Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Did I Do To Deserve This? ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Priestess: Where…the…fuck…Did I get the idea to write this? I did take bits and pieces (`bits and pieces' ranges between four paragraphs and two sentence) of my earlier works—all but a few of which I never actually put onto the internet, and a few stories I didn't write inspired it as well, but otherwise it was my utter insanity. And perversion—I tend to make the characters I love Uke, and the Bakuras rule!
In all but one of the inspiring pieces, it was Yami Bakura (and in the one that wasn't Yami Bakura, I let my readers decide which one they thought was sexier—or which one they thought deserved it, though I say neither.) To one of my best friends, I gave all the early scribbles which inspired this—I can't believe she read all of them, much less liked them. *Sniffles* I have such dedicated friends…
Funny fact: with this, for all the characters I had ever considered a favorite—first Isis while I was still a boy-hating kid, then Malik, and now both the Bakuras in one go!—I've written a story in which they were raped! I bet Yugi's friends are very glad I hate them…
And, interestingly, all of them were raped by a Yami—Isis by Mariku, Malik by Bakura, Ryou and Bakura by Yami. I guess it's kind of proof of how my point of view on evil—and my taste in pairings—have changed over the years.
Enough rambling about me, fanfiction now!
Disclaimer: Do you think I own Yu-Gi-Oh? Do you think Kazuki Takahashi would make Atemu a bastard?

Don't answer that.
Warnings: Yaoi, rape, BDSM, cursing, breaking and entering, gratuitous usage of the bold key, Atemu from the first half of the manga but worse, OOC-ness
PS: I need this to be read for me to update, because it's one of those clever chapters where it can either be over or continued—something I often do on the first chapter to force reviews out of you!
*Boot hits head*
And that was my cue to start writing.
Ryou Bakura jumped out of bed, startled. «What was that?» demanded the voice of his other self—his yami: the Spirit of the Millennium Ring, named Bakura for lack of a better name (actually, he seemed to have a lot of them from what Ryou could tell, but he couldn't pronounce the few he knew)
In spite of himself, Ryou flinched as he always did at the sound of the baritone which had become rather familiar to him by now: he supposed he could never get used to the cruel presence inside him, though he was no longer cruel.
Ryou was more than a little sure that his falling in love with Seto Kaiba—both of them being people that most thought to be incapable of love, he considered this (secret) relationship to be good for them, for all it scared the shit out of him—had something to do with it.
A few months ago, Atemu, the other half of Ryou's friend and secret crush Yugi Mutou, had regained his memories—which, actually, was because of Bakura.
Though there were a lot of contributing factors.
After this, the seven items were placed into the tablet, and the magic it unleashed gave them—the hikaris: Ryou, Yugi, and an Egyptian named Malik—the chance to decide what would happen to their yamis.
But there was an interesting twist—Malik's sister Isis had a yami as well, meaning the High Priestess Aishisu. And Seto Kaiba, as well, had the High Priest Seth.
There was a catch—the same thing must happen to all of them, and no one knew Seth or Aishisu and Atemu was the only one of the remaining three that any of them actually liked.
Well, Malik seemed to like Bakura for ridiculous some reason that Ryou would probably never know, but he was a little bit messed up in the head so that didn't matter.
Yugi, who adored Atemu, didn't want to send him to whatever hellhole they wanted to send Bakura and Mariku—Mariku being the yami of Malik, and somebody who scared the shit out of…everybody.
And, as I mentioned, no one knew much about Aishisu or Seth.
So Ryou and Malik had to keep Bakura and Mariku as well, and they had the ability to create their own bodies (Seto and Malik both threatened to kill themselves if they had to share bodies with anybody, because Malik had been possessed before and Seto hated magic) Atemu threw a…minor…tantrum about that, and everyone agreed that their being alive wouldn't…really…be…well, safe.
So, things were changed:
The yamis were each sealed into a Millennium Item—Atemu was already in the Puzzle and Bakura in the Ring, but now Aishisu was in the Necklace and Seth in the Eye and Mariku in the Rod.
They could not take over their hikaris or even create their own bodies unless they wore the items—or, in the case of Malik and Seto, had them nearby, in their pockets or hands or something.
Their hikaris had the control for a change—the yamis could not take over if the hikaris didn't want them to, and the hikaris could even seal them into the Shadow Realms if they wanted.
No Shadow Games without their hikaris' permission—everybody except Aishisu was ready to kill someone at this point, so they decided to do the safe thing and it there.
In spite of this, there was a long and very hectic time between Bakura, Mariku, and Atemu—filled with attempted murder, tortures, cheating (Yugi and his friends were horrified by this, but they quickly got over it), and Mind Crushes (if it had been anyone but Atemu, they would have given up after the first hundred times, but he was very persistent.)—in which the hikaris used their newfound control for the first time.
Successfully, I might add.
