Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ We Could Have Danced All Night ❯ Blood of thy Grandfather ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh! I wanted to but when I tried, I got arrested for borrowing without asking, even though I was thinking on returning them.

==Blood of thy Grandfather==

Yugi walked down stairs, limping a little the next day. His grandpa looked up, smiling lightly at his grandson. The tri haired boy returned the smiled, walking over to his grandpa.

"Jii-chan, I-I got to tell you the truth..." Yugi whispered, sitting on his grandpa's lap like he did when he was five. He rubbed himself up close, his grandfather hugged him back.

"What really happened last night?" His grandpa asked, lightly brushing away some strands of hair out of his grandson's face.

The boy nodded, taking a small breath. "Jii-chan, you know I would always fight back against something I didn't want, even if I know I don't stand much of a chance?"

His grandpa nodded, rubbing the boys back, giving him the comfort he needed to speak up. "Hai, I know you'd always fight back, as I also know you would tell me if something happened to you that could drive you crazy keeping to yourself."

Yugi sighed. "I did go to the prom, I really did! I was my normal self, trusting, so when...a friend asked for me to go with him, to some place, I nodded. I trusted him with all my heart. I didn't expect him to take me." Yugi took a big gasp of air, trying to stop tears that had fallen all night. "I didn't want him...on me...in me. I cried, screamed and everything, but he wouldn't let me go. I hit him back," he gasped, "I kicked him, he only hit me."

Grandpa tried to calm his grandson down, the boy just continued to cry. He understood that Yugi felt violated, felt used and worthless, nothing he could say could change what had happen to Yugi. He kind of wished that Yugi had gotten drunk, not been raped, he felt the shame Yugi was gaining. "Which friend," He whispered, "Which friend, did this to you?"

Yugi didn't open his mouth, just keep crying. Grandpa started to rub his face, realizing bruises he didn't see the day before, marks on the neck he hadn't noticed.

"Please, Yugi, I can help you if just tell me."

The boy took a second, lowering his head into his grandpa shirt, brushing away tears. "Promise me, you won't turn him in, he'll know I told. He'll come back, probably to kill me for saying. Promise me!" Yugi cried, gripping his grandpa's shirt, releasing when he noticed he could be hurting his grandpa.

"I can't promise that Yugi, I want to turn this boy in, so he doesn't come and hurt you again."

Yugi looked up at his grandpa, his eyes filling with tears. "Please..." He whispered.

"O-Okay, until you are ready to tell, but you will stay on my watchful eye."

Yugi nodded, turning around when the door bell rang. He sighed, walking over to the door, pushing away tears. Opening it, he jumped back. "H-Honda...." He gasped.

Honda smiled, walking into the house and shutting the door behind him. "Hi Yug'. Hey Sugoroku!" He yelled at the old man in the back room.

"I'm not deaf! Hold your voice down." The man snapped, watching Yugi's face intently.

Turning around, Yugi looked at his grandfather, mouthing 'its him', before turning back to Honda. "C-can I help you?"

Honda nodded. "Hai, Yug' can we go and talk in private," the brunette asked.

Yugi nodded, leading the boy upstairs, hoping Honda wouldn't try anything with his grandpa downstairs. Stepping into his room, Honda followed shutting the door behind him.

"Yug', have you told anybody about last night?" Honda glared.

"Nono." Yugi shook his head.

Honda put his hand under Yugi's chin, lifting the boys face to see him. He stared grumpily, looking over at him, drinking in Yugi's purple orbs. "You are lying."

Eyes snapping, Yugi looked at him. "I-I am not!"

"You are stuttering. That has always been your lying point." Honda growled, pulling Yugi toward him.

Yugi pushed back, trying not to be smashed in the unwanted embrace. "Please, don't do this, not while my grandpa is downstairs!"

Honda laughed, looking closely at Yugi. "He knows. You told him, after I FUCKING told you not to tell anyone."

"I didn't tell him!" Yugi yelled, holding his voice down when he realized his grandfather might be standing outside the door. "Please, go away, I didn't tell anybody. I would never speak of such objects. My grandfather is old, if I said such things to him I might break his heart. I don't want you here, just go."

"Yug', You are mine! I own you-"

Yugi snarled, "YOU don't own me! You took me, never said anything, never let me get use to it. Just go away, I hate you."

A snarl formed Honda's lips, before the back of his hand imprinted into Yugi's cheek. Yugi feel on his bed, holding his cheek, just staring back at Honda, his eyes filling with tears.

Honda turned, walking out the door


Honda stopped at the bottom, placing on a fake smile. He stepped completely down, facing Yugi's grandfather. "I am sorry sir if I intruding on any private conversations you were having." He gave a small bow, walking out the door.

