Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What is Sex? ❯ What is Sex 2? The Next Day. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: “What is Sex 2? The Next Day.”
Summary: The New Day has come but do they have regrets on what happened the night before? Will it ever happen again?
Warnings: Yaoi, Incest, lemon and OOCness for both. If you don't like this paring or are underage DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER!
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“I am so thankful today's Saturday cause I'm finding it a little hard to walk. I could stay in this bathtub all day, man I'm so sore. I woke up this morning Seto was no where to be found, I mean I had a feeling after what happened last night that I'd be sore, but Seto never told me I'd be this sore. I know he's afraid I'm going to regret what we did last night. But I don't. I-I don't know how to explain it. It was just as Seto said it did really in truly hurt like hell at first, but then after he hit that one spot and really got started I was soon craving more it was wonderful. When Seto first told me what would happen I was terrified I couldn't imagine how something that was going to hurt like hell could ever cause you such pleasure. I wasn't sure I would like it. Maybe that's a reason Seto left so early this morning he's scared that I'm going to hate him or worse, actually it's the exact opposite I love him even more.”
After about an hour Mokuba got out of the tub. He was a little shaky but he made his way out into his brother's room and carefully made his way to his room. He got dressed then he decided to do research on his computer however as he tried to search he soon discovered that he couldn't. It seems his big brother was the way over-protective type and anything and everything related to sex had been blocked. He was disappointed but wasn't going to let that stop him. He snuck downstairs and when it looked like the coast was clear he made his way to his brother's office, knowing his brother wouldn't be home from work for a couple of hours he hoped he could access what he wanted there. However, his brother's computer was also blocked but unlike his, this one was simply password protected.
“Now lets see if I were Seto what would I use for a password.”
Mokuba tried everything he could think of, all of his brother's favorite cards but nothing. “Ok there has to be a way to access this! Let's try my nickname Mokie and my brother's favorite the blue eyes ultimate dragon. That did it! Yes!”
However, after a little bit of searching he finally found some site that showed others doing it. All were males and females, even though you couldn't access the entire site without paying it still showed videos of people doing it.
“Great I'm not sure I'm ready to do some of the things they show in these pictures. Of course, it figures you can't access it without an email address and a credit card. Which I have neither, Seto's got my email blocked I can only add addresses of people, places or things he approves of. And even if we continue to do what we did last night I have a feeling he still won't unlock my computer for this. You hear too many stories of kids talking to strangers online and I just don't think Seto would ever take the chance on my meeting and talking to someone he doesn't know online. I know where Seto keeps one of his emergency credit cards but I also know if I try to use it then I'd really get it! I know for a fact Seto checks every credit card statement carefully. I remember last year for his birthday he found out I used it and well since it was only once and a present for him he didn't yell or ground me but I got the impression that if it had been for anything else I would have. I know he didn't like it then. He doesn't like birthdays or at least his own. I think if he didn't appreciate the thought I would have gotten grounded cause a couple of weeks later one of the maids bought extras of several things and went way over budget and Seto wasn't happy. So if I want to avoid any kind of pain like his yelling for starters I won't try even if I could find a way around the email.”
He finally found a site that had a few stories that he found interesting.
“Ok some of these things in both pictures and stories are totally gross! I'm sure they enjoyed it and Seto probably would too. I do want to make him happy but I don't know! I'm just not sure I'm ready to do anything like that! I may change my mind someday but right now, I have to admit that I can't imagine ever doing it. Well is there anything on here useful? Lets see oh this sounds cool you light scented candles and put them all around the room. Wait I can't do that, it'd be nice but the last time Seto caught me with a lighted candle without him around I got into major trouble. I want to do something but I don't want to get into trouble. Then again, once he knows the reason I'm sure he wouldn't be mad but why take the chance. I know I'll turn the lights out in all the house and find a couple of those candles that run on electricity the ones we sometimes use at Christmas. This way I don't get risk getting into trouble and there's less risk of burning the house down if something goes wrong or we forget. Seto will be surprised when he gets home.”
So that's what he did he fixed up a spare room with Seto's dark blue sheets on the bed and all the lights in the house were turned completely out so that the only light in the house was from the 4 electric candles that Mokuba had hooked up in the room. It was now officially the only light in entire house. He wanted to decorate the room further but then thought there'd be no point, besides how wasn't sure how to decorate it. Now all he had to do was wait till Seto got home. He changed into nothing but one of Seto's old tee shirts and his boxers and waited.
