Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ T. Mokuba's Midnight Adventure ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



aka. What You Didn’t See in Part S

[I said no. Nothing is final. Nothing is absolute. Except me, of course. Such tinkering with destiny could mean the downfall of the world. There must be a chance, however small. The lawyers of fate demand a loophole in every prophecy.] Death, Sourcery page 4.

[There is no hope for the future,] said Death.

"What does it contain, then?


"Besides you, I mean!"

[I’m sorry?]

"I meant what is there in this world that makes living worthwhile?"

[Cats. Cats are nice.]

"Curse you!"

[Many have.] Death and Ipsole.

The truth isn’t easily pinned to a page. In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap, and much more difficult to find. Sourcery, 161

See a slight pattern yet?

[Weight doesn’t come into it. My steed has carried armies. My steed has carried cities. Yea, he hath carried all thing in their due time. But he’s not going to carry you three.]

"Why not?"

[It’s a matter of the look of the thing.

"It’s going to look pretty good, then, isn’t it? The One Horseman and Three Pedestrians of the Apocralypse." Death and War, 220

All is based on humor... hopefully.


"Hi everyone, my name is Mokuba Kaiba and I got this camera from some close and rather dear friends of mine."

Seto: So I get to see what he thought was worth it later?

Yugi: Damn right. *Marik sprawls out across the three Hikaris*

Marik: I like this.

Collective: -_-;;;

"This video is the only documentation of the Physchoatic Trio’s ways of dealing with people that get in their way... especially when really bored and threatened by Mia Valentine with shopping and a fashion show."

Seto: *gains a slightly evil look as Mokuba kisses him*

"Big Brother! Pay attention."

Yami: Great... You quit trying to grope my Hikari! *get’s up to hit M, only Bakura trips him*arik

"This stars the darker halves of the Physchoatic Trio- Yami the Hormonal Pharaoh, Bakura the Tomb Robber, and Marik the Homicidal Leader. They are on a mission to trail Ryuu Otogi the Black Dice, the creator of Dungeon Dice Dungeons, and Serenity Wheeler, the Kawaii Mystic Elf, on their date."

"Now here is the beginning... sitting before you is the three lighter halves, the ones that will be enjoying a quiet night of avoiding trouble."

Yugi: No, trouble finds us. Look at them.

"Yugi Motou the Game Queen, who seems to be camera shy..."

Yugi: *hiding her face behind her hair* Not really, I know the reason for this.

Malik: We’ve taught him well! Mokuba’s blackmailing people already! ^_^

"Malik Ishtar the Wanna-be Golden Pharaoh and hater of Yami."

Seto: If that’s true, I’m going to skin everyone of you--

Yugi: Snowballs chance in Aruba!

Collective: -_-;;

"My brother, Seto Kaiba the Boss of the other three..."

Marik: Like hell! *Hikari’s rolls them from their laps, onto Bakura*

"Marik the Homicidal Maniac..."

Ryou: Now Marik the Painfilled Maniac.

Malik: Damn right.

Bakura: @_@ Oww...

"Ryou Bakura the only slight Innocent of the Group."

Ryou: Hey! >_<

Bakura: He’s got you there, weakling! *Ryou accidently kicks him* Son of a--

"Bakura the Tomb Robber."

Bakura: ... bitch...

Yami: Careful, Betty Kura, don’t want to be teaching anyone else another thing or too.

"Yami the Hormonal One... don’t ask me, ask the others..."

All but Yami: *laughing as Yami glares*

Yugi: Cheer up, could have been worse.

"Okay right back to the subject. The mission, according to Mistress Mai Valentine, is to make sure that the Amazing Trio- Joey Wheeler, Tea Gardener, and Tristan Taylor- do not distrupt Otogi and Serenity’s date. A simple task, I think so."

Mai: Good! Your all here.

"Mai Valentine, the Brains behind this operation.

Seto: Why did you let my little brother get involved?

Mai: Shush up, Seto dear... he volunteered. *clears her throat as all fall quiet* It is now one hour before their date and time to recap the events. First we prepare both sides. You two went to see Otogi and invite him to a semi-formal dinner at the new Garden Paradise today at seven o’clock. Ice and I went to see Serenity and invite her. Next these three are to make sure that Joey and his two Idiots don’t interfere... if they do you know what needs to be done. As in make sure they don’t get within seeing distance of the whole date. Got me?

Marik: Yes Mistress of Humiliation.

Mai: Good, cause this is your chance to get your revenge on them for being complete idiots because someone will blab it to them and they will ruin their chances! The third step in this plan is they show up and get a card that someone had put money towards their dinner, I can’t make it, and that after dinner they are to go to the Maze Gardens.

