Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 4. Champion vs. Creator (Kaiba's Decision) ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


4. CHAMPION vs. CREATOR (Kaiba’s Decision)

Isn't it grand what I managed to do

By kidnapping those closest to you

I've taken their souls to lay on the line

In a winner take all duel for all time

Let's play the game

I'm sure you all know how

But watch yourselves my foolish friends

You're all in my world now

Face up, face down

Attack or defend

Face up, face down

This battle's to the end

Face up, face down

Stay on guard

Face up, face down

Play your strongest card

My arena awaits us all

I built it myself, it's just down the hall

I wish this day hadn't come so fast

You see I truly wanted your pain to last

All your cunning strategies

All the tricks you try

Look like merely child's play

To my Millennium Eye


It was nearing the end of the duel of Seto Kaiba vs. Maximillion Pegasus. <The Millennium Eye, is that the source of Pegasus's advantage?> Yugi asked her spiritual friend, who was sitting on the railing beside her. No one could see him, but she could sense that Ryou knew that she had company and stayed with the Amazing Quartet.

<<I think so, the Millennium Eye can see through ones mind- if my memory serves me right. Like one can let the holder enter ones mind, another fan see in to the past, a third can control one, and that's it. That's all I can remember.>> Yami stated as he watched the duel. She moved her hand to overlap his invisible one, causing Yami to look up in surprise and she to give a small smile.

<Does he have a chance?> she asked, a note of worry slipping in to her voice as he was silent.

<<I don't know.>> Yami replied as she watched the duel. <<What are your feelings towards Kaiba, my Game?>> he asked as she sighed.

<He's been like the brother I never had, both him and Mokuba.> she replied with a secret smile. <Ask me later, Yami, and I will tell you everything.>


"Come on Pegasus, this is time for dueling not reminiscing about a idiotic cartoon." Kaiba growled as the silver haired man regarded him with little temper.

"Of course, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus replied and decided to play the card he was toying with- Toonworld.

Dark Rabbit bounced in to the protected pages of the book and came out to attack and nothing more. He took out Kaiba's only Monster- Battle Ox- and retreated until Pegasus's next turn and chance to attack Kaiba’s life points. Seto Kaiba, seeing he wasn't allowed to attack unless he had Monster card on the field and unable to attack the hiding Rabbit, played only one card- the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

Unfortunately the dragon merges with...


Yugi’s eyes were wide with shock as Toonworld merged the Blue Eyes White Dragon with it's counter part, forming the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon. Joey Wheeler, Bandit Keith, and Mai Valentine were also watching as the exchange continued as Yami seemed to have been in the same state of shock. "Maybe another person of great importance to you, Kaiba-boy, will make you break off this duel." Pegasus stated as Kaiba glared at him and then looked over his shoulder at Yugi, who was watching intently from the upper level. "The blank card she holds is reserved for her soul, Kaiba-boy. Quit now and she’ll keep her soul, for now."

"Seto! Don’t do it!" she shouted as Kaiba turned to glance at her. "It’s a trick, he'll do it any ways!"


Yugi was now cursing as Yami's spirit disappeared and she watched the exchange, before and after her out burst. <Yami... if anything happens to me in this. You are our last shot at saving Mokuba and Grandpa.> she stated as Yami tried to relax her. <Promise me you will defeat Pegasus!>

<<I will, I promise.>> he stated as she glared down and disappeared from their view and away from danger.

<Thank you.>


"You’ve never lied to me before, Yugi, so I guess you wouldn't start now would you." Kaiba muttered turning back to Pegasus. ‘I hope you know what your doing.’ he thought. "I’ll take my chances and trust what she said." Pegasus’s bodyguards already on the move as the thump of something heavy falling echoed..

After that Pegasus then added another layer to the elusive Toonworld- Shine Palace. The powered-up Toon Dragon attacks, but the attack is blocked by Kaiba's Negate Energy magic card saving him to fight for another round or two. Kaiba then played the Shadow Spell, trapping the Toon Dragon and then destroyed a second Blue Eyes White Dragon- the original- and knocking Pegasus's life points to 1200.

Now the creator was angry about the destruction of one of his "precious" toons.

Pegasus then prepared for his final attack, which left Seto Kaiba feeling hopeless with his loss lurking on the horizon. His final monster, the Dark Clown, was then destroyed by one of the Toons as was the last monster that wasn't not infected by a virus from Pegasus's previous turn.

He was then forced to forfeit the match.

"Poor Kaiba-boy, couldn't even save his brother and close friend." Pegasus stated as Kaiba growled and proceeded to think of every terrible thought he could to make the other cringe. He then drew a blank card and smirked. "Your soul is mine." he stated as the Millennium Eye glowed and his soul was sealed within the card, and the Shadow Realm.


Yugioh groaned as she felt the pain from the fall on her back, shivering as the darkness took over and the lighter half was ripped cruelly away. The spirit of the Pharaoh was adjusting to her body and the fact he had a living body again. Violet eyes were angled slightly as violet turned to crimson as blonde streaks were now seen in her black hair, but the promise of death that settled in the crimson eyes was enough to make anyone shiver.

The floor was cold as a slight pain was centered in the center of her forehead as something was running down her forehead. She raised a hand, slowly and almost mechanically, to her forehead and ran her fingertips over the center of the pain and then pulled her finger away.


Yugioh’s movements were jerky as he adjusted to the teenage girls body again. She slowly got to her feet, deciding on the course of action. With the pain in her forehead and old memories started to awaken. Ones of fighting in battle, escaping, old memories that reminded poor Yami of how he fought before the puzzle. She knew that in order to uphold the promise to Yugi that she’d have to do anything to make sure she won. ‘Damn memories.’ she growled as footsteps got closer. ‘They will not over take me.’

She slowly sat up, brushing her hair from her face as the guards froze a few feet away. "What are you three staring at?" she snapped as they blinked in shock. The Eye of Ra was glowing dimly on her forehead as crimson eyes seemed to promise pain, the group backed up as a smirk crossed her features. "Pegasus!" she shouted spinning to approach the railing.


"Pegasus!" the enraged shout of a familiar teen echoed as Yugi Motou appeared at the railing, a look of pure hatred etched on her face. "I promise you that you will not get out of this tournament without a loss and that you are messing with powers beyond your control."

"Is that so, my dear?" he asked coolly as she sneered.

"We will see, no matter what." she snapped and spun to leave again, a shiver went down Ryou’s spin as he realized that Yami Bakura knew that it wasn’t Yugi that was in control.

He knew that a enraged Spiritual Pharaoh was in control and the spirit was playing for keeps and nothing else.