“Where is he? I gave the servants the rest of the weekend off so that we could play together and maybe even convince Seto not to go into work tomorrow. But it's 8 o'clock, is he trying to avoid me afraid I regret or hate him for last night. How can I prove to him he's wrong if he doesn't come home!” Mokuba said to himself looking out of his bedroom window that faced the street. Having nothing better to do he tried to take his mind off things by playing video games, then he watched half of a movie. Finally, it was 10 he decided to go lay down in the room he'd set up and wait.
About midnight he woke up hearing complaining from downstairs it was dark and Seto being in a bad mood hadn't been expecting to not have any lights on in the house at all had stumbled off the landing without realizing it. Normally it'd never happen but some of his investors had threatened to back out of a couple of his projects unless Seto supports a new product they wanted to promote and so when he came home thinking it was a blackout he was even more irritated and wasn't paying attention. Mokuba cautiously made his way downstairs knowing it was dangerous to confront his brother when he was in a bad mood. He had originally planned to lure his brother upstairs to see why there was only the one light on in the entire house then tackle him when he came into the room. However, now that his brother was in a bad mood it might not be as easy as he'd like it to be.
“Seto?” Mokuba asked cautiously
“Go back to bed Mokuba.”
“But Seto I've been waiting for you.”
“Why you know better than to stay up this long after your bed time? Is that the reason all the lights are out?”
Mokuba giggled. “Yeah I turned them out so that you would see the lights upstairs and come to investigate and we could play.”
“Not tonight Mokuba it's late and way past your bedtime. I'm not in the mood for any of your games.”
“But Seto, I don't want to play video games I want to…”
“Want to what?” Kaiba asked sounding a little irritated.
Mokuba sighed. `How can I explain anything when he's in one of his really bad moods? If I could only get him upstairs then he'd understand but how can I do that when he was in such a bad mood?'
“Never mind Seto.”
“Look Mokuba I'm sorry I'm just not in a good mood tonight. I didn't mean to upset you.”
“It's ok big brother will you come upstairs then?” Mokuba asked still hoping they could play and maybe get him in a better mood.
Seeing as how he already yelled at him, the least he could do is see what he wanted. He easily made his way upstairs, scooped the small boy up into his arms and carried him. Mokuba wrapped himself around his brother. Then he got an idea of how to tell Seto what he meant by play. So, he starts to lightly kiss his neck.
“What are doing Mokuba?”
Mokuba giggled, “What do think I'm doing big brother I'm kissing your neck.”
“I figured that why?”
Mokuba sighed, “I told you I wanted to play.” Then he kissed him on the mouth, then kissed his neck and whispered in his ear. “I want to play the same way we did last night.”
Seto stopped and gasped! He could never forget what happened or the pleasure he got from it he just never expected that Mokuba would really want to do it again! When he saw the pain he caused him when he first pushed in, he had wanted to promise him that he'd be a lot gentler and go a lot slower in the future but decided against it since he had felt it would be a one time thing only. Secretly he'd hoped that they could do it again but never believed they would.
“Mokuba are you sure you really want to do this again?”
“Seto if I didn't want to do it again I wouldn't have given the servants the weekend off hoping you'd stay home and play with me all day tomorrow too. I wouldn't have been impatiently waiting all day for you to get home.” Mokuba said starting to kiss his brother's neck again.
Kaiba carried Mokuba the best he could which wasn't easy with his continually kissing his neck. Finally, he made it into the room that Mokuba had set up. On the nightstand, he saw the same bottle of lube he'd used the night before.
“So big brother do you want to play with me now or not?” Mokuba asked kissing him.
His brother was frozen at first till Mokuba licked his lips right at the part. He opened his mouth and Mokuba kissed him challenging his tongue to a battle. Kaiba never turning down a challenge played along till he was so aroused he couldn't stand it anymore. He laid the small boy on the bed and kissed him hard.
Mokuba broke the kiss, “Don't you think you're a bit overdressed big brother?”