Bakura: Aren’t we a tad bit controlling?

Mai: Shut up, Bakura, or else.

"You see, that is the plan and do you think that they won’t do everything in their power to stop the Amazing Trio? They will..."


"Here they are, in the shadows stalking the couple. After stopping at the corner 7-11 for some mystery items, the three are in position and ready to attack all offending people. Here he comes!"

Joey: My sistah!

Bakura: *hissing* Shut up.

Joey: Sere-- *two Yamis pounce on him as a struggle can be heard*

"Good work with the sock, two brownie points for Malik’s speed there. Yami not doing half bad with restraint, I wonder why he’s so good at it? There is Bakura with the duct tape, it’s black too... good thinking. Hey! He doesn’t need mummififed, that takes to long!"

Bakura: Where to?

Malik: *Picks up Joey’s bound wrists and yami get’s his feet* Where to?

Bakura: Who’s nearest?

Yami: Probably Gardener, seeing it would be killing two birds with one stone.

Malik: Off to see the Wicked Witch of the Southeast!

Bakura and Yami: -_-;;;

Bakura: Why do I bother with you two morons?

"There they go, the few hundred meter hot potato race. Let’s follow!


"They drop the package on the doorstep, doing FedEx proud, and ring the door bell... then belt off."

Anzu: Who’s there? *many cirnge as the Yami’s dive into the bushes at the last minute as she opens the door*

Joey: *wiggling about, trying to shout*

Anzu: Joey! What happened? *tears gag off as he glares and let’s out a shout of pain, Tristan comes onto the scene*

Tristan: Hey man, what happened to you?

Joey: I seen mah sistah with Ryuu Otogi at the new place.

Tristan: O_O WHAT?!

"Time to leave, cause they have just bolted from the house... Wait Malik is still here and the other two are gone. Let’s see what the blonde darkness is plotting shall we?"

Malik: Hey kid, wanna join me for a lesson in home safety? *laughs insanely as Mokuba nodds with camera* Never in your life leave a door open, for someone like me will get a good idea and break out... *trails off dramaticaly and pulls out a 7-11 bag* ... the Bag o’ Tricks!

Now your standard Bag o’ Tricks is cheap, easy to find, and damn good for pissing off your enemies. The bag should have lots of super glue, some saran wrap, *borrowed* wire cutters, some more super glue, and lastly some laxatives.

"To who will be watching this, we can’t stick around for results."

Malik: Correct, then we’d be commited. *starts super gluing windows in place, cutting varying important wires, putting laxatives in the food, supergluing stuff in her room, rearranging a whole room to be upside down, saran wrapping bulbs in the lamps, then saran wrapping toliets, short sheeting beds, and then putting superglue on door knobs.* When you leave your front door wide open, people can do this to you if they don’t like you... the worse is stealing. I’m not a robber, my friend is so I can’t take away his job.

"Tune in next time when we ‘Dye the Pharaoh’s Hair’, this is your host Marik and camera man Mokuba tuning to another channel."


"Now here we are in the park, trailing our slow Amazing Trio."

Tristan: Why that---

Anzu: Calm down, dear, it isn’t that bad.

Tristan: It’s worse.

Joey: There they are!

"This isn’t a good sign. No this is a terrible and end of the world sign that will make Mai really, really mad if she finds out."

Mai: Damn right.


Joey: Sere- *get’s tackled by Yami as the others follow and drag them off, making Mai smile and Mokuba rush to follow*

"Here we are in the bushes, Mai is about to unleash her anger upon three people."

Mai: What the hell do you three think your doing? *the Amazing Trio glares at her as the Yamis hold them in place*

Bakura: If you back away, we have a plan.

Mai: Oh?

Yami: Hell yeah! Why do you think we were slightly late on getting them?

Marik: We are skilled in annoying people. Ask the other three!

"Okay, so she didn’t lash them verbally... to bad."

Mai: As for you Joey, you should know better then to get in the way of love. She loves him and you can’t stop that just short of killing the people that set them up and made sure they knew the consequences.

Joey: She’s mah sistah! I don’t approve of him cause-

Bakura: *whips out an apple and shoves it into his mouth* Sush up, Pup, we don’t need to be alerting the couple to our presence. *pulls out the duct tape as the other two grin*

Marik: Duct Tape! How you make life so much better!

Mai: By the way, you three did well... *doesn’t realize they are ignoring her in favor of duct taping the three together to a tree while supergluing shoe laces together and pants or socks to shoes* Are you listening?

Yamis: No!

"So ends a rather interesting night with the Trio."
