Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons of the Gods ❯ Weapons of the Gods ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“[it] exists, it is the most powerful weapon a mortal can wield.”
“Man, where the hell did Pegasus get the money for this?!?!” Tristan cried out in shock.
The four friends stared up at the massive gate, the only entrance into Pegasus' Main Island mansion. They rang the buzzer, and the steel gate swung open slowly and silently. they walked up the path, nervous about what would await them inside the mansion's walls. All they knew was what Yugi had told them, that Pegasus needed them to come to his mansion because something was terrible wrong.
“This guy has problems.” Joey said, jerking his thumb towards some of the statues of Funny Bunny that littered the lawn. “I mean, I knew Kabia was obsessed with the Blue Eyes White dragon, but it never got this far!”
“A plane shaped like a dragon isn't as bad as this?” Tea asked playfully.
“That's different….”
“How so Joey?” Tristan asked him.
“I don't know…..arrrgh!! Forget about it!”
The friends laughed as the reached the main door. The butler looked them over once and nodded, letting them in. He led them to Pegasus' main office and quickly took his leave.
Pegasus looked up from his paperwork and gave them one of his all too familiar. He had not changed a bit: still a pink suit, same hair cut, still a cocky attitude. Yugi half expected him to pull back his hair and reveal the famous millennium eye. Instead, he merely shook everyone's hand and offered them a chair.
“I am glad you could come Yugi boy.” Pegasus began. “I have asked you to come here because I need your help.” Joey and Yugi looked at each other, a mixture of excitement and fear on their face.
“What do you need?” Yugi asked.
“As you know, it is because of me that the god cards were created and all the problems during the Battle City tournament came about. But the fact is, there was a reason I made them. There was a reason I searched them out.” He sighed, and began to pace. “ About 3 years ago, a few months after I first found the millennium eye, I went back to Egypt, to look for duel monsters for cards. It would be this search that would introduce the first series, the one that had the Blue Eyes, the Dark Magician, Exodia. All the legendary cards that every duelist knows by heart.
“During my travels, I discovered a secret tomb, one no one had seen for a millennia. It was a mistake, an accident, that I found it…at least I pray it was. Inside, I learned of a tale that made me believe that my search for the millennium items could end and I may have found a second path to see my lovely Cecilia once again.
“I found a tablet buried deep in the empty tomb. It was one of the few thigns actually inside those stone walls. It spoke of the Nameless Pharaoh who ruled during the last years of the Millennium Items. After he had beaten a dark force, I do not know what it was, the tablet does not give details, he believed that all was well and that peace would finally come to the land.
“He was wrong. The commander of the royal army, a Medji the tablet called Kappa Neo, betrayed him. Kappa Neo was a legend in his own time. From what I learned from the tablet, he once killed 100 men with only a golden dagger. This dagger would later inspire the Nameless Pharaoh's father to create the millennium items.” Pegasus paused. “In fact, the tablet makes mention of 10 Millennium items: The 7 of the priests and pharaoh and 3 for the great generals.”
“Hey Yug, didn't that Anubus guy that attacked us right after Battle City say he was a general?”
Yugi nodded. “Yea Joey…a general and the Lord of the Dead.”
“And what about the Millennium Heart?” Tristan added. “Didn't the spirit that lives in it say it was once a general?”
Yugi nodded, absentmindedly stroking his puzzle. “You're right Tristan. When the spirit that possesses Raia Chitoshi's Millennium Heart last talked to the spirit in my puzzle, she told him she was a general under him and his body guard. That must mean that the dagger the tablet talks about is the final item.”
“That is my conclusion too, Yugiboy.” Pegasus said. “The tablet went on to say that this general, for reasons I do not know, was banished by the Nameless Pharaoh. He went to Egypt, where he sought the help of the gods of Mount Olympus.
“The gods gave the general the nectar and ambrosia, making him into a god himself. Upon him, they bestowed 9 great weapons, which would allow him to lead an enchanted army against Egypt…The Army of Light. Kappa Neo returned to his birth land, and stained the sands with the blood of the Egyptian people. The Pharaoh, using the last of the power held by the Millennium Items, sealed the army, and then placed his soul within the puzzle, to wait till the world would need him again. Kappa Neo disappeared, and the 9 weapons were destroyed.” Pegasus sighed. “Atleast…it was thought they were.
