Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What reason? ❯ Limits ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ummm Hi people!!

Bakura: Nice going you imbecile. First fan fiction and that's the first thing you say.

Hey! It's my fan fiction so shut up! You are making me nervous. *trembles*

Bakura: Baka

Shut up because you are in it and I can do bad things to you if I want to. *evil grin*

Ryou: Bakura, I would really suggest that you would keep quiet if you want to live.

*gasp* Ryou!! *hugs Ryou*

Bakura: I'm already dead so I can't dieeeEE!! Let go of him!!

Ryou: Can't …. Breathe… too… much … hugging!!

Bakura: *gasp* *takes Ryou away* You idiot!! Do you want to suffocate him?!

*blink blink* Ohhh… so you do love Ryou.

Bakura: No I d-

Ryou and Bakura sitting in a tree f-u-c-- *gets hit by a notebook* @__@

Bakura: Ok! That went too far! Even for me!

-__-;; sorry…oh! This is a Ryou / Bakura story and has Yaoi so if you don't like,

There is the exit! This is my first time doing a fic and I don't want to be

Flamed, ok? If you guys have some ideas that you would like to suggest

Then I would appreciate it if you would tell me in your review. Now on with the-

Ryou: Wait!! The disclaimer!!

*blink blink* Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Ryou do the honors please! ^^

Disclaimer: Angela does not own Yu-gi-oh, me, or Bakura.

T__T Tragedy!! But I will someday!!

Lawyers: *raise eyebrows*

Or not….. -__-;;

Warning: This story has intended rape! So no like no read!


The rain was pouring and thunder was illuminating the skies of the Domino City.

The weather was perfect for the melancholy that some of the citizens were feeling at this certain point in their lives.

In the Bakura residence everything was still and quiet except for the quiet sound of sobbing that was coming somewhere from within the room of the owner of the house.

You would have thought that he was dead if it wasn't for the fact that he was crying. He was Ryou Bakura. At the instant that you would see him with his cheery and bright smile you would have thought that he had a perfect life and was always content. `It's all a lie' he thought. He was far from having that wonderful life that everyone supposed he had.

He tried getting up by holding his side and with the other hand pushing himself off the floor. His tears blurred his vision as he stood trying not to collapse from the loss of blood.

His world spun as he made his way to the bathroom that was in his room. He felt lucky for this because he wouldn't have to go down the long hallway to the other bathroom.

He grabbed the door knob and opened it after a few moments of struggle. `I will have to clean that later.' he thought as he looked behind him at the stained floor in the middle of his room and then at the now also bloodstained door knob.

He dragged himself in front of the sink. He took off his shirt or what was left of it and placed the torn rag on the wound that his yami had inflicted on him. The cloth was soon soaked but the bleeding had stopped a little. He tossed the stained cloth inside the trashcan and then turned his attention back to removing the rest of his clothes which was complicated because of the bruises and cuts.

When he finished he stepped in the tub which he left running while disposing of his clothes. He hissed at the pain which washed over him when his skin touched the warm water. After a few seconds his body grew numb and he relaxed his muscles and the rest of his body. He closed his eyes and remembered the person, spirit in this case that was slowly causing his demise and was crumbling his will to live.

He opened his eyes and felt the tears flow once again. He wondered when the day would be when his yami would make him smile like Yami did with Yugi. Bakura only injured him and make him suffer. To tell the truth, he once believed that Bakura could be a different person. `How could I be so foolish and naïve?' he thought. `I miss him.' Ryou had in time learned that the most painful way to miss someone was when they were right beside you and you know that you can never have that person because he hates you with all he has.

Ryou washed his hair gently and then proceeded to wash his bruised body. He got out of the tub and wrapped his body in a black towel. After living with Bakura for some time now he had learned that if he didn't want anyone to find out about the way Bakura treated him then he would have to change a few things in his life. Like the color of his towel and clothes. After the first beating that Bakura gave him he learned that he would have to throw away the towel so that when his father returned he wouldn't ask him about it.

