front of Aria. "Aria, that sandcastle meant a lot to Aten. You didn't

have to destroy it and make your brother cry."

Aria crossed his arms and pouted.

"Uncross those arms, chibi yami," Bakura said growling back at her.

Aria uncrossed her arms and watched Aten being carried back to the blanket. Bakura carried Aria over to the blanket. Malik held Aten in his arms as Ryou tried to wash Aten's eyes out.

"Baby boy, just relax."

Anzu ran up to them watching Aten whimpering and twitching body, sand covering his face and hair.

"Sand in the face is like friendship! SAND IN THE EYES IS LIKE FRIENDSHIP!"

Marik growled and clenched his fist. With a blow to the cheek, Anzu fell backwards unconscious.

"Aten, we need you to stay as still as you can."
Seto held the water jug as Joey held onto Hayden. "Hayden, just relax."

"Malik, hold Aten's wrists so he can't cover his eyes. Tilt his head back."

Malik held Aten in his arms and tilted his head back. He grabbed the whimpering boy's wrists. Ryou bit his lip and poured the water over Aten's eyes.

Aten let out a loud scream as the cold water hit his clenched eyes. Aria's anger melted as she stared wide eyed at her wailing little brother. Aten squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle his hands from Malik's grip to cover his eyes. Aten's wailing brought tears to Ryou's eyes. It wasn't enough that the water was running over his closed eyes…he had to open his eyes to get the sand out.

Ryou's hands moved to Aten's eyes. "Baby boy, open your eyes."

"Mommy! It hurts! It durns!"

Ryou gently pried Aten' eyelids open and poured the water over the eyes.

Aria turned her head away from her shaking, wailing brother and Bakura turned to Aria. "Your jealousy is causing your brother's pain. Why are you turning away?"

Aria closed her eyes and buried her face in Bakura's neck. "Daddy, make him stop scweaming!"

"If you are so angry at your brother, this shouldn't bother you. Why does it bother you?"

"Aten in pain……I no wike to see him cwy wike dat."

Bakura sighed. "Your brother doesn't deserve to be treated like this, Aria."

Hayden sat on Joey's lap. Seto poured the water over Hayden's eyes and the boy whimpered. It was much easier to restrain him. Hayden was always taught not to fight when restrained.

"I'm sorry, Hayden," Joey said as he held Hayden's arms down. The boy whimpered in extreme pain. Joey thought that Hayden must have been taught not to scream when in pain. He must have been taught to keep quiet, even in times of extreme agony. Once the water was done being poured over Hayden's eyes, Seto stood up and walked towards the ocean. He couldn't take Aten's cries of pain and Hayden's whimpering. Joey cradled Hayden and let the boy relax in his arms.

Joey leaned down and kissed Hayden on the forehead. "It's going to be ok, son."

Hayden shivered and opened his eyes wide. "You….why did you do that, sir?"

Joey was struck back by the question. "You were in pain. I wanted to make you feel better. Did it work?" Joey smiled at Hayden.

Hayden smiled back for a moment. "A little."

Ryou put down the jug of water and sat on the blanket. He brought Aten into his arms and rocked him gently, rubbing the boy's back. "I'm sorry, Aten. Shh…..it's going to be ok, baby boy."

Bakura put down Aria in front of Ryou, who had tears in his eyes from seeing his son in pain. Aten rubbed his face on Ryou's shoulder and cried.

"Aria, that was not a nice thing to do. I think you should apologize to Aten and Hayden."

Aria crept up to Ryou's shoulder and saw Aten's brown and purple eye red from the sand.

"Aten, I'm sowwy. I was mean."

Aten cried louder. "My sam cackle…….You dot tand in my eye. It weawy durns! My eye!!!!!!!" Aten wailed as he rubbed his purple eye on Ryou's shoulder.

"Mommy, is Aten's eye gonna be alwight?"

Ryou bit his lip and nodded. "He'll be fine, Aria. Just let him cry it out."

"I'm towwy, mommy."

Ryou rocked Aten brushing his hair back. "You know, Aria, Aten is the only brother you will have. He loves you very much. Remember when Aten and I were gone for a really long time and we were in the hospital? You didn't see us for a long time?"

Aria nodded. "Yes."

"Did you miss Aten?"

Aria nodded and rubbed her teary brown eyes. "Yes."

"What if Aten wasn't here with us?"

Aria pouted.

"You know you would be very lonely without him."

Aten's crying finally fell to little whimpers.

"I think you need to think about how Aten feels when you treat him like this. It really hurts him….and I know you don't want to hurt him."

Aria whimpered. "No….I don't wike to see him cwy."

Ryou sighed. "I think you also need to apologize to Hayden, Seto, and Joey. Hayden didn't deserve that treatment."

