Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What lies inside. . . ❯ Kiss ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Isis?" Malik called walking back into the house. "Isis..."

"Yeah." Isis said walking out on the kitchen wiping tears away from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, sis." Malik said. "Where's Anzu? I have to say sorry to her too."

Isis looked at him for a second, almost horrified. "She...went after you..." she said slowly.

"What? I never seen her!" Malik exclaimed looking back at the opened door.

"She wanted to tell you off I think." Isis said glaring at him.

"You let her go?"


"Isis..." Malik ran back to the door. "I'll be back when I find her...


Anzu opened her eyes and looked around the street where she fell. Everything was fuzzy...she couldn't see right. She slowly stood up and held up her hand in front of her face. Through all the fuzz, she could see no sign of her white skin, just the deep red color of her blood.

No one was around, she could tell that much a she walked down the street. She didn't know where to go to look for Malik. She just felt like crawling into a gutter and die. 'Which is probably going to happen..' Anzu thought as she sat down in the shade of an old building. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting darkness take over her.

Anzu thought back to the old lady, she should have told her the truth...she would be in a hospital now, feeling better. But no, she was so angry with Malik that she had to go on a look for him. 'Curse you Malik...' Anu thought, her chest heaving with every breath. 'No...no its not his fault...it is my own stupidity that did this to me...its my fault...maybe I should have gave Jim what he wanted...then I wouldn't be in this mess...and I would have gotten pleasure instead of pain.'

Anzu wished she could slap herself for thinking such things. She'd rather die than let Jim rape her, she'd rather die than letting Malik get away with treating Isis like he did. 'But..I guess now...I will die...' she coughed, causing pain in her side and more blood to gush out. 'Its better than what I have in life now anyway's...'

"Anzu! Anzu!" Anzu heard Malik's voice as a faint whisper as she began to slip off into the darkness of her mind.

"M-Malik?" Anzu coughed opening her eyes a small crack. "Wh-where....where a-are you...?" she heard foot steps, they were almost up to her before they stopped and scuffed around.

"Anzu.." Malik called again.

Anzu coughed as a response and her eyes opened all the way. She looked up into Malik's worried face as he came up to her. "What happened to you?" he asked.

"I ran into some old friends..." Anzu gasped as she spoke, then her head fell forward and she blacked out.


Malik looked at Anzu carefully when he laid her on his bed, Isis was gone, Malik didn't blame her, but he was glad she was so she wouldn't be able to see Anzu in this state.

Malik lifted up Anzu's shirt and hauled her pants down past her butt. He looked at the deep gash on her hip. "Oh fuck." he gasped putting two fingers on the wound. "Its...its almost down to the bone." he said lifting up his fingers, which were now covered with Anzu's warm blood.

Malik took Anzu's shirt off all the way, and same with her jeans, revealing her black bikini, and bloodstained skin. "Sorry Anzu..." Malik said knowing that Anzu will kill him when she wakes up. "But...I had to do this.

Malik looked at the job he did on wrapping Anzu's hip. He did a good job, nice thick layers of cloth...but what really scared him was that, under all that cloth and tape...blood still seeped through it. "I promised myself I wouldn't do this, Yami Malik." Malik said. "But...I need your help."

||I thought you gave up on me, Malik.|| Yami Malik whispered.

Malik felt a surge of power shoot through his body. "Thanks-you." Malik said, he looked down at Anzu, he now had the power to heal her. He leaned forward, he took one last look at her face before closing his eyes and pressing his lips on hers. His lips tingled as the power left his body and went into Anzu's. Anzu's eyes shot open just as Malik's did, still wrapped in each others lips they stared into each others eyes for a second.

Anzu pressed her head back into the pillow to break the kiss. "Malik..." she said looking at him.

"Hey..." Malik said sitting up straight.

"What the hell...?" Anzu whispered.

"I had to do something to save you...so I..." Malik licked his top lip and looked at Anzu. "Can..you keep a secret?" Anzu nodded. "Well...Yami Malik isn't gone...he's still..." he looked at Anzu who just stared at him.

"I...thought that." Anzu said. She winced and looked down at the place where she was stabbed, and was surprised to see it wrapped up, and even more surprised to find herself only wearing her bikini. "Uh..."

"Sorry." Malik said with a shrug.

Anzu laughed. "I think your wrapped it too tight."

"You can laugh at all this?" Malik asked.

"Yeah." Anzu looked at him for a second, then her smile faded. "Why do you do those things to Isis?"


"Is it Yami Malik?" asked Anzu.

"I don't know." Malik said closing his eyes. "I really don't."

"Are you ready...to talk to me now?"

"I think you should rest..."

"And I think you need to let me in on something's." Anzu said looking at him without blinking. "Malik....this is scarey okay? At this minute...you are acting just find...but you might lash out at me at and minute like you did, Isis."

"I don't think I will." Malik said softly, he looked into Anzu's eyes for a second before blinking.

Anz's eyelids fluttered as she leaned up closer to him. They both closed their eyes and their lips met one more time.


N.A.~ *yawn* well people I'm gonna stop this chapter there. But dun worry. That's not the end of the story. There is going to be more yet guys! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!