Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons Of Mass Seduction ❯ The Lemon At Last! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hellio. I'm back!
Hiei and Bakura walk through the door, "We're back!"
YES!! I WILL *FINALLY* BE ABLE TO FINISH THIS STORY!!!! I missed you guys. Where's you go?
"Well, I went to spend the week with Kurama."
"And I wanted to spend some *quality* time with Ryou."
Ah.... I won't ask for details then. Now! On with the fic!

~Otogi's POV~

I moan loudly as I cum in Bakura's mouth. Ryou smirks at me and Bakura comes up and kisses me.
::Ryou, it's under the bed. Get it.:: I hear him send through their link.
:Right, Kura.:
Ryou disappears for a second before coming back up with a small tube. Strawberry lube, huh? This'll be interesting.
Bakura slicks his fingers and moves down to my ass. There's a small uncomfort, but it's soon overcome by pleasure.
"Damn it, Bakura! Get on with it!" I cry.
"Becoming impatient are we?" He asks with an evil smile.
He quickly finsihes preparing me then rubs some of the lube on his cock. As he slowly enters me, tears come to my eyes, but don't stay for long as something is pressed and I se stars.
He snickers and says, "Liked that, did you? I'll remember that."
As he said that, he started preparing Ryou.
"You don't need to prepare me, love. How many times have we done this?"
He squeazes some lube in his hands and rubs it on my increasingly hard member before sliding down on it with a look of ecstacy.
Bakura and Ryou move at the same time. We soon become nothing but a moaning mass of flesh and sweat.
"Gods, Ryou! You're so tight!"
Kura growls, "So are you!"
A couple minutes later, Ryou cums of my cheast and his muscles clamp around me so tightly, I scream an practically explode. Bakura growls deeply and follows soon after.
We pull apart and crawl under the blankets.
"I love you both."
"As do I," Ryou replied with a yawn as he snuggled between Bakura and I.
"Good night."

I'm sorry. That was possibley the worst lemon I've ever written. I couldn't think of anything to wite though.
"It wasn't that bad."
Alright, whatever. And it's vaction, so neither of you can irritate me to do homework! HA!