Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ Supplying Answers ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love

Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)

Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic

Rating: PG-13 to be safe

Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)

Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.

Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.

Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.


Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)


Let's begin now…






Yuugi followed after his father into the antechamber where Mai had greeted him. He was glad to be rid of trouble and finally back in the palace. Yuugi was still unbelievably tired though, and his pace was slow. He let the water brush past him. Some times the water was warmer than other times. Tonight the water was definitely cooler. Perhaps he was just getting home a bit too late? His ventures often took longer than he thought they would. He was undoubtedly making progress though. Yuugi swam idly behind the old sea king glad that his father was cheered up. More so than usual, at least. Everyone today seemed to enjoy making him pout! It was absolutely horrid and unfair. How cruel!


The merboy, Ryou, had left the throne room from another doorway leading outside. The guard behind him was big and most likely quite stupid. Yuugi couldn't see the face behind his mask though. Guards are required to wear them at certain appointments and this was one of them. It was almost odd. The two looked rather unmatched. In fact they didn't look like they traveled far to get here together from the same place. Too different for that…almost. Ryou was shy, nervous, and polite to a state in which one could get sick of the whole deal with manners. The guard, however, was silent, still, and abnormally large. Yuugi wondered which was a better representation of the unknown prince from Atlantis. Was he intelligent and fun to talk to? Does he spend his days studying tablets on Merfolk lore? Or was he like the escort? All brawn and no brains. Yuugi hoped that he would at least be someone interesting, someone who actually cared about the whole thing. It would not do at all if the prince were some obnoxious royal like all the other's Yuugi had met in parties and such. His father was rather popular.


Yuugi actually didn't know much about the whole deal. He might attend a few meetings, but his knowledge of the actual arrangement was far from adequate. To him it was just some dreadful thing that would happen sooner or later. He hoped for later. It was something being planned years before but just occurring now. There was no opportunity to find out more because of that. There was no arguing it either. What little voice would he have over years of planning to join one of the two strongest aquatic kingdoms, Atlantis and Carribbea? Ryou didn't have much choice in it either, Yuugi thought. He and the messenger boy caught in this dreadful thing that was way beyond them. They were snared, like fish in the mighty shark's jaws. The teeth were closing in on them until all they could do was comply and get over it. Most dreadful, indeed.


Yuugi took a different turn in the monotonous halls with their ever-constant blue and silver hue. He wanted to talk to Mai tonight. Yuugi realized that they hardly ever had time to get in a decent conversation nowadays. Things were just too busy. For the both of them too. Mai had been helping the underwater kingdom in gathering magic. She was exhausting herself.


He needed to find out more about what this was all about. He never understood it and didn't worry either. Now it seemed more important than ever. The prince was skipping meetings and making up for them with small gifts. Things were actually happening rather than the long talks about the marriage. They got boring and routine to a point where Yuugi had almost believed that it would never happen. He believed that it would always happen `the other day' not this one. Reality was coming harsher now. Yuugi no longer thought himself immune to this condition…it was going to happen very soon now. He could feel it. The truth felt like moray eels scouring past. It carried a shock and later on, a sick, sinking feeling that set in. Ate at him and hollowed him out.


No more were the days when he'd just wake up, swim around with friends, and come back to be lectured about duties, marriage, and such. Hardly anything to worry over, right? Of course, now the event was being set into motion. The point in a game where things turn around! Things were slowly moving along and Yuugi could tell that the engagement was much more realistic. In fact, it was charging at him. It didn't even matter that both King and Prince could not come. Their absence was enough to set uneasiness and anxiety within him. Moray eels at work.


Another turn and the halls seemed to turn into a slight plum shade from the normal blue. Yuugi swam on without much rush, yet still greatly needing answers. He wanted to know why. He knew a lot of the other things. He knew who, what, where, even a bit of when and how. A reason as to why was the only thing missing. The emptiness and lack of an answer nearly frightened him. He looked for answers now. Mai seemed like the type of person to tell him some answers, straight and true. It would be unlike her to do any otherwise.


Yuugi knocked against the cool stone even though the hanging seaweed posed no challenge in barring his way.


"Yes?" came the voice inside. It was inquisitive yet refined…a highly false tone reserved for use amongst servants.


"It's just me, Mai. I was hoping to talk." Yuugi answered. He waited by the doorway until Mai said anything else.


