Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ B. A Thousand Years (times 5) ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



A thousand years, a thousand more

A thousand times a million doors to eternity

I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times

An endless turning stairway climbs

To a tower of souls

If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars

The towers ride to numberless floors in space

I could shed another million years, a million breaths,

A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million dears

A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty

I could speak a million lies, a million songs,

A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time

But if there was a single truth, a single light

A single thought, a singular touch of grace

Then following this single point, this single flame,

This single haunted memory of your face...

I maybe numberless, I may be innocent

I may know many things, I may be ignorant

Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands

Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands

I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times

Reborn as fortune’s child to judge another’s crimes

Or wear this pilgrim’s cloak, or be a common thief

I’ve Kept this single faith, I have but one belief


"Grandpa! I’m back!" Yugi called out with a smirk as she glanced around the shop, looking for her gray haired grandfather. She jumped a few feet in the air when the old man poked his head out of the store room.

"How was school, Yugi?" he asked as she smiled.

"Same as always, delightfully boring and actually semi-interesting." she stated as he sighed in defeat, his granddaughter had adopted a style the was the complete opposite then anybody he knew. "You’d be shocked, actually trusted somebody else other then Kaiba."

"My, are we actually coming out of our shell?" he asked as she laughed.

"Nah, my resolve and hate for my peers is just melting a fraction." she replied with a smirk as he rolled his eyes and threw his arms up in defeat. "Any new cards?" she asked as he pointed upstairs.

"I left two packs upstairs for you and one of the few rare cards, happy birthday." he stated as she hugged him, when she went past, and headed up the steps in to the living area of the Turtle Game Shop.

"Thanks Grandpa!" she called out as she headed up the steps to grab the cards, head to her room and to occupy her time for the next few hours.


The room reflected the persons personality.

Violet walls with golden accents of shelves with varying things on them, black frames of pictures and posters were hung randomly on all walls as Yugi plopped down on her sheeted bed and opened the box to show puzzle pieces, half of the golden puzzle was put together. Spread around her were varying cards that belonged to her deck, which she stored in the golden box that the puzzle was in.

She smiled and then glanced around as two puzzles laid on the top of her dresser- both of dragons. Her room said magic, mystical elements, ancient curiosity (thick books on the Ancient Cultures and Civilizations sat on a shelf in the corner), as the next part was the simple relaxing tones. She glanced at the cards before scooping them up and placing them on a night stand by her lamp and turning her attention back to the puzzle.

"Note to self: Lunch with Seto tomorrow at 10:30 am." she muttered to herself, then paused as she went to put a piece of the pyramid top together. She blinked and then groaned and hit her forehead with her palm. "Ugh! I now have started to talk to myself, this is the final ring of insanity and the next one is hearing voices." she stated clicking the piece in to place, leaving a good ten more left.

Ten more pieces to go as that dark, sinking feeling that something terrible was going to happen settled in the pit of her stomach.


Time progressed quickly as Yugi concentrated fully on the puzzle and the few pieces that were left. Three hours of trying to assemble the golden artifact had not frustrated her, like others, but only made her fall deeper in to her determination. With four pieces spread before her, the puzzle that had taken her nearly eight years to build was nearly done.

Eight years of trying to concentrate on putting the mysterious present from Grandpa Solomon Motou together had taught her patience, and a love for puzzles. She paused long enough to stretch, seeing it was about nine o’clock, a good five hours or thinking of her childhood and concentrating on the enigmatic puzzle with a pause for dinner.

"Let’s see, shower and then we’ll deal with the rest of this delightful puzzle." she stated to herself as she climbed off of the bed, stretched to get rid of the stiffness in her legs, and then headed off to do what she said- take a hot shower.


Solomon knew that Yugi was nearing the finishing of the Millennium Puzzle, and knew from the ancient texts he had discovered with it that when she put it together it would be an interesting deal. He picked up the phone and dialed a number, knowing that she was occupied with her task and wouldn’t interrupt. "Hello, Miss Ishtar?" he asked politely before smiling. "I believe that Yugi has nearly put the puzzle together." another pause as he laughed. "Don’t worry, Isis, she will be fine."


Yugi reentered her room in baggy clothes with a yawn. She glanced at the four puzzle pieces, before adopting her trademark devious smirk and plopping back down on her bed. She was determined to finish the puzzle before midnight, mostly because she was so close and that if she didn’t she would stay up till it was done.

Click... Click... Click...

