Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ Strange and Otherworldly ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love
Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)
Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)
Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.
Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.
Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.
Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)
Let's begin now…
The merboy had met a human! He had honestly seen one, and not from the shore either. This time he had swam around in circles far underneath the small boat until he found the impatience and anxiousness to simply approach the stranger and get it over with. Circling and spirals and endless pondering had driven him -propelled him upward where the water seemed to grow clearer and brighter with broken images of the surface world. Yuugi recalled drawing nearer and nearer to that dark mass that was the boat, swatting at it to alert the human, later exposing himself to the world and to the human with a splash above the water, and finally taking a split second for his eyes and lungs to adjust. It was always so clear above water; nothing like it was being immersed in it all the time. Being above water was strange and demanded him to notice just how much he reacted to the change. His head felt clear and muddled all simultaneously from too much consciousness of what he was making himself do. His breathing was the same, yet heightened with uncertainty. His eyes tried to focus on one point in all the new mixture of precise colors and found himself unexpectedly drawn to and stuck on two dark red eyes. They were the eyes of the human.
The human was strange to him like all the rest of the world above. He carried an air of superiority that Yuugi could not stand, and made him want to yell at him that he was prince of Carribbea while the human was just another of billions even if the statement would make him sound like some narcissistic, self-absorbed brat. Luckily, he was not caught completely unaware, and Yuugi had the sense not to go around telling his heritage to every soul he should meet. However, he came very close to wanting to hit the human, the human that wanted to be called `Yami.' Yami had brilliant crimson eyes that practically leaked from the amount of arrogance in them. There was that pompous attitude and the stereotypical `royal' air. He thought he was better than him. Yuugi could practically smell the flowery scent he wore and nearly reeled when Yami made no hint of obeying, and no gesture of leaving until he had driven Yuugi to nearly begging for it. Did all of the human kind delight in having someone to push around and make them listen and obey you? If that were so than Yuugi was just fine with his life in the vast blue ocean, the kingdom of Carribbea, and…well…no, he was not at all happy with his `marriage.' Then again, he had almost been expecting the human to understand where he was coming from, realize his own mistake in trying to find merfolk, and give up with a word of thanks to Yuugi for helping him realize his own wrongs. The human did not, in fact, do anything Yuugi had hoped would happen. The human was strange and otherworldly.
`The human' had yet again made Yuugi realize that he was awake rather than asleep and made him aware of the soft hums of sea elves. The `human' swam around in Yuugi's eyes despite it being dark and nighttime. Yuugi tossed a bit on the soft sea sponge, cold against his bare back. He could hear himself shouting. The voice was definitely his own, and it was shouting at him for being so stupid as to openly approach a human the way he had. Was he purposely handing him and his kingdom over? On a gold platter, no less?
Great job, Yuugi!
The voice was sarcastic as well. Hadn't there been meaning in “If it's not broke, don't fix it?” He had just made everything worse. When Mai had done what he had just done, swimming right up to a human, she had at least been certain that there was no other way. Back then, weren't merfolk allowed to swim around freely with no chains to hold them back from breaching the water with the dolphins? There had been no limits. There was infinity to give and to gain until that human long ago had made a point of standing guard for the merfolk. He had been on the look out for them, possibly all night and all day if it were possible. Mai had had reason to go meet him, to try and put a stop to his actions lest merfolk never get a chance to see the surface again. Ironic, then, how her own actions had wrought the same future as the meddling human's. But then, Yuugi's choice was different. Had the human had any interest in him at all? What if he was just a vacationing human with the ill-fortune to meet a merboy? What then? Yuugi groaned from the thought of it. He could see the day from a different point of view and he could feel his ears bleed and eyes wince to know he had gone through the trouble of working up courage to face the human, all to later tell him to leave. It was insanity at its finest.
