Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What a Coincidence ❯ What a Coincidence ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What a coincidence

By Bexi

Disclaimer- I don't own Yu-Gi Oh! I really wish I did…. But I don't. This isn't really a good fic. I was in a funny mood… so flame if you like. I don't care. I do, but I can't stop you from doing it now can I?

Well on with the fic.

Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Bakura and Tea were walking alongside a beach. It was a bright clear morning, the sky was blue and there wasn't a dark cloud in the sky. So they figured that they'd take time off from what ever it is they do… namely playing duel monsters, to go and have a picnic. They sat down in a shaded part of the beach. Under a cliffy area, where the sun was blocked. Tea had gone to all the trouble to prepare a full picnic basket. She had sandwiches, drinks, cakes, crisps and all the yummy things that are usually eaten on a picnic. She set it all out nicely for all the others and looked over to where they were. She signed as she saw Joey trying to throw Yugi into the water, but ending up falling in himself. She could hear him shouting, but didn't take any notice. C'mon, it's only Joey, she thought to herself.

"Hey, guys, food's on," she shouted loudly, but still in a civil manner.

"Great, I'm starvin'," said Joey, as he quickly stood up. But fell back down as he slipped on a piece of seaweed. "Stupid seaweed!"

"Joey, I think you're a little too old to be playing with seaweed in the water."

"Shut up, Tristan!" he pouted, as he picked up the seaweed and threw it on Tristan. Little did he know that Tristan had ducked out of the way and it hit Bakura right in the face!

"Thanks a lot, Joey." He threw the soggy green plant back to who threw it at him, covering Joey's eyes as he ran around screaming.

"Get it off'a me… get it off'a me. I can't see.... I'm blind!" He ran around in huge circles, not bothering that he was getting soaking wet.

"Just take it of your face. It might help," stated Tea as she walked over to see what all the commotion was about.

"Oh, yeah." He dragged the weed of him and threw it back into the sea. "Now I'm all wet."

"I could have told you that."

"Why you little arrogant, snot nosed--"

He suddenly stopped as he bent down and grabbed something from out of the water. Everyone looked at him strangely. They didn't have a clue as to what he was doing.

"Hey, guys, look! It's Yugi's three Exodia cards. The three he lost on the boat to Weevel… all together. What a coincidence," he said in a mocking tone. "And, oh look! I have the other two in my back pocket. What a coincidence." He dug deep and pulled out the two remaining Exodia cards and gave them to Yugi.

Yugi jumped in joy as he got his cards.

"Yugi! I want a duel now!" ordered Kaiba, as he jumped down from a small wall.

"Oh, it's Kiaba, what a coincidence… and he wants to duel Yugi. What a coincidence. Oh, look… Yugi won… what. a. coincidence."

They started to walk away from the beach and onto the top of the cliff area, overlooking the sea. Suddenly, Weevel came rushing to Yugi.

"Yugi!" he wheezed. "I… hear that… you have got… the Ex… Exodia cards back. C-can I see them?" he urged.

"If I let you see them, will you promise to give them back?" he cooed. (Don't ask why.)

"With all my heart," he said in his usually tone, followed by an evil snigger.

"Ok… here you go." He handed over all the Exodia cards to Weevel and stared proudly at him.

"Yugi, are you stupid!? You can't give them to Weevel… remember last time?" reminded Tea.

"Don't worry, Tea. We all make the odd mistake; he's learnt his lesson. He's sorry now."


Yugi walked back to where Weevel was and asked for the cards back.

"My, my. These cards are remarkable… but Yugi," he sneered, "you can't have them."

He quickly threw the cards over the edge of the high cliff and laughed loudly and wickedly.

"No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!!" cried Yugi

"That's for knocking me off the island." He ran off still laughing like a little schoolgirl.

"Oh, Yugi gave the cards to Weevelwhat a coincidence. Oh, and Weevel threw them over the edged of a cliff… what a coincidence."

"Would you stop with the 'oh what a coincidence'!?" snapped Tea, angrily.

"What! It was… like the world is repeating itself… now isn't that strange?"

Everyone looked at Joey wide-eyed.

"What you all looking at, huh?"

"Well shouldn't you jump in after them?"

"What! I'd be killed. Yugi… you're my friend. But you can screw your fuckin' Exodia cards. They mustn't have been that good, right? You lost them twice to the same person… right?"

Yugi looked at his tall blonde haired friend with big purple eyes.

"You can look at me all you like, but I ain't jumpin' off no cliff!"

Yugi just ran off crying like a snivelling little baby.

"Now look what you did!" yelled Tea.

"What? I'll buy him an ice cream later…" he started to snigger evilly, and quickly added, "and drug it!"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Tea. Just nothing… mwahahah!!"

They all walked off to where Yugi was crying as Joey went to get Yugi a chocolate ice cream.

"Yugi, are you all right?" asked Tea sweetly.

"Yeah, I'll get over it."

"Can I have one double chocolate ice cream, please?" He handed the money and walked back to Yugi. When he was out of sight he slipped out a small packet out of his pocket. It was filled with white powder. He ripped open the packet and poured all of it on the ice cream. He laughed malevolently as he walked back.

"What's so funny?"

"Huh? Oh, somethin' that I saw… Someone do… yes… do…"

"You're really startin' to freak me out."

"Yes… freak you out." He handed Yugi the ice cream and said, "here."

"Thanks." He looked at the ice cream and said: "what's the white stuff?"

"Only sherbet, Yugi… only sherbet," he said dazedly

"Oh." He licked off all the sherbet then dropped the ice cream. He stripped off all his clothes and started running around acting like a monkey. He jumped on top of Tristan's head and then onto Bakura's. He grabbed onto his long platinum hair and tried to swing from it. Everyone but Joey got extremely worried, as to why he was acting this way. Especially when he climbed up a lamppost and started to swing around it.

"What are we gonna do?" Tea said, frantically.

"Don't worry… he'll come down when he tires himself out. Or rather, he falls and breaks his neck… but hey…" Joey rambled on.

"Joey… what did you give him?" Bakura asked, slyly.

"Some ice cream… with sherbet…"

"And where did you get this… sherbet, Joey?"

"Outta my pocket… and outta my house."

"You gave him drugs?!"

"No," he said, sweetly.

"Then who did?"

"The ice-cream man."

"Are you on drugs?"

Joey thought about it for and long time the replied.


"Great. Yugi! Yugi, come down from there. You'll catch a cold."

"Tea, stop fussing… have this." Joey dug into has pocket and pulled out a splif.

"No, I will no!" she said firmly

"Okay… more for me." He started laughing and giggling to himself as he put it to his lips. When Tristan yanked it out of his mouth.

"Joey… drugs are bad!"

"Point being?" he said mockingly


"But I wanna," he cried


"Please… I- I'll give you money… I'll give you my hi-fi… but please don't take it away from me!!" He fell to the floor and started to bang his hands across the pavement. "Come back… please…"

They all walked off leaving Joey alone.

"They left me… I- I can't believe they left me." He pulled himself closer together and buried his hands in his knees as he rocked himself backward and forwards mumbling stuff to himself.


Ok. I know… totally crap. But can you blame me? Besides… I was having a break from my other fic


So what did you think? Review if you like… flame even…. Please do something. *Curls up into a ball and starts rocking back and forth*