Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got To Do With It? ❯ Love... Is it worth it? ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MistressCoCoLoVeR: Hello! ^_^ This is my first crack at yaoi so be gentle!

Wufei: Quiet your whining onna. They will be kind or they will have a katana shoved up their Asses. *pets katana lovingly with a evil smirk*

Yugi: Be nice wufei and don't threaten potential reviewers.

Duo: Yeah wu-man. ^_^

Wufei: Your braid in mine Maxwell! *chases Duo around as a 'braided baka' and 'dimwit' fly out his mouth*

Yami: *catches Wufei and tells him to cool it*

Wufei: *rolls eyes and puts katana away and a sigh of relief was heard from Duo* Whatever. Get on to the disclaimer weak onna.

MistressCoCoLoVeR: *gives Wufei the finger*

Wufei: *smirks* In your dreams onna.

MistressCoCoLoVeR: keh! Whatever! I don't do dogs I train them Wu-baby. ^_^ *a growl is heard from Wufei* Anyways, I don't own nothin'! Nada! Zip! I do own the original character Aja Kino though. ^_^ Be warned. There is rape, abuse, beatings, kinky sexual situations, and such.

Wufei, Yami, Bakura, and me: On with the fic!

What's Love Got To Do With It?


Ryou lay on the hard polished cherry wood floor in his own blood clutching a small bloody blanket to his battered and bruised body. He was shivering in a corner barely conscious as he watched Bakura fuck the brains out of Marik and Malik. Their moaning was getting louder by the minute as they climaxed and sank down into the bed in pure lustful bliss. Ryou held his breathe, as he made sure they were asleep. He let out an agony filled groan as he got up on two wobbly, black and blue legs. He pulled a duffle bag and tossed books, novels, some cloths, shoes, and medical supplies into the bag. He lugged the bag into the bathroom and washed up making sure he watched out for his bruises. He popped his head back into the room one last time and snuck out the door. He still wore the millennium ring because he wanted something to remember his Bakura by. Even though he would beat and rape him he still loved his yami with all his being. The cold air slapped him in the face as he hobbled down the sidewalk. The cold air refreshed him and gave him a chance to think back to the rape and beating he suffered through two hours ago.

****** Flashback to Ryou's room ******

Ryou heard Bakura crash through the door. Ryou cowered behind the book he was reading that he borrowed from his new secret friend Aja. She was so nice. She understood him more then most his closest friends. She too was in a abusive relationship. She got out just in time and started over here fresh and new. She let him borrow all her fave books. He was reading this book called the 'Sex Chronicles 2: Getting' Buck Wild' by Zane. He was really getting into the book when Bakura kicked in his door and stormed into the room. He could smell the alcohol coming off Bakura's breath all the way across the room. He prayed to the Gods to let him off the hook for this one night but from the look in Bakura's eyes it look less than likely that would happen.

Ryou's POV

I caressed the millennium ring as I watched Bakura advance on me with lust, disgust, and something else in he could figure out in his eyes. I grimaced as his large hand connected with my pale delicate fleshed. A large bruise began to form on my cheek as he punched me in the stomach. I groaned and dropped the book I was reading. I stumbled to the floor and clutched my stomach as he started kicking my in the face and chest.

"Please, Ra no!! Please stop Bakura!" I cried as I felt another rib crack. He just sneered and pulled me up to his face roughly by my precious hair. I whimpered and as he made me look into his raging and lust filled violets by grabbing me by my broken chin roughly.

"Hello my little slut... How will you serve me today?" he sneered as he raped me inched by agonizing inch with his eyes. He tossed me on the bed carelessly. I felt my head slam against the headboard with a sickening crunch. I stared in fear as he striped out of his cloths to reveal a well-muscled and bronzed chest. He striped down until he was only in his boxers. I stared at his beautiful and lean body with fear and deep desire and want. I tried to keep my eyes on his eyes but my eye kept on drifting back to the huge bugle in his boxers. I whimpered with anticipation as leaned down and started ripping off my cloths.