What Yuugi needed to have done was far from dealing with the human, approaching the human, speaking to the human, or anything even remotely close to having to do with `the human.' He should have just stayed the hell away. Yuugi frowned darkly with his arm crossed over his eyes trying to block out flashes of the afternoon that played back and forth, over and over in his tired mind. Was there no rest to be had? He tossed and he turned and felt the cold of the bed against one side of his back shift to the other with each turn. He fought for a place where he could lay down and rest -somewhere that completely escaped him. His blanket had long since been defeated by all the tossing and turning and general unrest. It retreated to the hard stone floor of Yuugi's bedroom, where it lay now. Yuugi tried sleeping without it -tried to make himself think of nothing but sleeping, but instead he made himself fret more and more over how stupid he was to just talk to a human. He had talked to one. He didn't need to, but somehow he was driven to speak to the human that he had seen earlier in the morning. Aquarius could have been blamed for it all, playing hide-and-seek, tag, going to the surface, having a human see them. But Yuugi was not without blame. He was the one who chased the dragon blindly and followed it wherever it should lead him. He was the one who jumped to conclusions that he should also confront the human, like Mai had done, without completely thinking it through. That was inexcusable. His kingdom needed not for him to take in abandoned water dragons, play endlessly, or try and solve matters on his own. In fact, Yuugi was pretty sure that all his kingdom needed him for was as a `bride' to marry to Atlantis.
There had been a reason that they needed Atlantis, Yuugi had been sure of it. Didn't he ask Mai? Oh, what had she said? What was her answer? Yuugi's hands pressed at his closed eyes, rubbing them worriedly.
Great Poseidon!
Had he fallen asleep before she told him? Yuugi groaned inwardly, the thought that he had completely taking over his small musings of Yami. What had she said? There had been a matter of pride…friendship…age-old tradition? No, that had been to explain everything else. Atlantis needed the warm waters, and they needed…devil fish. He had not even learned why they needed Atlanteans in the first place. Defense? Safety? They were not needs at all. Yuugi could not seem to find a political reason at all behind all of it. Joy, it was his own wedding, his own forced marriage and he didn't know why it was to happen. Well, bury the mistake of approaching the human. Yuugi knew there was something wrong in what he had, no, needed to do.
He sat up suddenly to retrieve the blanket, a sense of calm in his mind coming from anger at being forced to wed. The same anger he had felt only briefly ever before. However, his sudden move at sitting up sent a wave of dizziness spreading through his head that made him want to lie back down on the soft, comfortable -if cold- sponge. Crazy dots danced in front of his eyes, blue, green, flashes of white and yellow before fading to spots of red. Never sit up suddenly after lying down for so long, Yuugi noted. He grimaced from the slight lightheadedness and snatched for his blanket on the ground.
He heard the voice again. No, it was more than one voice.
“-do what is right for your kingdom…”
Yuugi frowned -still with his eyes closed- while laying down on the sponge in discomfort. Was peace so much to ask for?
Surely his kingdom wanted more from him than to simply see him married.
Yuugi had not imagined the voices in his head; they were no creation of tiredness or a greatly distressed mind. In fact, they could be traced through the many hallways of the castle.
Out of his hallway, past all the blue ones that entangled themselves with each other and the inner workings of the place, and out as far as possible one could get to the heart of the castle, and thus the heart of the city, and the heart of Carribbea. It was there that all the floors would meet with a respected distance away from the next and one could see clear across the purposely empty space to the other side, as other floors could as well. The center was a hollow spot where everything came together to encircle a place of harmony. It was tall too, and from the very first level one could tilt their head up to see the first few floors, but would later have to lean their heads as far back as possible to lose themselves in the lacey curlicues of the ceiling. There was nothing to fill in the black metal that served as a roof for the heart of the castle. It was just a flowery design depicting a sun-like flower with the way the petals opened in divine grace. That was why the center of the main part of the castle served as a reception hall for large parties. It was large and glorious and open to all the floors, and all the floors circled around it before leading into the many sapphire hallways.