In spite of this, Ryou supposed he would always fear Bakura—he just couldn't help it.
But that fact, unfortunate though it was, wasn't particularly significant at the moment—figuring out why he had heard the sound of glass crashing was a different story.

Ryou tucked a lock of pale hair behind his ear, his tired emerald eyes scanning the room. Bakura was still at the back of his mind, demanding answers which didn't seem to exist.
“I don't see anything, Bakura,” replied Ryou softly.
«Windows do not crash on their own, Ryou! Everyone knows that!»
“It could have been a glass. They fall over sometimes for no reason.”
«That's because a couple of the spirits from Kuru Eruna followed meushome»
“Kura what?”
«Didn't you sense that the area the tablet was in was haunted?»
“But I thought that that was just—” But before Ryou could finish his sentence, something hit him on the back of his head, and he fell to the floor in a dead faint.
Once, millenniums ago, back when Bakura was still a thief living in Egypt, he woke up from being knocked unconscious and found himself bound with ropes and about to go through a nightmare.
Well, things had gotten a bit more high-tech by the time this happened to Ryou, but the end result was still the same.
Ryou's hands were crushed against his throat with what seemed to be a dog collar—but a dog collar with a padlock instead of a buckle. His legs were bent painfully, his ankles pinned to his hips, held with his belt. Again, the buckle was a padlock.
Later, Bakura was to remark that he had preferred the ropes—it took less time to escape them when it was over, and his thighs didn't ache for weeks afterwards as Ryou's would.
But, truly, it didn't matter—it was the same face which greeted Ryou's tired eyes that had greeted Bakura's, and it was him that made the following experience a nightmare.
“A-Atemu?” squeaked Ryou, eyes wide and horrified. Atemu tilted his head, and there was a spiteful gleam in his eyes that Ryou did not understand and did not like.
“The little Bakura,” he crooned, his voice dripping with spite. Ryou shuddered in spite of himself, and was horrified to realize that he was completely naked—other than his belt, the Ring, and the collar that he now knew to be Atemu's. “Where's the bastard?”
On cue, Ryou's lovely face twisted with rage, and his wide emerald green eyes narrowed, burning the crimson Bakura's only turned when he was at his most furious.
“You asshole! What have you done to us?”
“Nothing,” Atemu sneered. “Yet.”
Bakura knew exactly what he was planning, and fear and rage filled him. But he didn't let his emotions show even for a moment—he wouldn't give Atemu that satisfaction. Instead, he sneered, “have you discussed this with your hikari?”
“I didn't need to. Yugi trusts me enough not to question me. He doesn't have to keep me on a leash all the time, unlike your hikari does,” Atemu retorted. “He wanted me, remember?”
Bakura's eyes betrayed only for a moment that Atemu had struck a nerve. “I thought Ryou was his friend,” he said coldly. “Or weren't you planning to let us live long enough for him to find out?”
“Are you still mad that you have to wear your mother around your neck?” asked Atemu, smirking when he saw grief in Bakura's eyes—if only for a moment. “It's my father's fault that your family and friends now look like the jewelry they wear, not mine.”
“Your father's debts became yours when his riches, possessions, titles, powers, and other conveniences became yours,” Bakura spat. “Besides, it's your fault that I live in said jewelry!”
“No, Camel-Shit. It's yours.”
{Bakura, what's happening?} whimpered Ryou inside him. {What's he talking about? What is he going to do?}
«Ryou, you need to let me block you out» Bakura commanded. «It isn't safe for you right now»
{I can't} replied Ryou meekly. {Remember? We forced you and Mariku to let the spell be put on you two, so you couldn't block us out completely unless we were in separate bodies}
The second of which he supposed was an immensely good thing, considering he didn't want to be around when Seto and Bakura were…together—not that he would have allowed that in his body.
«I wish his Royal Piss-Ass Highness couldn't block his hikari out either» replied Bakura. «That, or he does can't and your little friend Yugi is a very good actor»
{I'm scared, Bakura}
«I'm scared, too, Ryou» Bakura tried to spread out his energy, seeking for the spirits who had followed him here—the spirits of his mother Zenadia and a few whose names he didn't know. Surely they wouldn't let Atemu do this to him.
“Oh, and don't bother summoning your pet spirits,” sneered Atemu. “I destroyed them—except one that was really stubborn, but I sealed it into one of your cards and locked them up…you can figure out which one it was later—surely your Ring will find the cards.”
Figuring it out would be completely unnecessary, of course—he knew it was his ever-cunning mother, hiding in the Change of Heart. She had always been the smart one.
But that wasn't what mattered—what did matter was that a)two of the spirits—his loyal companions since the day of his birth—were gone, and b)he now had no way to protect his hikari, or himself, from this supposed hero who was clearly a deranged madman.
