Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ We Meet Again ❯ We Meet Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMERS::: Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Sometimes, I wish I did...but I don't. All belongs to Konami and Kazuki Takahashi.

Lemon, okies? There's really no plot. LOL! My first PWP. Hope you like it!!!


We Meet Again


Perhaps giving the Millennium Rod to Seto Kaiba was a bad idea. Who knew that there was still a Spirit inside the Item? Now, as Yami faced the darker, more intimidating version of his rival, Seto, he almost began to sweat.

" S-Seth…"

Seth inclined his head. " Yami," he acknowledged smoothly. His dark blue eyes- seeming a shade darker than Seto's- raked the form of the former Pharaoh, then proceeded to look at his surroundings. Tapping into Seto's thoughts and memories, he had found the place where the Pharaoh stayed: in Kame Game Shop. Seth had just walked in on his own accord and found his target standing by a shelf of Duel Monster cards.

Yami shifted uncomfortably. How long has it been since he had last seen his lover? Sure, Seto was undoubtedly the other's reincarnation, but there was a certain unbearable hunger and desire that came over Yami whenever he saw Seth. He seemed to remember that feeling as it suddenly took over his body. He tried to look dignified as he forced his voice to work.

" Wh-What are you doing here?" He cursed his stutter and hoped that Seth would not take advantage of what it hinted. However, by the look in those darkening eyes, Yami found that his faith was in vain.

The tanned, more dominant - if possible- looking Seto took slow, leisure steps towards his Pharaoh, obviously loving every flinch and nervous flicker coming over Yami. Oh yes; he still had it, and he planned on taking advantage of his power over the other.

" Being with you, my Pharaoh," replied the High priest, moving ever closer so slowly, as a predator would a prey, taking his time before making the kill. " Did you not miss me?"

Yami wanted to jump him like a thirsty man would do water. Lust clouded his senses as though he was under a spell. His body reacted on their own accord as heat spread over his body and collected at the area between his legs. He nodded slightly.

" I have…" he said almost absently. The scent of Seto's cologne drifted his way, and his resolve began to crumble. What Seth did to him, he almost forgot! The man was very lethal. With a word, Seth could either save or take Yami's life.

Seth smirked, pleased with Yami's weak answer. Since Egypt, he had known that the gods only sent him to torment and test Yami. Not only had he bedded Yami, he was also almost very close to taking his power when the opportunity presented itself. He was overcome by an evil shadow then. The Pharaoh seemed to have forgotten the incident all together. Before Seth's corruption, they shared a powerful bond and an undying one. Yami loved him, and when the High Priest finally said those three words in return at his death, Yami locked their souls away and blessed them to rejoin together in the future and for always.

He stopped a foot away from his long lost lover, enjoying his precious playtime. The dark parts of their past vanished, and the only thing that remained now was their undying love and insatiable lust. He ran a hand along Yami's cheek, and down his neck to the black collar. He could almost feel the other's pulse through the leather.

" You always manage to look stunning in everything, my Pharaoh," muttered Seth, roaming his eyes over the other's frame again. There was a cute blush on Yami's cheeks, and Seth leaned down to kiss the juncture of jaw and neck. He felt Yami arch and moan. Yep, still the sensitive spot.

" Seth… please," Yami whispered, clutching onto the Priest. He crumbled under the simple -- but effective-- touch. " Please…"

The brunette then captured Yami's lips in a starved kiss. The small teen responded just as fervently as he was pushed up against the shelf. Hands were at work on his neck, taking the leather band off. Once it was removed, Seth moved his lips there, nibbling and sucking and marking.

'Mine,' he could hear the other growl in his head -- another gift from their bond. Yami grew impossibly harder and hotter at the simple word.

" U-Upstairs," Yami whimpered, feeling the pain of the metal shelf on his back. " Now…"

Seth released him, and they journeyed up the narrow staircase. Grandpa was out for the day, which was why Yami was watching the shop. Once they got into Yugi's room, they were at it again.