"Come in then." She called, a slight sense of relaxation in the tone. Yuugi used a hand to sweep the seaweed up over his head and he ducked slightly to go under. The interior of the room was very beautiful. Practically everything in the room was made from something previously living. Everything was from the ocean. Large sea sponges were placed in corners of the room. It was brimming with previous aquatic life. Another plant particularly stood out in the room.


Yuugi recognized it as Burivalia from his studies on aquatic life. Mai had taught him herself. The plant was a faded red, almost pink, and it was quite soft. Under his fingers it felt soft and slightly warm. Buri, the nickname for the plant, was the perfect fabric. It was naturally warm and incredibly soft. Merfolk grew it themselves with excess magic to enrich the soil to and grow it because Buri was so useful. Yuugi dimly noticed that this year's harvest wasn't so plentiful as previous ones.


Yuugi kneaded the fabric under his fingers as he sat on a sponge covered in a Buri sheet that was probably the handiwork of Mai. He could remember her telling him how Buri was grown, collected, and weaved. Right now the memory served to settle him a bit. He now felt a paradox of contradictory feelings. Yuugi was tired yet restless. Curious but wary. He kneaded the soft fabric continuously -a distraction.


"Why do I have to do this?" he said. The words barely tumbled out of his mouth. Yuugi had repeated it several times in his head before it did. Almost accidentally.


Mai was lounging on a curved sponge bed wrapped in a blanket of the same material. She could relate to Yuugi's feelings, if but slightly.


"Because you have to. Don't worry. It's not that bad if you think about how it could be worse." She answered with as much energy as she could.


"Not that. I already heard all of that. Why do the kingdoms need to be joined in the first place? What made them agree to this?" Yuugi replied. He hoped that Mai could at least tell him.


She got up in a sitting position with the blanket still around her shoulders. "Come sit down over here." Mai patted the spot next to her tiredly and Yuugi swam over. She wrapped the blanket around him too and hugged him. "You're confused right?"


"Yes. Why is everything this way in the first place? Why does this have to happen and that come to be? Why are there so many rules in the first place?" The questions came out like a rushing current, hardly stopping until some questions that didn't even pertain to the marriage came out. Yuugi was confused. Mai had guessed it.


"Well, everything is there for a meaning right? We live here because Dad's the king and we're supposed to. That part is tradition. Besides which we both enjoy it here right?" She spoke to him in a comforting voice starting with the small things and slowly escalating. "You stopped playing in the reefs because you had to learn to be a prince and tend to your studies. That was tradition as well. Besides which you liked knowing things just as much as you liked games!" Mai tickled Yuugi suddenly. The both of them laughed.


"Ha ha! Cut it out, Mai!" more giggles, "stop!" Yuugi laughed until finally Mai relented. The scene returned to that of a talk between two siblings caught in something puzzling. Settling into the unsettled atmosphere.


She sighed. "Atlantis wants to join with us to flee from the cold waters. Every merperson knows that our home is one of the best."


"And why is that so sad then? You sighed as you said it. And why do we have to let them? Why do I have to get married?"


She tapped him on the nose. "You're so ignorant sometimes. Dad couldn't ever turn them down. It's not the way things work."


"Tradition?" Yuugi questioned sourly.


"Pride." answered Mai. Seeing that Yuugi was still perplexed she continued. "You see, Atlantis is the home of the most powerful merfolk out there. Why not comply rather then start a fight? Having Atlantean merpeople depend on you is a good thing, Yuugi. It gives Dad a higher status."


"But what can we gain from it all?" Yuugi continued. "The deal hardly seems fair."


Mai laughed a rich laughter, finding humor in his question. "Don't worry about that. Our daddy always knows how to get the most out of a bargain." Yuugi leaned against her slowly getting sleepier. "Maybe having them here will get something done." Yuugi fell completely asleep. "Poseidon knows we need their magic." Mai finished softly, only when she could feel he was asleep.


Yuugi was sleeping know, small bubbles came out his mouth. Mai looked lovingly at him in admiration of how he had taken this so well. Had she been asked to comply she would have rebelled furiously. Of course…her story was different.


Mai lifted him along with the blanket he now clutched in his hands. She left her room, leaving behind the violet walls down to the blue hallways of the internal workings of the castle. She swam to Yuugi's room decorated in red instead. Yuugi shifted slightly as she put him on the bed and tucked him in. He murmured something hard to catch, grasping her long blond hair.


"Why don't we go to the surface anyway?"


