Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons of the Gods ❯ The Crown of Zeus ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“What a minute…your tell me that in my darkest hour…when all hope is lost, you are going to suddenly appear and give me ultimate power. Sounds like a cheap plot device in one of those crappy plays they stage in Athens. Deus Ex Machina, if you ask me.”
-Kappa Neo, to Zeus, when told he is to become a Greek God.
“Now, Pharaoh, it's time for you to witness the power of my Greek Weapon.” As he spoke these words, the Blitzkrieg Commander took up the great silver bow, it's head in the shape of a swan, it's tail the shape of a dolphin. “The Bow of Apollo grants to a monster the archery skills of the god. It allows them to fire an attack at every one of your monster zones, be they occupied or not.”
“No…way…” Tristan said quietly. “He's going to destroy all of Yug's Kuribohs in one shot!”
“Yes…” Kaikou mumbled. “he is.”
“Blitzkrieg, fire the bow of Apollo! 5 arrow prophesized shot!”
The commander smirked and drew back the string, 5 golden arrows appearing notched and ready. He let them go, the bow singing as it fired them. The air was torn by their rush, and all 5 struck true, the Kuribohs screaming one last time before shattering, their fur floating to the ground. The Commander nodded and lowered his bow, the smile still playing on his face. (Geno-2900)
Yami looked upon the destruction and felt his knees give out. In one fell swoop, his last defense…had been decimated. Geno had taken away his last chance, his last hope.
“Do you understand now, Pharaoh?” Geno asked. “You can no longer activate the Hyper Kuriboh Multiplication trap. Not without a kuriboh on the field to duplicate. You have no monster that can stand up to the Blitzkrieg commander, and even placing a monster in defense will not help, because I have 4 more slots to attack! And all you have his your deck…what will you do, Pharaoh? What will you do?”
“Don't give up Yugi!” Tea shouted. “He is just trying to psyche you out! But he can't, because we are supporting you! Not even the gods can stand up to our friendship, and it will help you and give you the strength to fight back!”
“Tea's right Yug! This Geno guy, he is just some freak with too much money and a lot, and I mean a lot!, of free time of on his hands. You are way better then him!” Joey called out.
“We are with you bud! Don't give up now, not when you are so close to winning the card. All you need is one good turn!” Tristan added.
“They are right Pharaoh.” Kaikou said. “There is still much dueling left, and you can win this game, if you put your mind to it.”
Yami nodded and stood up, staring directly at Geno and his commander. “My friends are right. There is no power on this earth that can stop me from winning. I have to do it for the world, for the people…for my friends. And you and your 5000 year vendetta will not keep me from my mission!” He drew his next card. “I play Swords of Revealing Light!” From the sky, the great silver swords crashed in front of the Blitzkrieg Commander, making his prison. “You are right Geno…I can't use monsters to protect me from your attacks. I need to prevent them This gives me three turns to find a weakness in a weapon of a god.”
Geno scoffed. “Little good it will do you.” He drew a card and shrugged. “I pass. 1 turn down, two more before I finish this.”
Yami drew and frowned. `King's Knight. A good card, but if I can't get a polymerization and queen's knight, it won't help me one bit. I will summon it, and just hope I can figure out something to do with it.'
As he drew his next card, geno noticed a strange flicker from Yami's duel disk, near his graveyard…and then his deck. `Let us see if you are that foolish…' “I am going to play a trap card, Pharaoh, but I want you to know what it is. IT is called the The Dying Strike trap card. It allows me, if a monster I control would be destroyed by an attack, to reduce the attack of one the monster attacking it by the targeted monsters own attack and your turn automatically ends, ad my monster is destroyed without harm to me.”
“Wait, so the attack of the attackee attacks the attackers attack points…” Joey said, his eyes getting swirly.
Kaikou frowned. “It means that if the Pharaoh summons a monster strong enough to attack Geno's Blitzkrieg, it will have its attack reduced by 2900 points and the Pharaoh will have to end his turn. He will be left with a weakened monster, and Geno will be able to summon another warrior and finish the game in one final attack.”
