Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ We All Need A Vacation ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title :: We All Need A Vacation

Rating :: NC-17

Written By :: <lj user="cybunny_">

Pairings :: Ryou/Bakura, Malik/Marik, Yugi/Yami

Warnings :: Lots of Yaoi and Lemons... Just the way we like it. (:

Summary :: Just a mini story about the Yami's and Hikari's going on a needed vacation... this story will develop more as more is written, obviously.

Chapter Title :: 01 :: Preparations

Chapter Summary :: The Yami's and Hikari's hit the road for the road trip part of their vacation.

Chapter Rating :: NC-17.

Chapter Warnings :: A nice Lemon between Malik & Marik. ^_^

Chapter 01 :: Preparations

:: Ryou ::

"C'mon Bakura, wake up!"

The only response I got was a growl and a pillow thrown at me, smacking me in the face. I glared at the lump that was Bakura, buried under the covers of our bed. I must've had a death wish by waking Bakura up so early, but everyone else was up and ready to go, except maybe Marik. He was just as impossible in the mornings as Bakura was.

"Bakura, come on. We're need to get an early start if we want to reach the beach anytime soon," I sighed, crawling onto the bed with him and kneeling beside him as he grumbled something.

"What was that 'Kura?" I smiled a bit, knowing that whenever I called him that, he usually would listen to me.

"I said, YOU SUCK," Bakura growled, poking his head out from under the masses of covers. I smiled and brushed back his long, thick white hair, which was even more messy than usual from sleep. "You know you love me," I smiled, planting a soft kiss on his cheek as he finally pushed himself into a sitting position.

"Yeah yeah," he muttered, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "Why must we be up so early?"

"Because Yugi says so," I shrugged indifferently, handing Bakura some clothes so he would get dressed. If not, he'd happily go outside in only his boxers. "And why must I dress if we're only going to be in a car for Ra only knows how long?" Bakura grumbled some more, still half asleep.

"Because this time, I say so," I smirked, pushing the clothes into his hands, "I'll be downstairs."


:: Yugi ::

"Morning Ryou!" I chirped, smiling warmly, full of excitement for what they days ahead of us would hold, "Is Bakura finally up?"

"Finally, yes," Ryou smiled, "Has Malik had any luck getting Marik out of bed?"

"I hope so," I replied, "I did hear Malik throwing a fit up there because Marik refused to move at all."

"Go figure," Ryou chuckled, "Where's Yami?"

"Finishing up with putting all our bags and things in the car," I told him, "We're going to stop at a diner or something for breakfast."

"Sounds good," Ryou giggled a bit as his stomach growled agreeably, "I didn't realize I was so hungry. What time is it anyways?"

I glanced at the clock above the TV. "Six AM," I laughed, "No wonder no one wanted to get up. I'm willing to bet that Marik and Bakura will be asleep in the car in no time."

"Probably will be," Ryou agreed, looking up as Malik came downstairs, looking ready to kill, "What's wrong Malik?"

"Marik is impossible to wake up. IMPOSSIBLE. I was very tempted to literally drag him out of bed," Malik rolled his lavender eyes.

"Are those two not up yet?" Yami's voice floated into the room as he walked into the house and then into the living room with us, sending questioning looks to Ryou and Malik.

"They're up, and hopefully getting ready to go," I piped up, wrapping my arms around Yami's waist and smiling up at him, hugging him close to me. Yami smiled at me and ran his fingers through my hair gently. /You must be really excited to have been awake so early Aibou,/ Yami smiled slightly at me as he talked to me through our mind link.

//I am,// I smiled back, //I can't wait to get there. It's going to be the best!//


:: Bakura ::

"SIX AM?!" I all but roared as I glanced at the clock, "Ryou woke me up at SIX AM?!"

"Get over it Tomb Robber," Marik grumbled as he emerged from the bathroom, looking anything but awake, "I plan on sleeping this whole car ride away."

I sighed and leaned against the wall as he stopped in front of me, running a hand through his spiked hair, "So do I. Waking up at this hour is just. Inhuman."

"MARIK! BAKURA! We're leaving!" Yugi's voice floated upstairs to us.