Aria's crying stopped and her hair became spiky once again. Bakura growled low at her.

"I don't want to hear it, little missy! Unspike your hair and apologize to Hayden this instant!" Bakura growled at her showing his canines thereby showing her he was serious.

Aria dashed to Joey where Hayden relaxed in his arms. When Aria appeared, Hayden curled up in Joey's arms whimpering again.

"Hey, kid, I'm towwy," Aria said showing her canines.

"Un-canine those teeth!" Bakura called out to her.

Hayden didn't respond. He just quivered and gripped Joey's arms tightly.

"You now, Aria, Aten is your brother. You two are going to be best friends the rest of your life. Nothing should come between you and your brother. When my mom took my little sister away, I would have done anything to have her beside me. But, when I found out what kind of a person my father really was, I was glad she wasn't living with me. She didn't have to go through what I did living with my dad. Serenity would have to live with what I went through. I loved my little sister and there were times I wished she was there to hold me…and tell me it was all going to be ok. But I didn't have that. My point is: You and Aten need to be there for each other. If you didn't have each other, look at how lonely you would be."

Aria shifted uncomfortably, taking interest in the sand below her feet. "Otay." Aria ran off. Joey shook his head wondering if anything he said sank in.

"Unkie Seto?" Aria squealed as she ran up to him. "Unkie Seto, I'm towwy I hurt your kid! You wanna go pway in the sand with me?"

Seto looked down at the chibi with the big brown eyes. Aten's crying began again, but it was more quiet this time. "Aria, what you did to Aten was un-called for."

"But he wouldn't pway with me!"

"Aria, Aten didn't deserve what you just saw. He didn't deserve to be put in that much pain." Seto kneeled down to her. "Aria, Aten is more than your brother. You both are family. I only had my little brother when my parents died. I had to protect him from bullies and from those who wanted to pull us apart. We only had each other to depend on."

"But, Unkie Seto…." Aria pouted giving him her best and biggest chibi eyes.

"That won't work this time, Aria," Seto said.

Aria pouted and Bakura shouted from the distance, "Un-pout that lip, little missy!"

"I didn't have anyone but Mokuba, Aria. Without Mokuba, I would be lost. You know your brother is sick?"

Aria shifted uncomfortably. "I know he needs dese mecication for his heart."

"What if Aten wasn't here for you? Would you be lonely?"




"Would you miss him if you woke up one day and he wasn't there?"

Aria hung her head low. "Yes, Unkie Seto."

"You know, Aria, I know you are upset that I adopted Hayden. But, it disappoints me and hurts me that you would not only hurt Hayden, but you would hurt your own brother."

Aria looked up at Seto with large chibi eyes. "Unkie Seto, do you hate me now?"

Seto stood up and looked down at Aria with his brooding stare. "I do not hate you. I am very disappointed. Now, go play with your toys."

Aria walked away sadly. She walked up to Ryou.

"Is Aten better yet?"

Aten yawned against Ryou.

"He just went through a lot, Aria, give him some time."

Aria sat down in front of Ryou. Bakura and Marik returned to their game of volleyball. Anzu had woken up and was trying to chase down Fluffy who was running to the ocean in desperation.

Aria sighed. "Unkie Seto hates me, mommy."

"He doesn't hate you, Aria," Ryou said brushing off some stray sand from Aten's face. "He just doesn't like how you are treating Hayden and Aten. We don't love you any less, Aria. We don't want you to be a bully to Hayden. I won't tolerate you treating Aten the way you just did. He did not deserve from anyone, especially you."

Aria hung her head. Ryou brought her into his lap. "You are still my little girl, Aria, but I want you to love your brother and take care of him just as he always takes care of you. Remember when you weren't feeling well the other night, Aten gave you his Change of Heart plushie to sleep with? He cuddled up to you until you fell asleep. He fell asleep holding onto you that night. And I had to wake him up for his nighttime heart medication."

Aria scratched her head. "Mecication at night? He onnie tates it in the morning when the sun comes up."

Ryou shook his head. "No, Aria. Aten is very sick. He needs his medication in the morning, afternoon, and night now."

"What are dey for?"

"They help keep Aten's heart beating. Without them, he would get very very sick."

"Could he die?"

Ryou bit his lip. Aten's brown and purple eyes were looking up at him. He nuzzled into Ryou's chest and sighed, his little eyes staring into empty space. Ryou didn't want to scare the chibi, but he couldn't lie to her.

"Yes he could, Aria. That is why we need you to take care of Aten just like he does his best to take care of you."

Aria lifted her arm and took Aten's weak hand in her own. "I'm towwy, Aten. Do you wan to go build a sand castle with me?"

Aten looked up at Ryou. "Can I?"

