Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ We Could Have Danced All Night ❯ Tears in a HeartBreak ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Yu-gi-oh! is not mine, ACIDFLOWER wants it also, but we got to wait in line between 3000 people to own it, and Seto is in the crowd as well :s

For those who ask, I say things about ACIDFLOWER, not because I hate her, heavens no! She is a great friend, but I have to insult people, I'd insult boobookittiefujimi, except the only info I know is her name, and a calling she hates 8X

Info on story:
--Final chp, or hoping
--All stuff in court is American constitutional cause I am too lazy to look up Japanese.
--This is a dark fic, if you don't want to see anymore deaths, please go away.


//...// = Yami the guardian angel
/..../ = Yugi spirit form
--...-- = Jii-chan Spirit form
'...' = thoughts
|...| = Past stating
(...) = Authors notes

==Tears in a heartbreak==

**Yugi's POV**

I looked up at Mr. Nieshi, a determined look crossed over my face. It was time to turn my lover in, hai you heard me My lover. I stilled loved him, no matter what. He made me hate myself, but at most times, I loved him. He was always there for me, even after he'd beat me, he would return with a frown towards himself.

At first, he paid back for his mistakes with gifts, such as the stuff animals he had bought me. Sure he killed the kitten I found, yet he didn't say anything about it, came back with a big lunch. When I was healthy he took me to these fancy restaurants, or the small ones like my favorite IHOP(1), and McDonalds.

Walking into the court room, I looked around. It was a private trial, as begged for. Seto and Jounouchi had departed in the room some time earlier, with all his other friends. Ryou had hugged him, along with Anzu.

"Are you ready Yugi?" Mr. Nieshi asked me, leading me to the front tables.

I stared at Honda, my eyes widening as he passed me an air kiss. I wanted to return it, but I didn't want to look weird at the moment.

**3rd person**

The bailiff stood up, bracing himself. "All rise for the honorable Judge Taylor." He looked straight as the crowd rose and the door opened, a female came in, her blonde hair turning gray from old age, a frown on her serious face. "You may all be seated." The Bailiff stood back by the door.

Judge Taylor sat back looking over and looked around. "Charges?"

"Yugi Motou verses Hiroto Honda on Abuse, Rape, and Murder." The Bailiff was loud for the whole court to hear. Jounouchi looked at Yugi, watching his face crane in fear of this moment. They watched as Honda was called to the stand, swearing upon the bible.

Mr. Nieshi looked into Honda's eyes, his face still with the seriousness. "Mr. Honda, right?"

"Hai, Sir."

"Alright, when did you first meet Yugi?" He asked.

Honda looked around, smiling at Yugi, then at Jounouchi. "High School, around the beginning. I use to beat him up, with my best friend Jounouchi. Together we made his life a living hell."

Turning around, Mr. Nieshi took another breathe of air. "When did you start to gain feelings for Yugi?"

Honda thought on that one. "Dual Kingdom, I love him with all my heart, except, Yug' couldn't understand my love, no matter how many times I hugged him, he saw them as friendly." Honda stated, looking around the room once more than at Yugi with his smile that said 'when I get out of here, you and I shall have a little talk'.

"And when did the two of you have, sexual intercourse?" Mr. Nieshi looked into Honda's brown eyes.

"Prom, he had begged, said that he loved me. I continually asked him if he wanted me to take something as special as his innocence, he said he didn't care, as long as it was me. We got far away from the school, I asked once more, he nodded. Figuring nothing else could go wrong, he wanted it, I had always wanted it, and I got on him. He began to scream that I was raping him!" Honda made a snarl.

Yugi's eyes shot up, 'that is not how it went!' Yugi wanted to scream, none of that was true. Sitting back Yugi looked at his hands, pushing the cuffs of his shirt down to his wrist. Questions were asked, lies under oath were passed back, making Yugi want to beat his head into the table. 'How can they even believe such lies!'

