Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ We All Need A Vacation ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
:: Bakura ::

"Well I guess Malik and Marik aren't all that hungry," Yugi commented as we finished up breakfast and were trying to figure out how to split the bill.

"Or else they found something else to eat, namely each other," I grinned evilly, laughing as Ryou gasped and smacked my arm.

"Bakura!" He giggled, "That was just beyond wrong."

"Hey, I'm only telling the truth," I smiled, pulling an innocent face.

"For once in your life," Yami muttered, thinking I hadn't heard that.

"I heard that Pharaoh," I smirked at the less than amused look on his face, "And I'll remember that one the next time you need my assistance with anything."

Yami just shrugged his shoulders, taking Yugi's hand in his as we stood up to leave. I couldn't help but smile as Ryou wrapped an arm around my waist, smiling up at me as we walked out to the van, where Malik and Marik were both asleep in the third row seat, curled up practically ontop of each other.

"Awe, that's cute," Ryou smiled as he climbed into the backseat with me, sitting close to me, his head resting against my shoulder, "How much longer do we have Yami?"

"I'd say... at least five hours. Depending if traffic is good or not," Yami replied, starting the van up again, which caused Malik to stir from his sleep. He looked around a bit disoriented, before asking, "What time is it?"

"Around 9," Yugi replied, "Have a nice sleep?"

"More like, have a nice sex fest?" I snickered, knowing full well that's what him and Marik had done, and judging by how messy Malik's hair currently was.

"Bakura!" Ryou laughed, then turned to Malik, "Don't mind him. He's just being his usual evil self."

"No problem," Malik smiled a bit sleepily, before curling back up with Marik and going back to sleep.


:: Yugi ::

"Two more hours," I sighed, looking out the window at the passing scenery, "I can't wait to get there."

Yami smiled slightly and glanced at me. "Any particular reason you're so excited Aibou?"

"No, not really," I smiled, "Just need a vacation is all. And getting to go away for the Summer instead of working away at the Game Shop is even better."

"But what about your friends? Won't you miss them?" Yami asked.

"Of course I will," I smiled a bit, "But there's more to it than that. Kaiba owns a beach house about a block away from where we're staying. He was originally going to only let Joey and Mokuba stay there with him, but Joey refused to go unless Kaiba let the others come along too. So needless to say, Kaiba agreed."

"Ah, so Kaiba is staying there for a vacation as well?"

"Not exactly. Joey mentioned something about Kaiba having work to do there, so that's really the only reason he's going. I'm sure the others can convince him to lighten up a bit though."

"Let's hope so," Bakura commented, "That Kaiba guy can be a real pain in my ass. He's all talk is what it is."

"I'm sure he's not so bad once he lightens up and actually has some fun," Ryou spoke up, "Just like you and Marik. You two need to have some REAL fun. Fun which doesn't involve hurting or scaring people."

"But then what fun is THAT?" Bakura asked, looking a little less than amused.

Ryou rolled his eyes and laughed. "You'll see eventually 'Kura," he chuckled.


:: Ryou ::

I looked at Bakura as I felt his hand on my thigh, a sly grin on his face. "What're you doing?" I smiled sweetly, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing..." He smiled at me, placing his lips over mine, kissing me roughly. I moaned softly into his mouth as his hand crept closer to the rapidly growing bulge in my pants, squeezing me softly.

[ Bakura... is this really the time or place? ] I asked him through our mind link, whimpering as his swift hands undid the button and zipper of my pants, before sliding inside and gripping my shaft tightly.

[ Does it looks like I care Hikari? ] Bakura smirked, kissing my neck as he ran his thumb over my head, spreading the precum around and using it as a lubricant to make his movements more fluid.

[ But what about the others? ] I whimpered, leaning my head back against the seat and trying to make it look like I was fine.

[ The Pharaoh's driving, Yugi's paying him no mind and Malik and Marik are asleep. Stop worrying so much Hikari, ] Bakura smiled, kissing down my neck as his hand stroked up and down my burning length, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

I bit my lip to stifle a moan and tried to refrain from thrusting my hips against Bakura's hand, only failing miserably. [ Better keep it down Ryou, ] Bakura snickered, [ Don't want the others to find out... ]

[ You're evil, ] I whimpered, moaning loudly into our mind link as Bakura dropped down suddenly, swallowing my length in one go. The feel of his soft lips around my length sent me over the edge, and I moaned, emptying myself into Bakura's eager mouth. He sat up and licked his lips, smiling and kissing me softly.

[ Enjoy yourself Ryou? ] Bakura chuckled as I panted slightly.

[ Hell yes, ] I smirked, kissing him again, [ Next time, it's YOUR turn yami. ]