Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What lies inside. . . ❯ Ah frigg ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anzu lay back on the soft green grass on her lawn, she looked up into star filled sky and sighed, then closed her eyes. She was very tired, Isis had asked her to stay over all night, Anzu said yes, she had came home to pick up something's and got caught up in staring at the sky.

She reached over and touched her knapsack lightly, just to make sure she had it. Isis said she would drop over and get her later on that night, so she would just stay there on the lawn until she did.

A cold breeze swept over Anzu, and she shuddered and opened her eyes. The moon loomed overhead, spreading its light over the city, Anzu smiled and watched as two shooting stars run into each other and explode into may other shooting stars. "Wow..." she gasped and sat up. "That's so cool..."

"Isn't it?" someone asked from behind her.

Anzu spun around on her knees and looked up at Malik. "Malik? I never seen you there..."

"I know." Malik said picking up Anzu's knapsack. "Isis sent me over to get you."

"I see." Anzu said getting up. "I can take that." she said reaching out for the bag.

"Nonsense." Malik said hauling it up out of Anzu's reach. "Now come on."

Anzu nodded and followed Malik away from her house and down on the road. "Thanks again, Malik..." she said looking up at him.

Malik never looked at her. "Yeah." he said. "Don't mention it." he shifted her bag her his left hand to his right.

Anzu just looked at him. 'So cold....' she thought looking away from his face. 'I wonder what's wrong with him...'

"You don't need to feel so uncomfortable around me you know." Malik said suddenly.

"Huh?" Anzu nearly jumped out of her shirt when he spoke. "What are you talking about?"

"I can tell you are uncomfortable." said Malik. "Don't be, please."

Anzu never said anything, she just walked on. How could he have known? It was probably his Millennium powers. Anzu sighed and shrugged her shoulders as they crossed the road. Malik looked at her from the corner of his eye, from that angle, she looked more beautiful to him. "I'm sorry..." Anzu said finally.

"Don't be." Malik said with a small smirk on his face, he helped her over a large puddle of water. "I would be too, actually."

Anzu smiled a bit at the tone of his voice as they walked up their driveway, Isis waved from the window. Anzu waved back. "I can take that now." she said taking her knapsack from Malik. "Thanks." Malik never said anything and walked into the house, leaving the door open for Anzu to come in.


"I think you like my brother." Isis said as she and Anzu settled down on Isis' bed with a bowl of popcorn.

"What ever gave you that idea?" Anzu asked looking at Isis surprised.

"Don't try and hide it, Anzu." grinned Isis. "I can tell."

"So...what if I do?"

"Don't waste your breath." Isis said with a sniff. "Malik is still really cold hearted, Anzu. He'll only break your heart. He even told me he is scared to get close to a girl because of that."

"But...what if I can tame his heart?" asked Anzu.

"If you could..." Isis looked at her friend. "They might as well have named you God." she smiled. "But I like to see my brother with someone, even if they are only friends...he is really lonely you know."

"Really?" Anzu asked. "I would have guessed he would have tones of friends..."

"I want to tell you something." Isis said in a low whisper. "Malik...did have someone at one time. But it didn't last. He drove her away with is actions of having a cold spirit and a darkened soul...he was so devastated that he locked himself in the house for months. That's when he really turned bad."

"Oh my..." Anzu said with a gasp. "Who was the girl?"

"Her name was Alana. She was from Canada." Isis said. "She came here for a field trip with the rest of her class. She was so happy to be going home after what Malik put her through, he never talked to her, never looked at her. He barely stopped to give her a kiss every now and then."

"Is it his Yami that's doing this to him?" Anzu asked.

"No, Yami Malik left a year before that happened." Isis said. "That's what scares me...that my brother is actually like that."

"Maybe its.....its that he wants to be more like his Yami." Anzu said. "I remember one time...Yugi tried to be more like Yami...it was hell on earth for all of us...especially me."

"Yeah...I remember that too." Isis sighed.


It was around three in the morning, and Anzu quietly made her way out of Isis' room to use the bathroom. She tiptoed down over the stairs and headed towards the kitchen, to get to the bathroom you had to walk through the kitchen, then through the hall.

She yawned as she entered the kitchen and then stopped short, Malik stared at her from the kitchen table with a sandwich on a plate in front of him. "Hey." he said almost in a mumble. "What are you up for?"

Anzu never answered right away, she practically forgot she had to use the bathroom. "Uh."

Malik chuckled. "You forget?" he looked her for a second and then picked up his sandwich. "Hungry?"


"Sit." Malik kicked a chair out from the table making room for Anzu to sit by him. When Anzu was seated he cut his sandwich in half and slid the plate over to her. "Hope you like tuna."

"Yeah." Anzu said picking up the sandwich and taking a bite. She never looked at him, she stared down at her plate, blinking a couple of times.