"Lucky us," I rolled my eyes, snickering as Marik had fallen asleep while leaning against the wall. I picked him up over my shoulder easily and carried him downstairs, depositing him in Malik's arms, who stumbled a bit under him. "He feel asleep in the hallway," I told him, smirking as I climbed into the backseat of the car beside my Hikari. "...Since when do we have a mini van?" I asked, noticing for the first time that the car wasn't a car, but it was, infact, a mini van.

"Since Yugi's Grandfather insisted it was safer to rent one instead of us all carpooling in a small car," Ryou replied, leaning his head on my shoulder, sliding his arms around my waist. I couldn't help but smile a little. I always got so... soft, if you will, whenever around Ryou. He must've really been rubbing off on me...

"Oh Ra, stick a plug up his nose or something!" I grumbled agitatedly as Marik snored a bit, "That's going to drive us all WILLINGLY to the Shadow Realm!"

The Hikari's laughed while Yami shook his head in amusement. "Don't worry, he'll shut up soon," Malik told me, "If not, I'll make him."

"Good," I muttered, wrapping an arm around Ryou's shoulders and holding him close as he was now asleep with his head against my chest. I smiled down at him a bit and brushed his snowy white hair off his face as he slept.


:: Malik ::

"Marik... wake up," I said, shaking him gently, "We're at the Diner. Want some breakfast?"

"Huh?" He mumbled sleepily, opening his eyes, "Where are we again?"

"At a Diner," I smiled, "We're been driving for at least two hours. Wanna get some breakfast?"

I raised an eyebrow in question as Marik got this evil and lustful look in his eyes. "Yes... I want breakfast... but not actual food..."

I opened my mouth to reply, but was cut off as Marik pressed his lips to mine in a heated and lustful kiss. I melted into his kiss, opening my mouth eagerly as his tongue pressed against my lips, before snaking my arms around his waist and pulling him closer to me. My hands slid up under the back of his shirt, caressing him waist softly as our tongues fought their own little duel.

"Malik..." Marik breathed as we parted for air, "I want you... need you... right now."

I nodded eagerly, not caring at the moment where we were. The others were inside, and I doubted that they'd be looking for us anytime soon. I licked my dry lips in anticipation as Marik's hands swiftly undid the button and zipper of pants, pulling them and my boxers down my hips just enough to free my burning erection.

"Mmm... Marik," I groaned as he gripped my shaft in his hand, pumping me quickly a few times, before letting go and trailing his hand past my arousal, circling my entrance with a finger teasingly, before plunging it inside, causing me to moan and arch against him. He added a second finger right after, pushing them in as deep as he could manage, curving his fingers a bit in order to hit that certain spot inside me. I moaned his name as his fingers rubbed against it, sending electric shocks of pleasure through my body, all the way to my toes.

"Marik.. need you," I growled, undoing his pants faster than I've ever managed before and pulling his own arousal free from the confines of his pants. I whimpered as he withdrew his fingers from me, but bit back a moan as I slid myself down onto him, taking him in all the way in one go.

"Oh Ra Hikari..." Marik groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure, "So tight... Malik.."

I let myself go, moaning Marik's name as I rode him quickly, knowing we had to be quick about this, being as the others could come back at any moment. And the thought of being caught seemed to make it even better... it was like I was reaching the edge faster from that bit of knowledge.

Marik released his grip on my waist with his right hand, using that hand to grab my length and stroke me in time with our movements. He thrust back up to meet each of my downward thrusts, the tip of his erection rubbing against my spot over and over again, sending me closer and closer to the edge... just a bit more...

With a loud groan of Marik's name, I came hard, feeling my muscles tightening around his throbbing length. Marik growled and thrust into me as I orgasmed, falling over the edge himself soon after. I leaned against him, my head against his shoulder as I fought to catch my breath.

"Gods Malik," Marik whimpered, "I love you Hikari."

I smiled tiredly and kissed his forehead, before raising myself off him and fixing my clothes again, curling up beside him, laying my head on his lap and sighing contently as his fingers lazily stroked through my hair.
