Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welcome To SlaveryChapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Forgive me please for this update being so late! I have had such bad writers block for this story but hey! Chapter 9 is finally here! And of course ENJOY!!!

"Why do you allow him to treat you like that?" Bakura asked Ryou almost angrily

"Like what?" Ryou asked not understanding

"You are not a slave Ryou, you are much better than that! You shouldn't allow him to draw and courtier you at his wish!" Bakura said

"He doesn't Niisan, he is very kind to me and he has never hut me nor will he." Ryou said

"That doesn't matter to me Ryou, it bothers me you share his bed! I know he genuinely cares about you and that's even worse." Bakura said frowning

"Why is it such a bad thing if we care for one another?" Ryou asked sadly

"Its not Ryou, if he was someone else I would wish you nothing but happiness you know that…but he's a pharaoh Ryou, the pharaoh. He has to get married…I don't want to see you get hurt." Bakura said kneeling to meet Ryou's eyes.

"I'm not an idiot Bakura, I know he has to get married, and that it must be a princess…and me being so close to him is dangerous because to hurt him people might hurt me…" Ryou stopped looking at him curiously

"Why would you take these risks? I don't want to see you get hurt I'm trying to protect you cant you understand that?" Bakura asked

"I do understand your intentions Bakura…but I love him and I cant change how I feel about him no matter what you do…until he says he hates me and never wants to see me again I will stay by his side." Ryou said and looked at the setting sun. "I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep early today." Ryou said turning on his hell to the Pharaohs chamber.

"Ryou…please be careful I am still your nissan right?" Bakura asked

"Yes, you will always be too." Ryou smiled leaving Bakura alone with his thoughts

Bakura sighed deeply, why must his only brother be in love with the most complicated person in the world? It wasn't wrong to love him but it wasn't right either, it would only cause problems down the road for people.

"What are you doing wandering about so late at night?" A smooth voice asked as Bakura turned to see someone who looked strikingly like Malik.

"Malik?" Bakura asked cautiously not sure if it was him or not

"I thought you would have remembered my name Ryou, after all I was the one who brought you here." Marik said

"Oh, I'm not Ryou, I'm his older brother." Bakura said simply turning to walk away

"Really, you look so much alike too." Marik said stopping Bakura

"Yes we do look alike, don't draw our resemblance to our personalities…I assure you I don't act like him." Bakura said trying to brush past him but Marik wouldn't allow him to pass "Why are you blocking my way?" Bakura asked annoyed

"I am blocking your way?" Marik said contemptuously

"Don't mock me." Bakura said dangerously not liking him in the least but decided it best not to fight with someone in the palace and turned to go the other way but Marik grabbed his wrist.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry? To join your brother?" Marik said insultingly

"What is wrong with you? Let me go." Bakura said un-amused and insulted

"Nothing at all, I just find it odd that out highness would let a street rat into our palace." Marik said tightening his grip on Bakura's wrist.

"I am here for the sake of my brother, I was not a street rat either mind you, now if you don't mind unhand me an I will be on my way." Bakura said irritated wanting to knock this Marik persons lights out

"You don't like me do you?" Marik asked still not letting go

"You're playing with fire now let me go." Bakura said venom practically dripping from his voice but Marik didn't waver

Marik simply smiled "Not to offend you but I'm not exactly threatened by you, your brother himself isn't exactly intimidating and you look like his twin." Marik said

"Looks can be deceiving." Bakura said having enough and punching Marik straight in the jaw sending him to the floor but he only held on to Bakura's wrist tighter and it sent them both to the ground. Marik on top of Bakura.

"What in the name of Ra is your problem!" Marik yelled shoving Bakura further into the ground

"I asked you and I warned you but you wouldn't let me go! You still haven't let me go!" Bakura yelled raising another fist but Marik caught his other wrist quickly and slammed it against the ground hard making Bakura wince slightly

"You don't take teasing very lightly do you?" Marik asked crossly happy keeping Bakura pinned to the floor

"No I guess I don't, maybe I just don't like you, who knows but you really have knack for getting me angry…maybe your multitalented because every time you speak you seem to piss me off!" Bakura yelled trying to loosen his grip but to no avail

"Looks like the same 'talent' has infected you." Marik said happy with the power he held over Bakura at the moment sizing him up without really knowing it

"Listen I'm glad your enjoying yourself but I need to…" Bakura was cut off when Marik kissed him powerfully

Bakura was stunned at first so did nothing but his senses came back soon enough and he tore his mouth away from Marik "What the hell are you doing!" He asked angrily

"Kissing you, or I was at least and if you would hold still I would be able to do it effectively." Mairk said a little annoyed

"I don't want you to kiss me! Has it ever occurred to you I am not a slave and I don't take orders!" Bakura yelled

"Guess what? I don't care if you are a slave or not, I take what I want when I want, its not a matter of right or wrong to me because I don't care. Now you can either enjoy this or hate it I wont be affected either way." Marik said simple slamming Bakura's wrists above his head using his arms as basically a vice for Bakura's head and kissed him again.

"Do you love him?" Yami asked Ryou softly

"Do you mean as my brother?" Ryou asked

"I mean whatever you mean." Yami answered

"As my brother yes." Ryou smiled

"Nothing more right?" Yami asked

"Are you jealous?" Ryou asked tilting his head

"I…no I'm not its just you seem so close to him and I was worried that he would…" Ryou cut him off kissing him affectionately

"He can't change my mind about you sir, I love you and will stay with you as long as you will have me." Ryou said with a smile

"Yami smiled and drew Ryou into his arms "I told you not to call me sir." He said with a smile

"All right, I'll be good and follow your every order." Ryou said kissing him on the tip of the nose

"As long as we understand each other." Yami said brining Ryou into a fiery kiss

HAHAHAHA!!! I have finally written a chapter that I am happy about posting! And not to mention an evil cliffhanger stopping right before the lemony goodness between Ryou/Yami and Bakura/Marik! Looks like Yugi will be reunited with his love before Malik will so look out for my next chapter cause you'll love it if you love lemon!