"Nearly done." she muttered to herself as the last piece was resting in the palm of her hand. Engraved on it’s golden surface was the Eye of Ra, glowing dimly with the nearing of it’s time to be released back in to the world. Knowing full well what was about to come to past.

She slipped the piece in to it’s hole as the final click caused the puzzle to glow dimly, in which Yugi realized that her hands wouldn’t respond when she froze in terror. Then she fell back with the puzzle clutched in both hands, knocked out.


It was dark where the Holder of the Millennium Puzzle was dropped.

She was spread out on a dusty, stone floor with her cheek pressed against the stone. The darkness was obscuring everything as silence was thick, only to be broken by a groan of pain that escaped the teenagers lips. Violet eyes slowly fluttered open to find that the only things to be seen in the great chamber was the outline of columns and doors, nothing else. "Where the hell am I now?" she muttered pushing herself to it back on her knees.

A laugh echoed as her eyes darted about, trying to find the origin of the laugh without no avail. She slowly got to her feet, spinning in a slow circle as the shadows refused to yield their secrets to her. "Welcome to the inside of the Millennium Puzzle." a husky voice stated as she glanced about, her eyes narrowing in anger and determination. "Are you the one who solved my puzzle?"

"If I wasn’t would I be here?" she asked as the mysterious voice laughed again, causing her to shiver. Just then the dims lights in the chamber flickered on, causing her to bow her head and clasp her hands over her eyes. "Damn it." Yugi hissed rubbing her eyes as the laughter got closer.

"Such spirit you have, woman." the voice stated as her head shot up to glare at the oddly dressed teenage boy. "Maybe the god’s didn’t damn me with a weak woman instead of their best warrior." Yugi had to do everything to resist the temptation to flick him off and find away out of this place. "So who is the spirited woman that solved my puzzle?"

"Yugi Motou." she stated crossing her arms and looking him over.

Tri-colored hair was spiked as crimson eyes were slightly angled with a glint of amusement and challenge in them. His robes were white as gold rings adorned his arms and throat with a crown that held a larger version of the Eye of Ra on his forehead with wing like earrings melted around his ears.

"So who are you, one that has stepped from time?" Yugi demanded as her violet eyes narrowed. "It’s bad enough this is a hallucination."

"Yet it isn’t." he replied walking a circle around her, pausing at her back and leaning close to her ear. "I am Yami, a shadow of former myself." he whispered as she whirled around with a glare of defiance. "I’ve been in here for so long that the doors are my memories, hard to recover."

"Why am I here?" she demanded as he took a step towards her, which caused her to take a step back.

"Because you solved the puzzle." he purred and backed her up towards a wall. "You were born half, born with only a light side." he muttered reaching out to seize her wrist and pull her closer. "Your not balanced like a normal person and the puzzle knows it." She was trying to keep some distance between them as he laughed.

"Moving quick aren’t we?" she hissed as he laughed, as she struggled harder to get away from him.

"This isn’t a dream, Yugi." he whispered against her ear as she shivered. "Guard the puzzle with your life and never let anyone else have it. We are now together to never be separated again. Your life is an open book to me, mine for the reading."

"I am just tickled pink about that." Yugi stated dryly. "Any ways it isn’t like I have any dark secrets to care about so read all you like, just let. Me. Go." she growled as everything faded again.


The shrill alarm went off as Yugi rolled over and slammed her hand down on it, effectively silencing the annoying electronic from heck. She was clutching the Millennium Puzzle in her hands as if it was a life line as her knees were curled around the box. "Yugi! It’s ten o’clock, get up!" Solomon shouted as she groaned and sat up, glaring down at the puzzle and then sighing in defeat.

"Maybe it was a dream." she mumbled getting out of bed and heading towards her dresser. "But just to make sure that this thing doesn’t get lost..." she trailed off after producing a golden chain from the black box. "It’s now a necklace!" she declared wrapping the golden chain around the loop three times and then clasping it around her neck.

"Yugi, Mrs. Freemont called to see if you could stop be her house at about one o’clock to assemble her new baker’s rack." Solomon called out again as she got dressed in a hurry. White tank top, black and blue lined high collar coat that fell to her thighs, black pants, and black boots. She ran a brush through her hair and glanced at the mirror, seeing the reflection of a smug Yami.

<No! It wasn’t a dream!> she mentally yelled as he laughed.

<<Get used to it.>> he stated as she glared and spun to leave her room.

<Life is about to get a whole lot weirder.>