Past the beautiful center and away from the silver railing running through the floor in a circle, one could follow a path down to the next floor and the next. Here, the voices undoubtedly grew larger and louder even muffled by the thick patchwork of seaweed.
King Quahyder placed his Buri-wine glass down on the table-coral with a firmness that held command.
“I have a reason you know. That is why you must do what is right for your kingdom.” He said slowly, deliberately, and commandingly in such a way that it was hard to ignore his deep voice. Quahyder stared at the merman opposite him.
“Tell me the reason then, King. You need a good one for my making another trip down to Atlantis. The journey is long, cold, and harsh beyond belief, and the way leading there is treacherous.” he said with flamboyant articulation and stress of how `harsh' it was. The black-haired merman sat there undaunted in the presence of royalty. So impervious was he that the merman merely twirled a strand of dark hair while intentionally slouching the slightest bit, and even making eye contact to the unkind stare of the king's with his own livid green.
The King laughed small spurts of chuckles, rising from deep within his chest. He shook his head as he laughed. “So? A reason now?” He laughed quietly again finding something very funny, yet ironic the way he shook his head. “All right then. You do know how yesterday was the day when the King of Atlantis and his son should have come, right?”
A nod came from the merman.
“You know they were not there, right?”
This time the nod came quicker so the merman could try and counter the statement. “There could be hundreds of reason, majesty. Bad traveling conditions, delays, storms…anything could have been the reason for it!”
“They sent a messenger with an apology and a gift.” Quahyder pointed out flatly with his eyes trained to the wine glass. “They didn't plan to be here and they knew it.”
“You use the term `they' so off hand. Why? The king was not there? The crown prince does not wish to marry?” the merman asked chidingly.
“Neither do.” Quahyder replied stiffly and seriously. “That's the problem, and it's only one of many.” He sighed and looked at the merman across the table. “The dates for these meetings were prepared by you. You know their significance and you know that they are respected even should the prince disagree.”
“Yes, drag him here if possible, or simply come alone…” Otogi, the black-haired merman stopped twirling the lock of hair, “I see. So the King really wasn't there. How comical. ”
“Exactly my point.” Quahyder said tiredly. “He did not attend and neither did the prince of Atlantis. The problem is that he has given no reason -only apology.”
“How comical, indeed.”
Quahyder nodded and took another long drink of his Burivalia wine.
“You want another trip out of me then?” Otogi asked, “Are you sure you are not just paranoid?”
Quahyder eyed the young merman sourly. “If I were paranoid then it would save you a long trip. However, I am not `just paranoid' as you seem to think. And you're really one to talk. Were you not the man who arranged for certain dates for meeting? Was this not your plan as well as my own? Answer me Ryuugi.”
“So something might be wrong. You want me to go undercover and spy for you, Majesty? That is asking for too much.” Otogi Ryuugi answered.
“Too much! Too much? This is the future of Carribbea! The future of Atlantis itself that you hold in your hand. What will happen if they no longer wish to come here? Hmm? What then? Do you want all of us to die then?” Quahyder roared.
Otogi yawned closing his emerald green eyes and further showing his black tattoo on one eye. “Settle down, your majesty.” He waved a hand delicately, “If there is truly a reason behind missing one day…”
“The trip is long, to miss one day and send a messenger shows pre-planning.”
“…then wait till the second and see if it was just a fluke or a pattern.” Otogi finished.
“Do you really not care at all? Had you not put all of your efforts in forming this alliance with Atlantis? The King wishes to marry his son with my own to further our friendship. We need them as much as they need us and this is no time to let something, however small, slip away unnoticed.” Quahyder argued. He slammed his wine glass back down on the coral table, jarring it with near supernatural force.
“You are tense, your majesty.” Otogi nagged with a joking tone.
“I am not anything of the sort!” he indignantly denied.
“It is the drink, your majesty.”
You are running away from a job!”
“It is late and you are tired, your majesty.”
