Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 15. Drop and Die! Explosive Tag Team Duel! ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



aka Two Rare Hunters vs. Kaiba and Yugi

I wont back down

I will not drown

And I cant forget things you did

I've come to bring you hell

The shadows that you see

Are memories of me

The truth behind your eyes

Your darkest little lie

I wont back down

I will not drown

And I cant forget things you did

I've come to bring you hell


Seto Kaiba and Mokuba had stopped by the next morning to see if she was fine.

"I will go back out." Yugi stated as Grandpa tried to talk her out of it. She sat back as he sighed. "Grandpa, if I don’t they will take me for forfeiting and I never back down." she stated before standing up. "As for what happened, I want revenge."

<<Do you realize that when the five of us find Isis that it won’t be a pretty sight?>>

<I don’t care.> Yugi stated as Grandpa threw his hands up in defeat.

"Give me a few minutes to get dressed." she stated and went off to her room to break out the second outfit, seeing the other was shoved in to the closet. She pulled on the blue and white jacket over a black chinese style top that resembled the leather one, black pants, and black boots with boots and everything.

"Hey Yugi! Hurry up!" Mokuba stated entering as she pulled the Dueling Disk on. "The Rare Hunters just crossed the line by kidnapping Tea!"

<Good or bad thing?>


When the three got on to the streets, and split by the crowds so no one would wise to Yugi Motou working for Kaiba, that left Namu (aka a disguised Isis) to send her Rare Hunters to get the boy and set the trap for Kaiba. She watched as the boy was strung up on the helicopter. "Go, I will be watching and you better not lose!" she snapped as the two Hunters to her right nodded and the ones in the helicopter took off. /This is the nail in your coffin, Pharaoh./ she thought with a smirk.


Seto Kaiba was running through the crowds in search of his brother as Yugi Motou was searching for others, mostly her friends so they could help them. "Seto Kaiba! Yugi Motou!" a voice boomed from above as the two paused, which caused crowds of duelers to look up at the helicopter. "If you wish two save dear Mokuba and the other two, you have fifteen minutes to get to the Domino City Mall, or else!" he cackled as the two were glaring.

The two had taken off in a dead run now.

When you threaten the life of Mokuba, you threaten more then your soul on the backlash.

Isis was now playing with fire and would be burnt to a crisp.

Malik and Ryou had seen the whole scene from a slight distance and heard the declaration, they both knew that this was pushing the limit. "Malik, do you care for your sisters life?" Ryou asked as they made their way to the Mall also, in the standard tackling run.

"Hell no! She brought this upon herself and with the Pharaoh and his Hikari out for blood, instead of homicidal and frightened." he stated as he raised an eyebrow, this didn't sound like his friend. "First of all I would not have sexual harassed the girl, that is where the bulk of the anger in, and then kidnap people after. That's a disaster waiting to happen."

"True." Bakura agreed as people cleared a path for the determined duo. "Especially when the Pharaoh can crush minds."

"She’s done for."


The mall was crowded, but neither of the two top duelists cared as they pushed their way through people and groups. Both made it to the top of the mall, many crowded under to watch the duel that would probably take place.

"You made it." one of the two Rare Hunters stated crossing their arms as Kaiba and Yugi both glared.

"Where the hell is Mokuba?" they asked in unison as the two Hunters looked uneasy with the death glares the two had.

"First we duel for him." one stated as the Intimidating Duo was now ready to fight physically without the cards. He gulped as his partner spoke up now. "You can’t use your own monsters as tributes, your partner has to."

"The first player to reach absolutely no life points will activate a small bomb." he stated as both didn't relinquish their glares. "Bomb and glass floor, so the glass under you will shatter and that person will probably fall to their death."

"On another condition." Yugi snapped in a voice colder then ice as the Eye of Ra glowed faintly on her forehead. "If I find out that you are cheating I will send your mind to the place where your mistress's mind will be when I duel her!" she growled as they shivered.

Yugioh was collectively pissed. Kaiba didn't ask questions because he wanted his brother back more then the answers to those few questions.

"Agreed." they stated as Kaiba smirked.

"Let's duel, then." he stated.


"The Eye is glowing on her forehead." Malik stated form their perch on the roof of a building that was level enough to witness the battle, but they used one pair of binoculars to watch.

