Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What REALLY Happened ❯ What REALLY Happened ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What REALLY Happened

by Dragondreamer & Yami Dragon

This story contains shouenen-ai(male/male relationships) and explicit yaoi(homosexual sex). If this sort of thing offends you, look up. See that little arrow on the left side of your screen? The one that says "back"? Click it!

We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of the characters. We're just doing this for the fun of it.

A/N: This is a PWP…as in Porn Without Plot. So, it's obviously AU, like the rest of our stories. If the characters seem OOC, they're SUPPOSED to be like that! This shameless piece of smut is in no way related to our other fics.

A/N: We took a little liberty with the dialogue that came from the show. Please don't bother telling us we didn't get it exact. We know we didn't. Call it "artistic license".


Tris: Me and YUGI?! Are you out of your minds?!

YD: That's a stupid question.

DD: I don't think Dragon had one to begin with, Tris.

Yugi: Hey, do I get to be taller in this one?

YD: No. There's distinct advantages to you being eye level with Tris' belt buckle.


"You've got to go back there and help him!" Tristan grabbed Yugi by the jacket, lifting him off his feet.

"Joey needs to do this on his own, Tristan!" Yugi replied angrily, glaring at the taller boy.

Tristan's eyes went wide at Yugi's tone and he set him down, releasing him and backing away. He inwardly cursed himself for laying his hands on one of his best friends in anger.

"Yugi…I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Yugi sighed. "You need to believe in him, Tristan. I know he'd have more faith than this in you."

"You're right." Tristan's shoulders slumped. "I should go back."

"Not yet." Yugi's look was pleading. "Please?"

Tristan raised an eyebrow. "But…"

"I didn't really come here to talk to you about Joey." Yugi stepped off the path. "There's something else I wanted to talk to you about…privately."

"Umm…okay." Tristan followed his small friend as the other teen pushed his way through the shrubs lining the path.

They walked in silence for a few minutes until Yugi found what he was looking for.

Stepping into the small clearing, Yugi shrugged out of his backpack. He removed the Puzzle from around his neck and put it inside, feeling the other presence fade away with a knowing smirk.

"What did you want to talk about?" Tristan asked, shifting uncomfortably.

Yugi moved closer to Tristan, crooking a finger and asking him to come down to his level. Tristan lowered himself down on one knee, unable to hide his surprise when Yugi placed a hand on his upraised leg, leaning on it.

"Well…I, umm…I don't know quite how to say it." Yugi looked down at his feet.

"Just come out with it, little buddy." Tristan grinned at him. "You can tell me anything."

Yugi looked up at him, something in his bright amethyst eyes that Tristan couldn't read. He bit his lip, for a second, struggling internally.

Then, to Tristan's shock, he snaked a hand behind the taller boy's head and pulled him in, kissing him.

"Yugi!" Tristan quickly drew back, his eyes wide.

"I want you, Tristan. Look, I know you're gay." Yugi plowed on, not giving the other a chance to speak. "I know you were going out with that guy on the soccer team and I know you broke up. And…well…I've seen the way you look at me sometimes."

Tristan couldn't hide the blush that crept across his face. The thought of being with Yugi had crossed his mind on more than one occasion, but he had always had too much respect for the diminutive boy to ever approach him that way.

"Tristan?" Uncertainty flashed in Yugi's eyes. "Don't you want me?"

"It's not that." Tristan put his hand on Yugi's shoulder. "We're friends, Yugi. I don't want to ruin that."

Yugi leaned up and brushed Tristan's lips with his own. "Who says that has to change?"


Yugi unbuckled his neck belt and tossed it to the ground. "Please, Tristan," He tipped his head back, exposing the pale column of his neck to the other teen. "Please. I want you."

`I must be out of my mind.' Tristan thought as he buried his hands in the surprisingly soft, tri colored hair and leaned forward.

Yugi whimpered as Tristan trailed small kisses up his neck and jaw, crossing his cheek to find his lips again. Before the smaller boy could deepen it, Tristan's grip in his hair tightened and his head was pulled back.

"Yugi, are you sure?"

"Yes. I want this if you do." Small fingers caressed Tristan's face. "But I don't think the others should know."

"No," Tristan shook his head. "They shouldn't."

Having had enough of talking, Yugi cupped Tristan's face in his hands and captured his mouth, his tongue flicking over the other's lips, looking for admittance.

Tristan permitted it, his breath catching as Yugi's tongue tangled with his own. The smaller teen was such a confusing combination of confidence and shyness and Tristan found it extremely appealing.

When they broke apart, Yugi opened his eyes to see Tristan's had darkened to green. He moaned softly at the naked desire in the other boy's gaze.

Tristan's hands came up, pushing Yugi's jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. He quickly had Yugi's white tee shirt off him, running his fingertips up the bare arms and over the leather clad torso.