“I am far from tired, and the hour is normal for a hardworking King!”
“Dear Poseidon, you haven't taken your medicine have you, King?” Otogi continued on like a mother hen. “That won't do at all!”
“Otogi Ryuugi! Listen to me!” Quahyder yelled from his frustration. “You are to do what is right for your kingdom! Show some responsibility for once!”
Otogi looked away, averting his bottle green eyes to a sea plant in the corner and then downcast.
“It may be right for the kingdom but it will be wrong for me!” He answered decisively, turning his eyes back to the King. “Don't be surprised to hear that later, either, and I know you've heard it before. Princess Mai, right?” His tone became harsh and stone cold.
“You listen to me now, boy. You are going to Atlantis, you are finding out why the King and Prince were absent, and you are reporting swiftly back to me!”
When Quahyder saw Otogi look away again he continued on with command.
“That is a Royal Order -not to be turned down.”
Otogi laughed bitterly, his long black hair waved around darkly. “Oh, what a father you are to stop at nothing to force your child to marry someone he does not even know.”
“Don't talk back to me, Ryuugi!” Quahyder yelled loudly.
He did not. Instead, Otogi crossed his arms and continued staring at the plant and probably raving with mental retaliations against the King's command. A moment of tense silence passed where neither of them spoke, Otogi for being ordered not to, and the King wondering what to say next.
“Fine then, King.” Otogi finally said with a sneer at the title, “Let's talk solely on the mission.”
“Finally, you act like a professional!” the King proclaimed, utterly exasperated.
Otogi looked at him, his wine glass, and continued concentrating `solely on the mission.' “You say they sent a messenger boy. What was his name?”
“R-r…it started with an `r'.” Quahyder said as helpfully as possible. He looked at the stains of violet-pink still in the glass. “Ryou?”
“Yes, I know of him. I helped him join last year in getting a job as messenger.” Otogi nodded agreeably. “He is staying here still?”
“Yes, in the guest tower.” Quahyder replied.
“Good. Keep him there. If the job involves coming across something he might know then it is better for him to stay here as long as possible. Stall him if necessary.” Otogi continued on, he had his hand under his chin in concentration, his eyes closed, and he bit his lips the slightest bit.
“I am constantly reminded why you are the best Carribbea has.” Quahyder said loosening the tension in his shoulders with a sigh.
Otogi opened one eye at the King. “Of course you are. I am the best envoy you have and you know it. Why else send for me at such a late hour?”
Quahyder laughed again softly, shaking his shoulders with each chuckle. He rubbed his eyes with his hands trying to wipe away the sleep from his eyes. “I am fortunate not to have to worry about the problem with stalling the messenger.”
“Oh?” Otogi asked. “Why?”
“He had a friend who just arrived today, late today in fact.”
“A friend?”
“They appear to be more than that.”
“Ah, Bakura, right?” Otogi laughed, “Ha! That one really loves Ryou. He glared me down the whole time when I was at Atlantis at the start of this.”
“You seem to have given him a reason though.” Quahyder pointed out.
“Yes, I did. I dated Ryou there for a week or two before having to leave and come back...and finally I just thought it better to end it.” Otogi recalled the memory.
The king raised an eyebrow.
“Well. I shall do what is best for my kingdom, and everything is all set. Is that really all you needed me for, king?”
He nodded.
“Then I shall leave for Atlantis right now.” Otogi decided, and he got up out of his sponge chair.
“Now?” Quahyder stared at him in shock.
“Yes, now before I run the risk of running into Bakura.”
Quahyder continued his staring for a long while, thinking about the young merman now with a frown on his face. “He has a long scar on one eye and two hatches over that. Might you have a connection with it?”
“I'd like to say I could do damage like that to him, but no. Although, I don't remember the scar on him either.” Otogi's brows creased. “I will have to look into that matter later.”
“Yes, you do that.”