He looked at himself in the mirror and saw a whole different person that what he use to be. His once ivory colored skin was now pale and his cheery expression was now one which only held fear and sadness. Bakura, however, had always refrained from hitting his face. The only reason Ryou could come up with was that Bakura didn't want anyone knowing of what he did to Ryou.

After many minutes of thinking of how much his reflection had changed over time, he looked for the first aid kit and cleaned his wounds. After cleaning and bandaging for a few minutes he walked out of the bathroom and was welcomed by the smell of his own blood which was still on the floor. He decided to get into some clothes first and then clean knowing that in any minute Bakura could return. `I don't want him to try and do what he did the other night and much less finish what he started.'

He put on loose black pants and a black button up shirt which he left unbuttoned. (a/n: ok I'm drooling on my keyboard.) Then he put on white ankle socks and left for the kitchen.

It was painful having to come down the stairs since his body still hurt from the earlier happenings. When he got to the kitchen he looked for the cleaning supplies and headed upstairs again.

Ryou got to his room and started the routine he always had to follow. He was quite used to in by now. It got to the point to which he was actually expecting the beating. After a while he had finished with the cleaning and went downstairs to put the supplies up.

He went back to his room and tried to sleep but realized he couldn't so he sat up and looked out the window.

<><><><><><><><> ;<><><><><><><><><>&l t;><><><>

Meanwhile Bakura was in a bar not far from were Ryou and himself lived. He looked up from his drink and asked the question that had stuck in his mind for the last couple of weeks. "Why?"

"Why do I bring so much pain to him?" he asked aloud. Then he remembered that night.

`That night I was about to confess my feelings towards him. But my Ra damned pride didn't permit it and instead took over me! I almost made a fatal mistake! A mistake that would have destroyed the person I care for most in this world…'

<Flash back>

"Get up!" Bakura punched Ryou in his stomach and Ryou doubled over in pain. He clutched his stomach and tried to hold back his tears.

Bakura hit the back of Ryou's head making him fall and land on his face on the cold floor. He watched in amusement as Ryou tried to get up but without any success. When Bakura saw this he grabbed the hikari's collar and pulled him to his feet.

Ryou was loosing consciousness and was starting to fall again but Bakura grabbed his silvery locks and held him in place. Ryou opened his eyes and saw eyes much like his own staring dead into his. It was the first time in many months that he looked at Bakura in the eyes. Seeing the eyes of the person that caused him so much pain but at the same time made him feel love unimaginable was just too much. Tears began to stream down his pale cheeks. Since the first time that Bakura beat him, he learned not to cry while he was in Bakura's presence because it would only give his yami another reason to beat and humiliate him. But he didn't remember any of this as he looked deeply in his other's eyes.

At seeing the tears that were falling from Ryou's eyes, Bakura felt something that he had never felt.

Ryou saw something flicker in Bakura's eyes. Was it pity or was it…guilt? `No, Bakura doesn't care for me. He would never direct those feelings towards me.' Bakura heard Ryou's thoughts over their link and it indeed made him feel guilt.

"Ryou… I…I…" Ryou looked at him and saw that Bakura was having trouble telling him something. `What could he be trying to tell me?'

While Ryou was asking himself this question, Bakura was having an inner battle with himself. `Say it! Say `I love you Ryou!' Say it damn it!'

"I…" Ryou shed one more tear and it was slowly down his cheek. Bakura kept his gaze on the tear and how it slowly made its way down Ryou's pale skin and how it shone a bluish color because of the moon's light. The sight was beautiful to him. He surprised Ryou when he lowered his face to Ryou's cheek and licked away the tear.Ryou's eye's widened when he realized what Bakura was doing. When he smelled alcohol on his yami's breath, his fear increased immensely.

