Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome Home

Rating: Nc-17

Pairing: M/R

Warnings: Slight Ryou angst in the beginning. Lemon.

Enjoy, and Please Review

`blah' is thoughts-sorry if these confuse. They seemed like a good idea at the time.

"blah" is talking

blah is sarcasm/emphasis

**** is change in Pov (Point of View)

Why isn't he back yet? He said it would only take two weeks, it's been almost three. What the hell is going on? `He just got held up.' Half my mind keeps telling me. But the other half keeps saying `Open your eyes moron, he's found someone better than you, and he's not coming back to you.' This part seems to be winning more and more recently.

Thus bringing me to consume vast amounts of my favorite comfort foods, chocolate, and double stuffed Oreo cookies. Which in turn, means my dark seems to think he can eat more of them, since there are more. Leaving me with less. Sometimes he can really bother me.

`mmm' I walk by the store. Better get more cookies then, since he's been home all day, alone and has most likely pigged out on MY cookies. I mean who would have guessed that him of all people liked Oreo cookies? I go in and buy my cookies, before heading slowly home.

Inside my house seems warm and welcoming, even if he isn't back yet.

"Ryou is that you?"

"Yes" I look in the direction of Bakura's voice. The kitchen, who would have guessed? $20 bucks says he is eating my cookies, and by the time I get in there it will look like he wasn't. I do know why people called him: quick hands.

"How was your day?" He's smiling, bad sign. It means he's hiding something. Wonder What.

"Fine, I guess." I know my smile looks fake, but thankfully Bakura says nothing of it. "Is he back?" I know what he'll say, but a part of my wants to think I'm wrong. It keeps hoping Bakura will say yes and he'll walk up from behind and hug me, whispering surprise in my ear.

"No, sorry Ryou."

"It's ok." I know it's really not, but I'll pretend for now. I am really trying hard not to cry or something stupid like that, and I know he can tell. His eyes soften just a bit for me when he feels bad.

"But…" He pauses, probably to make sure I'm listening. "He did call. The message is on the machine." He smiles a smile reserved for his loved ones only and starts to walk by, out of the room. He stops. "You know he misses you? He'll come back, I know he will and I know he won't find someone better than you. You know that too, right?"

"Yes I know." I also know that saying those words are hard for him to say, since he really doesn't totally approve of my boyfriend. I'm not entirely sure why anymore though, I mean he's proven he's not going to hurt me or anything like that. But it does remind me that sometimes Bakura can really be a caring person. I know no one else believes it, except maybe the other yami's, but I don't ask them, not even Marik. Who still isn't back. But a message is good. Right?

I play the message on the machine. It almost hurts, I miss him so much. It's so nice to hear his voice though. "Hi Little one. I hope you don't miss me too much. I should be back soon. Fate just seems to be against me seeing you. Don't worry though. I promise I'll be home soon. I miss you far too much to stay here. Bye Koi."

The message makes me smile. I would really rather he be here, but hearing his voice is a nice substitute. It means he hasn't forgotten me.

Bakura and I stay at home, relax and eat comfort food since neither one of us really feels like going out. It is Friday after all. After a while I get too tired and have to go to bed. I hope Marik comes home soon. I don't like sleeping alone.


For the love of any God. What the hell is taking so long? We've been on flights for half a week now. And the people are getting pissed off. This is one of the main reasons I think it best I not talk to Malik right now, he seems rather stressed, either that or a I want to kill everything mode. "We will be arriving in Domino city soon. Please prepare for landing." The lady announces. `Finally.'

I get Malik to drop me off at Bakura and Ryou's house instead of going home with him. Thank God Ryou gave me a key. I can get in at this God forsaken hour. What time is it here anyway? `1am. Mmm. Ryou's probably asleep.' No wait there is a light on in the living room.

I walk in. Bakura. "Hi Bakura. Did you miss me?" I say right in his ear.

"Ahhhh!!!" I have to suppress the urge to laugh from Bakura eyes going that big. "Marik?"


"What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? I'm here to see my boyfriend."

"He's sleeping." The cold glare of hate is released from those brown depths.

"Well then, maybe I'll join him."

"I'm sleeping down here with the T.V. on then."

I have to chuckle at that. "Good idea."

I go up the stairs to Ryou's room. I crack the door open just a little and look in on my baby. He's so beautiful when he's sleeping. "Ryou" I whisper. "Ryou." I say a louder. He stirs a little before rolling on his back. "Tenshi. Wake up."

By this time I am beside the bed. `Mmm no response.' This time I climb on the bed and straddle his middle. I lean forward and gently kiss my sleeping angel. When I pull back to look at him he has a small smile on his soft lips. This time when I kiss his, I push my tongue into his mouth.