Bakura's POV

As my whimpy hikari tried to slap my hands away I just sneered at him and punched him in the face. 'How dare this useless little vessel try to deny me my pleasure fuck! He will pay' I thought as I ripped the last of his cloths. I looked at my little fuck toy's slender and sweet body and one thought ran through my mind. 'tenshi…'

Regular POV

Bakura ran a rough calloused hand over Ryou's normally porcelain but now black and blue skin. Ryou flinched every time he ran a finger over a bruise. Bakura peeled his boxers off and straddled Ryou's waist. Ryou tried to push Bakura but bakura just let out a menacing laugh and slapped Ryou in the face. Ryou whimpered as his yami sucked hard in his left and bit it. Bakura started sucking on the juncture between his neck and shoulder. Bakura grazed his teeth over the pulse point and bit down drawing blood. He licked the wound clean. He started jerking on Ryou's erection hard. He wetted two of his fingers on his other hand and slipped a finger into Ryou's anal cavity. He slipped another finger through the ring of muscle and smiled.

"Bakura… Please don't do this. Don't take my innocence. Not like this…" Ryou sobbed from pain and ecstasy at being finger banged.

"Shut up you little whore. You really don't have a say in this. I am your master and you are my slave. I can do what ever the fuck I want," he smirked as he crashed Ryou into the mattress. He brutally plundered Ryou's bloody lips in crashing kiss. Bakura let out a primal growl at the taste of Ryou delicious lips and sweet juicy tongue. He swirled his tongue around in his hikari's mouth as positioned himself in front of Ryou's opening. He slathered peach scented lube on his massive erection and impaled Ryou's fragile and feminine like body in one stroke. Ryou reeled in pain. He felt like he was being ripped in two from the inside out. He tried to squirm away from the pain but Bakura held him firmly in place. Three minutes later Bakura started pumping in and out of Ryou. When Ryou screamed for him to stop he only went faster and faster. Ryou was never been in this much pain ever in his life. His own yami was raping him. The person who loved with all his heart. He never told Bakura he loved because he was afraid that Bakura would just laugh at him and shrugged him off go back to beating him even worse. He suffered in silence as the beating got worse day by day. He never thought his yami would stoop to violating him in such a vile way. His heart cried in agony as Bakura spilled his seed into him and rolled off of him. Bakura through Ryou's battered and bloody body in the corner with a blanket. Bakura went into the bathroom and got freshened up for Marik and Malik's visit…

****** End of Flashback ******

Ryou trudged up to a iron fence and let out a relieved sigh. He pushed the button on the intercom and waited for someone to answer.

"Who the fuck is this at this time of night of night?" griped a slightly gruff and irate but clearly female voice.

"Aja-chan. It's me. Ryou," he said meekly.

"Ryou! Hey baby boi! Come on in!" Aja said in a more awake and perky voice. She buzzed him in. He walked a long winding drive way up to a three story house. He limped up to the house and rang the bell. A beautiful young woman answered the door. She was slightly taller that than Ryou. She had thick dark brown hair with light brown highlights. Her eyes were the color of fresh honey(hazel). Her skin was the color of peaches and cream. She was a pure white teddy in 3-inch heel slippers. She wore a huge terry cloth robe over it. She took one look at Ryou and knew what was up as soon as Ryou started tearing up again. She opened her arms to younger battered and defeated teen. She murmured words of comfort.

"Shhhhh… It's going to be ok. Mama Aja is here. Come on. Lets get you to bed," she whispered as she ushered the young male into her house and closed the door…


MistressCoCoLoVeR: Do you love it? Hate it? Tell me what ever you feel. If I should continue or not? I don't accept flames though. Flames only show how immature the reviewer is anyways. Ok. Review!! I'll see ya guys when I see ya. Laaaatttttteee!