Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Must Be Done ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't now nor will I ever own Yugioh. Suing is pointless because I have no money.
Ryou Bakura will be known as Ryou and Yami Bakura will be known as Yami.
“It's alright,” Ryou said as he grazed Yami's cheek with his hand, “You have to do what you have to do.”
“What if I just didn't do it?”
“What would happen to you?”
“I'd be killed.”
“I can't let that happen,” Ryou assured Yami as he wrapped his hands around the hand that Yami was using to hold his gun and put the tip of the silencer against his chest.
“Who has the right to decide which of our lives is worth more?”
“I do. I've already said my goodbyes.”
“You knew? Why didn't you do something? You could have kept this from happening!”
Ryou took one hand off of the gun and used it to pull Yami closer. Ryou leaned into Yami, and placed his lips against Yami's lips.
Yami pressed back and their kiss deepened. They pushed against each other, their lives depending on the outcome of this kiss. Yami parted his lips and ran his tongue across Ryou's bottom lip. To Yami's pleasure Ryou parted his lips too, allowing him to gain access to the moist warmth of Ryou's mouth. They fought for dominance until Ryou gave in, allowing Yami to take control. He caressed Ryou's tongue with his own and Ryou moaned into the kiss. With his shirt warm and sticky Yami laid Ryou down. He sobbed as he gave Ryou one final kiss.
“Ryou Bakura, son of world-renowned archeologist Dr. Bakura, who is currently working on the excavation of a possible Yakuza mass grave, was found dead today. The official cause of death was a bullet to the heart. The police are searching for possible suspects. In other news, the assassin known as “Yami”, the Yakuza's number one hit man, was found dead today. Unofficial sources say the apparent cause of death was suicide, but official sources would only say that how he died was unimportant, what did matter was that he would never hurt anyone ever again.”