Yugi tugged impatiently at Tristan's coat. "Off. Now."

Tristan chuckled at Yugi's boldness and, setting him back, he stood, slipping off his trench coat and throwing it aside. He saw Yugi unbuckling his shirt and pulled off his own. He reached for Yugi, eager to feel the other's bare skin against his.

Yugi stepped back, shaking his head. He avoided Tristan's eyes as he quickly divested himself of the rest of his clothes.

He could feel the weight of Tristan's gaze as he stood naked in front of him, self-consciousness growing along with the blush spreading across the bridge of his nose.

"Yugi…look at me." Tristan said quietly.

Yugi raised his head slowly, a little afraid of Tristan's reaction. He was surprised to find that the brunet had also removed the rest of his clothing.

Taking in the taller form, Yugi felt completely inadequate. Tristan had the build of an athlete, while, to his own mind, he had the body of an eight year old.

"Hey." Tristan stepped close, reaching down and taking Yugi chin in his hand, tipping the elfin face up. "You have nothing to be ashamed about. You're perfect the way you are."

Yugi felt his confidence return under Tristan's gentle smile and he reached out to run his hands over the brunet's warm skin. His fingers came into contact with something cold and metallic and he blinked, staring at the other's stomach.

Tristan had his navel pierced.

He looked up at the taller teen, his eyes huge.

Tristan gave him a goofy grin and shrugged. "I was drunk."

Yugi burst into a fit of giggles, unable to help himself.

"Now that's what I like to hear." Tristan grasped Yugi under the arms and picked him up.

Yugi wrapped his legs around Tristan's waist and his arms around his neck, still laughing. "You nut."

Tristan shrugged again. "Yeah, well, Joey was with me. You should see the tattoo he got."

Yugi smiled. "I don't want to know."

"Yeah, it's on his…"

Yugi shut Tristan up with another searing kiss, taking complete control and reveling in the quiet moan that came from the tall brunet.

"I said," Yugi broke the kiss, panting. "I didn't want to know. Now put me down."

Tristan set the small teen on his feet, a hiss escaping him as Yugi bent his head and took his arousal into his mouth. "Oh, gods, Yugi."

Yugi whimpered at the husky tone of Tristan's voice and took him deeper. He had wanted to do this for so long. Even back when the other boy, along with Joey, had bullied him, he had found him attractive and had wanted him. That desire had only grown in the time they had been friends.


Yugi pulled away, blushing hard. "I…I'm sorry."

"No." Tristan reached out to him, seeing the look in the jewel-like eyes. "It's okay. It was good…too good. I had to stop you before I fell down."

"Oh." Yugi snickered.

Tristan sat down on the grass and held his hand out to Yugi. "Come here."

Yugi let Tristan draw him down, smiling as the bigger boy's arms came around him and he was tenderly laid back.

"Yugi…" Tristan looked down at him. "Have you ever done this before?"

Yugi nodded his head, not quite meeting the brunet's eyes. "Well…me and Ryou…

"Maybe we shouldn't." Tristan bit his lip. "I don't want to…you know…get in the way if you guys have something going."

"But I want to." Yugi replied quietly. "I've been thinking about it for a long time. Ryou and I...it didn't really mean anything. Well…it was just…you're my friend, Tristan. I really…I really care about you."

Tristan searched Yugi's eyes for a long moment and then smiled. "I care about you too, Yugi. And I'll always be your friend."

Yugi let his eyes slip closed as Tristan's mouth closed over his again. They kissed slowly and Tristan let his hand wander down the small body below him.

The amethyst eyed boy shivered hard, squirming under the soft touch. He felt Tristan's fingers brush his arousal and he twitched, moaning.

Tristan pulled from the kiss, wrapping his fingers around Yugi's erection and bending his head to kiss the lean chest. His tongue swept over a hard nipple and Yugi let out a sob of pleasure. Tristan fought back his own need, concentrating on making it good for the other teen.

"Tristan…" Yugi arched beneath the hot mouth.

"Does it feel good, Yugi?" Tristan asked, kissing his way down the slender stomach.

"Yes." Yugi whispered and then cried out as he felt Tristan's lips close over his weeping length.

Tristan sucked and licked at the silken flesh, feeling the heat rising in his body. He wanted the boy in his arms. Wanted him badly.

"Oh, gods…Tristan." Yugi's fingers dug into the soft ground. "Please…take me now. I can't take it anymore!"


Yugi squirmed out from under the taller boy, reaching for his backpack and pulling it toward him. He opened up a side pocket and pulled out a bottle of lotion. He handed it to Tristan, need blazing in his eyes.

"Please, Tristan." He begged. "Please…I want you to do it. I need you to."

Tristan placed the bottle on the grass and reached out, pulling Yugi on top of him as he rolled onto his back. He drew the small body up until Yugi was straddling his head. He leaned up, taking Yugi's length into his mouth again, sucking hard.