Seto growled into Mokuba's neck getting a giggle from the small boy. Then he stood up and quickly disposed of his clothes before crawling towards the small boy. He started laughing as his brother reached out and started to tickle him. Then he quickly removed the boy's shirt and started kissing his face, neck and shoulders drawing the small boy into a firm hug his teeth and tongue teasing his neck getting even more giggles from him. He soon removed the boy's boxers and started leaving a trail of kisses up and down the boy's stomach again getting a few giggles from the boy. Then he started to run his hands all over the small boy's chest and rubbing up and down his sides now and then giving a little tickle just hear the kid laugh. He was doing what a part of him regretted not doing last night. Teach the kid not just sex but love. Something he should have done last night but was so overwhelmed that Mokuba wanted to do it he wasn't thinking straight. He wanted this night to be special to make up for what he should have done to start with.
“Hmm…Please Seto.” Mokuba whined wiggling about.
Seto smiled taking pity on the boy and kissed him deep while coating his fingers with the lube. Then he moved his finger and placed it in the boy's entrance. Mokuba moaned a little then Seto found a sweet spot just below the boy's ear and started to tease him my nibbling and kissing while he place the other two fingers in. Mokuba whimpered a little but wiggled to try to get Seto further in. Seto started to stretch the boy slowly while playing with his ear and the sweet spot below his ear while stretching him. Mokuba bit his lip against the pain but also at the same time sometimes had to suppress a giggle when his brother would growl into his neck. Seto soon pulled out Mokuba whimpered at the loss of contact. Seto smiled and kissed him deep while grabbing the bottle again and slicking up his own manhood. The gently, he spread the boy's legs, his hands gently pressing the boy's inner thighs before he straddled the boy. Then kissed him deep challenging his tongue to a battle. He then quickly pushed in, in one quick motion. Mokuba gasped as he had tried to brace himself, but he still couldn't help the small whimper of pain.
“You okay?”
“I'm fine Seto really it's-it's ok.”
“You sure?” Kaiba asked kissing him.
“Yes, I love you I trust you completely.”
“You ready then.”
Mokuba smiled and nodded. Seto kissed his nose knowing it would get a giggle and a wiggle out of the boy. It did and just like last night Mokuba gasped and moaned as his wiggling once again caused his brother's angle to shift enough to hit his sweet spot.
Kaiba then slowly set a pace of not to fast but not to slow rhythm, each thrust was aimed perfectly at his brother's sweet spot. Then Mokuba started pushing against him, urging him to go faster and deeper till finally he wrapped his legs around Seto's waist. Kaiba then started to pound into the small boy mercilessly all reason and common sense gone. The only thing that mattered now the only thing he could concentrate on was the small boy below him.
“Oh, Mokuba you are sooo, tight!” Kaiba said continuing to thrust harder and faster.
`I w-wonder if that's a g-good thing or a b-bad thing.' Mokuba wondered moaning and tossing his head side to side. He kept changing from gripping the sheets to his pillow back moaning, tossing, and turning. Soon he grabbed his brother weakening length.
Mokuba gasped “S-Seto…”
Mokuba didn't get the chance to finish that sentence and his brother started to pump him in time with his thrusts. He continued to pound the small boy and pump him at the same time, till finally Mokuba couldn't handle anymore and screamed covering both their chests in his essence. His brother couldn't hold it after that and after a few, more thrust slowly filled his little brother with his own essence. Kaiba collapsed onto the small boy.
“Sorry about that kiddo.” Kaiba said slowly rolling to the side pulling out.
“It's ok Seto.” Mokuba said cuddling up. “Are you happy now you came to play with me?”
Kaiba smiled and looked at his little brother whose eyes were half closed. He kissed his forehead pulling him closer. “Yeah I am little one. And you know what I think your right.”
Mokuba yawned and cuddled closer. “Right about what Seto?” he asked half asleep.
“I think I should take tomorrow off and we can play some more.”
Mokuba's eyes lit up with joy and looked up at his brother. “Really Seto, you'll stay home with me tomorrow?”
“I wouldn't want to disappoint you, after all I kept you waiting all day it's only fair don't you think?”
Mokuba smiled hugged him tight leaving his arm and head on his brother's chest and cuddle up closer as his brother reached down and pulled the blankets around them.
“I love you Seto.” Mokuba sighed happily.
“I love you too little brother.” Kaiba said kissing the top of his brother's head holding him close and closing his eyes.
They both soon fell sound to sleep dreaming of all the fun and games that they would do tomorrow.
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A/N: Well better or worse than the other? It's only my second try and everyone seemed to love the first so maybe you'll like the second too.