"Cross Examine?" The judge looked at Honda's lawyer; who had been grunting about every question asked, the other lawyer said yes and stood up to talk to Honda. He stated that there was NO evidence Honda ever beat Yugi, while in his care. The was no evidence that there was murder anywhere in the last five years, that the case of the Murder of Sugoroku Motou was never solved, now everybody was pointing fingers at the boy who dated the dead old mans grandson.

Closing his eyes, Yugi tried not to cry. Honda was going to get away with this for sure, there was no way he could ever fight this back |He began to rub the bowie knife's blade against my stomach, cutting his initials into my gut. He cried out, feeling blood tinkle out, sliding down my side. He was enjoying this, I could tell.| Yugi touched his chest, where Honda's initials were everywhere, on his back was the carving of 'Property of Hiroto Honda' where Yugi couldn't reach.

"I call Yugi Motou to the stand," Honda's lawyer requested, staring at Yugi's purple orbs. Yugi stood up, and with a small thumbs up from Jounouchi, walked to the stand where he said his oath.

"Yugi, have you ever loved my client?" The lawyer asked, looking deep into Yugi's face.

Taking a second, Yugi looked down at his lap. "As a friend, always. As a lover, came later, much, I still love him, but I don't want anymore pain."

"What sort of pain?"

"Death, abuse, the beatings were horrible. Sleeping with somebody who hurt my love ones was like sleeping with the devil." Yugi stated, trying to find a way out of answering that questions.

Looking for a different approach, the lawyer turned his back. "And, Mr. Motou, when did my client begin to beat you?"

"During the first time, when I cried for him to leave me alone?"

"But, you asked for him to do that? Did you beg for some sexual contact?"

Yugi shot up, his face filled with anger. "I never DID ask for it, I never wanted anything like what he wanted. I wanted him as a friend, I was in love with Jounouchi, but he was with Seto so it didn't matter!"

Jounouchi's face rose with surprise, he didn't know that, Seto looked over the two as Yugi ducked his head.

"But then, Honda claimed at the time of your grandfathers death, he was at work, his coworkers said so as well." The lawyer argued.

"He told me, he said that he was the one before he beat the shit out of me for making a mistake." Yugi whispered.

"HE TOLD YOU, he never had enough time to get to his job, to the game shop, then back in a few minutes. Without anybody noticing!" The lawyer slammed his hands on the table. "Where were you in these thirty minutes to go from one side of town, back and act like nothing happened, time to hide this 'murder' weapon, and keep a good composer!?"

"I WAS PICKING UP A NEW LOAD OF CARDS THAT JUST CAME IN!!" Yugi yelled back, he felt like crying.

"Going to get cards? But, didn't you, before the week of the prom, get in a fight with your grandfather about something stupid, swear that anybody was better than him? Could you have the initiation to kill your grandfather. The initiation to make the old man cry for making you mad!"


The Lawyer sat back. "If he was family, what about Kumi, you remember him. Best friend in the five years of living in the same house with Honda."

"I never meant to kill him, I was trying to kill him!" Yugi pointed at Honda, fresh tears leaked from his eyes, he shut his eyes, trying to regain his composer.

"I have no further questions." Honda lawyer stated, walking to the desk, sitting next to the grinning Honda.

--~~--~~--~~--~~--**Jounouchi's POV**

I keep strain at my best friend, he was in hysterics, and I felt bad, really bad. I knew he was in no shape to do this, and my 'once' best friend was smilin' like a cat. Our friend had a hell of a five years, and these people were makin' him look like a phony. I poked Seto, begging him to try and get Yug' off the stand. We didn't do anything though, 'cause time Seto was going to ask, Yugi stopped cryin' with the remark "If you continue this up, we will stop this whole thing."

Yug' sat back, snifflin' a bit. I felt sorry, why would anybody think HE would kill his own gramps? Except, when did Yugi kill somebody. Sure he told me about killin' somebody, but who is this 'best friend Kumi'?

I guessed I'd ask later, I noticed the lawyer my Seto-maru bought get up to question Yugi.

