Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 5. The Night Before ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Wake me up.

Wake me up inside.

I can't wake up.

Wake me up inside.

Save me.

Call my name and save me from the dark.

Wake me up.

Bid my blood to run.

I can't wake up.

Before I come undone.

Save me.

Save me from the nothing I've become.

Now that I know what I'm without

you can't just leave me.

Breathe into me and make me real

Bring me to life.

Frozen inside without your touch,

without your love, darling.

Only you are the life among the dead.


The group of eight, four semi-finalists with three extras and Pegasus, all sat down for the spectacular Dinner before they retired in to decent rooms for the night. Pegasus sat at the head of the table with Yugi Motou, Bandit Keith, and Ryou to his left (in that order) and Mia Valentine, Joey Wheeler, and Tea Gardener on his left with Tristan at the other end.

Soup was served as all went to start eating, when a eye floated to the top. Mia shrieked in surprise as Joey glanced at the eye and nearly turned green.

"Could have done without the flourish." Yugioh grumbled as he laughed and she stared at the eye. <<It’s hard keeping up the facade.>> Yami mused with a small mental laugh, but he was enjoying it. She Used her fingers to pluck the little hollow fake eye from the soup as Pegasus frowned.

"Manners, Miss Motou." he chided as she shot him a delightful glare that said it all.

"I already told you, my manners are for important occasions." she stated cracking the hollow fake eye open. "I was forced to come here, so by that your lucky that nothing else has happened." <<Like the crushing of your mind because of what you did to my abiou.>> At that time the pain of losing half of your soul returned as Pegasus cringed and she smirked.

"Inside of your Soup Eyes is a piece of paper with a letter on it." he stated standing up with a smile. "A vs. B tomorrow morning at nine, then C vs. D at eleven, winner of both will then duel at one, and then the winner of that will duel me at three."

"I got C." Joey Wheeler stated as Bandit Keith smirked.

"D." he stated as Joey paled.

"That only leaves us girls, eh Yugi?" Mia asked as the tri-colored haired girl didn’t reply. She had sat back with arms crossed with an unreadable look on her face. The Eye of Ra was still visible on her forehead as few paid it any mind- as if it was hidden.

"It’s going to be a long day tomorrow, I’m going to turn in and see you all in the morning." she stated coldly as all blinked. "Good Night." she bite out getting up and leaving the room with a sneer.


|Yami was in his usual garb of blue coat and leather buckles, which he adopted because of the questioning look he always got. He glanced around the graveyard resembling place as a familiar see-through figure sat on a grave stone watching him. "Yugi!" he shouted in surprise as the spirit gave him a sad smile, but didn’t move. "This is the Shadow Realms... the graveyard..."

"I know, Yami." she whispered as tears fell down her cheeks as he moved to try and touch her face, but his hand passed through. He frowned at the tears that kept falling down her cheeks. "It hurts, it hurts so much..." She reached out and touched his face, her warm fingers passing through his cheek as he looked pained about what happened. "This is not your fault, I forced you in to it."

"Yugi--" he stated as the spirit watched his eyes. "You didn’t force me, I promised to do this and I will." Yami placed both of his hands on either side of the transparent face, hovering a scant inch above her translucent skin. "The pain will be over with soon, I promise you this my dear."

"The Eye..." she muttered as he inched closer to her. "It is the source of his second-sight, it is the danger at the end of all his duels..." she closed the distance and gave him a ghostly kiss as his eyes opened in surprise. "It’s the way to safe us."

The scene then faded as Yami found himself surrounded by stone tablets and on another battle field. "NO!" a female voice echoed in the chamber as he spun to look at a darkly dressed figure holding a dagger with a golden handle, the dagger was at the woman’s throat.

She was dressed in finery and gold, with a circlet with the Eye over her forehead, violet eyes... tri-colored hair... "Not possible." he whispered as his past self stood opposite of the figure and struggling woman.

"Her will is strong, Pharaoh, she would have born you a strong heir." he stated as she let out another growl and tried to escape, not caring about the dagger that was still biting in to her skin. "But if I can not have your power, nor your strong willed lover, then neither shall you be happy with both!"

"Release her, Desert Demon." his past self demanded as the figure brought the dagger down and stabbed her, the woman watching him in shock and pain as the figure darted off as the pharaoh sprinted to fallen form of the woman.

"I release her, Pharaoh, from her mortal bonds!" he cackled as the Pharaoh tried to save her.

"Don’t die, please by Ra." he pleaded covering the wound and lifting her upper body up to lean against his chest.

"It hurts, it hurts so much..." she whispered with falling tears as he whipped a few away as others replaced them. "Your in danger, my only love, they want your power. Make the pain stop, please." she pleaded as tears fell down his cheeks. "I love you." she whispered as he leaned down to steal her final breath as the sands stole her life...|

Yugioh shot up in bed, a thin line of blood running down her temples as a shocked look was in her eyes. The nightmare... a memory a terrible memory...


Many avoided the rather peeved looking girl with the Millennium Puzzle, who was on a rage and avoided everyone all together. Painful memories still didn’t fade from the night of dark dreams as the pain of loss was stronger then ever. That meant that anybody getting on Yugioh’s bad side would have to be suicidal. "The first duel will start in ten minutes." Croquet announced.