Aten's eyes still looked groggy after taking his afternoon dosage. Ryou could feel Aten's heartbeat become uneven after getting the sand out of his eyes. He gave Aten a pill and cuddled the baby like he always did. Aten always had to curl up into someone's arms after taking his medication.

"If you want to build a sandcastle with Aria, baby, you can. Malik? You want to go with them?"

Malik jumped up and took Aten's bucket. "Let's go build sandcastle, Aten!"

Aten struggled to get out of Ryou's lap. His body swayed unevenly as Aria took his hand.

"Stay close, you three!"

Ryou laid back on the blanket watching Aria, Aten, and Malik make a sandcastle. It wasn't long before Aria became bored with it. She ran back to Ryou and grabbed her dolls.

Seto returned to his blanket and had fallen asleep. Joey had taken Hayden to walk along the shore. Anzu walked up to Seto and put Fluffy on Seto's trunks. The crab crawled up to Seto's chest and crawled back down to his trunks. The crab crawled up Seto's swim trunks and pinched Seto in the most unmentionable of places.

Seto's eyes snapped open and a wail of pain escaped his throat. Seto reached into his pants suddenly getting the attention of all on the beach.

"OW! OW! OW! OW!"

Seto reached down his swim trunks and Marik called to him. "NOT IN FRONT OF MY KID, YOU DON'T!"



Aria's head snapped up. "Did Unkie Seto find my penis? Aten, Unkie Seto found my penis!"

Aten's hand raised and he called to Seto. "I haff a penis, Unkie Seto, but I no can wet Awia haff it!"

Marik snickered. "No, Aria,, Seto didn't find your penis. But, I think the crab found his."

Seto pulled the crab out of his trunks and growled. "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS FUCKING THING!"

Seto tossed the crab into the air towards the ocean. Anzu jumped up and down. "YEAH! FLUFFY CAN FLY!"

A high-pitched "TIPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!" was heard coming from the crab. (A/N: a moment of silence, please, for the crab who has entertained us since "The Fall of Icarus".)

Anzu stopped jumping when it hit the water. "No friendship….I don't have a friendly crab anymore.

Bakura turned to Marik. "That was the shortest case of the crabs I have ever seen."

Anzu let out a high-pitched wail. "I DON'T HAVE MY FLUFFY ANYMORE! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Marik covered his ears and growled. He had to shut her up or she would never stop.

"FINE! HERE!" Marik snapped his fingers and a scorpion appeared.

"OOOOOO!!!!!!! A PWETTY SCORPION! I WANT TO HUG IT AND SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE IT UNTIL IT STOPS BREATHING!" The scorpion's tail erratically stabbed Anzu's hand trying to free itself from her grip.


Anzu cuddled the scorpion as everyone stared at her.

Bakura leaned over to Marik. "If she was human, she'd be dead by now!"

"Itemri, she is not human!"

Anzu began to sway as the scorpion's venom hit her system, but she wouldn't stop.


Seto reached for the cooler. "I need an icepack……"

Joey raced to Seto's side along with Aria who grabbed an icepack.

"Here, Unkie Seto!" Aria squealed as she threw the icepack down on Seto hard, not knowing how sensitive Seto had suddenly become.

"Thanks," Seto said whimpering.

Anzu somehow put the leash on the scorpion and dragged it along the shoreline singing about how friendly the sand was and how happy she was that Pinchy loved her….supposedly.Bakura and Marik returned to their volleyball game. Aria stayed with Seto, rubbing his brown hair away from his eyes. Malik and Aten returned to making their sandcastle.

Malik showed Aten how to make the sandcastle, but Aten was having difficulty following the necessary steps. So, Malik just let the baby hit the bucket.

Ryou sighed as he watched Malik and Aten play with the sand. `My father never played with me like that,' Ryou thought. `I kind of wished he did.'

Ryou remembered playing with his mom on the beach, but his dad rarely took him to the beach after his mother died.


Not died……


Murdered by his father.

Murdered because of his fear that Ryou would turn out feminine like his mother.

Murdered…………because of him.

He was the cause of his mother's death.

Because he was born his mother died.

Ryou wiped a tear away as he watched his son play happily with Malik.

[What a happy scene………..too bad it won't last.] a voice in Ryou's head whispered menacingly as Ryou watched Malik and Aten play.

Maybe it was the sun.

Maybe it was the fact he was worried about Aten and his medication.

Maybe it was something he ate.

Maybe it was his own medication causing him to suddenly go numb.

Ryou shook his head. Ryou clenched his fists trying to keep control of himself. He wasn't feeling all too good. He didn't quite feel like himself.

Something was wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it…….

Something was…out of place.

Updates: I will update on Friday. I hope that will give me more time to work on typing the first couple chappies of the sequel, Hostile Takeover.