Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Night Love ❯ Wedding Night Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wedding Night Love
Author's Notes: This story takes place after The Flower of Egypt and The Flower of Egypt II. Basically this is what happened on their wedding night, Yami and Arora are fully reunited after not being together for over 5,000 years needless to say Yami is a little horny.
Yami and Arora laughed at the joke Joey had told from their spot on the cushioned couch.

"I can't believe you actually said that," said Arora nearly falling off the couch. "Gods you became perverse over the last five thousand years."

"You didn't know him very well back then did you?" asked Mai laughing.

Joey blushed while the others laughed at the sexually innuendo, except for Mokuba who had no idea what they were talking about. Yami chuckled and nipped Arora's neck earning a startled gasp from the woman.

"Looks like someone is getting antsy to make my cousin his own once more," said Bakura from the other side of the boat.

Bakura was a little drunk from the wine which explained his good mood. Malik snickered and tried not to spit out the wine he had just taken a sip from.

"Yeah," he said biting his lip to stop the grin. "He might just explode here and now."

Yami growled while Bakura, Malik, and Marik began to snicker. Isis rolled her eyes and threw an apple at each boy.

"Behave," she said in a warning voice.

All three boys pouted at having their fun cut short, before it had even begun.

The group was silent for a moment before Bakura started to snicker and threw the apple at Joey hitting him in the head.

"Hey!" said Joey. "What was that for?"

Bakura didn't say anything he just sat back in the cushion snickering.

"I never knew you to be this bad after two glasses of wine cousin," said Arora. "Normally you can hold your liquor better."

Bakura just continued to snicker before passing out.

"Um what the hell happened?" asked Arora.

"I put a sedative in his wine," said Isis sipping her own.

"Why?" asked Yami.

"So he wouldn't interrupt you tonight," smirked Rashid.

"Oh," said Arora slowly before it dawned on her. "Oh!"

Malik laughed and threw his apple at Joey.

"What is it with the apple throwing?!" demanded Joey shooting to his feet.

Marik just snickered and threw his apple at Joey hitting him smack in the head causing him to fall on the pillows next to Mai. This started an all out fruit war between them while Yami and Arora just watched (A/N: basically they just threw various fruits at each other).

"While they're distracted why don't we go below," whispered Yami in Arora's ear.

Arora giggled and turned to stare at Yami sweetly, "aren't you being too eager?"

Yami chuckled and licked her neck tenderly, "no more then any other newly married man."

"You are more eager to be with me then you were five thousand years ago."

"That's because I haven't been with you for five thousand years."

"Good point," said Arora.

"So shall we go?"

"Yeah," said Arora giggling softly.

The two of them escaped under the barge unnoticed by the others to a room that Isis had set up for them that resembled Yami's old room has a pharaoh.

"Isis has been very busy," said Yami looking around. "More busy then you could ever imagine."

"Oh so the rumors about her and Rashid are true?"

"Yes," said Arora.

"I see," said Yami laying down on the bed before her. "Enough about them my llywaeth (Welsh for pet) let's become reunited once more."

"Sounds like a plan," said Arora laying down on top of him.

"Good," smirked Yami running his hands through her hair and pulling her down for a kiss.

Up on the deck the others were starting to settle down when a strange fog came over them and put them to sleep; so that they wouldn't be able to interrupt the two lovers. Who deserved after being apart for five thousand years and being separated for a short time after being reunited. They deserved this one night of uninterrupted bliss.

Yami smiled and pulled back from the kiss staring into her eyes.

"I have missed the look in your eyes after a kiss like that," whispered Yami rubbing her cheek tenderly.

"What look?" asked Arora.

"The look of true love and devotion," whispered Yami licking her ear. "The look of utter trust."

"Oh that look," said Arora. "You should, I wouldn't look at anyone else."

Yami smirked and kissed her tenderly.

"Well except maybe Bakura," giggled Arora.

"Very funny," muttered Yami kissing her mouth eagerly while rolling them over.

Yami began to push down the straps of the dress she had been wearing revealing her shoulders; he started kissing them tenderly electing a moan from her.

"Do you enjoy that?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she whispered softly.

"Good," whispered Yami.

Yami went back to pushing down the dress until it pooled at her waist, his mouth moved from her shoulders to her chest. She gasped tightening her grip on his hair and began to moan when his tongue slide along the skin tasting it. He pushed her down on the bed and removed the rest of her tunic, sliding his hands down her legs so he could wrap them around his waist. He moved up and began to kiss her passionately. He pulled back and stared down at her speechless at her flushed face and swollen lips.

"I forgot how beautiful you look after I kiss you like that," he muttered.

"Hhhmmm," she mumbled. "I forgot you knew how to kiss like that."

Yami smirked and kissed her briefly again before moving for her neck.

"Shouldn't you be undresses too?" asked Arora.

"A little anxious aren't we?" asked Yami against her skin.

"No more then you seem to be," said Arora softly.

Yami just nodded and kissed her neck affectionately. He once more began to kiss her chest; however, he didn't stop there he went even lower until he was in between her thighs. He snaked out his tongue in experiment and smirked when she jolted her hips slightly.

"Did that feel good?" he asked grinning wickedly before moving his tongue back.

"Yami!" gasped Arora in shock.

Yami just laughed and continued moving his tongue around at a rapid pace eager to taste her juices more. He grinned at the sound of her moans and groans she was making. He stopped however seconds from her orgasm and sat up looking down at her.

"Enjoy that?" he asked laughing.

"Yami," whimpered Arora.

Yami just laughed and kissed her face softly before seating back up and removing his own clothing. He lay with her on the bed and pulled her to him, for one more kiss before rolling on top of her. He wrapped her legs securely around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He began to enter her slowly, being mindful that she was a virgin Yami closed his eyes and kissed her when he penetrated her barrier.

Nichol tensed slightly and let out a slight yelp when he broke through her barrier. Yami pulled back and started kissing her eyelids letting her get used to him. She wiggled her hips around slightly signaling she was ready. He eagerly set a pace that he knew she could keep up with. Their eyes remained locked on each other the entire time. When she came he kissed her catching her scream inside his mouth, and continued to thrust until he came.

Afterwards they lay together in each other's arms and wrapped in the sheets.

"I love you," whispered Yami kissing her forehead.

"And I love you my pharaoh," smiled Arora tucking her head under his chin.

"Good night," he whispered.

"Night," she whispered back.

Together the two of them drifted off into sleep.

Back outside the gods Osiris and Isis looked down at the sleeping group.

"Well," said the goddess. "I would say that was successful."

"Indeed it was," said her husband.

The two gods vanished and placed the group in their various rooms below deck.