Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welcome To Slavery-Chapter 13.doc ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

HUZA!!! I got another chapter up and it didn't take me near as long as the last! Any-who here is chapter 13 to "Welcome To Slavery" ENJOY!!!

Malik's P.O.V.

I grimaced at Ryou's wounds while I dressed them, the healer Joey was gone and he took Yugi with him. I was slightly jealous of Yugi's good fortune when I heard Marik had given him back to Joey I was happy for him but angry too since I would probably never be that lucky. At the mention of Marik I remembered when Yugi had ran away from him, it was the first night Marik…had taken Yugi physically. I felt so sorry for him so I helped him hide until his wounds were better healed at least, that was when I was still with Honda and could easily help him out. I looked to Ryou he was asleep now…not that he ever woke up, it was probably better he didn't he must be in a lot of pain at the moment and regardless of how gentle you are it hurts when you dress wounds. I remembered when I dressed Yugi's…then at that moment I realized why I kept on thinking of Yugi. The wounds…they were the same, I've done this before but whit Yugi. Marik did this to him. I looked over to the bed-side-table and noticed Ryou's armband, I grabbed it quickly latching it on his arm, and I could feel my blood boil. He knew better than this! If he did it just because Ryou wasn't wearing his mark, I paused and looked at Ryou's neck confirming my outrage. Yugi had the same mark as did previous slaves of Marik, it would fade away eventually leave a small scar but Marik would always renew the old one. This wasn't right Ryou may be a slave but everyone in the palace knows that Ryou means very much to the pharaoh and whoever hurts him will probably die a most painful death…which lead me to the thought of what else was Marik planning? But my thoughts were interrupted by Ryou's weak soft voice.

"Marik…" He said voice trembling

"What?" a said curious but then I remembered how much we looked alike "No Ryou its me Malik…I wont hurt you." I said quickly which seemed to put him at ease

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I found you on the balcony and I cleaned you up, I couldn't leave you like that." I said looking away form him, his face was badly bruised but luckily, he wouldn't have a black eye or anything.

"…Arigatou…" He said trailing off then curling into a tight ball

"Hey, don't worry Ryou at least you can do something when Yami gets back." I said trying to make him feel better although I knew it was in vain. You are never the same when someone violates you like he was, I should know…I loved Honda and he never raped me I gave myself to him willingly every time as Ryou probably did to Yami. However, when you are raped it's a dirty, filthy, disgusting feeling that you cannot seem to get rid of and time is the only thing that can help.

"…Yami?" He said as if he didn't understand "Yami! He's in danger! Marik is going to kill him or something worse!" Ryou suddenly yelled

"Wait, calm down what are you talking about?" I asked startled by his outburst.

Normal P.O.V.

Bakura looked down at Yami, he was wheezing and probably had multiple broken bones but Bakura wasn't finished with him yet and would make sure he would be screaming for death until it came. However, the sounds of hoofs made him retreat, those blasted palace guards and henchmen finally caught up with me. They saw me knock the living conscious out of Yami so they knew who took him but they were preoccupied with getting Yami the medical attention he so very needed and were obviously headed toward the palace. Good I can finish my handiwork at the palace instead, and retrieve Ryou while I'm at it and then he will be with me once again, as he should be not with Yami.

Ryou was a bit flustered but told Malik what Marik had said about killing Yami within the hour that he came back and that they had to do something but before Malik could say a word the chamber doors flung open and four guards both seized them.

"Master Seto has been looking everywhere for you." One sneered at Malik

"Let go!" Ryou screamed but winced in pain forgetting how badly wounded he was

"Silence! You are going to be thrown in the dungeon for the assault of the Pharaoh! Master Marik will decide your punishment later." Another yelled

The two boys were separated and Ryou kept on asking what had happened to Yami but they paid him no heed and simply threw him in the dungeon without another word. Ryou clenched his teeth in pain when he was painfully shoved to the floor and kicked in the ribs by one of the guards.

"Stop it." A smooth voice said from behind them

Ryou felt tears sting his eyes because he knew the voice belonged to Marik but thankfully, the guard stopped and left Ryou alone in the cold cell. With Marik watching him from the other side of the bars.

"Hello Ryou…" Marik said trailing off "Looks like they think you tried to kill Yami, trust me I'll spread the word around that you did and soon you will be executed but not until dear big brother comes to save you." Marik sneered

"Yami…will not let you!" Ryou said a bit out of breath

"Yami is going to be killed! The only reason he isn't dead yet is because the guards have got an eye on him but that will only last a few days and that's when he will die." Marik breathed, as he looked Ryou up and down

"I expected you to be worse off…guess I didn't hurt you as much as I wanted to…I think a discipline lesson is in order." Marik said

"Really Marik? Maybe you should bring him to my chamber, Malik had been very naughty as of late…seems like hiding in the pharaohs chamber was one of his better ideas, that's why your little toy doesn't look so hurt." Seto said smirking at the now trembling Ryou.

Marik turned to meet those icy blue eyes and Ryou was likely to scream when he saw then kiss but his throat was dry and couldn't produce a sound.

"I feel slightly jealous of Malik sometimes." Marik said unlocking the door and grabbing Ryou by the hair

"That's like saying I'm jealous of the pharaohs whore…that's all they are and you know it." Seto said tapping Marik on the nose

Mari grinned assertively at Seto. They were not in love with each other but they did enjoy each other to the fullest when time allowed it. Both of their slaves were rather resistance toward them and they enjoyed fighting for the dominance although with their slaves they always won but with each other, the outcome was uncertain. Marik jerked painfully on Ryou's hair making him yelp in pain. Ryou hated having his hair pulled it hurt worse than being hit sometimes not to mention he was already in a lot of pain as it was so being dragged down the palace hallways wasn't helping his healing process in the least.

"I never really got to introduce you to the real concept of slavery Ryou…you were supposed to be a bed slave…I think we should train you, it would be such a shame to let such a beautiful body and face go to waste at execution." Marik said jerking upon his hair once more.

More and more things go wrong, oh well it was supposed to be dramatized so here it is! I hope you like it so far!