Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ E. Aftermath ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]




Outta here

It was time to pay my dues

Never guessed that you'd be dressed in my clothes and in my shoes

You couldn't wait to move right in

If I were you, I'd be concerned

Ain't no way your gonna win

Bet you didn't count on my return

Thought you were so tough

You had all under control

Now enough is enough

I'm gonna take back what you stole

Give it up, 'cause now I'm back


Yugi waved as Seto and Mokuba left in the chopper as the ship was set to go in a few minutes. <I owe you one, Yami.> she told the spirit, who seemed pleased about that.

<<I can think of a few things.>> he purred as a streak of pink crossed her cheeks.

<Hormonal Spirit.> she replied as he laughed. The chopper was out of sight as she turned to head down to the ship.

<<I think it is time to confront dear Ryou about the Millennium Ring.>> Yami stated, turning the topic back to the matter at hand. <<Would you let me?>>

<Aye, but careful... something is about to happen with this nice sinking feeling I have.> she stated boarding the ship.

<<Always.>> he replied as she stepped on to the deck and glanced about the dock. <<He, or someone, was using their Shadow Magic a tad bit to freely for my taste. Especially after Mokuba and Kaiba were given back their souls and something doesn’t settle right around him.>>

<I’d say your paranoid, but this time I agree.> Yugi stated and decided to find herself a room.


It was still daylight when Yugi dragged herself in to one of the well furnished rooms on the boat, locked the door, placed a chair under the knob and then promptly fell on to the bed. She was dozing off when Yami went on alert and urged her to wake up and sit up. <What’s wrong?> she asked as he was silent, but a portal opened as a robed figure floated in to view. "Who are you?" she asked, trying to keep anger from her voice as he glanced about.

"Something has been stolen, I can feel that the criminal is near." he stated as she moved to be sitting indian style before him.

"Can’t help ya, all I got is a check for three million and the card Ties of Friendship." she stated as he blinked. "Why start here?" <Yyyyaaammmiiii... I could use some help.> she mentally called as he was silent, for once.

"Let us see the truth." he muttered lifting the Millennium Key from around his neck and then used it to enter the odd mind of Yugi Motou.


Shadi stood in the corridor between the sides. "One of openness and innocent intentions." he mused as books, games, and other things were scattered about the brightly lit room. "But the second..." he muttered looking at the dark door with the Eye of Ra on it with a ancient look to it. He went to open it when the door swung open to reveal a teenage boy in a male version of what the girl was wearing.

"You have invaded the mind of this child, but if you wish to enter please do." he stated as Shadi did so, weary of the dark chamber.

"You hide here." he stated as Yami smirked.

"No, I do not hide in her mind against her wishes." Yami corrected as he gave the spirit as questioning glance.

"Then will you let me decide that myself?" he stated as the spirit nodded and snapped his fingers as the chamber was now lit. Passages, stairs, doors... hundreds of all three!

"Explore my mind all you wish." Yami stated and was gone as Shadi still marveled at the complexity of this second side.


"False hopes behind some doors, others locked, and yet more traps." Shadi muttered as he tried another door, which opened. He stepped in, only to encounter a crumbling floor of stones in to the void. "I’ll be lost..." he muttered as his grip on the bricks was slowly slipping.

"Oh no!" a voice shouted as the Innocent Mind reached down at the last moment and seized his wrist. He looked up in to the determined eyes of the female side, the lighter side to this darkness. He brought his other hand up to get a better grip on her hand as she reached down with her other and clutched his hands. She then proceeded to pull him up, at least till he could get a better grip to get himself up when she couldn’t. "Damn, your a hard one to find in this cursed labyrinth."

"How did you get in here?" he asked as she blushed in embarrassment.

"I was curious about what you and Yami were talking about, so I snuck in." she replied as he raised an eyebrow as they both stood up. "It wouldn’t be good to have someone lost to the complex workings of the hidden memories of Yami."

"Have you ever been in here?" he asked as they exited the room.

"Once or twice when I let the spirit take over my body, just because it gives me a chance to help him discover his memories before trying to use modern resources." she replied with a defeated sigh. "Sometimes I just wish something would just give him or I a sign."

As if on cue the door at the end of the corridor swung open.

"That’s scary." Yugi stated as he glanced at her. "If someone sings I’m going back to where I was before your accident."


