Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 3. Panik Attack ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



My selfish enemy

Still has the best of me

Empty and feeling numb

Wish I could take it away

I can’t control the need

To weak to not concede

Wish I was deaf and dumb

Wish I could fake it

I gave my life away

There’s nothing left to say

I gave my life away

You take it in your way

Oh now I found myself

Wish I was someone else

My hands are stained with love

Wish I could FAKE


In six hours...

Yugi had six star chips, dueled twice, and broke the ice between her and Mako Tsunami. After their duel she got dinner and gave him some water in exchange with the good-bye of "May we duel again, Mako, and good luck in finding your father!" She also met up with Ryou Bakura, who was roaming the island.

Mai had about five and Joey three, but they were soon to get their group involved in something else.


Yugi and Ryou watched from a distance as Tristan wrestled with a guard as the kid he was holding looked surprised. "My star chips and deck was stolen by a kid in a mask!" he protested as the guard seemed to be getting mad.

"No star chips, can’t stay." he stated as Mai got in on it and then Tea, and then Joey.

"Some yelling war." Ryou stated as Yugi laughed.

"At least they have lungs, they can’t help the kid while yelling at one another." she replied as he raised an eyebrow. "Aren’t you the least bit curious about this kid or why that idiot would do that away from an arena?"

"True." he stated as the yelling match continued. "Should we take interest in this or leave it to the Amazing Quartet?"

"Masked kid, could be better to find him before they do." he stated as she agreed, knowing that to find the kid would be better them to not find him and regret it.

"Hiho Silver! Let’s get your asses in gear then." she stated as he gave her an odd look. "Old westerns."


*Two Hours Earlier*

A dark haired kid was scaling the side of a tower on a knotted rope of linens, then he was on the ground via a tree and running. Some running later he encountered the kid that the guard was hassling to get in to the boat. They had their own exchanges followed by the kid stealing the deck and star chips and taking off again.

All in the course of two hours.


Seto Kaiba was sitting in his office, plotting away to get back at Pegasus for kidnapping his brother and trying to take over his company. He was hoping the younger boy was okay, but also that if he escaped he’d find Yugi. She held the third card shaped locket with their collective picture- at a younger age and a recent one.

He paused in his work as he grabbed as briefcase, apparently foreseeing what was about to happen.

Two tuxedo dressed manservants barged in, he recognized them as Pegasus’s cronies here for him- or worse. He smirked and waited for them to make the first move, which they did.

Kaiba took them out and sprinted out the door and through the corridors, losing their back-up cronies easily in his own company. He was agile in maneuvering about the levels of KaibaCorp to the steps and on his moves to the ground floor.

He was playing a game without a holographic arena or cards, he was playing for his life and his brothers.

He then took off in to a large crowd and lost the tuxedo clad cronies, only to know that he was going to have his revenge soon.


Ryou and Yugi had a small head start in finding the kid as the Amazing Quartet followed, Yami was surprisingly quiet but she knew that he was checking Ryou out. Then again that nagging feeling hadn’t faded and Yugi was slightly paranoid about everything due to that. "Yugi!" a familiar voice shouted as the seventeen year old Duelist was on the ground with the masked kid sitting on her chest and the puzzle digging in to her throat.

Yami had let out a cry as the puzzle was lurched... hmmm that was a new thing.

"Mokuba?" she asked reaching up and pulling his cowl down. "How..."

"Don’t let them take me, please!" he pleaded latching on to her neck, also propelling her backwards again.

<Hello ground, you are comfortable.> she mused as Yami laughed. "I won’t, Mokuba, you just have to return those things to the kid you took them from." she stated as he nodded. "I will try everything in my power not to let them take you."

"Thanks." he stated, finally crawling off of her chest as she stood up and glanced at the laughing Ryou Bakura.

"Hahaha, laugh it up dearie." she replied as his smile didn’t fade. "Come on, might as well get that finished and get going. The quicker this tournament is over the better life is."

<<Or is their another reason?>>

<Keep your perverted thoughts to yourself, Hormonal Maniac.> she retorted as he growled.

"Hey Freak." Tea greeted as Yugi scowled and put her mask back in place.

"What’cha want Color Blind One?" she snapped as Mokuba glanced between them.

"Have you seen a masked boy?" Tristan asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he stole some food from me and went that way." she replied pointing to her right as they took off. Mokuba gave her a confused look as she pulled a bag of chips from her bag. "Come on, that will only keep them busy for a few moments."

"I’ll take them to the boy and return to the group." Ryou stated as she glanced at him. "You can trust me."

<<Only as far as you can throw him.>> Yami added as she silently agreed, but Mokuba already handed him the things.

"Could I go with you? It might be a little odd to see me hanging out with Yugi after what happened." he stated as Ryou gave her this inquiring look.

