Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ N. Legendary Heroes Part 3 ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 3- The Chosen Ones Flip

When I'm counting up my demons,

Saw there was one for every day,

With the good ones on my shoulder,

I drove the other ones away,

So, if you ever feel neglected,

If you think all is lost,

I'll be counting up my demons,

Hoping that everything's not lost,

When you thought that it was over,

You could feel it all around,

Everybody's out to get you,

Don't you let it drag you down,

Cos if you ever feel neglected,

If you think that all is lost,

I'll be counting up my demons,

Hoping everything's not lost,

If you ever feel neglected,

If you think all is lost,

I'll be counting up my demons,

Hoping everything's not lost


The traveling from the caverns to a beautiful city by carriage had the city dwellers gawking and pointing out varying things on interest. "You really know how to travel in style, Princess." Mai stated looking around the well furnished carriage as Mokuba was sitting by Adina deep in conversation. Marik and Bakura were at the windows enjoying the prospect of a new place to cause trouble as Yugioh sat beside Mai.

"So, have you heard anything of an outsider named Seto?" she asked as Mokuba was silent and Adina shocked.

"There are two kingdoms, mine and another." she stated with a sigh. "The other kingdom has already put up a sacrifice, we have yet to put ours up." Adina now seemed sad about that.

"Whoa, wait a minute." Marik stated, cutting Mai off. "Back up the medieval train car."

"Sacrifice?" the blonde girl squeaked out in surprise, that was never a good thing for newcomers. She was getting slightly paranoid with that phrase... but the other three seemed to not care as Mokuba was shocked.

"The other kingdom has already put up a sacrifice to the Mythic Dragon, a stranger that no one has heard of." she stated as all fell silent and turned or stared at her. Urging the Princess to go on. "Our kingdom hasn't chosen a sacrifice yet, so I was going to go and save my kingdom from trouble."

Now there was dead silence with wide eyes.

"Adina, we will try our damnedest to save you from being killed or from this ritual continuing." Yugioh stated seriously as a few were shocked, but agreed as the Princess nodded. "And no flirting, Mokuba, or else someone will be jealous when they find out." she chided with a smirk as he growled and charged from one side to the other and plopped down in her lap.


"The floating castle is where the Witty Phantom is holding your brother, who is awaiting to be sacrificed to the Mythic Dragon." Adina stated as they sat down to eat before retiring for the night. "Tomorrow morning you will be attired in the best of our kingdom."


"Are you crazy?" Malik demanded as Adina jumped as Yugi glared at him.

"Only for her," she stated pointing to Mai who looked smug. "Your four are already set."

"You two go ahead, we need to talk." Malik stated as Mokuba snuck off with the two. When the doors shut. "How?"

"We'll have to find away." Ryou stated as Yugi was silent.

"Adina is about to get the third degree interrogation that would make a old Spanish Inquisitor proud." she stated as they all agreed. Before they were killed in the game, they wanted to know what the hell they were facing and Adina would not avoid that.


The next morning the Inquisition took over as Adina answered everything and satisfied the group. A really boring thing, you see, no torture devices to make it worth noting beyond that. "No card can get up there, so how do we--" Ryou asked as Adina and Mokuba stood by them outside.

The sky darkened as the castle was in view, with it's small army. "Holy heck!" Mai shouted as they seen the flying creatures.

"Never seen that many Duel Monsters in one place." Yugioh stated pulling a card and smirking, but something grazed her hand as the card fluttered to the stone floor and a scratch was visible on the back of her hand. She growled, as did Yami, and glared at the Armed Ninja. "You." she growled raising her staff and pointing it at him as he was gone.

"Adina!" Bakura shouted as the princess was taken up in a net.

"Durame's Dark Witch!" Mai shouted as she destroyed the creature, the net was dropping, but then caught by another.

"Change of Heart!" Bakura shouted as the creature then turned towards him and got killed by his own. Adina was then taken out of reach as Yugi grabbed her card.

"DARK HOLE!" she screamed as all disappeared but the one carrying Adina. "Damn it!" she cursed as Mokuba let out a startled cry.