"What's wrong now?" Malik asked sounding a bit ticked off.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?!" Anzu looked at him. "Malik...are you one of those queer guys who haves mood swings every month or what?"

"What?" Malik asked looking at her.

"You know what I'm talking about." Anzu said looking away from him, taking another bite from her sandwich.

Malik watched her, yes, he knew what she was talking about, but how could he answer her? As far as anyone was concerned, and he was sure Isis had told her, that Yami Malik was gone...when he really wasn't. But it wasn't Yami Malik going this to him...this was just...Malik. The real him.

"Okay." Anzu said putting her sandwich down. "You don't have to answer me."

"I want to." Malik said.

"Then..." Anzu looked at him. Malik just looked at her. "Okay...if you wanna talk I'll be here all night and probably all tomorrow." she stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Malik alone at the table.


The next morning Anzu felt someone poking her in the side, she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Isis who had a big grin on her face. "Get up, you." she said.

"Go away...I very sweepy..." Anzu said with a small giggle.

"Okay fine." Isis jumped on Anzu.

"AH!" Anzu shouted, she rolled Isis off her and grinned. "OKAY! I'm up...."

"And I'm so happy that mom and dad aren't home." Isis said. "The noise your making will send them into shock."

Anzu jabbed Isis in the ribs with her finger and a shrill scream escaped her lips. "Now that goes for the two of us."

"Ha, ha." Isis said helping Anzu up out of her sleeping bag. "Now lets go down stairs, I hear food calling me."

"Riiiight." Anzu smirked as she followed Isis out of the room and down over the stairs. When they went into the kitchen, Malik was sat at the table, in the same place he was the night before.

"Malik." Isis said looking at him. "You spent the night in the kitchen again?"

"Yeah." Malik said looking at his sister.

"Your strange." Isis said opening up the fridge.

"What's it to ya?" Malik snapped.

"Jesus, Malik." Isis said looking at her brother with her head tilted. "What's the matter with you?"

"No, what's the matter with you?" Malik shouted slapping the plate he and Anzu used on the floor, shattering it. He stood up and walked through the broken glass and went outside.

Isis dropped to her knees and started to cry. She looked up at Anzu. "I...I don't know what wrong with him." she said through sobs. "I don't know what I do to deserve this..."

"You don't deserve it." Anzu said hauling on her boots and jacket. "I'll be right back. I'm going to follow him."

"Be careful..." Isis said as Anzu walked out the door. "When Malik gets in these moods...god knows what he'll do."

Anzu ran down the road she saw Malik go down. "Malik!" she shouted looking around. "Malik get back here! What the hell do you think your doing?!" she ran further down the street until she got to a dead end. "He couldn't have gone this way." she said looking up at the brick wall.

"Ah! Looky what we have here!" a voice said. "Its girly!"

Anzu's eyes widened and slowly turned around. Jim and his friends grinned at her. "Oh no..." Anzu gasped.

"What? Not happy to see me?" Jim asked taking a step towards her.

"I don't have time for this!" Anzu said.

"So? I do. And you owe me." Jim said.

"I owe you nothing." Anzu said looking at him.

"Your yet to pay for getting through the alley." one of the guys said.

"Oh, boo-who." Anzu said putting her hands on her hips.

"It seems girly has guts now." Jim said with a laugh.

"Your not putting your hand on me!" Anzu said.

"I'm not planning on touching you. I'm not in the mood." Jim took out a knife.

"Oh no..." Anzu trembled at the size of the blade. "No..no please don't..."

"Why not?" Jim twirled the knife around in his hand. "You couldn't pay one way....why not pay this way?" he ran up to Anzu, getting ready to stab her.

Anzu ran around him but was too slow, Jim grabbed her arm and shoved the knife blade all the way into her side, it went in with so much force that the top part of the handle rested under Anzu's flash. With a great rip, Jim hauled the knife out of Anzu's side. "AH!" Anzu screamed falling to the ground. Jim and his gang laughed and walked away.

Anzu sat up slowly, her hand over her wound. From where the handle was ripped out, two one inch strips of Anzu's skin hung loose under her hand, allowing more blood to flow. Tears rolled down Anzu's cheeks as she stood up, she felt weak, but she still wanted to find Malik, she had to keep going.

"Ah..ah...." Anzu groaned as she walked down the street, she kept her free hand pressed against the buildings she was walking by, and kept her jacket over her side and her blood soaked hand.

"Are you okay, dear?" an old woman asked when Anzu walked pass her.

Anzu forced a smile and nodded. "Yes ma'am...I'm just sore from cheerleading practice."

"Oh yes, I remember the pain from my first too, dear." the old woman said. "The pain will go away in a couple of days. Goodbye now."

Anzu turned and continued to walk down the street. 'Sweet old lady.' Anzu thought weakly, and as she turned the corner, Anzu collapsed.