He soon wakes up from lack of oxygen and confusion. He's dark eyes fly open and he takes a swing at me. I grab his arm and gently loosen his fingers from their fist and kiss the tip of each one. "Tell me koi. Did you miss me?"

He recognizes who I am now. I can see tears of joy brimming in his large child like eyes. "Marik. Your back." I feel him shake a little before he flings his arms around me neck and kisses me.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Yes" He manages between kisses. "Oh god I've missed you."

"Well then, let me make it up to you."


I pull his pajama top off as he removes my top at the same time. I smile at his eagerness. So I decide to encourage him by slipping one of my hands down the front of his pajama pants and starting to gently pump the erection I find waiting there.

Watching Ryou when he's like this is so amazing. His eyes seem as if they want to roll into the back of his head, but he keeps them open, so he can watch me. He makes the most amazing sounds too, sounds that should be outlawed. They make you just want to burry yourself in him and make him scream for all you both are worth.

His eager hands search out my body, as if it is the first time he has felt it. My moth moves to his neck and I gently bite down on the artery there. This is rewarded by a slight eep from my pale beauty.

At this point Ryou has grown very impatient with my antics and has his hands snaking around the fly of my pants, before slowly pulling it down and pushing in one very cold hand. Mind you, he's always cold to the touch. Well if he wants to play harder let him. I pull his pants right off and start trailing kisses down his body. Soon his hand has to release me, but I know the next act will be well worth him letting me go.

He moans as I push a finger into his body. Then another. I don't want to hurt him, but it is so hard not to just go in when he makes the kind of noises he's making.

All of a sudden he gets very impatient with me and flips us over so that I'm lying on my back. I look up at my beauty, his skin glowing from the layer of sweat on his body. "Your taking to long." He pants out as he lubes me up. "I want this now."

The ability to speak has left me and all I can do is watch as he impales himself on my aching member. I wait until he is completely seated before I move. The moans he lets out as I move inside that extraordinary heat is so intoxicating I can't think anymore. All I can do is move in the body on top of me.

Soon our pace becomes faster as we work towards release. I grape his weeping cock and pump him in time with the speed he is riding me.

Then it is over too quickly as he releases and his body clamps down on mine. My release come soon after. I feel Ryou collapse on top of me. His limbs still shaking from the passion we just released. I feel him move to extract me from his tight body and move up to fall next to me. "Welcome home." He whispers before falling asleep. I soon follow in suit.


`They stopped. They Finally stopped. I am resolving from now on when he gets back from a trip I am having Yami over.' I think to myself as I lie on the couch with a pillow crushing my ears. `I am never doing this again. Ever….ever…ever' Snore


I slowly open my eyes to the morning light. I look over expecting to see Marik, since he never gets up before me in the morning. I look over and see….Nothing. He's not there. I just look dumbly at the spot where he should be, then something hits me. Maybe he didn't come home last night. Maybe it was all a wishful dream. This thought brings tears to my eyes, it felt so real, how could it not be.

I get out of bed. `Shit' I even feel sore. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. Bakura is sitting at the table, not looking so awake. I go to the fridge for some juice.


"What they hell was that?" I close the door and look back at Bakura looking for an answer, only to see him asleep on the table.

"That's going to leave a mark." I know that voice. I look over in the direction of it's origin.

"Marik!! You're here!!" I yell as I fly through the air at him.

He catches me as his back hits the wall. "Over course I here little one. Where else would I be?"

"I thought since you weren't in bed it was a dream and you weren't back."

"Oh. I couldn't sleep, the time change thing kills me. So I got up, only to find lovely there looking something like that." He say as he points at Bakura.

"We should let him sleep."

"We could." He says as he nips at my neck. "Or we could go have some more fun."

"I like that idea." I say as he carries me up to my room so that we may repeat last nights endeavors.


`Oh that hurt.' A moan. `No Not again.' I get up and run to the door. `I can't take this any more. I'm staying at Yami's till they stop. Or at least till I've got the same treatment as Ryou up there. MMM that would be very nice.' I think to myself as I head down the street towards Yami's house, and more importantly, his bed.


Hazza. I finished my first Yu-Gi-Oh fan fic. Hehehehe.

And for all that may wonder. If you have ever seen ginger snaps ginger does that same thing as Bakura. She looks real tired and then falls forward asleep on her desk. I just had to put that in.

The chocolate is there because I was eating chocolate and cookies while writing this and they just had to go in.

I have plans to do more yu-gi-oh fan fics, but I need reviews before I will put them up. SO REVIEW and you will get lots more Lemony goodness.

The Shinagami Tenshi