"I guess, but if anything happens to him I will hunt you down- Ryou Bakura- and make you wish that you never knew me." she stated tapping his forehead with her index finger as he gulped, knowing that the malice in her voice was promising and this was not an empty threat. Yami Bakura, the delightfully annoying voice that was in Bakura’s mind, got a good kick out of it as he growled at him.

"I will, I’ll try." he stated with a slight stutter as she drew back and nodded.

"See ya’ later Ryou, have fun." she stated, moods taking a total 180, as he nodded.

[Damn that girl and her mood swings.] he muttered as Yami Bakura still laughed in the back of his mind.

[[I wonder what she would do, or even if she knows of the Pharaoh’s delicious powers.]] he mused as he blinked

[Pharaoh’s powers?]

[[The Spirit of the Puzzle can shatter souls and minds, dear Ryou, what would they both do to you?]] Ryou visibly paled as Mokuba pulled on his arm.

"Let’s go, Bakura." he stated as the teen nodded, praying to any deity that he didn’t fail his promise to Yugi.


At his mansion in a hidden room, Seto Kaiba was hacking Pegasus’s computer files in hopes of finding something. He was trying to get in to files on Yugi Motou, but also into the mainframe for Duelist Kingdom. He found out that Yugi’s files were encrypted, but sent up a silent prayer that she won... because his company was at stake.

"So you want to play dirty, Pegasus, then let us play dirty." he muttered with a evil laugh and proceeded to see what mayhem he could cause before showing up on the island to challenge Pegasus himself.


It was another hour later... Mokuba was captured and now laying soulless in his cell, Ryou was worried about what would happen to him, and Mai Valentine was dueling a Eliminator. She had let out an scream of anguish as she lost all of her star chips, causing her three cheerleaders to jump in surprise.

It was then that Yugi Motou came running on to the scene after hearing the scream, and then the gruesome defeat of the Harpy Sister’s. "Well, Lady, that’s why they call me Panik- Official Duelist Kingdom Eliminator." he stated proudly.

<No wonder, he’s ugly enough to cause anybody to eliminate themselves.> she mused as Yami laughed.

<<I will gladly duel him then.>> he stated as she mentally shrugged.

<I do whatever the voices tell me to, it depends on who yells the loudest.> there is silence. <Well then you are the loudest there for I will listen to you.>

<<Har har.>> he stated dryly as her hair and eyes changed again.

"Stay away, kiddies, or else Uncle Panik will come for your chips also." he stated with a laugh as she sweat dropped.

"Just to whip that smug-ass smile from your face I challenge you!" Yugioh stated as all looked at her. "For all of Mai’s star chips and..." glances at her own gauntlet with a smirk, "... the rest of the star chips you have, to eliminate you from this hellish island."

"Your Yugi Motou, aren’t you?" he asked as she walked towards her dueling platform and was raised up to the console, just as the shackles popped out and grasped her ankles.

"Hell." she hissed and glared at him. "What if I am?"

"Careful!" Mai shouted, feeling slightly sorry for the other girl that was about to get a crash course in what she went though. "He’s ruthless and duels dirtier then Weevil."

<That’s not possible.> Yugi snorts mentally as Yami smirks.

"I am Yugi Motou and your tactics won’t scar me." she declared as he seemed pleased with this.

"There is a bounty on your head, Yugi, but then again to defeat you would be a better dessert then beating Kaiba." he stated as she looked sick, but him licking his lips didn’t help her disposition.

"I'll go first then, little girl." Panik declared as he put down the Castle of Dark Illusions and a Flotation Ring. As the hologram appeared half of the arena is plunged into darkness, which meant that Yugioh was blind to the shadows and what they hid.

<Little girl? I'm only little because I don't look like a friggin' house.> Yugi grumbled as Yami laughed.

<<Always remember one thing, abiou, the bigger they are the harder they fall. By the end of this battle I will have him crying.>> Yami stated as she laughed.

<Knock yourself out, oh Handsome Pharaoh.>

<<Now who is hormonal?>>

<Still you, now play your damn card!>

"Hey Yugi! Play a card while we're still young!" Joey yelled up at her as she turned her head and glared.

"Sorry, Wheeler, I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory." she replied as he glared and she laughed. "Why don't I ever listen when one says, 'There is nothing more dangerous then good intentions combined with stupidity'?" she muttered to herself and turned back to the duel.

"Well? Play your card!" Panik stated as she raised an eyebrow.

"What? Are you late for your fifth dinner of the hour?" she asked as he growled. "Sorry, my friend, but I have to test his Castle's limits." Yugioh muttered to the Celtic Guardian card as she laid it down in defense. Panik then plays his shadow guarded card, who in turn attacked and destroyed the poor elf.