`He has me in a dangerous position. I need to find a way to kill his Blitzkrieg. But I don't think I have any spells or traps that can get rid of the Commander.' Yami thought as he drew. `Monster Reborn. I could revive Obelisk for one turn, but he would only be destroyed at the end, and the attack would do nothing. I only have one more turn to figure something out…”
Geno smiled as he drew his final card. “This is it Pharaoh. Your swords are gone, and now, only one turn remains between me and your lifepoints. I would suggest praying to the gods, but I doubt they would hear you.”
Yami steeled himself and drew his final card, his eyes narrowing. “Geno…you might want to reconsider your opinions on the gods…for you never know when they will answer your prayers.” Yami held up a card. “I play THE CROWN OF ZEUS!”
“NO!” Geno screamed in fury as the sky opened up, and from a chariot made of the clouds themselves, the king of the gods descended, lead by giant eagles. He paused before Yugi and handed him his crown, standing off to the side.
“And I will equip this crown to the one monster that can use it. I use Monster Reborn, to bring forth Obelisk, the Tormentor back to the field!” From Yami's graveyard, the great blue god appeared, roaring in anger and fury at the man that had thought he had slain him. “What better creature to wield the power of the King of Gods, then a god itself?” Yami smiled. “Geno…tell me, do you know the effect of the Crown of Zeus?” Geno shook his head, half in disgust. “It allows me to take the effect of one monster on the field or in the graveyard, and give it to Obelisk. And the effect I chose is your Blitzkriegs own effect!”
As he said this, Zeus' crown flew upon Obelisk's head. A golden light emitted from it, duplicating the power of the Blitzkrieg Commander. Geno could only watch on as Obelisk roared, taking on the deadly power. “And now, I will use his effect, and once and for all, rid us of your Commander! I sacrifice my King's Knight to activate Blitz Sacrifice!”
“This isn't possible!” Geno cried out, watching his monster shatter along with the Kni's Knight, taking withthem the bow of Apollo.
“It is very possible. And with no monsters to target, your trap card becomes useless. Had you never said a word, I might had been too scared too attack. But your ego sealed your fate. Obelisk the Tormentor, attack Geno's Life Points directly! GOD HAND SMASH!” The god growled and pounded his fist right were Geno stood, the hit shaking the building to it's foundation. “And with that…” Yami smiled as Geno's Lp dropped to 0. “…The game is finis…what?!”
Yami stared in horror at the scene before him. Geno, one hand on his dagger holding off Obelisk, his other pulling the chains from Apollo. He let out a cry, his eyes glowing, and he threw Obelisk back, whipping the chains at him and Zeus, binding both.
“You little worms!” Geno hissed. “You both used your godhood to change the cards in the Pharaoh's deck, stacking it against me! Did you not think I would see that?”
“What are you talkin' about?” Joey shouted. “Yug won fair and square.”
Zeus tugged on his bonds. “It had to be done! You betrayed us once…I will not allow you to take our power again! I will not allow you to use it towards your own twisted ways….”
Geno growled and tugged on his end of the chains, tightening them around the two. “Enough of your talk. You of all gods should talk least of betrayal…of twisted goals. Using me to take your revenge upon the Pharaoh…yes Pharaoh, you heard right. The very cards you wish to collect used me to kill you. I would do it again, know that…but they weren't innocent.” Geno licked his lips and lowered his head. “And now, they will pay for their crimes.” His voice dropped, becoming deep and soulful and commanding. “I call upon you, creator of these chains, master of the Underworld. Come forth and seek judgment upon two that dare to interfere in a battle between an immortal general and an undying king. I, the protector of your favored mortal and who aided in the destruction of the immortal that falsely claimed your name and form, humbly call upon you, Lord Anubus!”
With these last words, a great shadow shifted upon the floor, which had returned to normal with the end of the duel. From it rose a black haired youth, his skin pale white and his eyes dark. He wore a playful smile, and he was dressed all in black. He stood 7 feet tall, and was thin and lithe. This was Lord Anubus, the Egyptian God of the Dead. Kaikou's eyes grew wide and she fell upon her knees, as did Geno.