He cried out suddenly as a dagger buried itself hilt-deep into his cheek, a hair away from his eyes. Ryou shrieked in pain even as Bakura clamped his teeth shut, refusing to cry out again, and unable to wriggle away without Ryou losing an eye.
Smirking viciously, Atemu dragged the knife downwards, making a vertical line down Ryou's cheek. He then made two horizontal cuts across it, before pulling the knife away and licking off the blood.
Ryou was weeping uncontrollably now, and Bakura could do nothing to stop the mad procession of tears mixing with the blood and making their wounds hurt even worse.
“You know, I always thought those scars made you look so much lovelier—but more evil, too. Then again, you don't really seem to need much help in that department.” He smirked again. “Do you, Thief?”
“Fuck you,” Bakura spat furiously, and Atemu's smirk only widened. Ryou was still sobbing hysterically inside him, a fact which really wasn't helping matters.
“I'm not the one whose fucked,” he retorted. “But.” His voice lowered a note. Bakura growled as he noticed that Atemu's eyes were now openly roving over every inch of Ryou's slender, well-made body. “You're about to be.”
Ryou's sobs stopped. Bakura could feel his horror and despair and hated it, but he could not say it wasn't identical to how he had felt the first time he was raped—but he had been eight.
But those same emotions had already driven him so mad he didn't remember his own name, and it was years before his shattered mind—if not his shattered heart—would be able to repair itself.
“You really are a monster, aren't you?” he hissed. “Bad enough that you treat me like I'm no better than a piece of shit, but this? Raping an innocent boy! I thought better of you.”
“You are shit,” Atemu retorted, eyes cold and empty. His breath smelled like alcohol, even though Yugi was underage and he had never been able to retain any common sense when drunk.
Though he had raped Bakura without being drunk, Bakura hadn't thought to fear he would have risked angering Yugi by raping his friend. But if he was drunk, then that was a different story…
Lifting the knife again, Atemu rested it at the hollow just under Bakura's neck, then dragged it down hard, making a line all the way down to his abdomen. Ryou/Bakura cried out in spite of themselves.
{Make it stop!} Ryou was sobbing, as Atemu continued to inscribe hieroglyphs all over his body, malicious spells and cutting (literally!) taunts. {Make it stop make it stop make it stop please please please}
He was making Bakura want to cry himself. Ryou's pain hurt more than his own, more than the knowledge that this knife had been heated, and these scars would never vanish.
He and his hikari would be scarred for eternity.
Finally, Atemu did stop. He lowered the knife and inspected his handiwork, savoring their pain. Lifting the knife again, he traced it in a circle around Ryou/Bakura's shaft, viewing with satisfaction the tremor that ran through the slender body. He twirled the knife rather carelessly around their balls, causing tiny cuts to form. Bakura closed his teeth determinedly against Ryou's screams, tears pouring down their cheeks.
Then he traced the knife along the delicate veins of their shaft, before tossing the knife aside (and forming a large gash on their thigh in the process) and lowering his head.
Ryou was still sobbing, screaming, and Bakura didn't know what to do. The sensation of Atemu's teeth scraping against their privates wasn't really making him feel good either, but Ryou was more important than he was.
«Don't cry» he said. Pleaded, rather. «Think of something else. Pretend this isn't happening. It will all be over eventually. It can't last forever. Don't cry, Ryou»
It was no use. Atemu's tongue brushed against the slit, then he thrust the entire thing inward. Two screams were torn from their throat, and Ryou's hysterics only worsened.
Extracting his tongue, Atemu gave their shaft a final nibble before turning them over. Bakura winced as their thighs strained, their face colliding rather hard with the ground, but he didn't let himself make a sound.
Atemu ran the knife down the crack of their ass, leaving a thin stream of blood. He circled their opening with the knife, each time pressing deeper, bending over to lick up the blood.
Ryou didn't scream this time. He had become silently resigned, knowing what came next and knowing that tears would not help him would. Nothing could help him now, not even Bakura.
Atemu thrust into their tight opening, and pain exploded through Ryou, running up his back, through his throat, and up to his mouth—no!
Bakura clamped his teeth shut so tightly he was certain they would break. Tears streamed from his eyes, but he didn't let himself make a sound. He could no longer feel Ryou. But he could feel Atemu. He could feel every move he made inside them, feel his nails dig into their back, feel his teeth sink into their neck until the tender skin bled.
It seemed like eternity until it was over. Finally, though, Atemu slipped out of them and smiled coolly at the shuddering figure before him. Not saying a word, he tugged off the collar, then stood up and left.
It wasn't until Bakura was sure he was gone that he reached down and freed their ankles, stretching his legs. He sat up, feeling unbearably dizzy. Ryou was silent.
Suddenly all the pent-up pain and tears from the previous hour or so exploded within him.
Sobbing so hard he was choking, blinded by tears, Bakura ran up the stairs, into Ryou's room. He flung open the door, dashed in, and threw himself onto the bed, screaming and screaming and screaming.