Ryou closed his eyes hopping to wake up on his bed with Bakura gone. But that was proved wrong when he felt Bakura let go of his hair and grab both of his wrists and pinned him against the wall and himself. Ryou's eyes flew open when he felt Bakura's body pressed firmly against his.

`What is he doin-`Ryou's thoughts were interrupted he felt his other's tongue on his neck. Bakura brought Ryou's hands to his sides and then turned them both around and pushed Ryou and himself on Ryou's bed. He landed on top of Ryou and continued were he left of. Bakura released Ryou's hand and moved his own into Ryou's loose white shirt. `Oh! God no! No! Please! He can't be thinking of' His thoughts were gone when Bakura pressed his mouth against Ryou's in a rough and painful kiss. Bakura's hands were roaming around Ryou's chest and so the hikari took that chance to use what little strength he had after the beating to try and push his dark side away. But it was all in vain for Bakura was not stopped by Ryou's futile try. `Please… I did not wish for it to be this way. I wanted to be his… but not forcefully!'

Ryou started to panic when he felt Bakura's movements start to get more haste. It was then that he was terrified and screamed "Bakura! Please stop! Don't hurt me like this!! Not like this! Please!"

Bakura ignored Ryou's cries and continued his actions. Then Ryou screamed like he had never done before, "Bakura please! WHAT REASON DO YOU HAVE TO HURT ME LIKE THIS?!?!"

`Those words…' Bakura thought. `They are the same ones I said when my father…', his thoughts were cut off when he heard a whimper from under him. He looked down and saw that Ryou had a small stream of blood coming from Ryou's mouth which he knew was caused by the painful kiss he gave him. He knew this by fact because he had always been careful not to mark Ryou's face.

Ryou's eyes were wild with fright. He was looking at Bakura with fear that Bakura had never seen in him. Of course, Bakura could understand because he had once gone through this in his prior life. Meanwhile Ryou was wondering if he would get an even more painful punishment for yelling at Bakura.

Bakura regained all of his senses and got up as quickly as possible, Ryou hesitantly following afterwards. Ryou glued his eyes on the floor instantly after getting to hid feet. Bakura on the other hand just stood there looking at Ryou still in a haze of denial.

`I can't believe that I can fuck up like this! Now he's going to be even more terrified of me that he was previously!' Bakura remembered that he was not alone in the room by hearing Ryou sniffing quietly in front of him.

`But this was better. I should have known that he and I can't be nothing more than yami and hikari. Or maybe not even that. Things will continue the way they always were and I will see to that.' Bakura making his decision grabbed Ryou's shoulders and bought his knee into Ryou's stomach making the hikari double over in pain.

"Never! Do you hear me?! Never raise your voice at me! Much less order me around!" Bakura yelled. "Y-yes Bakura-sama." Ryou said in between trying to catch his breath and making an effort not to cry.

After hearing Ryou's words, Bakura left the room. Ryou was on the floor silently thanking whatever it was which interfered with what Bakura was doing.

< End of flash back>

"I'm such an idiot!" Bakura said aloud not caring if people thought he was crazy by seeing him talking to himself. These were one of the few times that he was in all his senses knowing that his decision was wrong. These moments, however, were not possible when he was around Ryou. "I'm such a baka…"

"I could have told you that you dumbass." said a mocking voice behind him. Bakura turned around ready to punch the foolish mortal who had dared insult him. But he found himself face to face with someone who could be anything but mortal or sane. Marik.

"Go away Marik. I don't have time to waste you crazy ass." Bakura informed Marik and turned to sit on the seat that he had previously occupied. "Oh don't worry. Malik is the one who uses his time with my ass. Quite well I must say. Would you like to try?" he said with a grin.

Bakura gave him an annoyed look and said "Marik… GO BE STUPID SOMEPLACE ELSE!" People looked at him and some dismissed the problem by just saying that it was the two weirdoes going at it again or just started leaving the bar as to not get into problems.