“Who is this idiot?” Joey asked. Kaikou gasped and grabbed all three of them, pulling them to the ground. “What are you…”
“That is Lord Anubus.” She hissed, fear in her voice, glancing over and sighing in relief that Yami had gotten upon his knees.. “God of the Dead…he can take our souls with a blink of his eye. On your knees and advert your eyes! Show some respect!” She trembled and grew quiet as she felt the god's eyes pass over her, though she knew in reality there was nothing to fear. Geno acted respectful, but if he chose to, he could slayer Anubus instantly. However, Kaikou feared her god, both as being a mortal fearing death, and as a spirit that had cheated death.
“What do you ask of me, Lord Kappa Neo?” The god said. “And stand, my friend. YOu bow to no god. Not only have you reaped many souls for me, but you protect my chosen mortal, the woman Shima, even in death. And besides…” Anubus grinned. “I was the one that made you who you are.” Yami's eyes went wide, and Anubus nodded, reading his thoughts. “Yes Pharaoh…it is I who gave him his immortally and his power to kill the gods. He is my chosen warrior, and over the years has brought many more titles to his name.”
“I did not call you to chat about my life.” Geno said with a smirk. “I called you to help me deal with two meddling gods.”
Anubus sighed. “Always work with you, Lord Kappa Neo. What have they done?”
“Lord Anubus, they interfered with a Shadow Game, using their powers to stack the Pharaoh's deck in his favor. Such crimes are against the laws of honor. Even more so, they do this in the aid of a spirit that cheated death.”
Yami could hear Kaikou let out a whimper, and was surprised that the powerful warrioress spirit was so scared. Geno senses this and walked over to the girl, stroking her back, though she seemed to repel from his touch. Mostly likely because she was still mad at his treatment of Apollo.
“The crimes are serious, and I know they are true. I also see that Lord Apollo has been freed for his crimes, and I will take him back with me to return to the realm of light, till he is called.” Anubus turned, and seemed to glow a hideous black. “But you, Lords Obelisk and Zeus, must pay for yoru sins. I rule that your souls and powers will be entrapped and held in the underworld, till Lord Kappa Neo sees fit to free you, or till the span of 5 years has past.”
“5 Years!” Yami shouted, forgetting himself. “I need that card to recover my memories.”
Geno frowned, but nodded. “Add that in. Should the Pharaoh survive my wrath to go for his memories, Lord Obelisk will be freed.”
“And please…” Kaikou whispered. “…should we gain all 9 cards…allow his power to be freed so we may shut the gate….Lord Anubus.”
“The comments of the Pharaoh, Lady Kaikou and Lord Kappa Neo are accepted. I, however, ask for something in return.”
Geno smirked. “I will wire the funds you wish to one of your Priests.”
“Nothing like that, Lord Kappa Neo. I merely wish, at a later date, that you perform a favor for me, without question or complaint.”
“You do me a solid…” Geno began.
“I do you a solid.” Anubus finished. He grabbed a hold of the chain, and Apollo, and then was gone, leaving behind the three cards, 2 of theme featuring the monsters covered in chains.
“Well…” Geno said, clapping his hands. “It's been fun Pharaoh, really has. And you have won my card. And I will also fulfill my promise: The next duelist you seek is Marrow. Find him, find the next card. ” He turned, taking out his dagger, and slashed it through the air. A rift appeared in front of him, a tear in the fabric of space. “But know this: You can hunt the cards all you want…but remember, I am now on the hunt too. We will meet again, Pharaoh. And when we do, I will show you, if you thought 1 Greek weapon card was powerful…wait till I have the other 7.” He turned, looking at Kaikou, as if expecting her to join him. She frowned and turned away, turning back into Raia, who equally snubbed him. He shrugged, and leapt into the rift, leaving behind the 2 greek weapon cards, a sealed Egyptian God card, a pissed off Chitoshi/spirit duo, and 4 confused and worried teens.