"Pegasus got the same thing from a pissed Yugioh after taking Yugi's soul." he stated snatching the looking glasses as Malik was about to be choked by the swipe and cord around his neck. "Yep, looks like a collectively pissed Pharaoh and girl..."

"Could be PMS." Malik gasped out and pulled them from the Tomb Robber.

"Not when it looks like someone’s gonna loose their mind in this duel." he added trying to grab the binoculars back. "Hormonal Pharaoh is now Pharaoh the Bloody!"

"That's you, dumbass!" Malik snapped hitting Bakura as he glared. "Vengeful Spirit, but we have to find the three that my sister has, you know... safe them trouble and a chance of nearly killing us for being worthless?"

"Are you afraid of the girl?" Bakura teased as he gave him a serious look.

"A PMSing girl that can banish us twice over to the Shadow Realm, aren't you?" he asked as Bakura thought about it.

"Better stop by a drug store and pick up some Midol or Tylenol then..." he stated as they went off to try and find the three or face the wrath of the 'PMSing Yugioh', if it was true.


Tea let out a yipe as she was thrown into a small room. A few minutes later she was then joined by Mokuba. Tea was whining about something as Mokuba glanced at her and sweat dropped. /Thank god Big Brother doesn't like her./ he thought and glanced about for away to get out, with or without the annoying girl he was trapped with. /I need away to escape the torture!/

Boxes. Stacks.

Box Stack by Window! YES!

As Mokuba adopts his brother's trademark triumphant smirk he looks at what he has to climb. He gave her a look as she was still crying loudly. With a cringe he approached the stack of boxes and started to climb. "What are you doing?" she shrieked as he nearly made it to the window when she ran and proceeded to jump and climb up the wobbling stack of boxes.

"Don't do that!" he shouted grabbing a hold of the window and pulling himself up as the boxes collapsed backwards with her shriek. The Rare Hunters then entered the room and seen what happened, a few openly cursed as Mokuba was already gone to find his brother.


Yugioh was down a thousand life points due to a curse as Kaiba's Battle Ox protected her. She smirked and drew a card, the useful Card Destruction. She touched her lips with two fingers as Kaiba frowned as she smirked, so their odd code was going to work for awhile.

"I play Card Destruction." Yugioh stated as all discarded their cards.

"I play Monster Reborn for my Blue Eyes White Dragon, no tribute needed." Kaiba declared on his turn as the two opponents frowned. Kaiba also placed another card face down. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Only one problem, the monster they faced was 300 points higher than the powerful Dragon.

"Trust me, Kaiba." Yugioh stated with a smirk. "Attack."

"Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack with White Lightening!" he declared as the dragon did attack and did destroy.

"WHAT?!" the Mask Duo demanded as Yugioh smirked.

"A card that I discarded only works in the graveyard, and it can take 500 points from any monster on the field." she stated, but because of the curse on her cards her life points dropped to 1500.

The next monster the summoned had attack points of 3200! What it was is of no concern, because Yugioh gained that smirk that meant that she had something that would take them out. Yugioh held three fingers to her card as Kaiba blanched and knew what she had in hand, and knew what he had to do with her next turn after the Mask of Light. He nodded and they faced their opponents.

The Mask of Light destroyed the Dragon and it was now Yugioh's turn. Kaiba had one face down magic card as both gave the Masked Duo a smug smirk or smile.

"I play Slifer the Sky Dragon in attack mode with three cards as tribute from Kaiba's side." she stated as the Dragon appeared, everyone gawking as she smirked. "Slifer, attack them!" she called out as the dragon did so, taking out the warrior and the ones life points as the glass broke and he activated his parachute.

Mask of Light gawked as did the people watching.

"Our mistress has two prisoners, friends of yours?" he asked as the mask from that monster went to go at the Dragon God.

"Cyclone!" Kaiba stated revealing the face down card as the mask was gone. "We won, now where is my brother?" he shouted as the Rare Hunter Mask of Light just laughed.

"Big Brother!" a voice shouted as Mokuba was standing at the edge of the open door. "Here!" he stated as Kaiba looked relieved.

"Let's go." Kaiba stated as they charged at the helicopter, Kaiba jumping in first and then catching

Yugioh as she hit the inside. "We have finals to get to."

‘How about a interesting duel going on?’ Malik stated on the other end of the walkie-talkie that Yugioh forgot.

"How interesting?" Kaiba asked as he laughed.

‘Very, we are by the docks.’