"Bakura, me and Malik would love it if you could let us borrow your hikari for a few hours. I am sure that Ryou would like it very muc-" Marik was cut of when Bakura pulled him by his collar roughly.

"Listen to me Marik! If you go as far as laying a finger on my hikari I swear I will personally make you regret the Ra damned day you were born!" Marik just shrugged indicating that he wasn't intimidated by Bakura's words in any way. "Do you always defend him this much?" Bakura realized that he had been trying to protect Ryou from Marik if he dared try something and that Marik had clearly seen this so he tried to cover up for that by saying "No. I don't care what happens to him. But he is my property and I will not let anyone touch what is mine."

He let go of Marik's collar and sat back down finishing his drink. Marik looked at Bakura with a confused expression on his face. "Why are you in such a bitchy mood tonight? You are acting like Isis with PMS! It was only a joke for Ra's sake! I would never do anything like that to Ryou!" Bakura felt guilty and bowed his face. If even a lunatic like Marik would not dare to do that to Ryou and he had tried then he must be the worst thing in this world.

Marik saw that Bakura's face had a guilty expression and realized that Ryou must have been the cause to why Bakura was acting so different. "It's Ryou isn't it?" It was more of a statement than a question to Bakura. "Go away Marik." Bakura said half wanting Marik to leave and half wanting him to stay.

Marik sighed knowing that Bakura was too stubborn to ask for any help. He pulled out a chair and sat in front of Bakura who at the time was threatening the waitress to bring him another drink as fast as possible or deal with him afterwards. "Bakura, enough of this. Why don't you just accept that you love him and get it over with?"

"Because I don't! I don't love my hikari! I am not like you or the pharaoh no baka! I don't … I … I just don't …know." He said and buried his face in the palms of his hands and sighed. "Bakura, how do you think Ryou feels about you?" Marik asked.

"How the hell do you think Malik would feel about you if you would beat the shit out of him everyday?!" Bakura realized too late what he had said and wished that he could take it back. Marik frowned and looked down at his hands in shame for he once committed the same mistake that Bakura was now.

"Bakura, you are forgetting that I once had that conflict with Malik and myself. But unlike you I managed to swallow my pride and confess my love for him. And I would do it again if I had to because I am happy with the way that he and I live now." Marik smiled at the thought of Malik. It was one of those rare and sincere smiles that he would only show to Malik and maybe even Bakura.

"I am glad I did it Bakura. I too felt guilt but wouldn't show it and confusion for my feelings. I thought Malik hated me but he was doing the opposite. He loved me in silence." Bakura was confused now `Marik must be drunk. There is no way he is talking to me about his private life on his own free will!'

"Malik understood that I wasn't a perfect person and forgave me. I-I never meant to hurt him. Even now I continue learning from my mistakes. I have learned that Malik isn't the weak and pathetic hikari I once thought he was. I still ask myself what reason I had to hurt him but still can't find the answer."

To tell the truth, Bakura was surprised at the similarity of their feelings. He had never meant to hurt Ryou but he still did anyway. And he also tried to find the answer to the question `What reason do I have to hurt him?'

"In fact Bakura," Marik continued, "I think that we are the weak ones in this relationship." Bakura's eyes widened. `Ok now I know he is into crack or something! No way had he just stated he was weak! Or, maybe they put something in my drink and if that's the case then someone in this bar is going to be dead before sunrise.'

"They are strong, Bakura, because they have stayed with us even after all the pain we have brought upon them. Malik stayed by my side and let me beat him just for the pleasure of it. He withstood everything that I did to him and that is enough proof to me that he is strong." Marik then raised his head to look at Bakura straight in the eyes.

"Ryou has done the same for some time now… I think he too loves you." Bakura blinked a few times and then tore his eyes from Marik's gaze. "Bullshit." Marik was starting to get frustrated at Bakura. He decided to try one more time "Bakura, then why else would Ryou remain with you?" Bakura took some time to consider this and then came up with the only answer he could find true.

