Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ H. Walk Like an Egyptian ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



All the old paintings on the tombs

They do the sand dance, don’t you know

If they move too quick (oh whey oh)

They're falling down like a domino.

All the bazaar men by the Nile

They got their money on a bet

Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)

They snap their teeth on your cigarette.

Foreign types with the hookah pipes say:

Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh

Walk like an Egyptian.

All the school kids so sick of books

They like the punk and the metal band

When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)

They're walking like an Egyptian.

All the kids in the market place say:

Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh

Walk like an Egyptian.


<Yami, why do you want to make an appearance today?> Yugi asked as she sat back with her book and CD player, this time classical music so Yami didn’t grumble a threat.

<<Duke and Bakura are getting to close.>> he growled as she glanced up to see Duke smiling at her and then to her side as Bakura looked to be scheming. <<I just want to...>>

<Possessive Hormonal Pharaoh!> she declared as he growled. <Sorry, but your acting like a tomcat... hey!>

<<No, I can stand the previous name but not one that deals with a feline. They are sacred and not to be insults.>> he stated as she smirked. So he had a weakness for honoring cats. She was snickering as he was weary of her now, that meant that something was going to happen. <<I will meet you after school.>>

<I’m so excited.> she stated sarcastically as he growled.

"Did you hear? A new student was transferring from Egypt!" one of Tea’s friends stated excitedly as the girls were now hoping it was a drop dead gorgeous boy and most of the boys hoped it was a hot girl.

"When do you plan on shocking the masses?" Ryou asked as Yugi sat back with headphones on and her nose in a book. He poked her in the side as she glanced at him and marked her page. He had gradually become more and more like his yami, who had decided to become friends with Yugi but spite Yami. So he was rather happy in away, he found away to annoy the pharaoh.

"When’s a good day?" she asked pulling her headphones down to rest around her neck as some music was heard before she turned it off.

"When you loose the bet!" he stated as she laughed.

"What bet?"

"Good question." Kaiba added from behind them as Yugi stretched and scratched the back of her head with one familiar finger visible against her dark hair. "Ha ha." he stated dryly as Ryou snickered.

"That’s right, a friend of mine is transferring today." Ryou stated as both gave him a look that screamed ‘Tell or Die.’

"Okay class, settle down." the teacher stated walking in as many did, others waited to be the last ones to drag out the time. "As you all know we have a new student today and everyone should make him feel welcome, so no heavy flirting-" pointed a finger at Tea and her friends as they glared, "-nor attempting to hurt them." He then pointed at a group of boys as the middle group was snickering mentally. "As for you-"

"I will not say a thing nor will I attempt to insult this person without good reason." Yugi stated as the class snickered.

"Don’t say a word." the teacher stated as she put her hands up in defeat.

"Okay." she replied as the announcement’s came on.

"Will all participants in the Chess Tournament please report to the gym." the woman stated as Yugi laughed.

"I’m out of here." Yugi declared with a small laugh as many glared. "See everyone at lunch." With a wave she walked passed the rows of glaring students.


As she stepped outside Yugi accidentally bumped into a familiar platinum haired Egyptian. "Sorry." she stated with a smile as both recovered from the slight stumble. "Oh hell, gonna be late. See ya!" she called taking off in a dead run as Malik Ishtar watched the odd girl disappear around a corner.

:Who the hell is that?: he asked the demented spirit, who was half asleep.

::Looks like a female to me.:: Marik stated as Malik rolled his eyes.

"Some help you are." he muttered as he was told to come in and introduce himself.


Skipping to lunch...

"The Pharaoh is here." Bakura told Malik as they strolled about the lunch grounds, away from the crowding of girls. The lilac eyed, blonde haired Egyptian didn’t look pleased, but didn’t go off on a tangent on the hundreds of ways to kill him.

"He’s SSSOO sexy!" girls cried out gathering around someone else as they watched.

"So’s my darkly demented sister." he replied with a sigh as Bakura gave him a look of questioning. "She’s running a museum in hopes of finding the other Millennium Items, and everyone thought I would be the one that wanted to take over the world for evil purposes."

"That’s nice, anything else?" he asked, rather dryly as Malik gave him a odd look.

