Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Web of Fate ❯ It began like this ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: YuGiOh belongs to someone else. Not me. No profit is made here.

Author's Note: Rewritten and to be turned into a WIP <bangs head on desk>. As if I don't have enough WIPs to attend to...but this just won't let go. <sigh>    


:: it began like this ::

"Who is he?" Seto asked Mokuba as he suspiciously eyed the smiling spiky-haired and ruby-eyed boy who was standing next to his little brother.

"That's kinda rude you know," the boy said challengingly. "I am standing right here."

"So?" Seto's hackles rose, and he narrowed his eyes. "Who asked you?"

"Big brother, this is my new friend Yami. Yami this is my big brother, Seto," Mokuba said obliviously cheerful, still too caught up with the idea that he had actually, unmistakably made a friend to notice the animosity and tension. What he did notice though, was the dubious way Seto was regarding Yami. He knew his big brother didn't trust easily - probably not trusting at all - but Yami wasn't like the others. Yami had stood up for him when the other kids had teased Mokuba and Seto had been kept away by prospective parents. This not only made Yami a friend, but a really good one too; he just had to convince Seto.

"Big brother, don't be like that," Mokuba looked up at Seto with disapproval. "Yami's not like that. He's cool. He likes playing games and - and - everything! He's great."

At Seto's darkening look, Mokuba decided to use the trump card. He felt distinctly guilty, but quickly brushed it aside because this was for Seto's own good, and just because Seto didn't want any friends didn't mean he didn't need them. Mokuba loved having Seto all to himself, and he knew Seto would rather be with Mokuba than anybody else, but sometimes, when he was feeling particularly sad, or when Seto was patiently explaining something or another to him and Mokuba felt all too young and stupid, he thought Seto would be happier spending time with someone his own age. He made sure to keep this little thought to himself though, just because he knew Seto would have a list of reasons why he'd rather have Mokuba's company and because if Seto didn't know he was lonely, Mokuba didn't want to be the one to tell it to him.

"But Seto...Yami stood up for me when those bullies tried to take way my plane again. He made them give it back and then nearly got into a fight!" Mokuba looked beseechingly up at Seto, and then tugged at his hand. "Give him a chance, please? I want him to hang out with us!" This time, he made sure his eyes grew luminous and hopeful, turning his face into an expression he knew Seto wouldn't resist.

Seto finally sighed, and gave one last half-hearted glare towards Yami. He then walked closer, until they were within an arm's length of each other, and shoved a hand forward in an awkward manner. "I guess...I guess I was being rude." He turned to look at Mokuba again, and at the sight of that happy face, decided to admit defeat. Turning back to wary red-eyes, Seto asked politely, "Let's start again?"

Yami's mouth quirked, slowly at first, before branching out into a full-fledged smile. He took Seto's hand, shook it, and stared into very, very blue eyes. "I think we can do that."

They stared at each other for a while, hands clasped together in a bond of tentative friendship. It wasn't until a few minutes had passed that Seto realised they were still standing there, like stone statues with their arms stretched out and their hands gripping each others, and moved hastily away. He tried to hide his confusion and when he wasn't successful, was glad that Yami too hadn't escaped unscathed. Seto turned to Mokuba, who was flickering his gaze from Yami to him in a wide-eyed manner, and was about to tell Mokuba they were leaving, when he was interrupted.

"Do you play chess?"

Seto paused, shut his mouth and considered. He gazed intently at Yami, looking for weaknesses or hidden motives, he wasn't sure, but grew satisfied at what he found. He nodded his acceptance - Mokuba grinned - and tilted his head before saying with interest, "You think you can win?"

He gave a mischievous grin in response. "Why don't we see?" His grin became larger as Seto looked at him with an intense inquisitiveness that had absolutely everything to do with Yami's challenge. He could feel Seto wanting it too; the need to win, to go against an opponent who could more than match his wits, to win against such an opponent; but most of all, the very challenge itself was like an energy source, fuelling both their appetites for more.

"Fine," Seto said finally, his posture relaxing but also straightening in anticipation.

"Yeah! It'll be great!" Mokuba looked at both of them with enthusiasm before taking Seto's hand and pulling him back into the main house of the orphanage. "Let's go!"

All three walked in; all three walked out.  


Seto Kaiba stared back at Gozaburo Kaiba's sneering, triumphant face levelly, not once breaking eye contact and never flinching from the impending failure Gozaburo seemed to be sending his way. He managed by no small feat to keep still and composed, not once giving his adopted father any hint of his own nervousness. For so long he had planned, schemed and fought his way to position where he could now at last topple Gozaburo and claim what was rightfully his. What he had earned. Brought and paid for with his own blood and anger and pain. The kind of pain that was meant to destroy the soul, but only made Seto more determined, more hateful, and more eager to destroy what Gozaburo had wrought. And now was the time for all his plans to come to fruition.

He never took his hard blue eyes off of Gozaburo's smirking face. "You have failed, Seto. Did you think it was so easy for you to win? Ha! You just never learn do you, boy? Never, ever try to cross me. You will always regret it."

Seto said nothing. He had no reply and would have none until the final chapter of this tense episode was finished. How long it would last though, was up to someone other than himself. And this was the reason why he wasn't as confident as he seemed. As long as he lived and breathed, he would find some way to take over KaibaCorp. This he had vowed long ago. As had Yami, who had held Seto's left hand with his right, and swore with all the fervour an eight year had, to help Seto reach his goal.

