Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ S. Wild Cards and Black Dice Part 4 ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 4- The Date

There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea.

You became the light on the dark side of me.

Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill.

But did you know,

That when it snows,

My eyes become large and,

The light that you shine can be seen.

My power, my pleasure, my pain, baby

To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny.. yeah.

Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?

...And if I should fall, at all I've been kissed by a rose

...been kissed by a rose on the gray.

Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray I've..........

been kissed from a rose on the gray.

Ooh, the more I get of you ...ooh...........the..

Stranger it feels, yeah stranger it feels. ...yeah.

And now that your rose is in bloom

Now that your rose is in bloom,

A light hits the gloom on the gray.


"Now listen here, Bakura and Malik." Mai stated coldly as Yugi watched with amusement, knowing that Mai had a decent plan. "You will cooperate with this plan or else I will bitch slap you into the next millennium and humiliate you so bad you’ll have to live in the desert for the rest of your lives!"

Okay, so dear ole Mia Valentine was taking a major page from their books and threatening them with pride and ego destroying torture.

That torture? You ask...

She threatened to take them shopping and force them to model certain outfits, using Yugi’s influence and Kaiba’s interest in what they were about to do. Well not Seto Kaiba, but a Kaiba’s interest. It was Mokuba’s interest for future blackmail material, in which he was using the new video camera the Trio got him for his birthday.

But that’s a whole different special. (Yeah, a whole different special. *snickers*)

"Yes ma’am." they stated, still pale from the thought of a mad Mai (who they decided was worse then a made Marik, Bakura, and Yami). They glanced at Yugi for help, but she was agreeing, which was never the best thing in the world.

"Good." she stated sweetly, pulling out her notepad. "Now here is the plan..."


"First we prepare both sides. You two will go see Otogi and invite him to a semi-formal dinner at the new Garden Paradise tomorrow at seven o’clock. Ice and I will go see Serenity and invite her. We’ll meet at the park at five, seeing it’s only one."

Otogi blinked as Ryou and Malik sat before him, telling him about the dinner. "It’s a group event in honor of..." Ryou started, but couldn’t think up a believable reason. "Eh..." Malik put his head in his hands as their Yami’s appeared, looking rather amused.

By now the Black Dice was really confused and really untrusting towards the two before him and their laughing Yamis.

"What the brain trust here is trying to tell you is you have no other choice but to go to this semi-formal dinner or else Mai will do something that we will hate." Bakura stated crossing his arms and perching himself on the arm of the chair that Ryou sank down into.

"Then again it might be that time for her and she won’t take no for an answer." Marik added as Malik looked ready to permanently put him back into a grave.

Meanwhile, Serenity found herself shopping with a chattering Mia and bag carrying Yugi... one overly cheerful and the other rather deep in thought.


"Next you three are to make sure that Joey and his two Idiots don’t interfere... if they do you know what needs to be done. As in make sure they don’t get within seeing distance of the whole date. Got me?"

"Yes Mistress of Humiliation."

"Good, cause this is your chance to get your revenge on them for being complete idiots because someone will blab it to them and they will ruin their chances!"

It was five o’clock as the Trio lounged around Malik’s apartment in their black clothing. "Hi, Serenity?" Yugi stated as she held the phone to her ear. "This is Yugi, something came up and I won’t be able to make it..." She paused and sighed. "I know, but something came up and Grandpa needs someone to watch the store tonight." Another pause. "Thanks, enjoy dinner. Bye."

"That’s part one." Ryou stated as he glared at his darkly dressed yami as he grinned. Marik was the same as Malik rolled his eyes, leaving the odd ball (Mokuba) to get his camera ready. He was filming and stating stuff as Ryou picked up the phone and dialed Otogi’s number.

Then the routine started again as Mia came into the apartment with a chesire cat grin, meaning that it was nearly time.

Ryou hung up with a frown, obviously guilty.

"Okay, my little ones..." she stated as they glared.

"Mia, these two are older then you and the rest are either the same or younger." Bakura stated, crossing his arms.

"Inless she’s referring to..."

Man, did that slap echo.


"The third step in this plan is they show up and get a card that someone had put money towards their dinner, I can’t make it, and that after dinner they are to go to the Maze Gardens."

"Aren’t we a tad bit controlling?"

"Shut up, Bakura, or else."

Serenity had arrived ten minutes early and was seated out on the terrace under the stars, also the only one out that night. She smiled as Otogi was shown out, the host handing them both a card. "Someone left these with me earlier." he stated and bowed. "Your server will be out in a moment."

‘Dear Serenity and Otogi:

Sorry we couldn’t make it, but let us tell you one thing. The four of us chipped in for your dinner and the maze garden visit after dinner. Have fun and don’t mind the three dark figures, they are there so Joey and his friends don’t screw this up.

Mia Valentine’

"At least she’s blunt." Serenity stated with a small smile as Otogi nearly spit out his water.

"They set us up for a date?!" he stuttered out as Serenity giggled.

"Be happy they care, Joey was asking where I was going tonight." she stated as he paled.

"Oh dear kami-sama..."


Speaking of Joey Wheeler...

"Duct Tape!" hissed Bakura as Yami and Marik held the struggling boy in place. A gag made of a clean white sock and some duct tape kept him from speaking as Bakura bound his feet and wrists. All three worse ninja masks that covered all but their eyes, Joey found himself being carried off.

"That was fun." Marik stated as they went a few blocks and found the house they were looking for. "Now, boy, we have a job and you will play nice or else."

Yami and Bakura deposited Joey on the doorstep, not lightly either, as Marik rang the doorbell and they took off.

Unfortunately that wouldn’t be the last time they met.


Solomon Motou was suspicious as he seen his granddaughter and her friends sitting in the living room with bowls of popcorn watching movies. Even Kaiba was present as he crossed his arms. "Hey grandpa, grab a bowl and relax." Yugi stated with a smile as he shrugged and did so.


The three Yami’s were hiding in bushes as Tea, Joey, and Tristan were storming towards the couple. Yami sprung from the bushes and caused them to stop. That left Marik and Bakura to grab the other two, Otogi and Serenity watched as the Trio drug the Amazing Trio off. "Have fun!" they called back as the couple sweat dropped.

"They are nuts." Otogi stated as Serenity leaned into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder as he smiled.

"At least they are loyal." she stated as he ran his fingers through her hair. She lifted her head up to say something when he kissed her.

"I love you, Serenity... my Wild Card." he stated after they parted.


"Yes officer, they were here all night... hell I even sat and watch a few movies with them till they started to nod off."