Yugi cried out, falling forward and barely catching himself on his hands. He was just beginning to lose himself to the pleasure the other was giving him when he felt a single, slick finger being push slowly and deliberately into his body.

"Mmm…Tristan…oh, gods…more…"

Tristan moaned deeply as he slid another finger into the other's tight passage. The vibrations caused Yugi to cry out again and almost lose his balance. His arms trembled and he thrust downward, not caring, only wanting to feel more of what the tall brunet was offering.

Tristan shivered as he continued to prepare the other. Yugi was so tight. It was all Tristan could do to finish what he was doing. He wanted to be inside him, feel that tightness surrounding him.

He added a third finger and Yugi whimpered, begging for Tristan to take him. Tristan released him, grabbing him around the waist and lifting him. He moved Yugi to straddle his hips and Yugi wrapped his hands around Tristan's forearms to steady himself.

Yugi bit his lip, blushing furiously as he lowered himself onto Tristan arousal, fighting not to tense up against the pain. He finally felt Tristan become completely embedded inside him and he sighed, feeling the discomfort fade.

"Yugi," Tristan groaned. "You're so tight …please…move…"

Yugi tightened his grip and Tristan's arms and began to rock his hips slowly, feeling the boy beneath him shudder. He looked down at Tristan, watching the pleasure creep across the angular features. A feeling of power came over him, knowing he was the one responsible for it. He picked up the pace.

"Oh, gods…oh, gods…Yugi…" Tristan began to move with him, feeling the tension building deep inside him.

Sweat bathed Yugi's body and he began to slam down on Tristan. "Good…so…mmmm…Tristan…harder."

It wasn't enough. He needed to have Yugi under him.

Tristan pulled Yugi down, rolling them over. He felt short legs wrap around his waist and he began to drive hard into the smaller teen.

Yugi moaned deeply as the brunet repeatedly made unerring contact with his prostate. Tristan wrapped his hand around Yugi's arousal, stroking him roughly in time with his thrusts. Yugi pushed up to meet him, feeling his climax hovering on the edge of his consciousness.

"Tristan, I'm gonna come…please…" Yugi began to shake.

"Let go, Yugi." Tristan pressed deeper. "Come."

Yugi clung to the taller boy, feeling as if he was going to shatter. Then, suddenly, his trembling stopped and he became still. Tristan stopped moving, opening his mouth to ask if he was okay when Yugi convulsed violently, screaming as he released.

The feeling of Yugi's seed spilling over his hand, the sight of it splattering against the lean stomach and the look of bliss creasing the fragile features yanked Tristan over the edge with a hoarse cry. He struggled not to collapse on top of the boy beneath him. He slowly withdrew, his last rational thought how absolutely sexy Yugi looked lying there, twitching with the last waves of pleasure.

He lay down next to Yugi, drawing him into his arms and holding him close. As his thoughts began to clear, what they had just done hit him like a freight train. Fear lanced through him. What if Yugi regretted it?

Amethyst eyes blinked open, dazed still, and a bright smile lit Yugi's features. Tristan breathed a silent sigh of relief and smiled back.

Yugi stretched in the confines of Tristan's embrace. He snuggled into the bigger body for a long moment before reluctantly moving away.

"As nice as it would be to stay here for the rest of the day, the others will be wondering where we are." Yugi said, rising to his feet.

Tristan lay on the grass, a victim to exhaustion, unable to move. He watched as Yugi cleaned himself up and gathered his scattered clothing, beginning to dress. He finally hauled himself up with a sigh as Yugi was searching for his neck belt. He found it a little ways away and handed it to the small teen.

"I wonder if Joey's done his duel yet." Tristan picked up his shirt.

Yugi didn't reply, just stood quietly, watching Tristan dress and thinking to himself it really was a shame the brunet had to wear clothes. He saw the pensive look on Tristan's face and felt a stab of worry. What if Tristan regretted it?

He walked up to Tristan, stopping so close he had to lean back to look up at the brunet's face. "Umm…Tristan? Do you..?"

Tristan pressed his fingers against Yugi's lips, silencing him. "No. I don't regret it. Far from it. And I'm still your friend. That won't change."

Yugi grinned and nipped at Tristan's fingers. "I'm glad."

"Come on. We need to get back."

Yugi let Tristan lead the way back to the path. He reached out to the presence in the Puzzle. /You're not upset with me, are you?/

//Of course not.// Yugi felt the other grin wickedly. //But perhaps next time you can leave the Puzzle on.//


DD: There may be another one to this.

YD: We haven't decided yet.

DD: But if there is, there's gonna be two more.

YD: Yeah, the first will be Tris/Yugi/Ryou and the second will be Seto/Joey.

Seto: *rolls eyes* And here I thought I was safe for once.

YD: As if, rich boy!!

DD: Thanks for reading! Don't forget to review. We love reviews.