Hours later, Ryou Bakura was prowling the ship on his way back to the room he had claimed for the night, no one else was about out of the few of them that were left. Bakura was sick of hearing Mia giggling at Joey’s antics to tell her his feelings, Tea flirting with him behind her boyfriend’s back, and then the disappearance of Yugi in to one of the rooms and then never coming out.

He shivered at the thought of what she was doing, or thinking. The other thing that was bothering him was the feeling that something was after the Millennium Eye Bakura decided to steal from Pegasus before they left the island. He opened the door and walked in, but someone else slammed the door behind him. "Evening, Ryou." a familiar voice stated as he spun to face Yugi, who looked rather tousled and cold.

"Yugi..." he stated with a gulp as she leaned against the door.

"I have a few questions for you." she stated as he sat on the bed as she didn’t move. "One, you hold the ‘Millennium Ring’ right?"

"Yes, but what--"

"Is there a spirit?" she asked as he gawked, but didn’t answer. Why?

Cause he didn’t have to.

"What if he does?" Bakura demanded appearing as the Millennium Puzzle glowed and Yami appeared by her. "Pharaoh..." he growled, chocolate eyes taking on the look of a demented psycho that wanted to kill his enemy. Yami then adopted a look of hate that was usually reserved for someone that you would hate with more passion then a passion fruit.

"Tomb Robber." he replied so coldly that icicles could have been formed as both got a Death Glare match.

"This isn’t a good thing is it?" Yugi asked Ryou as she plopped down by him on the bed, after sneaking across the room to do so.

"I don’t think so." he replied as both decided to brawl, leaving to gawking teenagers. "I think they hate each other."

"Hate? This looks like pure and utter feuding between houses."


After ten minutes both had come to a conclusion... it would be dangerous getting between the two.

"We gotta break this up." Ryou stated as Yugi cringed. "Can you take out Bakura and I’ll get him."

"Him is Yami." she stated as he nodded as they drew away to attack one another again. "One three?"

"One-" Ryou stated as both got up.

"Two-" she muttered as they took a step.

"THREE!" they shouted tackling their opposing Yami’s as they were shocked. Bakura took the brunt of the fall as she ‘eeped’ as Ryou made sure Yami felt the fall also.

"Bastard!" she shouted slapping Bakura as he laughed and she drew back with a glare. Yami was laughing, Ryou snickering, and Bakura smirking. "I put up with the Hormonal King, don’t need another problem." Bakura was now laughing as Yami glared.

"He’s demented, Yugi, and wants--" Bakura tackled Ryou now and covered his mouth with his hand as Yami avoided their rolling around.

"So I could call him Sanity-Deprived Demented Bakura?" she asked as Ryou laughed and Bakura twitched. "Maybe Ba’tty’Kura?"

"The second one." Yami stated as he stood up, hauling poor Ryou with him.

"As long as the favor is returned." he stated as she shrugged.

"No sexual nicknames, must be public hearable." Yugi stated pointing a dangerous finger at him, the finger parents waggle at their naughty children and witches use to curse someone.

"Deal." he stated as Ryou groaned.


A six days later...

"Serenity!" Joey Wheeler shouted as he barged in to the hospital room to see a wonderful bouquet of flowers off to the side as bandages covered her eyes.

"Joey." she stated with a smile as Tea and Tristan stepped in behind him, Mai no where in sight. "You made it." he hugged her as she let out a joyous laugh.

"Serenity, your eyes..." he stated as she gave him a weak smile.

"Will be fine in a month or two." she stated as he was shocked. "A girl visited me two days ago, along with a boy."

["Serenity Wheeler?" the voice was slightly amused as two people entered the room.


"My name is Yugi Motou and this is Seto Kaiba, we only stopped by to wish you good luck on your way to seeing perfectly." she stated as the boy grumbled his agreement.

"I don’t know either of you, are you volunteers?"

"No, Miss Wheeler, I am the one that paid for your surgery and Kaiba here is the one that helped get the paper work through for you."

"What?" Serenity was now shocked as she laughed, a warm sound.

"Just call it a favor from a stranger." the boy stated as they left.]

"They said their names were Yugi Motou and Seto Kaiba." the group fell down in shock as Serenity frowned. "Joey, what was that?"