"Oh no!" he stated as they turned towards him.

"Oh hell." Malik stated as they stared at her, seeing the rather delicate difference. "Now they have BOTH of the Kaiba Brothers." he groaned before Marik started to get mad. The other two were already there as they stood facing each other.

Then three golden powers flared up, sending a wave of power in a circle causing the poor disguised Princess to let out a yipe. The circle then formed in to a pentagram with the same writing that was behind the Dark Magician. Princess Adina watched as their attire changed again, this time white and Egyptian like.

Yugioh had a long skirt with slits to her waist, gold chains around her waist and the bikini top with the same rings around her uppers arms, neck, wrists, and ankles with the Eye of Ra crown resting on her forehead. Both Bakura and Marik white harem pants with the same gold ornaments, only the crown for Bakura had the symbol of the Bandits Seven Tools and Marik's had the Swords of Revealing Light on it. "You ARE the Chosen Ones!" Adina squealed as they were shocked.

Mai stood with her jaw slack as they opened their eyes and gawked at one another. "If I wasn't taken, Yugi, you wouldn't be standing there for long." Marik stated as she glared and adjusted the puzzle that w as around her neck.

"Halloween." she stated as they smirked and nodded.

"Now, was there anything ELSE in your legend that can help us?" Mai asked as Adina nodded, staring at Bakura.

"I'm taken, Princess." he stated as she pouted.

"A strange flying machine that carried a man from the castle." she stated as Marik was scanning the landscape, before his eyes rested on the symbol of a bird in the ground.

"Is this a sign from above or what?" he asked as Yugioh joined him followed by the others.

"It must have been uncovered when the hole formed to take out the masses." the Nurse stated as there was a glance between them.

"Come on! We have a Flying Machine to uncover!" Yugioh stated taking off in a run as the others followed, wondering if the Pharaoh/Yugi had finally lost her marbles.


"Okay, oh wise Chosen One," Mai stated sarcastically as all stood in the center of the symbol.

"How in Ra's name are we supposed to get this machine?" Bakura added as Yugioh drew a card.

"By chance!" she declared showing them Time Wizard. "Time Wizard, Time Magic!"

The duel monster appeared as it's staff proceeded to move, deciding weather to kill or to help. The group was hoping he was in a helping mood.


Time Machine!!!

The earth then started to move as the city around the machine rebuilt itself. They all gawked at the beautiful city that formed around them, but fell on their asses when the ground came up under their feet. Yipes and small shrieks echoed as something rose from the ground around them.

Cheering went up as each slowly stood up to look around the bird shaped craft that was rising in to the air as Bakura choose to pilot the craft to the castle. "Oh Ra! Let one maniac drive or the other... BRACE YOURSELVES!" Yugioh shouted as her, Bakura, and Mai grabbed the railing and waved good-bye to cover for the fact that Marik put the transport device in full throttle and up.

"Captain! We got company!" Marik shouted leveling the thing out so the other three could stand, while flipping him a few interesting gestures.

"Harpy Lady!"

"Dark Magician!"

"Harpy’s Brother!" So Bakura had a Harpy card!

/Note, hit him up for one./ Mai mused as they all demanded them to attack, Marik staying out of the fight and keeping them on course. As the creatures attack the force after them the machine broke the barrier- or the tail did at least.

"We are under attack!" Bakura declared as the machine trembled with an attack.

"No shit Sherlock!" Yugioh and Mai snapped as he looked surprised.

A moment later...

"ABANDON SHIP!" was the declaration as they all jumped from the flying machine and on to the Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress, each looking frazzled. Then the Dark Magician glanced their way as the Harpy Lady carried him upwards with Harpy’s Brother followed with Mai in hand- who had hearts in her eyes as the other three laughed.


Mokuba let out a cry as he was thrown to the ground, still in the dress he borrowed from Adina. "Well, well... looks like the next sacrifice is none other then the other Kaiba Brother!" the Witty Phantom laughed as Mokuba glared and blew him a raspberry, Seto rolled his eyes at his brother/lovers antics and watched him throw the dress off to show his borrowed armor.