“And you just get your sleep, King. Even the sea elves wish it, and Poseidon knows you need it.” Otogi commented while swimming slowly out of the room.
Once out, he continued his way down the silver spiral of a staircase, down to the first floor at the heart of the castle and stared fondly at the immaculate decorations of the blue palace with its orb lights.
So, even Bakura is gathering here now…
A/N: Yes! New chapter, long chapter, and more plot! I feel very accomplished despite how boring it must have been to read. However, it gives you a lot to chew on. Originally I was thinking of putting Bakura in much later, but it seems that some people wanted him sooner, and because of that I figured he could fit in pretty well now. I was also debating on Otogi for a while. (He's Duke Devlin should any of you go solely by the dubbed names.) I didn't know if he was more surface material or underwater. In the end I figured he fit the job description well and stuck him there after much thinking on the subject.
If you were confused about the description of the `heart of the castle' think of a two story family room, or any other type of room (or even staircase) where from the top you can see down. Now, simply arrange that design so that each flight of stairs or floor goes in a circle, and you have the internal structure that every hallway eventually leads up to.
Thanks for reading this new chapter! Thanks for reviewers too! You've made my day, on Valentine's Day no less! Also, 150 reviews, thank you all very much!
Misori Chan: Thank you very much for agreeing to archive this. I'm really glad that you deem it archive-worthy. In fact, here's my part of the deal: a nice, looooong, update. Thanks again!
Tayko: Thanks!
Death: Thanks for the review on that. Serious though? Are you really serious? Not too fast? Not too slow? (I'm starting to sound like a girl getting her cooking tested by a guy in Japan…except if that were the case it wouldn't be a matter of speed…) Thanks as well for the comment on humor. Seeing as you know what will happen, I think you'll understand that a bit of humor now will make the fall seem less bad. Cough: As for wearing that flowery skirt…well, first I'd have to buy one and then get you to wear it so don't get hopeful yet. Besides which I'm a writer who's flat broke, besides a couple Barnes and Noble gift cards. I'm also a writer who can't seem to find other descriptions for the anatomy of fish that won't be hard/harder to understand. At least scientific terms are specific. Although, I'll think on it.
Hikarinotenshi15: I'm glad to find you so excited to see more! I am too, despite being the one who writes it. Laughs nervously. I'm also happy to find you actually liked the previous chapter. It was encouraging, thanks!
Hikari's-dark-side-: Oh wow! I really don't care! Whether Bakura and Ryou are just in a fic together, or if Bakura is serenading, singing a lullaby…anything! I'm just so happy that someone would actually do something like that for me. You have no idea how grateful I am for fans like you! Please, write whatever you want, you've humbled me! Also, thank you for such an entertaining review. As always, here is the update!
LadywolfTerri: Wow! Thanks for liking the fic, it probably wouldn't be here if no one at all liked it…or started flaming it. Anyway, I'm really glad to know you like it. You'll also find out exactly why Marik is looking for Yami later on in the fic. Everything that happens, every sentence and the way it is executed/written has a certain reason behind it to imply a certain thing. If you really want to see what you can find, read between the lines and try to predict what will happen. Glad you reviewed!
Chelley Angel: Yes! I am slowly mastering the art of timing and pacing! Thanks for the review. I'm glad you liked the update, and yes, Yami cannot tell simply because he cannot. Maybe I should make him and see how Seto would react? Pauses and thinks about it. Not half-bad, decent idea, actually! Thanks!
Master Elora Dannan: Poseidon! I loved your review. I'm really lucky to have someone who actually questions what goes on. I suppose I do get to mess with fate a little bit being the writer. Then again I'll try to get Yuugi and Yami to meet again with good explanations, well, acceptable ones at least. As for who the mysterious prince is…you will have to find out. I will not say a word in who it is, whether or not he is original, or if or if not he is Ryou. The identity of the prince was not supposed to be given out, so just keep trying to figure it out for now! (Actually, it's better not to worry about it until the twentieth some chapter…which I expect there to be.) Thanks! (And the bit about giving chocolate to Yuugi was extremely hilarious.)
