Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ Don't Raine on Our Parade ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: Raine walks into the room looking over a piece of paper. She clears her throat and begins speaking. "Yu-Gi-Oh and all related aspects of it, ie the cards, and the characters do not belong to Dark_Wolf." she mutters, "Like no duh. Sheesh, what is she, a millionaire?" She continues in a louder voice, "However, any other character is made up and the personal property of Dark_Wolf and her crazy mind." Her jaw drops, "What the hell! You mean I don't exist out side of your mind!" She shakes her fist at Dark_Wolf, "That is a load of bull shit!" With the stroke of a key, Raine is banished to the Shadow Realm.

Chapter six: Don't Raine on Our Parade.

Summary: Joey's reunited with his sister, and a new relationship is put to the test.

A/N: Well, it seems that some people like to read and not review. Oh well, I hope you all are enjoying this. I'd like to know what you all think, so come on! Review please!

Joey knew that anyone's life could change in a matter of minutes. He just didn't expect his to. It had been an hour since he and Tristan admitted their feelings to each other. Oh boy, what an hour. I'm so happy I feel like I could fly. I'm in love with an awesome man, and my older sister that I haven't seen face-to-face in forever is going to be here in a matter of minutes. I love Raine, and I know that she loves me, but what's she going to think of Tristan and I?

Tristan, who was sitting next to Joey on the bed with his back up against the head board looked at the younger man who was leaning his head up against his side and smiled down at him, "What are you thinking about Joey?" Tristan ran his unoccupied hand up and down Joey's side.

"Nothing much, Tris. Just enjoying the moment. I'm kinda worried about what Raine is going to think, not to mention what everyone else will say." Joey looked up at his boyfriend.

Tristan bent down and brushed a loving kiss over Joey's mouth, "The others know I love you. It was actually Ryou and Bakura that convinced me. They'll support us, no matter what. As for Raine. From what you've told me over this last hour. I think she'll have no problem with her little brother being happy. What do you think, Noel?"

Noel Blankenship, the twenty-three year old nurse had shoulder length black hair, green eyes and a smile that could light up a room. She stood 5'6", and had a curvy build. She had entered the room thirty minutes ago to check on Joey and interrupted a make-out session between the two men. Instead of being embarrassed or disgusted, she had laughingly said that they made a cute couple and confessed that her brother was gay, so she was okay with their choice. That had lead to a conversation in order to get to know one another better, since Noel would be part of their lives for some time now. At the moment, the three were watching the movie of the day on channel nine.

"I think, if she is anything like you've described her, she'll wish you both well and demand Tristan marry you and make an honest man out of you." Noel laughed at their looks. "From what I gather, she is someone I'd like immediately. Don't worry, Joey. I'm sure everything will be okay."

Joey smiled at the two of them, "Thanks you two. I feel better now. I think I'm ready to see her."

Noel caught a sound from outside the door, and looked up, "I think they're here. Looks like you'll see her sooner than you think, Joey."

Tristan made to get up off the bed and sit down in the chair, but Joey stopped him, "No. I'm not hiding this, Tris. I've been blind for far too long, and this relationship is the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I'm not letting you from my side. You said the others will not have a problem with us, and I believe you. I think its time for us to step out of the closet." Joey giggled and Tristan smiled, bending down to quickly kiss Joey. The door opening turned the three's heads toward it to see Yami, Yugi, Solomon, Tea, Mai, Ryou, Bakura, Isis, Rashid, Seto, Mokuba, Merrik, and another man that Noel and Tristan didn't know in. Joey's eyes lit up when he saw the man, "Eric!"

Eric walked up to Joey and gave him a gentle hug, "Hey little brother. It's good to finally meet you in person."

Joey returned the hug, "It's good to see you too. Where's Raine?"

"Right here, Jo-Jo." the soft voice came from the doorway where Raine was standing between Malik and Serenity, the two younger people were hanging onto her arms like the were never going to let her go, but when they saw Joey's face the released her so Raine could proceed forward.

"Za." the one word said so much, Za, thank Ra you've come: Za, I've been so scared: Za I missed you. Joey felt his throat close up and the tears start to fall, he reached his arms out to her and Raine wasted no time before she was sitting on the bed beside her baby brother with him wrapped up in his arms. Tristan, sitting on his other side was the only one to notice that Raine had tears falling down from her eyes.

"Oh Jo-Jo. My baby boy. I'm so sorry. I should have known what was going on. I should have been here to stop it." Raine hugged him as tight as she could without furthur injuring him, Serenity had confessed the extent of his injuries in the car.

"I should have told you. I knew you would come running. But I didn't want you to think I was weak and needed your protection. Besides, I knew you were busy with school." Joey sobbed, I had forgotten this feeling. I've always, always felt safest with Raine's arms supporting me. Ra, but I missed it. He buried his head in the curve between her neck and shoulder and let his tears fall unchecked. He sensed Tristan place his hand on his heaving back and stroke it in comfort. Raine's hands were combing through his hair.

"Oh Jo-Jo. How could you ever doubt my love for you? I would have given up everything to be here for you if I had known. You are not weak, far from it little brother. You are one of the strongest people I know. Anyways, it's a sister's choice if she wants to be the protector. And I will always, always be there for you. No matter what. Yes, I was busy with school, but there are plenty of good schools in Japan. I could have moved here. And baby?"