Clothes were torn in haste, and they fell onto the bed with Seth on top and Yami underneath. Twin growls sounded as hips moved together. The smaller one flipped them over and attacked pink nipples. Seth moaned as he arched, hissing in his pleasure.

Yami smirked and trailed lower, kissing each inch of tanned skin down to the navel. He dipped his tongue inside and nipped at the skin, enjoying the feel of strong abdominal muscles contract beneath his hands.

He quickly dipped down again and engulfed Seth with one swallow, milking him expertly. Seth let out a loud cry and began thrusting gently, trying to get more stimulation. Yami allowed his Priest to do so, loving his partner's involvement.

" Oh.. by Ra…" groaned Seth, holding the mop of tri-colored hair. " Harder… please." Yami's tongue did wonders on him; each lap of the muscle sent him reeling and reduced to mush.

Yami complied, sucking the length in his mouth. He felt Seth's thrusts become more frequent and stronger, and he just cupped Seth's ass and pushed it up, taking the other deeper. He began humming to get his lover off faster, and it worked. With a hoarse cry, Seth came violently and with a large load. Yami swallowed greedily and sat up, looking at his half-satisfied lover.

" Mm, as sweet as ever," he moaned, licking his lips. Seth just brought him down for a rough kiss, his erection renewing and become much harder than the first. Yami turned him on faster than a switch would do to a light bulb.

He flipped their positions and instantly bent down to blow Yami as well. The Pharaoh was hit unexpectedly, and he almost came too soon. Seth was merciless as he sucked, almost as if he was in a hurry.

When Yami came moments later with a scream, Seth spat most of Yami's seed onto his hand and spread the other's legs. Yami automatically bent his knees as Seth entered one finger into his entrance to prepare him. He added two more then changed his objective as he tried looking for--

Yami groaned and thrust up. White-hot pleasure raced through his already buzzing nerves as Seth hit that spot again. He gazed up at his lover.

" Now…" he moaned. A cry followed after as Seth hit it again. " Seth… my love… do it!"

The brunette withdrew his fingers and coated the rest of Yami's seed onto his pulsating member. He leaned over Yami possessively and kissed the other tenderly and passionately. He slowly entered, and their lip lock heated up. They broke for air and froze, waiting for accommodation.

Seth bit his lip. " You're so tight, My Pharaoh," he groaned. Each movement from Yami sent sparks of pleasure racing through him. " Yami…"

The other spirit wrapped his legs around the trim hips and thrust up. They both cried out, and soon, they made a steady pace. It wasn't too leisure or too fast, but perfect and deep to fulfill their hunger for each other. However, as time passed, passion built higher, and their love-making became faster, more forceful and ravenous.

" Nn, Seth… harder! Please, harder!" Yami tossed his head back completely lost as blinding light flashed before his eyes with every shove of Seth's hips. The brunette complied as he could, moving deeper and plummeting harder as his Pharaoh commanded.

" So hot," groaned Seth, sweat dripping his frame. His lungs burned and his lips were thirsty. He bent down and kissed Yami, almost sucking the other's soul out of his mouth. The crimson eyed teen opened his legs wider and moved with Seth's renewed efforts. A hand reach between them and grabbed his aching cock. Yami kissed harder and redoubled his movements, fucking them both. Seth pumped his hand faster and broke this kiss to bite Yami's sensitive spot. Hot fluid splashed them both as Yami finally came; Seth concentrated on lapping Yami's wounded skin, telling himself not to come just yet…

Yami's prostate was still being assaulted, and before he knew it, his erection returned full force, and he screamed at every thrust Seth made. The Priest now pulled almost all the way out before plummeting back in. A few more times and they both came together, crying out each other's names in ecstacy then collapsing in exhaustion. Seth lazily and reluctantly pulled out to lay beside his lover.

" I love you, my High priest," mumbled Yami on the verge of sleep. Seth smiled affectionately and kissed his Pharaoh's cheek.

" And I love you, My Pharaoh."

They were so spent that their energy seemed to have drained. The Spirits left their bodies, intertwining with each other before returning to their respective Items on the floor. Two smaller figures in deep sleep were left with the mess and the morning after.


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