<Damn. It must bite trying to attack that which can't be seen.>

<<Then if you can destroy the monsters in the darkness, what must you destroy?>> Yami asked as Yugi was silent for a moment. "A Fortress to guard it's army, but the field power bonus makes it harder." Yugioh muttered glancing at her cards. "Winged Dragon in defense." Yugioh's tone was one of uneasiness, which caused Panik to laugh and the other's to look at this as a grim duel. She also put a magic card down.

He plays a second card in his shadowed half of the arena and attacks the Winged Dragon- dragging her life points to 1606. But Yugioh's cool resolve was not bordering frustration, or panic, but waiting out for the cards she needed.

"You can't win as long as the Castle of Dark Illusions is still in play, little girl, you have no chance in hell of taking out the unbeatable Panik!" he declared with a roar of laughter as the 'little girl' gave him a look of contempt that was reserved for those people that engaged in unwelcome conversation with her.

"Call me 'little girl' again, you Sequoia, and we will see who's gonna be laughing." she growled, but drew her next card and a devious smile spread over her lips. "What a plan, what a plan. I know exactly how to win!" she declared as he rolled his eyes. "I now present the Swords of Revealing Light, which will show your monsters and keep them at bay for the time I need!" With Panik's side of the field visible, Yugioh noted the two monsters- Barroks and Dark Chimera with two others.

Yugioh then put the Curse of Dragon in defense mode.

Panik then played the King of Yamimakai and attacks, hoping to destroy the Curse of Dragon. "Nice try, Built as a House." Yugioh stated with a smirk as she flipped the Spell binding circle over. As he growled and ended his turn. "I lay two cards face down."

"I equip my Castle with the Chaos Shield, a protection for my monsters from any attack you throw." he stated triumphantly as the Swords were gone. "Beat that, babe." he stated as Yugioh's anger was now peaked, from two sides of the same person.

"I will now kick your ass for that comment." she growled as the Eye of Ra started to glow dimly on her forehead. "I place Gaia the Fierce Knight down and then..." she trailed off and laid the other card down with a smirk. "Polymerize my Curse of Dragon with Gaia the Fierce Knight to form Gaia the Dragon Champion!" the whole process took some time as he looked mad. "Now I activate my second Swords of Revealing Light!" The swords returned as she gave him a smirk.

Panik, knowing that she was getting close to beating him, hits the button for the flame-throwers stationed either side of Yugioh, but the girl dodged them without drop of sweat forming.

It was now a mental warfare game, not a betting game.

One and half turns of flame-throwers, attacking, and all around yelling Yugioh was looking really smug. "Now I play Catapult Turtle in attack."

"Why would you play that card? Tristan asked as she didn't reply, her anger was getting the best of her.

"It is time to storm the castle, Panik, and in order to storm the case you first have to disarm it." she stated with a laugh. "So I will have my Turtle fire my Dragon Champion into the center of the Flotation Ring!"

All watched as the monster was sacrificed and the later of smoke covered the area. As it cleared, and all confirmed the destruction of Yugioh's Dragon Champion by the drop of life points to 300, many realized that the Castle was still floating without it's ring.

Panik mock was mocking Yugi's attempt to defeat him as her chesire cat smile hadn't faded. "I end my turn." she stated punctuating each word with a hint of smugness. Then the Swords of Revealing Light faded, releasing Panik's monsters from their inability to attack.

But also something else...

The castle came plummeting down on the area trapped by the Chaos Shield. With this destruction of the field the Eliminator had no more life points. "You annoying little girl!" he screamed and punched a button that started the flame-throwers to kill Yugioh.

That wasn't the wisest move in the world.

As the flames covered Yugioh, the power of the Millennium Puzzle flared to life as the eye was visible on her forehead. <Guys are such crybabies! It’s not that hard to deflate their egos!>

<<I resent that.>> Yami stated defensively.

<Then again overtime we duel or play a game it’s a stalemate so you the exception.>

"So, Panik, you can't stand being beaten so you try to kill." she stated as he was shaking. "For trying to kill me this will be your punishment!" she shouted as he gulped. "Mind Crush!"

As the fire covered the magical attack Panik fell backwards as the flame-throwers stopped and the group finally unfroze from their shocked freeze. Yugi stood alive and placing the Star Chips in her pockets as their jaws dropped. Ryou froze as he seen what she did to Panik, his yami seemed to be happy about it.

The shackles released her feet as Yugioh sprung and landed on the ground, approaching the group. She seized Mai's hand and put the eight star chips in her palm. "We may have never been friends, Mai Valentine, but I sure as hell want to see another girl in this tournament." Mai seemed to accept that and didn't fight the fact her star chips were handed back to her, plus two. "See ya' around."

With that Yugioh disappeared in to the forest with ten full chips to enter and eight left to do with what she wished.
