Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 8. The Past is Present ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



I’m there for you

No matter what

I’m there for you

Never giving up

I’m there for you

For you

Someone has changed me, something saved me

Now this is who I am

Although I was blinded, my heart let me find that

Truth makes a better man

I didn’t notice that you were right in front of me

A mask of silence, we’ll put away so we can see

For you

Within the darkness, you are the light

That shines away

In this blind justice, I can be the man

That saves the day

I’m there for you

No matter what

I’m there for you

Never giving up


|A laughing teenage girl was speaking with the disguised High Priest, the Pharaoh’s Hidden Guard, and then the Tomb Robber that no one turned in and all denied knowing. The slightly older dark haired young woman watched from a far, her eyes were slightly demented as she glared at the three men. "Why me?" she asked crossing her arms as the Tomb Robber pulled her in to a embrace, a hug to those that weren’t obsessed with a certain someone.

"He’s depressed because he can’t escape his duties." the platinum haired guard stated with a nod as the Millennium Rod was visible around his neck.

"We came to see if you would return to Cairo." the brown haired High Priest stated as she frowned.

‘She can’t leave.’ the black haired woman growled mentally as she approached the group.

"You know I think of you three as the family I never had." the teen stated hugging the other two as the woman was getting really mad about her affections towards them instead of her. "You know I would do that without a second thought, we can leave anytime!"

"Thank you." the two stated hugging her as she eeped in embarrassment.

"Nepha Yugi..." the black haired woman stated as the three turned to her.

"My sister! Good day." the platinum haired Guard stated hugging her, as she stiffened up.

"Lady Ishizu, I have to leave." Nepha Yugi stated with a frown as the woman looked ready to hug her and never let go, or kill the three around her. "Something came up and I have to go to Cairo."

‘The pharaoh will regret ever setting eyes on her!’|

Isis Ishtar stood before the throne of her darkened room with a frown on her tanned features as the past haunted her. She lost her only love to the damned Pharaoh and he was awakened, but she was still unknown. Her brother seemed pleased with his first day of school, which was weird because he usually came home and complained about everything that happened in school.

Then again he was only there for one day and now he was going on Saturday afternoon!

"Going out for a bit!" he declared about to leave.

"Don’t forget to be at the museum at three." she called out as he laughed.

"I won’t." with that the door slammed.

‘My Nepha, where are you... where are you my eternal love?’ she mused as the Rare Hunters walked in to the room. "Prepare for a tournament, Talisman, I am about to set up away to get the rest of these Millennium Items."

"Yes, your highness." he stated, bowing to show his submissive will to Isis.

"Good, your dismissed." with that she waved her hand and he went off.


Malik and Ryou were waiting for Yugi, who agreed to meet them for Lunch and a chance to hang out without their yami’s. How did they manage that? You may ask, it was quiet simple... they carried the Items in their pocket or purse and let the dark spirits sleep. "Is she always near late?" Malik asked checking his watch.

"No, only had to argue with the Hormonal Paranoid Pharaoh." a voice stated as Yugi came to a skidding stop in front of them. Ryou was shocked because she stood in a ankle length black skirt with slits to her thighs, sandals, with a dark purple tank top with a red dragon outlined in glitter. "You know Mr. King of Paranoia." she stated patting her black purse that had a few silver chains draped over the top that kept the Millennium Puzzle safe.

"How much did Kaiba pay you to wear that?" Ryou asked as she smirked.

"Nothing, I bought it before this whole ordeal with the Items and it seemed to work today." she stated brushing back her wild tri-colored hair with a frown. "Who the hell are you saying that? Just because he is obsessed with dragons doesn’t mean we were dating at one point, seeing we’ve been friends since the age of six."

"Aye, no foul." Ryou stated as Malik laughed.

"Shall we continue on with our day?" he asked as both nodded.


Seto Kaiba marveled at the story Isis Ishtar had told him as the god card, the Winged Dragon of Ra, rested in his hands. He couldn’t believe he’d have to duel Yugi Motou for the sake of destiny, nor that this whole thing that connected Ancient Egypt to the game of Duel Monsters. "For the sake of finding these powerful cards, I can put on a tournament." he stated as she looked pleased with that answer. "But why would I want to find these cards?"

"To beat your rival." she stated as she crossed his arms.

"I have no rival." he protested as laughter echoed in the silent area.

"Hey Kaiba, history buff day or what?"


Malik didn’t know the last time he enjoyed being some place with other people, but Ryou had turned from shy and quiet to sharp tongue and smirking. He didn’t know who caused it, but didn’t care. The connection with these two ran deeper then he could tell and he wouldn’t let it go. "Damn it, I told my sister that I would meet her at the museum." he growled checking the time.

"Sounds great." Ryou stated as Yugi agreed, to his amazement.

"That was usually away to get rid of people." he stated as Yugi laughed.

"A even better reason to tag along." she replied as he glared. "Sorry, Wanna-Be Golden Pharaoh , but it’s harder to get rid of me."

"Good." he stated sweeping her up and over his shoulder, getting a shocked eep out of her as Ryou was laughing hard enough to pass out. "You would have had no other choice."

"Holy kami-sama! Am I a sack of potatoes?" she demanded as he laughed and proceeded to walk towards the museum.

"Not yet."

"It doesn’t kill to walk, I hear it’s rather good for the heart."

"Legs like yours don’t need work."

"Are you flirting?"

"Maybe." Malik stated as Ryou followed as she held her purse and crossed her arms and stared at the ground. "Now I see why you always said it was fun to be around her." he told Ryou as he snapped a picture and she growled a warning to him under her breath, causing both to laugh as they entered the museum. No one looked towards them because of the imposing group they made.

For only knowing the girl for about two days, he felt closer then usual.


"Hey Kaiba, history buff day or what?" Kaiba got a good laugh at the picture he seen. The new boy had a arm locked around her knees as Yugi was flung over his shoulder looking rather peeved. Isis seemed surprised also as he raised an eyebrow. "Damn it, Malik, I am not a sack of potatoes! Put me down before I knock you down."

"As you wish, Game Queen." he stated rolling her off of his shoulder as she fell to the ground, laying sprawled on her back.

"Nice ceiling., bad floor." she groaned getting up as Isis looked surprised.

‘Nepha?’ she thought as Yugi glared at her brother and then crossed her arms.

"Hey Kaiba, could you drop by the shop around six tonight? Grandpa has something for you and he won’t be back till then." she stated as he held the answer out for a bit.

"As long as Mokuba can join." he stated as she smiled.

"Of course." she stated with a smile as he went off.

"Hey Isis, meet Yugi Motou a friend from class." Malik stated as Yugi smiled at her, causing poor Isis to just stare.

"Hello, Miss Ishtar." she stated with a bow of respect before glancing at the time. "Aiieee!! Come on Ryou, we gotta go shopping for tonight’s surprise party." she declared grabbing the pale boy’s wrist. "Six o’clock Turtle Game Shop, Malik, don’t be late!" she called out dragging him along outside.