"What, nothing to say Seto? Cowed by your own defeat? And you!" Gozaburo thundered to the sweating businessmen after taunting Seto with derisive disgust in his voice. "You, my own employees. I will punish you for this treachery!"

Gritting his teeth, Seto unwound tightly clenched fists that had moved of their own accord, mimicking the twisting of his heart.

Yami was late.

His hands tightened involuntarily again.


"You have not won yet," Seto said quietly, but with more confidence than he felt. His voice was soft and darkly strong, tinged with resentment, hatred and the barest flicker of fear that was quickly driven away.

"And what gives you that delusional idea, Seto? Hm? Care to elaborate?" Gozaburo gloated, self assured and cocky now that he had the upper hand.

Seto eyes flashed blue fire in a challenge, but he still said nothing. He waited. Impatience thrived, and Seto's red-hot temper was nearing its end. Failure? Had he failed at the most crucial moment? Betrayed? His breath caught in his throat and he swallowed to clear it and all his doubts. Yami wouldn't do that. Wouldn't what? Want KaibaCorp for himself? Fool...Gozaburo's voice hissed in his mind. Weak fool, to allow someone this much control of you, of your future. What reason would Yami stay loyal to you? Love? he scoffed.

Seto's stomach churned.

The doors flung open, dramatically, incredulously, and Gozaburo stared in shock. Yami walked in, a dark, intimidating figure in black and wearing a smirk that could rival Gozaburo's.

"Am I late?" he asked innocently, lowering unnerving red eyes in a parody of modest courtesy. "My most sincere apologies."

Finally getting over his shock, Gozaburo proceeded to regain his composure by taking control of the situation again. "That is quite all right Yami. Indeed, I was just making a note to Seto about how he should never defy me again."

Yami quirked one eyebrow before walking over to the large conference table, and settling himself down onto a seat that faced both Gozabura and Seto. He leaned back, crossed his legs and then flung one slender folder neatly onto the centre of the table. He smirked, meeting his adopted father's eyes directly and said, "I think you should take a look Gozabura."

Seto relaxed, a tiny release of tense muscles before he returned Yami's flickering glance. The plan was set. The pawns were in place. Let it begin.

No matter how many times he dreamt this, fantasised over the tiniest details; it would always lack the utter satisfaction he derived from the reality. He memorised every single detail. Every single reaction Gozaburo made apparent and those he didn't. His eyes gleamed in pleasure as he looked upon surprise, shock, incredulity, and finally, angry acceptance. He took note of clenched fists, tight enough to bleed, and the rigidity of Gozaburo's towering posture. He laughed snidely. "What? Can't take your defeat? Cowed?" Seto mocked with Yami by his side.

"Very good Seto. Very good," Gozaburo said grudgingly, stiffly before turning away. "I see you have somehow managed to convince Mokuba and Yami to sign away all their shares -- giving you more than fifty percent of KaibaCorp." He turned to Yami. "All planned from the beginning. I should have known."

"But you didn't figure it out," Yami had to point out, arms crossed and head tilted in an amused way. "Why would I ally myself with you, hm? Didn't really think about that, did you? You underestimated me. Seto. Us." Yami's amusement drained away and a flush of anger stained his tanned cheeks. "Despite the fact that you tried to force us to hate each other, playing us like mindless pawns to your king, we still won!"

A myriad of emotions; bitterness, hate, resentment crossed Yami's face before it settled back into a blank slate, an expression Seto saw most often at the opposing end of a battle.

"So you have," Gozaburo said calmly now, standing up and starting to walk away. Away from Seto, away from Yami and towards the sky-lined view of Domino City. He watched over the city and then turned towards Seto before saying intensely, hypnotically, "The strong will devour the weak, as it should be. Remember this well, Seto, as I did." Then, Gozaburo forced himself through pane glass, shards falling around him in a burst, and fell.

Seto closed his eyes.



"What should we do now?" Yami asked curiously, not a hint of regret in obvious and subtle sight, and leaning back against Seto's new desk in Gozaburo's old office. "He's gone. We always wanted him gone."

Seto sighed and spoke almost abstractly, face still turned towards the large, overhead view of a city that was his. "What are your plans?"

"I don't know," he answered just as quietly, just as abstractly. "I haven't exactly thought that far ahead. You?"

"I pictured this ever since he adopted us," Seto said intensely, darkening blue eyes still facing the window, but looking into the past. "I wanted him gone. I wanted KaibaCorp. I wanted back my inventions. I wanted to protect Mokuba." He added more softly with a wry twist to his lips, "And you, to an extent. I wanted everything, and now that I have it, I don't know where to start."

Yami frowned in thought, and lightly drummed his fingers onto Gozaburo's - no, Seto's - desk. "Disarm KaibaCorp. Turn it into what we've always wanted it to be, and then, we can just go from there."

"Making it up as we go along?" A sudden fleeting emotion appeared on what was usually a stone-hard face. "That simple?"

"Why not?" Yami laughed softly. "You always did like to make things more complicated than it really is. What would you and Mokuba do without me?" he asked, only half serious.

"Very well, I assume," Seto said coolly, but he had lost that hard look now, and the tension wired within him had abated.

"No doubt."

Then, Yami stood, and straightened his shirt, tugging at the hems and then the sleeves, which had slipped up his arms. He pushed them down, and over a couple of particularly long, pale pink scars, and then said, "Come on. I think it's time to give Mokuba some good news."

Watching Yami move, Seto fluidly stood up to follow and picked up his briefcase. He silently, but quickly, caught up with Yami, and side-by-side, they left KaibaCorp.