"I want the Items to piss my ‘perfect’ older sister and to come close to being able to rule this world, or at least extract my revenge on the pharaoh for damning my family to a lifetime of service." he stated as Bakura sweat dropped, knowing his plans wouldn’t compare but still went along. "Any ways she has dreams of dominating the world and enslaving all the men, or finding her true love."

"Sounds like a wonderful sister." another voice stated as Yugi Motou stood behind Malik Ishtar looking rather amused with something as she carried a black case with her. "Next thing you know she’ll be making up her own delightful harem and try to kill us all for talking behind her back."

"She already has that planned out, so who the hell are you?" he demanded pulling the Millennium Rod from his school uniform, which meant she wasn’t wearing the Millennium Puzzle at the moment. He gave her a once over as she gave Bakura a inquiring look.

"Malik Ishtar, meet Yugi Motou." Bakura stated, she smirked as he raised an eyebrow. "The local female that won’t swoon over anyone."

"Good." he stated with a devilish smirk that would send many a female fans in to a faint with some interesting thoughts dancing through their heads.

"Do you play chess, Malik?" she asked as Bakura moved and draped an arm around her shoulders.

"Where’s your necklace?"

"In my bag, the female population found more entertainment." she stated jerking a thumb over her shoulder to the group. "So, Ba’tty’kura, why the hell are you taking an interest in me now?"

"Because your interesting." he stated as she arched an eyebrow.

"And hell is only a sauna." she replied as he laughed and Malik looked confused. "Come on, Gold Boy, this is getting boring."


Yami had to refrain from banishing the horde of the girls to the Shadow Realm, or crushing their puny minds. One was hanging off of him as the others glared. "I love you, sexy stranger." she stated as he paled and tried to shake her off. He pushed himself through the group as they all frowned and stated something like...

"That bitch, goes after everyone but her own boyfriend."

"Easy Street must not be far from here."

"Get off of him, you cheerleading whore."

Okay, so that last really hated her.

"Let me go." Yami snapped trying to pry her off of his arm, that was when he spotted Bakura sitting close to his Hikari who was concentrating on a game of chess with the blonde boy. <<That pale haired bastard of a Tomb Robber...>> he growled, before another group crowded around him, demanded him to let Tea go. "I would, but she is trying to physically merge with my arm. Can you get her off?" he asked pointy haired Tristan Taylor who was trying to pull her off.


"He looks to be having troubles." Bakura mused leaning on Yugi, knowing the Pharaoh will be pissed when he realized this.

"Do I look like a goddamn pillow?" she demanded as he laughed.

"No, but your comfortable." he purred as she blinked, this was a new thing. Ryou Bakura, aka ‘Kura and Ba’tty’kura, was a little frisky now and it was scaring both the Hikari of the Ring and the Puzzle as Malik was getting confused.

::That’s the damned Pharaoh.:: Marik growled as Malik was trying to act normal, he made a move as she took his bishop.

"Kodak Moment." she declared pulling a camera from her bag and focusing a picture of Yami and the girls, and then Yami and Tea, then a surprised Malik. As he blinked away the dots she smirked. "You really want to annoy him?"

"Damn right." the pale haired Tomb Robber stated as she put the camera back in her bag.

"Saturday, one hour photo store at six in the morning." she stated as he got his devious smile. "Now let Ryou live his life before you get yourself banished to the Shadow Realms by a storming Pharaoh."

"Wait a minute." Malik stated as both glanced at him. "You know about the Pharaoh?"

"Know? Hell, I’m the one that he loves to torment." Yugi stated as he was surprised, to say the least. When Malik is surprised, hell had frozen over and problems would be showing up. "If you have something against him, don’t take it out on me or else."

"A little fiery." he replied as Bakura laughed and then relinquished his control back to Ryou.

"Checkmate." she stated as he blinked and looked at the board. "Not a half bad player."

"Thanks." he muttered, obviously in thought when she packed the pieces away and pulled the Millennium Puzzle from her bag and slipped it on and the chess set in her bag.

"Hopefully we can meet later, Malik, but I have to go rescue Yami." she stated getting up and approaching the group as he was still in thought.

"Ever have a feeling of deja vu?" he asked Ryou.