Mai froze. Then she left that uneasy stance. She moved his hand from her hair. It was a habit of his when he once found comfort in it. Still did, it seemed. Mai smiled grimly, saddened into remembering. She leaned down to gently whisper into Yuugi's ear the answer.


"It was a mistake I made…I'll tell you one day."


She kissed his cheek and smiled a bit happier as he turned to his side. The little merboy would not understand how much deeper everything really was. And she, as a sister, could not bare to tell him.


It was dreadful.





A/N: Blah. I'm awfully sorry about slower chapter updates. I don't ever type ahead so this is started right after I'm done resting after the previous chapter and worked on from there. A dumb thing for me to do, right? I know some people who actually have a few chapters done in advance…intelligent bastards.


On the chapter itself I apologize for Mai maybe being slightly out of character. Let me know if she is…I tried to keep her as in character as possible while still having her be the older sister who loves Yuugi…in a sisterly way! Perverts.


Burivalia is completely made up. Atlantean history will be explored later. The name of the kingdom `Carribbea' came from a general location…the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. That's made up, as well. I'll let you people in on exactly what's happening later on…when I feel like revealing things. This would include `What's Mai hiding?' Poseidon knows things are slightly more complicated than that.


I'm slightly disappointed how this turned out because at first I felt like revealing more. My sadistic side took over and in the end you know less than you should…while I am reveling at the events to come! I love the benefits of being the author! Sorry for slight lateness and shortness of the chapter! Authoress begs forgiveness!


Thanks to my reviewers! You've gotten me the most reviews I ever had for one fic!


cute-little-Yugi: There's a first time for everything! Thank you for reviewing…and yes, Yuugi has a merboy is cute!


yaminakathy: Thank you very much. Do you consider a week soon?


Ksaturn: Mermaids do rule. Thanks for reviewing!


keisan: Thank you so much! I really like it when someone takes the time to comment on what exactly they like. I agree with the part about Seto and Jou especially! Although they do play an important role as well. I think all of the characters in this fic will have a part to play. Bakura will definitely appear…I still need to think of how. Yuugi and Yami meeting will be a treat indeed! Can see it happening.


Carmen5-Nemrac: Thanks so much! I'm now able to add adorable to my list of compliments. Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl: Wow. I feel loved! As for the two meeting…not for a while yet. Sorry. I'm going to take my time to set everything up before they meet. Expect it within around 3 chapters though! Thank you for the lovely review!


Hopeless Case: Rambling is awesome. Wait until you see me on a role! I'm pleased that you like what I've looked up. I do indeed plan a lot! I'm glad you like this cute, adorable, and sweet fic (as the reviewers say!) Thanks for reviewing!


hikarinotenshi15: He's marrying another prince. Thanks for the inspiration though…as well as the review!


Lady Shinigami: Ideas come instantly…so I can understand being hyped about one. Unfortunately I get ideas when I'm all alone…or in an environment where it would not be good to jump up and down shouting about the latest idea. Thanks for the support in having Mai be his sister. How'd you like this chapter? Interesting questions you've brought up as well…oh the things people wonder at 4 am! Thank you very much though.


Esther'nEra-godess-ofChaos: That's one heck of a name you have there! As to your question…no. He doesn't. Don't you think he should though? I think glasses make him look even more intelligent…and the mental picture works. Thanks for asking though. Please read and review!


Sugar Kat: My friends have the lazy thing going too…they hardly ever sign in to review. Takes panda cookie. I'd rather live to continue also. Thanks!


KNT: Thanks very much! In your opinion…was this chapter longer? I'll try to update soon as well. I can't tell though. I make a habit of swamping myself in work then procrastinating it! Wish me luck!


maple: Well I guess that's a good thing. Could you possibly elaborate on what was ok? Thanks for reviewing all the same.


Pharaoh Atemu's Angel: Thanks so much! I'm glad everyone likes merboy Yuugi. Thanks for supporting Mai as well!


Yana5: I know. I pity the poor guy. Thanks for reviewing. I hope you liked this chapter as well!


Hyacinthus: I tried. I promise to try harder though. Thanks for reviewing! (And so soon too!)


Rikainiel: I was so surprised to get a review so soon after updating! Thank you!


Happy Dragon: Technically you were my first reviewer of this chapter. I'm sorry…but somehow your review wasn't in the review place…I remember reading it though! I'm so sorry! All I remember now was something about transitions, hot chocolate, and A Fishy Tale by a funny bunny so-and-so. Thanks for reviewing though! (FF.N is to blame…)


Thanks for reading! Please review!