--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~--**3RD PERSON**

Mr. Nieshi walked up to Yugi, smiling lightly, his voice in a soft voice to cool the boy down. "Alright Yugi. Did you really ask Honda to have sexual intercourse with you, any of the times you lived with him?"

"The first time, no, I had begged for him to stop, I was so innocent. I had no clue what he wanted. After a few more times, after my Jii-chan death, I gave in. I realized that he loved me, he had to love me for he was the only one who had come after Jii-chan death, in the hospital." Yugi whispered, "But, then he wanted it all the time. He also gave me to his friends, sex became nothing to me, it was dirty and it hurt to much."

Nodding, Mr. Nieshi looked once more at Yugi. "And the beatings, when did they come in?"

"A few months after living with him. I didn't give much thoughts to it, until it happened again, then again. Soon each beating came with rape, then drugs. I gave up listening to anything anybody said to me."

Walking a bit, Mr. Nieshi took a breath. "Did you truly try to kill Mr. Honda?"

"Hai, I did. All I did was spend a few hours with Kumi, and he was going to kill the boy. So, when I was given the gun, and told to shot Kumi, I held it instead towards Honda, yet I was to slow. Honda pushed my hand away, which made my fingers push the trigger. Next thing I knew my best friend laid on the ground in his own blood, and Honda was yelling at me." Yugi took a second.

"But, nobody ever filed a missing person report on this Kumi."

"Kumi was living on his own, his parents disowned him. I don't know about his other family. He had so few friends, the only reason he stayed with me was because he use to be in the same boat as my own."

"Okay." Mr. Nieshi said, walking towards his seat. "That is all." He stated once more sitting down.

The other lawyer stood up, walking to Yugi's bench, a smile folded once more on his face. "Murder, Mr. Motou, is what you claim that Honda has done, with no evidence, yet here, right now, you claim to have murdered a man yourself."

"It was an accident." Yugi whispered.

"An accident has a man dead, an accident has caused pain in the unneeded lies." He snarled, slamming his hands to make Yugi jump. "What you are pulling, is to ease off your own anger. You killed your grandfather, but that wasn't enough. So you take the next thing, you saw this Kumi, you thought he was going to steal your boyfriend, so you murdered him as well. Now that you want to, you are telling everybody that this man, the one that helped you in the time of need, also beat you?"

"He did."


"Mr. Sachiko, please decease this yelling in my courtroom." The judge growled, Mr. Sachiko nodded.

"The body was burned." Yugi started, the took another breathe. "The evidence of beating is all over me." He growled, pulling his sleeves up, viewing Honda's name written all over his arms. "He tried to prove that I belonged to him, so he wrote his name ALL over me. Not enough evidence, remove my shirt, check where my arms cannot reach."

"What if this, Kumi, put them there?" Mr. Sachiko stated. Honda nodded, a grin still over his face.

"I never lie! My word, all my honor, if any remains, on that. He beat me, raped me, said he'd beat the shit out of my other love ones if I told. Kumi never touched me. I would never let anybody touch me, not even Honda, that was what always set him off." He face Honda. "I loved him though, I always will, but with all the times he beat me, I wasn't shamed when I kissed Kumi, when I felt attracted to the other boy. He made me feel love, something Honda never accomplished.

So the day, the last day when I was out, plainly talking to the paper boy, if he still lives." Yugi snarled at Honda, "Honda got mad, beat me the last time. I had to get out, talk to some people, see if the world was worth staying in. So far that night, I saw no reasons not to slit my wrist, but a guardian talked me out of it. So here I sit, wishing you'd hear me out, and deal with that man before he hurts another one, probably your kids, or somebody else's loved one." Yugi pointed at Honda.

The judge banged her gravel (Araki: I thinks that is spelling?) down. "Court will close for recess, I think we've heard enough, and the boy needs time to calm down." She looked over the boy, who looked pale. Standing up, the judge walked out of the room, as did the jury to deliberate.

