Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath ❯ Let All Things Start ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

In case anyone has noticed, I did post it up a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't happy with the chapter, so I decided to change it. Hence why I've taken the original off, and reposted it. I've rewritten the first and second chapters. Hopefully this'll go a little better than before.
This fic is something I was inspired to write one night a few months ago, but I have only just come round to writing it. It's based on the psychological thriller film `What Lies Beneath', only this time it's the Yu-Gi-Oh cast! This is the first time I've tried to write a psychological thriller (or any kind of thriller for that matter), so I will try to make it was `thrilling' as possible. I suppose I should also warn you that this is a yaoi fic, so expect some strong language and yaoi/shonen content. Remember this is my first attempt so please be kind and review it!
What Lies Beneath
Emerald Princess of Vernea
Chapter 01: Let All Things Start
The surface of the lake was as smooth and as soft as silk, without a single ripple waving across it. The soft breeze in the air didn't seem to touch the water as it drifted past - instead seeming to waver and disappear as it neared the surface. It was almost as though there was some kind of protective barrier over the water, preventing anything and anyone from penetrating its eternal rest.
Just then a face moved in and leaned over, peering through the surface of the water through curious eyes. The face belonged to a young and beautiful nineteen-year-old boy called Yugi Motou. He was unusually beautiful in fact, with soft skin and gentle, violet eyes that gazed down curiously into the water, reflecting its stillness. He brushed aside his long locks of blond hair as he leaned over, pushing them back to join the violet lengths of hair. With his vision clear, Yugi leaned over and looked into the water, trying to see what lay beneath the surface.
Yet he could not see anything beneath the water. Underneath that smooth casing of water there was nothing but pure blackness, seeming like the darkness of a black hole, ready to swallow him up if he leaned in too far. Only the lake's surface was clear, reflecting the boy's image perfectly, down to the innocent sparkle in his eyes.
There it was. A faint haze of colour shifted slowly deep beneath the dark waters, appearing just for a second or two before it sank and disappeared deeper into the water, out of Yugi's sight. Yugi shifted onto his knees and leaned over a little more, his left hand clutching onto a small ring of daisies - petals intertwining between his fingers.
There it was again - that small speck of purple and yellow like a ghostly presence, drifting far beneath the surface of the lake. Whatever that haze of colour was, it was almost directly beneath Yugi and made his reflection shiver and become dotted with those same eerie, misshapen shades. The colours almost seemed to merge with his reflection, as though it was all part of the same mirror image.
…Yugi… Yu…
Yugi stayed where he was and listened carefully, listening for the faint sound of the same voice that had drawn him to this lake. It was a faint, whispery voice that only Yugi could hear - calling out silently like a voice inside a dream, leading him to this very lake. It had been so faint at first but now it was beginning to grow in strength… and was most certainly coming from the lake.
Yugi let his eyelids flutter shut, quietening his mind as he listened for the silence of the voice. His mind remained blank, so he tried to calm his mind as much as possible before he opened his thoughts and whispered silently, “…I'm here…”
His thoughts left his mind slowly, and Yugi could almost feel them drift from the deepest reaches of his mind and down into the deepest depths of the water. Yet as his thoughts sank deeper and deeper they seemed to thin out and fade, until Yugi could feel their presence no longer. Yugi wondered if they managed to reach the colours that were swirling so eerily beneath the water. If they were even there at all - Yugi couldn't quite be sure. The colours kept drifting in and out of his view, like a dream or a memory that was just out of reach.
Yugi felt a gasp escape his mouth, and he closed his eyes tightly. A strong vibration echoed inside his mind as he searched for the source of the voice somewhere within the lake. The more he searched the stronger those vibrations became - a defence that pushed him away from his search.
Keeping his chain of daisies firmly in his left hand, Yugi slowly stretched his right arm out and let his fingers gently touch the surface of the lake. The water rippled ever so slightly at his touch - the first sign of a break in the water's fragile defences. It made Yugi's reflection shiver and tremble, along with his view of the moving colours.
It was in that instant, as Yugi's fingertips penetrated the surface of the water, that something began to happen to the moving colours. They shuddered and convulsed as though a bolt of lightning had struck them, somehow reacting to the presence of life up on the lake's surface. They shuddered a few seconds more, before they suddenly changed their course and darted upwards, heading straight towards the surface where Yugi was kneeling.
The boy never had a chance to withdraw his hand once the colours began to move. The water's surface trembled and erupted into an explosion of bubbles and spray as the thing burst up and out of the water, directly in front of Yugi. Yugi only had the time close his eyes and turn his head away as the cold spray fell over him. When he turned back he opened his eyes wide, as something long and grey reached out of the bubbles and grabbed hold of his arm firmly.
The grey thing was a hand. A very dark and grey-looking hand with long fingers of rotten, decaying flesh that seemed to hang off its bones, which were visible in places where the skin had rotted away completely. Those long fingers enclosed themselves around Yugi's lower arm, with black nails digging deep into his flesh so that he couldn't escape. Whoever the hand belonged to, they had a mighty good grip on Yugi's helpless arm, and made Yugi's body shiver.
The arm then tugged down hard, pulling Yugi away from the shore and towards the bubbling water of the lake. Yugi never even had a chance to scream as he was pulled away from the edge and headfirst into the water, slipping past the surface into the eternal, murky blackness.
The last thing he saw before he fell, through the spray of falling water, was a pair of deep and menacing red eyes glaring fiercely back at him. Then he slipped into the water, and all he could see was black.
Emerald: Whee! The first chappie/prologue up! I couldn't help rewriting it - I'm a sucker for description. I just hope it makes you feel a little chilled when you read it.