Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What's with Joey? ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YnR: Hola! okay, I really don't know how good this stiry will be, I'm writing it just in my free time, if it really bad, Please tell me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, or anything else copy righted in this story.

/yugi to yami/

//Yami to Yuigi//



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Yugi sighes as he looked out of his window again. Three days. It has been raining for three days. Three days since he saw any of his friends. That worried the little light with tri-colored hair. . The last time he saw him, Joey was acting very strange. He didn't offer a retort when Seto called him a Chihuahua for the hunderdth time. He did his homework, and he barley touched his burger at Bugerpalooza. Yugi picked up the phone from the cradle and pressed redial. After fifteen rings, he hung up. Yugi hadn't been able to reach Joey, at all. Yami felt that something was bothering his light.

//Yugi? what's wrong?//

/I don't know Yami, but Joey has been acting really weird latley/

//Really? In what way?//

/Well, he isn't acting like Joey, He didn't pick a fight with Seto, he did His homework, and he didn't eat his burger at bugerpalooza/

//Hmmm, well hae\ve you tried calling him?//

/yeah, he never answers/

//What about asking someone else?//

/No one to ask. Tea is at the hospital with her mom, Tristan doesn't have a phone, Bakura has enough problems to deal with, with his yami/

//Well, what about Serenity?//

/Lemme see/

Yugi called Serenitys house and got this message:

' Hi, you have reached 674-532-9574 we can't come to the phone, so please leave a, DAD!?!? what are you doing here?!?! AHHHH! .... Beep!'

/ Yami, did you hear that? It didn't sound good./

//I agree, as soon as the rain lets up a little, we'll go get tristan, and bakura and go check it out//

/But what about.../

//Bakura's Yami? don't worry, he can't hurt Bakura with us around.//

/No, I meant Tea. What about her?/

//I feel that Tea has more to worry about than us right now//

As soon as the conversation ended, the door down stairs was flung open to reveal...Serenity?

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YnR: okay, tell me how well you like that and yeh or nay if I should keep writing. I'm only aksing for 5 reviews to continue this story. so yeah. bye.