"Why else do you think? He is afraid of me! He must think that I will hurt his pathetic friends if he doesn't stay." Marik gave an annoyed sigh and said "I give! I give! You are like a five year old! Can't you get any positive ideas?! You are even more thick headed than I thought you were!" After yelling that, Marik decided to order a drink and give up on trying to convince his former lover of how wrong he was.

After many minutes of silence, Marik out of the blue said "You are such an ass." Bakura had his mouth half way open, ready to fire back a smart comment but was interrupted by someone he did not wish to see.

"Don't try to contradict him Tomb Robber. He is right for the first time in his existence." Bakura let himself fall on his seat and said to the ceiling "Oh Ra! Why do you hate me so much!? The last thing I needed was for the pharaoh no baka to appear!"

"As much as I dislike you Tomb Robber, I wish for Ryou to be happy. I have come to the sad conclusion that he can't be happier with anyone but unfortunately you. So, do us all a favor and make Ryou happy." Bakura made a growling sound in his throat and said "Pharaoh, the last thing I need from your royal ass is advice. So, I will ask you, no, order you to get the hell away from me and mind your own business!" Marik saw that Bakura was starting to get out of control and decided to cut in. "Yo Pharaoh! Were is the shrimp? They didn't let him in or something? Ooooh let me guess! You ditched him!" this was followed by his laughter.

Yami rubbed his temples in frustration and said, "If you are referring to Yugi then he is taking care of a problem having to do with the game shop. And I don't want to have to ask you again to call him by his name Tomb Keeper."

Bakura rolled his eyes. "Who gives a damn were the wimp is.", he stated while raising a glass of alcohol to his mouth. Yami looked at him and frowned. "Bakura you shouldn't drink too much. It is always hard for anyone to control their temper while drunk. Especially you." He sighed and sat down with the other two yamis. They had all learned to get along a little so they were now able to be together in the same room without the chance of causing apocalypse.

"If you keep drinking like this then one of these days you might hurt Ryou badly and I will do something about it. Or you my do something even worse." Yami was answered by silence from both the other yamis. The former pharaoh looked from one yami to another and then realization hit him. "Bakura I swear that if you did something more that simply beating Ryou you will find out what loosing control is!!" Yami stood from his seat and looked at Bakura menacingly, the eye of Horus shining on his forehead.

"No no… I didn't …" Yami looked at Marik as if asking if Bakura was telling the truth. Marik simply nodded and Yami sat back down. After waiting for some moments and seeing that Bakura wasn't going to talk Marik started to explain. "A week ago Bakura got drunk and went home and beat Ryou like he always does. But Bakura apparently in the state he was lost control of himself and tried to…rape him." Marik looked at Bakura who had his eyes closed. "What?!"

"Yami, calm down! He didn't do anything! He stopped halfway!" Marik exclaimed after seeing that Yami was loosing control again. Yami sighed and looked at Bakura who indeed looked guilty. "Bakura, one of these days you will do something beyond repair and you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you don't stop now then Ryou might not stand it anymore and leave. Life is all about taking risks and choices and if you don't make them then you won't get anywhere in this world."

"Your problem is that your fear of rejection is too strong to handle and you beat Ryou in order to mask that fear." Yami suddenly closed his eyes and after a few moments he reopened them. "I will leave now. Yugi requires my assistance." He got up and pushed his chair in. he started to take a step but stopped at the last minute. "Bakura, you must remember that even a person like Ryou has their limits and I think that he about reached his. He will at some time get fed up with this and leave." With this said Yami went into a dark corner in the bar and disappeared into the puzzle.