"Flame Swordsman!" Mokuba shouted drawing his card as the Duel Monster appeared, causing the Phantom to drop his hat. "Kill the Phantoms wit and free my brother." he declared as the creature took out the Witty Phantom with a swipe and then freed the armored Seto Kaiba who smirked.

"Now destroy the Dragon Capture Jar and let's go." Kaiba stated as Mokuba did so.

"Yugi and crew are here." he stated as they ran from the room.

"The Trio." he muttered with a laugh, thanking the dragons he loved that she held up their end of the bargain.


After playing Exterminator and peeling Mai from Harpy’s Brother, the quartet ran in to Kaiba and Mokuba. They each got a kick out of the garb as all three looked ready to slap him. "Video Games are a pain in the ass." Marik stated as they agreed.

"Let's high tail it." Bakura added in as the castle faded away in to a place that resembled the inside of a computer.

"Anybody else feel screwed?" Mai asked as a chorus of "Yes" went up from the collective.

"Nice dragon engraved floor." Mokuba stated as all looked down.

"Damn it."

"To go with the delightful reprogramming of your old directors, that seal prevents you from summoning anything else but Dragons." a voice stated as all gained their pissed look, the one that said 'If I find you your deader then a corpse.'

"Your ass is grass when we find you!" Yugioh shouted as the others snickered.

"Sorry, my scantly clad warrioress..." he stated as she twitched.

"Say that again and you'll have three people out for blood." Bakura stated with a growl as the Eye of Ra was visible on all three foreheads of the Millennium Item Holders.

"Mythic Dragon!" he declared as the nine or less headed dragon sat before them.

"Harpy’s Pet Dragon!" Mai stated as the chained red dragon appeared in front of her.

"Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" Kaiba stated, cutting through the red tape with four cards.

"Curse of Dragon!" Bakura declared as Marik and Yugioh smirked.

"Winged Dragon of Ra!" Marik declared as the God appeared, causing Noah Kaiba to suck in a breath of surprise. "Who yeah! Top that you pain in the ass!"

"Slifer the Sky Dragon!" Yugioh stated as the second god appeared. "Pose for the cameras!" she stated as they all flicked him off, but the marveling Mokuba.


Mai was gone with a attack as Mokuba was next with Bakura, causing all three to be rather pissed. Yugioh joined a fourth dragon to the Ultimate Dragon as Kaiba nodded in agreement. "Combine attack." Marik growled as the two God Summoners raised her hands up and drew ten cards each- ten thousand attack points to their Egyptian God Cards.

"NOW!" Kaiba shouted as the three dragons attacked, causing the Mythic Dragon to be destroyed on the over kill of the three pissed teenagers.

"Take that to your grave, YOU ASS!" all three shouted as they let out a cheer of triumph.

"Humph." was all they got before finding themselves back in the city facing Adina.

The people of the city were cheering as they stood facing her. "You did it!" she stated happily as they looked rather crestfallen. "But your friends have not died in vain."

"Then how the hell do we get them back?" Marik demanded as Yugioh restrained him, Kaiba gave a nod as Adina gulped. They were hostile and all could tell that from the way they seemed to look at her. She clasped her hands together and began to float, her form turning in to that of the Mystical Elf.

As they stared at her she started chanting.

In a glow of gold Mai, Bakura, and Mokuba appeared by them. The three looked rather confused, but it didn't last before two of the three were tackled in a hug. Another words it was an interesting picture to see the Ice Prince and Princess hugging two people with the Wanna-be Pharaoh.

"Thanks, Princess!" Mai shouted as they all agreed and headed towards the exit portal.

They had some ass to kick once they ran there.


Noa Kaiba must have been slow on finding out he lost, because about forty minutes later he found himself facing his twin brother and the crew that stood by the door that looked like they could cause a hell of a lot of damage. "Brute Squad?" he asked as they each looked ready to kill him.

"No, Psychotic Trio. Mess with Mokuba and I you mess with them also." he stated as Noa frowned. "Do you three want to take care of him? I just got shackled up with the Witty Phantom."

"We can?" one asked with a evil cackle as Noa paled.

We all know with one it probably was...