Yugi walked to his bench, sitting down, he started to cry. Why were they not listening to him, he would never lie of something like this. It was almost over, truth would come out somehow, he had to stay well.

"Y,you loved me Yug'?" Jounouchi asked, sitting back.

Yugi didn't respond, he looked over at all the papers, the at his hands. "Did..." was all he could say. "I love my guardian now," he whispered.

--~~--~~--~~--~~--(Araki: Doin' this out of thought of head, hate to do

"Jury, what it your verdict?" The judge asked, looking over the jury. A skinny man stood up.

"We the Jury, find Hiroto Honda Guilty for Rape. Guilty for Abuse, and not guilty of murder." He sat down, looking over the astonished
stared group. They turned to Yugi, who looked up, understanding he was in trouble as well. "Yugi Motou we find guilty of Murder in the
first degree."

"Hiroto Honda." The judge ordered, Honda looked up, his face in fear. "You are hereby sentenced to seventeen years in jail, with no parole, and four years of therapy." Honda's face whitened, she then turned to Yugi. "Yugi Motou, you are hereby sentenced to four years in jail for the murder of Kumi Sunichi with no parole either, and eight years of therapy to help with what you have been through." She hit with her gravel. "Court is adjourn." She stood up, walking out of the room.

Two bailiff's walked over to both Yugi and Honda, cuffing Yugi, they turned and looked at the hassle going on over with Honda.

"You damn whore, I knew you were too easy, I should have made more precautions!" Honda yelled, pulling the nearest gun out of a polices holster, Yugi's eyes widened to late.

An explosion over took his ears, a darkness clouded his vision.


A small spirit stood in fear, listening with a well toned ear as people yelled, screams of a familiar voice made him toss his head back to stare as Jounouchi ran towards a figure on the floor.

The small spirits eyes opened when he saw himself, laying on the ground, blood pouring from inside a wound. Mouth opening, the spirit shut it again, watching Jou fight hard to get his body to wake up.

/Leave me, my friend.../ The spirit whispered.

Two other spirits appeared, smiling at him, the spirit smiled back, running towards the older spirit.

/I missed you, Jii-chan.../ the small spirit smiled.

--I missed you too, Yugi...-- the older spirit wrapped his arms around the newer spirit. Jumping back, the small spirit looked at the other that had entered with his Jii-chan spirit.

/Yami!/ The small spirit ran towards its taller spirit, whom welcomed him with open arms.

//You look beautiful, my Aibou// The spirit ran a hand over the blood stained shirt.

Smiling larger, the newest spirit looked once more, at all his still living friends. /Don't worry, I am all right. I am here, with a loved one, and a protector, thank you for always being there, my friends./ The spirit stated, taking both the other spirits hands and leading them down a path. /I shall miss you.../


Jounouchi looked over the small grave, pushing back tears. Two Motou graves, two victims of a psycho, and they never were believed one bit.

He put his hand on the tombstone, sighing. "I already miss you Yug', please be okay. I am sorry I couldn't be of any more help." He whispered, wiping the tears away. He turned his head, looking at the tombstone next to Yugi's that had been visited while he was there.

Walking over to the other tombstone, Jounouchi read what was written on the stone.

Yami Kyoko(2) Masa(3)
"Let him protect those, that are in the verge to die just as he did, with pain and suffering."

Standing up, Jounouchi brushed his pants. Yugi had said something about a "Yami" before his death, but whenever that was, it didn't matter anymore. He looked over the grave yard one last time, tears again in his eyes.

"I loved you as a friend Yugi, and nothing can change that."

--~~--~~--|E|N|D| |O|F| |S|T|O|R|Y|--~~--~~--

(1) = IHOP, International House of Pancakes, god you can get ANY pancake there. YUMMMMM
(2) = Kyoko, Japanese Name for "A Mirror"
(3) = Masa, Japanese Name for "Good and straightforward."

Araki: Thank you for reading, I thank those who did read. Please don't bother of the spelling errors, I tried my best. Thanks again, you've been of help.