Bakura was in thinking deeply about what Yami had just said. He was snapped out of his thought by Marik. "Well Bakura? Did anything Yami say get into your head or did it go in one ear and come out the other?" Bakura didn't answer. "I am leaving now." Marik said and got up from his seat. He turned his back to Bakura and said "As much as I hate to admit it… the pharaoh was right. Ryou might not put up with you any longer so I'd suggest that you do something about it. And Bakura?" Bakura looked up at the back of Marik's head. "Don't drink anymore of that shit. It might make you do the same thing you were about to do that night to Ryou and this time … you might not stop halfway."

With that said, Marik turned and disappeared into the crowd. Bakura, however, did not listen and continued drinking until he couldn't think straight. He wanted to forget about Ryou, about his existence. But instead he found himself wishing that he was with him at that moment and found himself wanting to taste his hikari's sweet flavor.

`I am coming for you hikari.', he thought and sneaked out of the bar without paying.

He got out into the warm night and headed for Ryou's home.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ * At Ryou's house…

Ryou was staring out the window even though he couldn't really see anything because of how dark it was. It was three in the morning and he could not sleep. After he had taken a bath he had sit on his bed and looked out the window for three hours.

"Why does he hate me? What reason does he have for feeling this hate towards me?" he was taking out loud. Something he had been doing a lot these last few days after the incident a week ago.

"Why does it have to be this way?" he turned back to staring out the window and something caught his eye. "That's funny. I thought I saw a flash of white just now. Must have been a cat.", he dismissed the though and went back to thinking.

`Huh… what was that!' he thought. He thought he heard something… something that sounded like… keys… `Keys! Oh no! Bakura is home!' He quickly buried himself under his blankets and closed his eyes listening intently for any other noises.

`Footsteps… he's coming up the stairs he thought. But that couldn't really mean anything since his room was upstairs also. He started to listen again for any noises. He heard the footsteps start on the hallway and come his way. Then they suddenly stopped… in front of his bedroom's door.

`No… please walk on. Don't stop go straight down to your room. Please don't let him come in!' To him it seemed as if everything and everyone was against him because he soon heard his door creaking open and then the footsteps started approaching and sounding nearer and nearer suddenly they stopped. He felt a presence other that his own in his room and that presence was right beside his bed and behind his back.

Ryou cried out when he felt his arm being pulled painfully by a strong hand. He opened his eyes and saw his yami's face merely inches away from his. It was then that once again he could smell the stench of alcohol in the other's breath.

"Having a nice sleep hikari?" he asked this in a mocking way which made Ryou flinch. Bakura grabbed the others boy's arm and pushed him back on the bed with him on top. "Lucky for you I have come to make it better!" He pressed his mouth against Ryou's and then began to pull his shirt of. He pressed his hips against Ryou's and moaned in the hikari's mouth.

`This can't be happening again! Not again!' Bakura lowered his hands to Ryou's pants and started to undo them not wanting to waste time. `This time I will stop for no reason!' Ryou heard his yami's thoughts and started to try and shove him away but to no avail.

Ryou seeing that Bakura wouldn't stop he went limp and started sobbing. He had decided to accept his fate. Bakura on the other hand was fully enjoying himself and continued with what he was doing and removed the rest of his clothes.


Angela: Well? How was it? Good, bad, bad, good?

Bakura: You baka! How dare you cut it of right there?! You know everyone hates cliffhangers!! Even you!

Angela: Yes I hate them. But only when it's done to me! It's fun doing it to other people!

> Phew! 10 pages! I'm proud of myself. Although the chapter sucked!! ;__;

Ryou: Why do people insist on getting me raped? ;__;

Angela: Because you are perfect for that subject! ^__^

O.k. Let me tell you guys that I have only a vague idea of were I'm going with this story since it is the first time I write one. But as I said before feel free to give any suggestions. Just try not to flame me. Please?!

Bakura: Pathetic imbecile.

Angela: Urusei. -__-;;

Ryou: Please review! If you do me and Bakura will give you a hug next chappie! *chibi eyes* Please review!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!! ^__^