She pulled back so she could see Joey's face, his honey colored eyes were awash in tears and she wiped them away. "I'm swearing to you right now. I will make Marus and Alicia pay. They have both acted horrendously towards you and Wren. Did you know none of the family in the states were ever informed of Wren's surgeries, we didn't even know that she needed one. You both have been in Japan for ten years, and the only thing that either one of them has told us was they were getting a divorce and you two would be split between them."

"You didn't know? Mom, wait a second, she doesn't deserve that title anymore. Alicia told us that you were to busy to be worried about us. She said you wouldn't waste your time to come to Japan to support Wren."

Raine growled, and that was echoed by Eric, "That sanctomonious, hyprocritical bitch! I swear to Ra they'll receive no mercy from me! She fucking knew that I had hired Tagjaki for just such a reason! Serenity's surgeries should have been covered by my insurance, but no. The little whore was too proud to call her eldest daughter to save her youngest."

She looked at Joey again, "Answer me a question Jo-Jo? Did she know what Marus had been doing to you?"

Joey nodded in the affirmative and was suddenly glad he wasn't Alicia Wheeler, or Marus Wheeler. Raine's eyes were flaming, the purple looked like it was swirling her anger was that great. "How long was Marus beating you baby?"

Joey gulped, he had never confessed just how long he had been abused, but he knew that Raine had to know the truth, "Off and on for the last eight and a half years, since he and Alicia divorced. It's gotten steadily worse the last three."

"And Alicia knew of this?" Raine growled, and Eric placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, he had noticed that she was scaring Joey, Tristan and Serenity.

"Rainey, settle. You're scaring people." Eric whispered.

She looked at Joey and Serenity, for the moment ignoring the other men, "I'm sorry you two" She motioned to Serenity who joined her on the bed for a group hug. "I'm very angry with them, but no matter how angry I get, I'll never take it out on either of you. I'll bide my time and take it out on the two who deserve it."

Eric, with his hand still resting on Raine's shoulder calmly stated, "If she can't control her anger, she and I will head to the nearsest gym and spar. She would never hurt either of you."

Serenity nodded and stood back up to be embraced by Eric as Raine dealt with a still crying, but slightly more calm Joey. She looked up at her new-found brother and asked, "She's going to kill Marus, isn't she?"

Everyone had heard her question, and they looked towards Raine for the answer. "No, Wren, I'm not going to kill him. He doesn't deserve death. It's too good for him. What I want to do is beat him within an inch of his life, chain him to a ceiling, disembowl him, and cut off his manhood and shove it down his throat. That is what I want to do. He will pay. Then I'll let the police have him, and he can be someone's whore in prison for all the rest of his days."

Every man in the room was looking a little green around the gills at her description of what she would do to Marus, until Joey started to chuckle, "Man, I'd hate to be in his shoes, because I know that what things you usually want to do are mild compared to what you will do."

Raine smiled and hugged her brother, "Let's just say that both Alicia and Marus will get what's coming to them, and leave it at that."

Joey returned the hug, "So, how long do you plan to stay?"

"Forever sound good to you?" Raine chuckled.

Joey reared back so he could see her eyes, "You mean it? You're staying for good?"

Raine nodded, "I'm here for good. Nothing on this green earth will tear me away from here now. I'm home."

"Swear it." Joey was glowing with happiness, but he was afraid to hope. "Swear it by Ra and the Duel Monsters, and by the family honor."

"I swear it. I'm not going anywhere that you all are not at. I'm going to call Kurt tomorrow and let him know to get the ball rolling to get all my funds transferred to my accounts here and to get Eric's and my things packed up and ready to ship. Honestly Jo-Jo, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Gram and Gramps decide to do the same."

Joey and Serenity's smiles lit up the room and Joey cheered, "Yes! My family is back!"

He started coughing because of the tenderness of his lung and Tristan was right there telling him to take it easy. Raine noticed right away the closeness between the two men and cleared her throat, "Jo-Jo. Don't you think its time to introduce me to your boyfriend?"

Joey and Tristan both gasped and looked up at her, "You knew?" Tristan asked.

"From the moment I walked in that door. Welcome to the family Mr. Taylor. I'm trusting you with my little brother's love, if you hurt him, you answer to me, and then, probably to Eric as well. Deal?"

Tristan stuck his hand out, "Deal."

Raine shook her head, "Sorry, we don't do handshakes in this family." She reached over Joey to wrap a surprised Tristan up in a warm embrace. "We hug."

Tristan returned the embrace with a laugh, and then they all turned to the group. The second Malik saw that Raine wasn't busy with Joey and Serenity he walked over to her and sat down in front of her so he could lean against her. Joey was sort of surprised at this and looked at Raine.

"Malikai and I go way back. He's an adopted brother. I've already made peace with Merrikai, but Malikai is a little fragile right now. For some crazy reason, he thought I could hate part of my family." Raine shot him a look.

Joey laughed and hugged a surprised Malik, "Welcome to the family you two," He was addressing Merrik as well, "And in this family, only the parents can be hated."

Everyone laughed and soon they were all spread out all over the room watching another movie, this time it was Resident Evil.

A/N: Well, there you have it. Chapter six. Next chapter will have some Raine/Seto interaction, the first duel, which I'm kind of leary of writing, it will probably be kind of lame since I've never written one before and about the only experience I have with dueling is from my Playstation game. I hope you've enjoyed what I've written so far. Don't forget to review.