Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons of the Gods ❯ The Creator and the Intruder ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“The tallest tower, the oldest tomb, the most sprawling of labyrinths…none of these compare to the structure I have seen in his mind.”
-Nephthys, to Athena, on Kappa Neo.
Maximillion Pegasus was no longer paying attention to the duel that was happening below him, which was something in itself. Just underneath his feet, Yugi Moto, who had beaten all of competitors of Duelist Kingdom to earn the right to face him, the creator of Duel Monsters, was taking on a duelist equal to his power. She was also a foe that was both surprising and expected.
The girl was Raia Chitoshi, the long lost sister of Seto Kaiba. Though she had yet to tell the others who she was, Pegasus knew this from the records he had in his office. Though many saw Pegasus as mad, he was actually a calculated warrior, and always knew everything about his opponents before he took them on.
That meant everything about Kaiba's life had been recorded and documented for Pegasus' greed eyes and brain to receive. He knew everything about his deck, his school life, even his hobbies. Who would have guessed that Kaiba Boy loved `The Birdcage'? It seemed they had a similar taste in movies.
So, as he had been going over Seto Kaiba's birth certificate, he was shocked to find one for a twin sister, one that had become separated from her brothers. Investigating this had lead him to something more shocking: That Raia Chitoshi was currently in the care of Geno Roads.
`Geno boy.' Pegasus thought, looking past the duelists to the balcony. There, in the shadows above them, stood the duelist that had shamed Pegasus, had defeated him in battle…and was the man that had grabbed Pegasus' attention from the duel below and focused it solely upon him. `So, you are the one that brought young Miss Chitoshi? I wonder what you are thinking right now….'
His Millennium eye flashed and Pegasus smirked as he watched images appear in his head. `Interesting…very interesting. It seems that you wish that Miss Chitoshi was your own daughter? How delightful….and what's this? Oh…how touching.'
It seemed that Geno had been best friends with Seto and Raia's mom and dad. In fact, he had tried to adopt the children, but had been delayed and lost track of them in the system. Worst, Geno blamed himself for their deaths….
Pegasus let out a grunt. Something had tried to push him from Geno's mind…prevent him from seeing his thoughts. He grit his teeth and shoved back, feeling nothing stopping him as he began to dig deeper. Geno was too busy watching out for Raia…
`Damn him…I should kill him now..'
Pegasus raised an eyebrow as he intercepted a thought. Who was Geno talking about? Did he realize that Pegasus was in his mind but couldn't fight back? Or was something else happening?
`I must find out what is going on.' Pegasus thought, forcing himself to pressed further on. Normally, when he entered a mind, he found it like going for a swim. Waves of thought would push against him, bt that was because the info was being sent out of the mind, just waiting for someone to catch it.
But Geno's mind was like an ice storm on the Baltic Sea. Mental defenses the likes of which Pegasus didn't even know existed were being tossed in his way. But that was the least of it. Geno's hatred, his darkness, his angst ran so deep that it was hurting Pegasus to keep going. He pushed on however.
`What are you hiding…'
Pegasus nearly fell out of his chair as he was shoved away, but pressed the charge, forcing the magic to blast back at the duelist that was now grimacing as Yugi activated Mirror Force. Suddenly, he felt something tug on his brain.
`I told you to get out.' Geno hissed, Pegasus' eyes growing wide. `Now…. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!'
Pegasus let out a cry as went flying though the door behind him and slide across the hall. His head was pounding, his body ached. He entire being throbbed in pain. He looked up and nearly shit himself.
There stood Geno, his eyes ablaze, being restrained by a phantom that Pegasus remembered all to well from his last duel with the man: The Shadow Tamer. She was talking to him, holding him close in a tight hug as he glared at Pegasus, and mouthed, “You're Dead” to the billionaire. The Tamer shook Geno, forcing him to look away, and when he refused, she grabbed his collar and gave him a searing kiss. Geno went to groan, and the phantom, given form, jammed her tongue in his mouth, swirling it as she grabbed him by the ass and pulled him closer, till he closed his eyes and continues the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.
The phatom pulled him into the shadows, away from Pegasus, leaving the wielder of the Millenium Eye in agony.
“Do not tempt the fates…” Pegasus looked around, and froze as his eyes settled on Shadi. “How do you plan to defeat a being that wields the very item the gods tremble in front of?” With that, Shadi disappeared just as Geno had.