Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Deserve to Die ❯ Treasure ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! however, I do own Trance. So don't use her please.

You'll never truely understand my pain
untill you've walked in my shoes
untill you've seen the world as I do
untill you've felt the tradgedy resting on my heart
untill you've bleed my blood

The rain had finaly decided to stop, or atleast slow down. It was barely at a small drizzle when he looked up. There only a few yards away, laying half-way on a bus-stop bench, was a teenage girl.
He watched as she tried to stand, not making to her knees and falling back into her original position. After awhile she stopped. And her breathing flatted out. That's when he decided to go over to her.
He walked over, noticing a large puddle of dark blood around the girl. His eyes widened as he glanced at her back, quickly blinking his eyes to make true his vision(jeeze I need to go to sleep in writing class no do work..). What had appeared before his eyes for only a few short seconds were black feathered wings. But as soon as he blinked, they were gone.
"I don't need help.." the girl said, slightly lifting her head.
"I think you do..what's your name?"
He could tell the girl was looking at him funny. There was a short moment of silence, then she spoke," Trance.."
"I'm Varon." he smiled at her, only recieving a dull look back.
He held out his hand to her, "C'mon then, I'll help you.".
Trance looked at his hand through her wet bangs that were currently blocking her aquamarine eyes.
Reluctantly, she took it. Her hand so many degrees cloder thatn his.
"Lets get you dry." he held his umbrella over her with one hand, bracing her with the other.
"Thank you.."
"It's no problem at all." Varon smiled.
Trance pulled closer to his chest, feeling his warmth. Varon blushed but held her against him, he began walking down the street.

~At Paradise Island~

"Where have you been Varon?"
"Well go tell that to Dartz..not me.." the red head said walking away from the door frame.
"Amelda.." Trance whispered.
"You know him?"
"Yea.." Trance managed beofre coughing some.

"Varon, I told you to be back quickly. I didn't send you on vacation...or to bring someone back with you." Dartz growled looking a trance, who at the moment was wearing some of Ameldas extra clothes.
"I know..but she was hurt. I had to bring her here..I..I had no choice."
"You had a choice...But now that she's here..I supposed she may stay." Dartz turned the other way.
'Weirdo..' Trance thought, turning around with Varon and leaving.

"You should rest..." Varon pulled back the blankets of a bed in a room next to his and Amelda's.
"I know.." she whispered, silently walking past him and sitting on the bed, scootching under the covers.
She nodded. Varon smiled and left, clicking off the lights as he did so.

Trance finally closed her eyes, only to have memeories come back to her in her dreams.

~ Darkness
It was cold, and she was shivering. The small girl the stood, her arms wrapped around her as best as they could. The darkness was frightening to her, even though she had been born in the darkness.
"Moma!" the little girl spun around, not relizing that she had gotten so excited in a split second, all for nothing. It was just an illusion, created by the shadows.
Little Trance knew all to well that she had no mother, no father, no brothers, and no sisters.
Thought that 5 years in the shadows would make you accostomed to them?
That's where you're wrong.
Trance, even as she grew older, never got used to the shadows. She could never hide from them, never see through them, never not fall for their iilusions.
The little girl fell to her hands and knees, warm tearms flowing down her cheeks rapidily.
That was the last time the shadows saw her cry. That was the last time the shadows felt her as a weak, defensesless, powerless, infant.
The last time, that she was ever weak, was the time she gave her soul to the shadows, relizing that now, she was the queen, the ruler of the shadow ralm, and nothing would, or even could ever change that.~

End Chapter 1
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