“Inside the tomb where I found this tablet, I found the remains of a Greek Solider. He had carved into the walls…images.”
“What were the images?” Joey asked, leaning in.
“They were the very 9 items Kappa Neo wielded to summon the Army of Light. Below them, I found an inscription, stating that the weapons could be used to summon the power of the gods and open the gates of the underworld, to bring forth souls that never needed rest, never needed food, that would never die
“When I looked upon these images, I knew that it may have been the answer to my problems. With these 9 weapons, I could open the gate and return my beloved to this world, never to leave me again. I worked all day and night to hand paint them upon 9 duel monster cards. But when I brought all 9 together, I felt an energy from them, one that I feared.
“I separated them, but still felt them calling to me, begging to unlock their power. I needed to stop them, so I went to Egypt, and found the god cards. With them, I believed I could block the Greek weapon cards and master their power. Who better to wield the weapons of the gods then them? But they only made matters worse. The weapons rebelled…they would not work with the God cards…they began to summon the gate on their own to defeat their enemies. I knew I had to get rid of the Greek Weapon Cards, before they caused me to use them.”
“What did you do?” Tea asked.
“Did you ever hear the rumors that when duel monsters cards first came out, I held a tournament?”
Yugi looked at him, shocked. “So it was true!” He ran his hands over his forehead and through his hair. “A tournament of the greatest masters of the game.”
“Yes. I selected 8 of the greatest champions and brought them to the duelist kingdom. They dueled each other, and while I did offer prizes, the true purpose was to give each one card. I knew that with the greatest duelist protecting them, it would be a near impossible task to obtain them. And to insure that, I kept the final card for myself, locked away so no one could ever get it.”
Tristan looked at him. “I fail to see danger. I mean, if the cards are separated, it seems that all is alright.”
Pegasus sighed. “That's what I thought. But with further reading about the legend of the Army of Light, I have learned of my mistake. When I first brought the cards together, I opened a rift in space and time. Over years, this rift has grown. Soon, it will open, and the gates of heaven shall appear and releasing the army of light without the cards' help. The only way to stop this is to bring back the 9 cards. By placing them in a certain order and performing the spell the Pharaoh used to close the gates, we can insure they remain that way forever.”
Yugi looked at Pegasus with concern. “But the spell killed the Pharaoh.”
“Only because he tried to do it without the weapons. This time, we will be able to use the cards to close the gate, draining their power instead.”
Joey looked at him. “You say we.”
“I need you two. You two are the best duelists, and the only ones that can defeat the 8 other duelists that hold the Greek Weapons cards.”
Yugi looked at his friends, and nodded. “We'll help you.”
Pegasus smiled. “Good.” He moved to a safe and began to type in a long code. “The Greek Weapons are nearly invincible. Even the power of the Egyptian God Cards won't stop them. So you will need to use one to defeat one.” HE pulled out a card and gave it to Yugi. “You'll need to share this one till you gain more.”
Yugi looked at the card carefully. “The Crown of Zeus.” Yugi thought for a second. “Who are the duelists that we must duel?”
Pegasus shifted nervously. “The thing is, in order to make sure I never got crazy and tried to take the cards back, I held the tournament in secret, and all the duelists hide their identity from me. And since they did not know that I hold the 9th card, or that it even exists, they would never hunt for me. Only the 8 know who were there.”
Joey threw up his hands. “Wonderful, a needle in a haystack!”
Tea put her head in her head. “You mean 8 needles.”
“Not quite children. For you see, I dueled the winner of the tournament. You find him, and he will lead you to the other duelists.”
Joey frowned. “So, not only do we have to face off against 8 legendary duelists, we have to take on the best one first? Arrrr….this can't be any worse.”
Pegasus smiled. “The duelist is Geno Roads, the man that trained Seto Kaiba.”
Everyone's jaws hit the floor at that moment.
“I would suggest finding his sister Raia, as she is the only member of the family still in Japan. And if I am correct in saying so, she has begun to hang around with all of you?” All four friends nodded. “She will lead you to Geno.” Pegasus watched as all four nodded weakly and left the office. “May the gods show you mercy…for that man…if he holds the item I think I saw…he will show you all none.”