Sugoroku growled, walking upstairs to check on Yugi. He walked silently in, looking at Yugi who sat on his bed. His cheek was red, and he just started to cry.

Sitting next to his grandson, Sugoroku held his grandson, in a protective hug. "It's him, isn't it?" He asked.

Yugi nodded, crying lightly. He held his cheek, rubbing away the sensations. "Hai, he did. I should have told right away."

Sugoroku hugged Yugi tightly, giving him the comfort needed.


Yugi looked at the lawyer Seto had got for him. When he was first told he could get a lawyer, he decided to call up Seto and Jounouchi and ask for help. Jounouchi was in shock that he never told anything that had happen in the last few years. He had told Yugi that he would be the one to protect him, that nobody would hurt him anymore.

The lawyer sat down across from Yugi, asking him when he first met Honda. Yugi told about how Honda use to pick on him with Jounouchi.

"What about when the first time you guys screwed."

Yugi looked down telling about going to the dance. He told about the car ride, and being pushed against the seat. How he was raped that day. About not suppose to ever tell, and how he did tell his grandpa.

The lawyer made some notes. "Was Honda the one who shot your grandpa?" He asked.

Yugi nodded, looking down, trying to avoid eye contact as he began telling how it happen, from what he knew.


Runnin g downstairs, a weak later, Yugi meet his grandfather at the front counter. He sat next to his grandpa, smiling lightly.

"Who just called, Jii-chan?" Yugi asked. Since the morning Honda came over, he didn't see the boy. At school he kept to himself, ignore everybody until he could get home.

Grandpa smiled at him, grinning. "In America they made these new cards, and they are of high popularity. My friend just shipped over some. Could you go out and pick them up?"

Yugi nodded, grabbing his coat, he walked to the front door. "Can I take the car?" He asked. His grandfather nodded, tossing him the keys.

"Be good to her."

"HAI!!" Yugi laughed, running out the door.

Grandpa smiled, putting more cards up on the shelf. He turned when the door opened, looking at Honda. His eyes sank lightly, watching Honda pick up some cards walking to the counter, putting them down.

"Hey Sugoroku, how's Yugi?"

The old man growled lightly. "Perfectly fine." the man cashed them, adding in tax. He took the money, giving the boy his change along with the cards. Watching Honda smile at him. "No loitering." Sugoroku mumbled.

Honda smiled. "What have you and Yug talked about recently?"

"None of your business. Look, if you don't get out of my shop I'll call the police."

"Ain't I a friend?" Honda looked at the old man. Digging lightly into his trench coat.

Sugoroku snarled. "Not anymore." He snarled.

Honda pulled out a gun, holding it up to the old mans temple. "What has he told you?" He repeated.

Crossing his arms, Sugoroku snarled, eyes looking at the gun. "Did I tell you nothing?"

Honda snarled. "He told you."

"Go away, I don't want rapist in my building."

Holding the trigger, Honda laughed. "Truth? Hai, I did rape Yug', but I wanted him mine. Trust me, one day he'll come to me with open arms, feeling loved. And there I will be, to hold him close, even if it means you...not...being...there." Honda chuckled, firing the trigger. He watched at Sugoroku fell to the ground, blood running every where. He turned walking out the door. "I told Yug' not to tell anybody, but he didn't listen, this is his fault." He turned, walking out the building.


Yugi opened the door an hour later, resting a box under his arms. He looked around the empty game shop, yet couldn't see his grandpa.

"Jii-chan?" He yelled walking around, looking everywhere. Yugi walked up to the counter, looking everywhere when a bloodied corpse caught his eyes. He looked down his eyes widening. "Jii-chan? Jii-chan!!!" He yelled leaning over his grandpa, realizing the man was dead. Running to the phone, he called the police, his eyes staring at the corpse.

It didn't take long for the ambulance to show up and take his grandpa with them. Yugi came along, looking at the blanket that covered his grandfather's body. The hospital wasn't that far away as Yugi walked with them, until he was stopped to talk to some detectives. He told the detectives all he knew, crying as he spoke. They walked out after they had no further question to take Yugi's time, before a familiar voice called his name.

"Yug', I am sorry about your grandpa!" Honda said walking up to Yugi. Yugi looked up, his eyes full of tears. "Here, come with me, I'll go get you something to eat, and you can stay with me. Until you know what you're going to do."

Yugi didn't care, he nodded, falling Honda out the door.


Jounou chi listened to the lawyer and Yugi talk, he sat back hearing about how the detectives never searched for who killed his grandpa, how nobody but Honda came. He felt even worse, listening to Yugi break out crying. He looked at Seto, laying his head on the boys shoulder.

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Araki: update comes soon. Please R&R