Dark Raven, Hiei's girl: Actually, it's not all too long since I once took a month to update this fic. Some other of my fics have even gone on hiatus due to working only on this one. (I care this much about the plot and composition.) I'm glad that you liked it though! It felt nice to know it was appreciated despite myself still thinking it was one of the worst. Thanks for reviewing!
Rose: That's great. Got a lot of chocolate on Valentine's Day, eh? I mooched candy off my little brother.
Shy: Thanks for your review, Shy! I'm so glad to know that you liked that chapter since I was near convinced it was the worst. Thanks!
Yugi-is-my-one-and-only: Ten chapters for the both of them to even meet. It must tell you a lot on how long this Fanfiction will be, right? Thank you for reviewing!
Yana5: Yes, he is. Thanks!
Alana-Star/SugarCat: Aw. They don't hate each other! They merely are hell-bent on ticking the other off. Well, Yami's bent on doing that while Yuugi is trying to drive him away. So, they don't hate each other, per say, just strongly dislike. Well, they still met right? Thanks!
Carmen-Nemrac: No, neither gave the other a very good first impression, but knowing the pairing one can obviously guess that that will change…slowly though since I want it as realistic as possible. (Meaning they will not be hugging and kissing and being lovey-dovey for a while yet.) Thanks for reviewing though!
Rin-almighty-yaoi-lover: Yes! Happy be-lated Valentine's Day to you too! Although, Pharaoh Atemu's Angel over there has you beat with her ultra-fast author alerts and such. Ah well! You were close!
DemonSurfer: Snatches Banana Chips. MINE! I'm a fan of those. Looks off to the side nervously while gobbling them down. Thanks for the encouraging comment though. Whenever I read over the chapters to this fic (which I try to do every time I write to have it be consistent) I regard each chapter as worse than the other since I remember the first four chapters having more description. Instead, I've found more use of dialogue. For that reason I've really been working on writing dialogue (Otogi and Quahyder scene…can you tell?) Thanks for reviewing too. I feel much better. Also, this is definitely a chapter partially for you. Bakura and Ryou have been mentioned, thus they shall make reappearances. I hope you enjoy!
Pharaoh Atemu's Angel: If I had been the reader I think I would have been waiting for the last chapter too, I mean, honestly, how many authors wait 10 chapters before the main characters even talk to each other? (Well…besides me.) I'm glad you liked it. I was surprised to find other people liked it as well. Thanks for telling me that. I was really going to unity in the last chapter, but that wound up badly seeing as the two aren't particularly fond of each other yet. Keyword: yet. I'm glad you liked the balance though. I'm really happy since a lot of the things I write are guesses. No one really writes an exact instruction manual in how a certain plot bunny is dealt with, so I'm just guessing and hoping I got it right. Obviously, I haven't muddled it completely, so for that I'm thankful. Again you're the first reviewer and thus again you're at the bottom of this list of review replies that grows longer with each chapter. Honestly, one reason the chapters are getting longer is because there's more reviews! Who knows, maybe the replies will be longer than the story! Should that impossible feat ever happen I might have to stop writing individual replies. A pity since they are fun to write after planning and drafting. (Very little drafting, much more plotting.) Sadly, schoolwork is still a bit high for my likings but this weekend was helpful. I still have a day off Monday too! Yeah, I'm amused by the simplest things. (One being actually getting reviews!) Thank you.
Wow! Those are done! I just want to add that I plan to squeeze a lot of chapters out of this idea! Heck, I planned a sequel should I need one! (Though the sequel is less plot filled and more of an adventure type thing.) I also plan to do a lot more timelines and things since I know what will happen, just not an exact when. Also, longest WL chapter ever!
Please read and review, and if you've made it this far in reading the author notes and/or review replies then you deserve a pat on the back!